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Which pokemon from different generations would be friends with each other?
All the Pigmons are bros including Mankey
I think the crocks would be really good pals and somehow find new ways of causing trouble every single day.
Skeledirge is weak to both of them
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Flygon and Krookodile canonically work together.
You don't fight friends
Florges with any 100% female Grass type
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They're workout bros
>including Mankey
Mankey is that friend that starts shit for no reason
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>Hippos, Anacondas, Sharks, Crocodiles, Electric Rays, Moray Eels, Living Quicksand
Going to the beach in the Pokemon world is a high-risk sport
He's rowdy sometimes but has a good heart
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Evil animals
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the beheeyem line likes to forcibly befriend sheepmons
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And now...
For my next trick, when I reply to this, it will magically disappear!
trio of sexo
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"For fuck's sake Jimmy that's not a fucking sandcastle"
Mankey is that one friend with anger issues and makes a scene that takes the entire rest of the group to pull away so he doesn't commit bloody murder
Dragalge and skrelp are besties with dhelmise
Cleffa really love minior for some reason
Pinsir and heracross shake hands and say fuck you to vikavolt specifically in Alola
Cute lifelong feathered friends
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Cute upside down friends!
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gee, i wonder what they're scheming about?

Xenomon looking kino
the cang
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Imagine the music...
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>pidgey isnt cool enough to be in the group
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Dancing friends!
All the Pikaclones are
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Can Ultra Beasts + Paradox Pokemon getting along?
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annoyingly there are no fanarts of this group together
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This is the closest I've got
They tried the whole group thing but it got a little too... crowded.
Mass hysteria
Friends to lovers
She's with her girlfriends Spearow and Hoothoot
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>Legit barely noticed Joltik
always cute to see joltik friendship
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Rival bros
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daschbun as the bread

That would be my Grass gym if i made a romhack. Weak but cute.
Best fanart is Pokemon doing something else then fighting (or having sex or eating humans).
Their group hugs must be pretty intense
Man Vigoroth is cool. As cute as Slakoth is and as strong as Slaking is I'll always find Vigoroth my favorite.
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I'd like to see more cooperation/friendships with the Pokemon in the actual games

Sun and Moon had a good concept with the Totems and SOS mechanics, but like every idea GF implements, they didn't flesh it out enough... Like say you're on a beach area and a Sandygast/Palossand is partnered with a weaker Water type like Luvdisc that gives it Sand Compaction boosts with Water Gun, or you're going through a cave, and a Geodude calls in a Zubat to debilitate you with Confuse Ray/Screech while it wears you down with Mud-Slap/Rock Blast, etc.
ehhh I don't think they are friends

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