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>single mother/father neglects him, abandons him and then gets her/himself killed
>forced to fend for himself since young age
>only true friend gets mauled by a fucking dinosaur
>AI copy of parent contacts him years later just to use him as a tool
Jesus, what the hell, gamefreak. Arven had a hard life.
huh, Arven thread?
That sick dog storyline was such a waste of time, when battling him I made sure I Tera'd into fighting, Belly Drummed and Close Combatted that stupid mutt over the horizon. Same when we did doubles in Area Zero. Piece of shit mutt.
You really don't like sharing sandwiches huh
Despite all of it he continued his life. So proud of him
What's your fucking problem man?
>Least psychopathic /vp/iss user
Have another tasty (You) my based anon
What a fucking white straight man you are.
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>finally makes new friends at school
>particularly attached to the one who helped him save his dog, possibly even develops romantic feelings for them
>before the end of the school year, they opt into a study abroad program, leave the country, and become best friends with a maladjusted little japanese kid instead
poor baby boy cant catch a break
Kieran got a bit fucked over but he hasn't suffered half as much as Arven
>posted too early
I'm retarded
I meant to add that I still liked Kieran's story but Arven definitely had the bigger impact on me, and I feel like the connection between Arven and the MC is deeper than between Kieran and MC, at least as of the epilogue
Not the worst bait I’ve seen, have your (You)
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he's lucky you feel that way then, since he definitely lost the popularity poll to kieran among the broader fanbase
Anon, you know people can have multiple friends, right?
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Tell that to Arven
Kieran is bakugo-tier fujo bait; it's like asking why Rika won the yume poll two years in a row
He can get any chick he wants, he will be fine
It was ever mentioned what happened with his father in Scarlet or mother in Violet?
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>any chick he wants
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apart from the fact that they walked out on him and the professor, no, no other details are given
The way everyone ends up fawning over the player character and just repeatedly curbstomps Kieran while stealing all the legendaries makes them seem like a completely gigachad/stacy alpha. I ended up giving my character slicked-back blonde hair and mirror shades while picking the sarcastic dialogue lines to play into the villain vibe. Felt right.
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>No, you have to like the dog!
This but with his sister
It's a Pokémon, not a dog. Fucking retard.
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It's not a snake and you're a stupid, fucking, shit-for-brains retard if you think so. It's not a fucking snake, you braindead moron.
Correct. That's a Pokémon.
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>>No, you have to like the dog!
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>fujo bait
How? Kieran was clearly not meant to be as popular as he ended up being, he's a whiny little weirdo that is constantly bodied, gets a terrible haircut and has no romantic feelings for the player character. He's not yume bait, let alone fujo bait.
Arven was the yume bait, and he was the choice for a little while. They clearly meant for Arven to be that character the same way Carmine and Nemona are, just see how he acts in the DLC. But the minute Kieran appeared Arven was completely overthrown.
>clearly not meant to be as popular as he ended up
>over designed with a new pokemon evolution for one of his shitmon
Whatever you want to believe is fine by me, sweet heart.
holy faggot seethe
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>Arven was the yume bait, and he was the choice for a little while.
>But the minute Kieran appeared Arven was completely overthrown.
i wish i could disagree with this, and im a regular in the /kiki/ thread, even
theyre both great
Ah, of course! The protagonist of the DLC, with the most overdesigned hairstyle in all of SV, paired with a Pokemon that conveniently got an evolution, is totally an underdog who was never meant to be popular. How could we not see it?
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>Almost 40 replies in the thread but less than 10 Arven pics
What the fuck, team. Post more Arvens.
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This >>56413304
Ngl that's pretty based, I hate dogs
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SV is fucking sick and I genuinely feel bad for all the children who had it as first game and then went to play older games to experience "classic" pokemon, just imagine going from SV to SwooShit, or to the multiples games based around retards who just say
>man I would like to change this aspect of the world, I will better try to control a god and genocide a lot until things get better!
Honestly only SM and to some degree BW have a plot that can satisfy you if SV was your first Pokemon story. And that without counting the DLC with the rival, imagine going from Kieran genuine anxiety attack, mental problems and realist complex to Wally, Hugh...
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Gives me goosebumps EVERY SINGLE time. I love my SV friends, bros
I wish we got a group photo with the entire friend group after mochi mayhem
Kieran doesn't want to be just your friend tho
There was a photo but it was really cramped in the bed and you could see some nipples so it wasn't shown to the player
W-wowzers! Now that's what I call mayhem!
Wally may be a wimp but he at least has some character development
Hugh is literally the best character we had in a while
Not saying Kierans arc is bad(its really good)
why are kieranfags so toxic?
>Hugh is literally the best character we had in a while
It's unironically just
>muh purrloin
Like I wish it was a poor shitpost but that's genuinely Hugh entire character
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Its about seeking revenge and its pretty awesome
In todays world, more people should be facing the consequences of their actions than they actually are
>Kieran was clearly not meant to be as popular as he ended up being
That's definitely not true. He was a very deliberately planned, designed and written character. I mean he even basically got his specifically designed ace like the other anon said. They wouldn't have put so much effort into his writing and animations if they think he'd flop. However, I think what might've happend is that the writers on the team knew, but it seems like marketing wasn't convinced (or still isn't), considering the lack of merch.
>Arven was the yume bait
I think they both are. I mean c'mon, the whole bit where Kieran says he feels "tingly and funny", the whole festival thing that is basically a literal date between you and Kieran... He's definitely portrayed as a romantic interest, it's barely even subtle.
I think it's just that they both scratch a different itch because they belong to different tropes. Arven is the rough guy who turned out to be a softie once he started to trust you. Kieran is kinda the opposite, he's the shy gentle kid who turns malicious and obsessive once his trust was broken. They appeal to different kinds of yumes, also cause they're a bit different age wise.
>But the minute Kieran appeared Arven was completely overthrown.
Funny that you say that. I've seen a lot of posts saying from Japanese players who thought that Kieran was indeed more attracted to the MC compared to Arven until the epilogue dropped. Arven's strong jealousy towards Kieran really speaks for itself, it seems.
I think Arven is supposed to be clueless about his own feelings for the MC because he's a total stranger to intimacy, even emotionally. This is shown in the League Club dialog between him and Carmine. She asks if there were any "special feelings" in the Paldea group, obviously asking if there's anything romantic going on. Arven doesn't get it and just answers something about their trip to Area Zero. She just calls him a "poor, innocent thing" to which he just tilts his head.
the ai is literally a better parent
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Imagine the group sex
based catbro
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There's this artist who just dropped a ton of Arven x Nemona pics recently. Gotta say, that's a pretty rare ship to see.
Link/name? It's an extremely underrated ship
>fucks off as soon he gets his Purrloin (Liepard) back
>"seeking revenge"
It’s my song for my MIT thesis.
>steal his ogre
>steal his place in the BB league
>steal his turtle
>fuck his sister
Kieran was made to be broken. Whoever wrote him had to have been going through some shit.
>implying MC-kun didn't fuck both of them
wish cutscenes could be skipped, not all of us are dog fags so most of his scenes never connected with me. he was decent as an asshole rival for the first 5 minutes but then became an idiot the moment his dying dog gets introduced
Get out of here you filthy chink
The fact that his partner Pokémon is doglike is completely irrelevant. You are not supposed to sympathise with him cause of his mon being injured, but because he was a severe child neglect victim and his mon being the only living being that took care of him since he was a little kid. Your media literacy is abysmal if you didn't catch that, but I guess that's not surprising for a cutscene skipper.
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when i first played through sv I considered arven a bro. i wasn't even too concerned about his dog but he was a man on a mission and I was more than happy to help him with it, especially when it gave me sweet upgrades for koraidon

I also liked his story and personality, especially how I was bros with him but he was still a jerk to nemona and penny on the way through area zero
Does that mean you considered him something else in your second playthrough?
Youre a retard for completely missing the point. Showing the exact same cutscene over and over was fucking retarded, yes we got the message that the dog is his only friend for years, no need to put us through the whole process of hearing that idiotic throwrug munch a sandwich each time just to pad out the playtime.
Honestly if you're that mad you can't skip 20 seconds of flavour dialogue, you need to get yourself checked.
>Just happily slurp up those game flaws anon and dont you dare complain!!!

No I dont think i sill
no that just means i haven't played through it twice I've only played through it once
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Genuine reaction of south europeans watching "white" """people""" cooking
Did you knock out his foodmons during the titan battles and stuff them in the herb sandwiches?
Artist? This is so cute
Kill yourself
They do lots of the Paldea group as a harem/polycule, it's really good
Sorry to the yumes, don't look
Based, the dog arc was cringe as fuck.
This artist was posted in an old Nemona thread, and no one could guess the gender of the artist.
Fake. Arven is fat.
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Yeah, I remember. It is hard to tell, I'm guessing female but it could also be a guy who likes dominant girls on submissive men. Either way, they are bisexual as fuck so it doesn't really matter.
I do prefer to imagine him with a little bit of tummy, ngl...
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe that he hasn't debuted in Horizons yet!!!
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>They do lots of the Paldea group as a harem/polycule
Because they are one!
its intimidate raised my Wigglytuff's special attack and I used dazzling gleam, same effect
Honestly, with how much everyone apparently thirsts for MC, they might as well be. Hell, throw Kieran and Carmine into the mix as well.
Of course, you can't leave them out, Kiki is specially crazy for you
Indeed, I even heard that Kiki even likes to spy on Juliana when she is having an intimate moment with Xavier.
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You forgot
>everyone in the region constantly heaps praise on the parent who neglected him
Put me in le screencap!!
>boring animal fags are over redditacting over this post
The stinky friend bed
It stinks because of Penny.
>gets mindbroken into praising them too
There's also this one trainer you can fight who is like "I have a classmate whose mom/dad is a famous professor! I think it would be really cool if a had a famous parent." He doesn't know...
It's one way of coping I guess
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Post more Arvens
Connecting to my other comp, will post lots of Arven haha
I love him, fellas
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God I'd do anything to make him smile like this
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I like him and I’m gonna miss him and the SV gang next gen
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I'm really not ready for it to end, I'm going to miss him so much. I'm grateful that I have him in Pomas and can see him every day there though!
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whats even weirder is that he's NOT in the team full of tragic villains and instead we have motivations like 'was too pretty' and 'was an asshole about rules to everyone'
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He's like N but if N was actually likable and interesting
Honestly this, back when I first played BW2 N was… just okay I guess. I later played BW and he was still just okay. Not bad, I just never really got all the hype for N
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Save a horse, ride a cowboy
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I need to ride him
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>post yfw Gamefreak announced the re-release versions of Pokemon SV called Pokemon Apocalypse Scarlet and Vengeance Violet in 2026
Team Star aren't the villains, the professor is.
>keep giving him the Herbas
>at the last fight, the dog turns berserk due to high energy from the shit he ate
>Arven breaks down
>you knock some sense into him and forces him to team up to put the dog down
They could’ve gone there but the devs are complete pussies
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Ugh fucking dweeb, I love him
Edgy != good
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Someone had their gf fucked by a dog
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>That sick dog storyline was such a waste of time
Then why is he the second most popular character?
He's number one in my heart
Gonna singlehandedly keep this thread alive for Arven, idgaf
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>all Titans go berserk when they consume one inside
>yet this mutt who ate like 5 woke up as it was nothing
Where is the edge?
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The dog isn't popular at all anon
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Say something nice to my son
He looks like he had to learn how to cook when he was 8 to avoid severe malnutrition
ha ha
yeah that's my son
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im sorry for making fun of how stupid his haircut looked back before the game launched. i still think it looks silly, but like, in an endearing way now
Your son and his dog are so cute! I sure hope nothing bad or traumatic happens to them :^)
I love him and would die for him
what the fuck are you talking about it's fucking great, one of the few double colored hairstyles that would look good irl
He would drown in pussy and semen
His two tone hair implies two tone pubes. Peak character design
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Your son impregnated me.
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It's honestly a miracle he isn't an edgelord with that backstory.
I feel like they were sada and turo either way, maybe non-scientist versions of themselves
>>only true friend gets mauled by a fucking dinosaur
It was a machine.
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Yeah, it’s genuinely refreshing
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I love that even with all of the terrible things that he suffered through, seeing the physical copy of his parent leave him AGAIN and realizing that he really is alone, he still manages to be himself in the end. He's still determined to just keep going and do the best that he can. Ugh Arven, my beloved, I would do anything and everything for you.
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He's Gladion and Lillie in a single body.
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>tfw paldean
>long hair
>endured domestic abuse, just not from parents (unless you count non-lethal negligence too)
>will never be nearly as good looking and cheerful as my boy Arven
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>blond hair
>mommy issues
>dad dissapeared
>takes up a good chunk of the story
>arguably one of the most popular characters in the game
>game was directed by Ohmori
Man I wish I could work on a pokemon game and trauma dump about my parental issues, it’s clearly working
What a shame
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Geeeeeeeg TSMT xister
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try 2036
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He's such a malewife
Is... is he running away from us in this one??
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My perfect malewife
I think it's supposed to just be like a glance backwards towards the viewer for a moment before he goes towards his friends, just like a little look. I don't think it's meant to be like he's literally running away from you.
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This reminds me of the fact that Arven should've had fangs like his mom and I'll never stop being mad that that's not the case
I love it when artists draw him with little fangs... he would absolutely be a biter
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Did he have a morning wood?
I hope so
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For real and no cap?
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Arven and the gang
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>No Professor Sada/Turo
>No Arven
>dlc sluts come out first
Why this fucking anime hates him?
He's too kino, he'd distract too much from the boring MC
Ugh I need to play with his hair
He would overshadow Roy and Liko too much, which is the same reason why Nemona isn't a regular character, and why Kieran and Carmine likely won’t be either
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Uoh, that one made me feel funny...
He's so beautiful...
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He would so wear tacky sweaters
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Nice legs
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At least you have a nice chest don't you?
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that's too dark
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Arven's story is kinda dark, that's kind of what makes him so good
I think Arven has the darkest story in the entire franchise. I honestly didn’t see it coming that his father/mother was dead, and when the story wrapped up, it left me feeling a bit unsatisfied, like there should have been more closure for him.
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I wanted more than anything to bring him to the Crystal Pool in Kitakami. I feel like that extra scene post-DLC is their sort of attempt to hint a possible happier scenario, but yeah I wish that he got some more closure.

I admire that he does decide to just do this best and try to a well-known cook like how his parent was a well-known professor, but he's still got to struggle with it from time to time.
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>nobody has posted picrel yet
I am a massive dogfag but this is BASED. Boring cutscenes.
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Based dad, kek
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I'm a man
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Yet black people are the ones eating cats right now, curious
And it's over?
Here he looks like that guy from Rival Schools.
nice thread
Kept bumping it with art to keep it alive but it can still keep going lol
You have done well, Anon a pretty lovely thread
>propaganda about black people putta nowhere
Rent. Fucking. Free.
Thank you, I love him so much. Happy to keep it alive just by myself.
Do answer
Before the thread ends, I wanted to tell you to go fuck yourself again.

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