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>we will never get this level of customization again
It's really sad
mmm... boobies
AGP thread
gen 7 was the worst
what do women's boobs feel like??
Like sandy heavies of bags.
like a sack of fat suspended from their chest with soft tender flesh
Honestly small-medium boobies with fat ass is better and more practical health-wise than broken back gravity warping bazongas that cave man coomers jerk it to.
Get that 3DS and post your cute girl, anons
You’re one of the boomers who bullied guys just for being interested in dolls and fashion aren’t you.
>Skip out on Pokemon after DP
>games go all in on character customization through the 3DS era
>come back for SwSh
>customization is... fine
>try again with SV
>absolute dogshit with only 4 horrendous outfits and stupid looking accessories
I missed out, man...
That’s why brown women mog Asian and white women. There are a few exceptions but what you described is the most common brown women body type. White women mostly get big tits but flat asses and Asians are flat in general. Though many will fool men with padded clothing and BBLs.
Like skin filled with jello, and inside there's a bunch of little tubes converging on the nipple.
that sounds awesome
Pokemon XY and sun moon are still there anon you can still play them
1. That's a mod.
2. SWSH had better customization
It’s sad how each iteration of customization is worse than the last.
What's a mod?
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yes, but not because of the customization options, it's the chest size in op pic that makes it agp thread
yeah i liked the swsh customization, i don't remember xy very much though so idk if it's better or worse.
Swooshie had the worst customization out of all the games that have it. It's impossible to make the protagonist not look like a clown.
XY had extremely limited customization for guys. Disappointing.
SV only has the shitty school uniforms for outfits. I mean, the other stuff is good for the most part, but the uniforms make it the worst by default.
The school uniforms look better than the generic hoodies and t-shirts that look like they came from the unity asset store.
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No need, I already have my girl saved on my PC.
And yes, I do use the boobs mod.
i liked the jackets, sweaters, and dresses from swsh. i also liked the knit hats a lot. i liked how they gave you the stuff from the default character but in different colors, too. here's my character from swsh btw
it doesn't help that it's such a pain in the ass to coordinate a fit; the fact that every type of clothing has its own store is such a pain in the ass that i didn't even mess with the character customization in sv at all.
Bruh, AGP died, like, in 2004. Everyone uses PCIe now.
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why did this give me a boner???
You mean Bone Rush.
i don't like her eyeshadow
Yeah, I was mixed on it too, so one of the versions has all makeup removed
XY is literally the only game where I play as the girl instead of the boy. The boy gets so shafted in customization it isn't even funny, you get literally half as many clothing items.
is there a romhack that makes everyone a girl with huge titties
Closest you get is moemon.
fuck you i laughed way too hard at this

amazing joke

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