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>What is Pokémon Masters EX?
A mobile Pokémon game that's real-time instead of turn-based and focuses on collecting trainers instead of Pokémon.

>Pokemon Masters EX Links and Guides

>Sync Grid Simulator

>Sync Pair Tracker

>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ

>Upcoming Events

>Pokémon Masters EX soundtrack with the latest tracks

>/pmg/ Clears Repository

>Trainer Lodge Interaction Charts

Previous thread: >>56399287
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>Still no proper Valerie alt
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Help the Whitneyanon get to his cute wife, because he loves her so much!
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She won!
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There you go anon. Whitneyanon was smart and used a shortcut
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look in the trash can
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I'll give her extra special hugs and kisses because I love my cute wife Whitney! Thanks to (You) for helping me solve that maze!
Why would cute wife be in the trash can? Can she find an Arc Suit there?
Good to see they released the full official 5th anniversary art: ibb dot co/ZT6mnx6
>catbox is down
Nobody cares about your links to porn faggot
>actual pokeboys instead of random men
Unironically add in irida as an obstacle for the lels, and I guess alola anon too
gacha devs sure are dumb making her a freebie for me, but I sure don't mind!
Made for violently pinning down and ram a hard meat wang into and having multiple men blow their top inside while she has to walk around all day with all that sloshing around in her
>catbox is down
Not based actually. Very cringe.
Litterbox still works
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current damage challenge was actually brain-dead easy with a rat. first time since Day 1 i haven't had to use a spam unit

pic related
>Whitney's milk
>Jasmine's cheese

>Half an hour to complete all my unread sync pairs stories
>SC Zinnia give 100 gems
At least I don't have to do that for a while. Fuck Seasonal, Special Costume and Lilie 2024 though
>reading some today
>Ghetsis sync pair story is just his Legends Arc Story again
what was the fucking point
For the damage challenge i at first used ash/pikachu, tapu koko and chase/pikachu and only got 500,000 points but on my second try I used ash/pikachu, red/pikachu and chase/pikachu and got 1,000,000 points
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You do have your Iridas fully maxed out for today's challenge, right anons?
>hey give me that coin
>no give me that coin
>okay you can have it
>the end
What the fuck that was it? This is the level of story telling we're on now.
>just realized the co-op battle had daily rewards
oh for fucks sake.
how many have I missed if I've only just done it twice
It's 200 gems per day. Say goodbye to 1000 gems in a month where there's already jack shit for gems.
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>New event
It was a good event
so are all the collectors in this world just assholes?
Well they're usually fat otaku. Maybe on Pasio they got an ego because they managed to lose weight.
you kind of suck
was that really everything? are we really just gonna fight that shitty level 10 mon every day?
They should have introduced this woman as a sync pair for five years anniversary and treat her as the "Mashu" of the game instead off pushing that role on Lillie
There is literally zero point to farming the freebie event reruns if I already had them at 5/5 right
you can get the Spectrier sync orbs and convert them to normal sync orbs
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Soon...probably after the arceus arc though
Only if you want the 5 gold stars and sync orbsz yeah. The move level increases DO still give 5s rather than 3s I think. The older freebies gave silvers on dupes.
Kana already has a role, she's the Feh of Masters
Cynthia won
Galars Top Team got Arc'd hard
Jesus Christ
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I’m pretty sure I got a 3* from the free dupe today…
Reading that old Lance and Cynthia introduction story really made me feel that writing was better back then.
>wailord unit before classic wallace or ss wallace
>on the most piggy anniversary
they know
If they really wanted to he could still have Tentacruel. That's the only member that hasn't been taken yet from memory.
The hardest choices...
So in 2-3 years then.
It's 3* tickets sorry anon
I want a Tentacool and Tentacruel pair, but feel like Wallace's most iconic mons are Milotic, Ludicolo and Wailord.
Now another Water-sync Ludicolo that does damage is more unlikely after Dahlia, maybe a support? Wailord is still more Hoenn than it in my opinion. Maybe a Noble Roar Tech/Support with vadipus other effects and utility.
Just find Tentacool's line pleasing design and colors wise, they look like some retro game aliens and have been useful in the playthroughs, were also my first shiny in Gen 2, got one between Pallet Town and Cinnabar Island, then lost it while cloning it. Hopefully whatever 4* or 5* unit gets them they can potentially end being a better Variety Agatha
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Lodge++ when?
I'd rather a LodgeXXX instead
it's a teaser for another event
You can tell they used to care at some point
I've had three crashes in three minutes. What the fuck is happening?
>shoes off
I know where this is going.
And I like it
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I finally got arc suit Steven from the daily paid scout
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Huh, a bunch of the other sets do take items off the feet. Guess you're right
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Are you scrolling photos?
Fucking christ....
That's Kris not Christ
Not sure if noteworthy but FYI, Rachel is on the free daily scout
~5% chance of 4 star. Then divide by dozens. Ugh, I want her, but I'll get a Pokefair repeat before her or something.
The SS Lear Scout and the Rachel/Sawyer variety scout probably have the three 4 stars with a higher chance. Hell even Paulo might have a chance to be part of it since it's also the start of the Pasio tag
>5% chance of a 4 star
man I love how the daily scout just became the daily 3 star ticket.
They’re not going to add a PF into a MF or Variety banner lol
Big and meaty/10

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