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Why isn't anyone talking about Pokémon Brown 20th anniversary update
Hijacked by the pronoun gang just like Prism
I remember the original thing coming out actually
I think digg was a thing back then which reddit destroyed, i might have seen someone link to digg and played it a little bit but i don't REMEMBER getting very far. don't think I played it much.
I didn't knew that India made their own rom hack 20 years ago
>made my rainbowdevs
>also made two characters in prism gay just because
Nope. I'm sure they made it completely woke with this one update.
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Glad someone else posted about this, I just posted it in Rheg but didn't know there was a thread made.

I played Brown several years back and remember very little, minus the stuff brought back in Prism which I just replayed recently. I'm been looking forward to playing this again, it looks like it's been completely overhauled too!
Pokemon poop version
Fitting color for the quality of the game...
>body type a and b
Yup. I called it. I will no longer play your game.
>they've stopped calling them boys and girls
>they've unironically switched to using a soulless binary system that considers people a 1 or a 0
Filtering chuds is too easy
So when's the hack that unfucks shit?
They haven't added any of the Pokegirls yet, calm down.
I've been waiting for this some time. Brown is one of my favorite romhacks but all the characters having unoriginal sprites borrowed from RB really triggers my autism, glad everyone has their own design now.
I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they just didn't want to add gendered dialogue to the game. The original Brown still only had a male protagonist. This lets them add a female design without needing to go through all the dialogue beyond changing "he" to "they".
this is possible, and honestly i think it makes the most sense from a player perspective. sometimes i hate the look of one of the two protagonists, but i don't necessarily want to play pokemon as the opposite gender so i'll concede.

this way, you pick the character design you like best, and it doesn't affect dialogue.

if you want to be cool and take this a step farther, you could let the player choose if their rival is brendan or may in an RSE style game where the rival's gender is based on the player's choice in vanilla. player can use the more feminine character design, but their rival can still be May. obviously coding this would be harder than not, but it's just an idea, anyway.

ultimately nobody loses anything with this system, people are just pissed off to be pissed off. it's just identity politics bullshit. "um... the left likes pronouns! woke game!!!!" as if that's actual criticism.

it's a kids' game, who cares what the political affiliation of the coders are as long as the games aren't some political narrative? nobody bitched about Kojima's games being left-leaning anti-war propaganda pieces during the multiple decades that he's been making them, but pokemon being more gender-neutral is too far? fucking clowns.

these retards love the tomboy girlfriend meme, but when a game's player selection is actually inclusive of tomboy types, people get pissed because they don't ACTUALLY like tomboys.
Oh no, what happened? Did they combine "are you a boy or a girl" and "pick what style of [boy/girl] you want to be" into just "pick what sprite you want"? How terrible!
You will never be a type B

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