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/vp/ - Pokémon

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Anon, why are you like this
Wow, I didn't know. I'm proud to be Polish
I remember my very Christian grandmother telling me the games were the devil and that I was going to go to hell if I kept liking it. Gave me nightmares for a few weeks.
Based European Catholicism.
What kind of "intense" friendship?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I don't think I've seen a Lenny Face in over 5 years...
What am I supposed to do with this information?
What are you supposed to do with 99% of this board's information, you tryhard fucker?
Give context. This was following the 90s controversies about pokémon qnd hqrry potter being satanist and also the rise of peachers against violence in vidya, especially in America.
I guess that what tickled christiqns was catching creatures and ordering around like a demon summoner, and the abra line is very baphomet like.

Thank god SMT was never popular in the west at that time
You seem upset.
I remember my father saying that pokémon was japanese military propaganda because the evolution music sounded like a military march. He never watched South park.
Hilariously, I think the reason for their freaking out was that pokemon “evolve” and they didn’t want kids to grow up believing in evolution.
>Thank god SMT was never popular in the west at that time
There'd be a literal moral crusade against video games if that happened (along with "think of the children" as if SMT was intended for kids).
According to an imam from that time Pokemon means "I'm a jew."
All that proves is evangelical christianity is a cult, given proper religions like Catholicism or Protestantism had no actual issue with the contents of either (and if you look hard enough, you can pretty much tell Rowling wore her religion on her sleeve while writing the thing).
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Bring the game corners back
They're not selling Pokémon at T in the US and 18's in the EU, just so you can pretend to gamble.
Shiny hunt or go and fucking gamble, you want to roll the dice of Chance. But stop seeking the impossible, even if they did decide to go full-adult market, it's more than likely they'd make a game for furfags, than spergy autistic manchildren still.
Last good pope
Funny enough, evolution as described in pokemon isn't even what people call evolution irl. If evolution were real, the actual equivalent would be regional variants.
>If evolution were real
Oh no... It's retarded!
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>Killing Arceus so that god eill truly rain supreme
It's called a hypothesis for a reason.
>Im so le heckin smart I recognize my grandpa was a monkey
There is an Anon who always posts it when he shares links with hentai
Monkeys and apes are on different branches lil bro. Hominids are apes.
>Im so le hecking pious I think my all-knowing God wouldn't implement an efficient iterative improvement algorithm and would instead handcraft everything like a retard.
why are amerimutts filtered by facts?
That was true until /vp/ just HAD to exist.
I wonder what's their current opinion now?
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This is why Gen 3 has biblical chaos monsters and Gen 4 having abrahamic deities.
Post the evidence. I bet you think dinosaurs were real too.
Wrong again, 2 for 2. Keep going retard.
Has Pope Francis ever commented on Pokémon in recent years?
so he never played the games
Then you're either a muslim or a nigger.
But Behemot is a grass covered cow, Leviathan is a draconic snake and the sky thing in a bird
Sounds like cope and concession.
Based pope is a fellow Mayfag
Sorry, i'm ESL
Which pokemon is the most inherently holy pokemon? Arceus is a faggot apostate answer.
>Gen 4 having abrahamic deities
That's some retarded sinnohfetus headcanon, even Arceus is a local kami at best, the creation trio only created Hisui/Sinnoh.
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>joke answer
it has many holes, and makes space-time holes
>real answer
it is from a region with a heavy emphasis on religion
a redeemed djinn would be very holy because it rose above its core nature to serve good
You're trying to apply logic to Christian moms. The only logic is "this thing is new and I don't understand it, therefore it's bad".
Gardevoir was supposed to be a guardian angel of the sick green heired kid, but we know how this ended
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