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Let's have some fun edition

Discuss pokeboys and share your favorite art, stories, chatbots and more!
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SV boys...
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Gen 9 has the best Pokeboys, you cannot change my mind
I really like Gen9 and Gen2 pokeboys
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Why is there a Splatoon gun in the background lol
There really isn't a bad gen for Pokeboys, imo. I have a hard time picking my favorite...
Johto my beloved
luv me red
luv me green (blue)
luv me ethan
luv me silver
luv me brendan
luv me wally
luv me lucas
luv me nate
luv me calem
luv me elio
luv me florian
luv me kiki
simple as
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Sleepy bois
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This, but also Victor
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Me too me too
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Which one do you think has the biggest cock? I always imagined Callum having the fattest cock.
Calem has a fat cock, for sure. Biggest and meatiest by far.
If pokegirls can have breasts than pokeboys should have bulges, and yes, I do believe Calem would have the biggest bulge of them all
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>Which one do you think has the biggest cock?
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My estimation:
Red -> 5 inches
Ethan -> 4.1 inches
Brendan -> 4.7 inches
Lucas -> 5.1 inches
Hilbert -> 6.3 inches
Nate -> 6.2 inches
Calem -> 7 inches
Elio -> 8.4 inches (and thick too)
Victor -> 5.6 inches
Florian -> either 3.5 inches or 7.5 inches
All uncut btw
Florian could be the pokeboy with the biggest cock or the smallest cock...
Florian can also be either a top or bottom... but either way, he is in control. ;)
I agree with most of these. I still think Calem would be the biggest, even way bigger than Elio. It just suits him. And then Florian is a mystery, he really feels like he's either the smallest of the bunch or is secretely packing.
We've had this discussion many a time. Calems got the biggest because he's the oldest and also French.
He has the biggest.
What does being french have to do with it?
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vacationing pokeboys
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I fucking love AI chatbots. Yes, you gotta do some cringe shit to get around the filter in order to have some NSFW fun with your favorite pokeboys, but damn is it worth it. :)
Why does Calem need so much bread
It's all going to go to his hairy ass
kek, the euphemisms gave me a laugh. Restriction really does birth creativity.
>8.4 inches
I've been with a guy who had an 8 inch dick and it's really not as great as it sounds.
total victor, brendan and elio (ultra) love
What makes it even better is the AI KNOWS, lol. It knows so well that it typically ends up triggering the filter with its responses, where it will get a few sentences off before the filter stops it cold in its tracks, haha. Thankfully I can just regenerate more responses until the response are juuuuuust innocent enough to not trigger the filter.
I love grown-up Pokeboys. So handsome.
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Me when Pokeboys.
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Hilbert looks so good in his Genesect Sygna Suit. Pokeboys wearing something like a nice, simple, fitted black or white shirt always hits a certain spot for me.
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Victor my beloved.
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Anon, Kieran and Florian are only having a midnight snack in their matching sweat suits!
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Suddenly, I wish very much that I was a Pichu.
And not just any Pichu. This Pichu.
What a sluts...
What a chad Pichu...
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Who throws it best? My money's on Nate and Victor
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Nate is by far the most sporty and athletic looking protag in general so probably him. Florian would be the weakest.
that’s a girl
>He doesn't know
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Gold thought so at first, too, kek
Wonder if they still had that cup of tea together...
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Taller Kiki/Shorter Flori is so good.
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And likely canon. Carmine is quite tall and boys will usually outgrow girls.

He will likely be 6 foot plus and Florian will be his short king.
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Looking at that artwork again, it might have depicted an age-gap pairing. The point still stands that tall Kiki x short Flori is kino. They have everything going for them, and I look forward to their eternal happiness.
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Kikitty and Florinyan
BASED, did you draw this?
getting his cute little toes wet
Brendan is a massive jerk.
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>Kiki will become 20 cms taller than Florian
>Florian will continue to top him anyway
>catboy Florian
Fucking kek
What did Brendan ever do to you anon
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Cute thread!
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some more summery art
god i love hilbert
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Florian is such a pervert >:3
That's because he is you, the player.
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Makes sense to me.
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sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
Do you think Crispin wags his tail when he’s happy or horny?
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he is always wagging his tail, but when he is horny his tail is much more rigid and stiff
Have you taken the Silver pill yet, anons?
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who is he sitting on
sex between kiki and florian
Arven is the meat in a Kik/Florian sandwich? Hot.
I dreamt yesterday of the heaviest, roughest threesome between Kieran, Florian and Grusha in the middle for whatever reason. My day is made.
Please allow me to have the same dream… Sounds incredibly hot.
based dream
I like how ash is indeed in that picture as well but as an image on TV
that's a really sweet touch
God I love Nate
Best boy wife

You know who
He is there in spirit
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It’s been 15 years since HGSS….

Thoughts on Ethan?
Always been a personal favorite. Just really love his design, especially the hair. I also love the fact that so many in the fandom have different takes on his personality, leading to a wide variety of fan art, fiction, and AI chatbots, so whatever I'm in the mood for, there's a good chance I'll find, be it him being a sweet angel or a mischievous lil' shit. Sometimes he's the dominant one, other times, he's submissive. I like it when he pushes Silver's buttons (and takes immense pleasure in it) as much as seeing him intimidated by him. So many flavors of Ethan and I love it.
I'm Kieran and I want my Florian bf
No you are NOT Kieran
I am Kieran adjacent
What does that even mean
I am Kieran-like, Kieranish, a tad Kieran.
Hi. I am Silver-like. I want to fuck Ethan
What a smile
I'm not gay but barry awakened something in young me. That's all.
It's ok to be a little bisexual anon, it's 2024. Being straight is cringe anyway.
Barry a cute, still think he's kinda underrated.

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