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The cycle never ends.

Discuss Trainer OCs and further your designs/writing behind them through discussion with others. Be cool, be cringy, be creative, be racist, just leave your ERPing at the door.

>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?

>Thread Task: Draw your OC watching a TM with one of their Pokemon.

>/tog/ artfaggotry

>/tog/ writefaggotry

>OP template

>I don't know how to make a character!
Brainstorming ideas and dice rolls:

>I don't know how to draw!
AI-generated content:

>I want to learn how to draw!
Drawing tutorials:

>Previous thread: >>56401325

>Recent Works

View Origin Rising, /tog/'s TCG collaboration here: https://imgur.com/a/kOvGkJR

Or here: https://mega.nz/folder/NPQAHJ4R#7A_dWnBNxGd_hSN6qZJdkQ

Read Hasumi's writing debut here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jh6DSGLVYuCHrwG4LEmCzuOB0qyfZ_88/edit

Watch Luke make embarrassing typos in real time while writing Chapter 7 of Gilded Platinum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub

Read the latest Gaiden episode of Eons in Flux here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19kxXsSw_vIS69eAiVQPvpZ2QKrsrmIXs/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103317507145300335464&rtpof=true&sd=true

Read Emily's second full-length novella here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T5pyEdnOqGoXfbU6eb3o-__qg5f8PAyJ6vfoxq3-Fvc/edit
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I am once again asking for Shadow Claw in Gen 10
View Origin Rising, /tog/'s TCG collaboration here https://imgur.com/a/kOvGkJR
Aaaand here:
R8, H8, & appreci8 102 themed art submissions.

Read Hasumi's writing debut here:

Watch Luke make embarrassing typos in real time while writing Chapter 7 of Gilded Platinum: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ-nOYYjxC_pJ1h03frpZgCDbtlMp94oYRB43MrhMsu7sYL_dBT-ypbrrr16CIS-i_RfMgCtkwRvj98/pub

Read the latest Gaiden episode of Eons in Flux here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19kxXsSw_vIS69eAiVQPvpZ2QKrsrmIXs/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103317507145300335464&rtpof=true&sd=true

Read Emily's second full-length novella here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T5pyEdnOqGoXfbU6eb3o-__qg5f8PAyJ6vfoxq3-Fvc/edit
Underserved thread tasks:
>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet.
>What would your OC think of your hometown if they could see it?
>Draw your idea of how TMs work if you haven't already.
>Draw your OC bullying Alex.
>Exaggerate a feature of your hometown to make it more like the world of Pokemon (ie, turning a small park into Pinwheel Forest).
>Crossover episode: How many OCs can we fit around MS Paint Luke's campfire?
>make a short mp4/webm of your character and a scene-appropriate song to fit the mood. Use free programs like WebM Converter/Webm for retards.
>draw your OC's reaction to eating a lemon.
>draw your OC making silly faces.
Sorry for playing catchup in the new thread
I'm so glad you like her and I'm absolutely screaming at your rendition of Vivi! She came out sooo good! Your drawings always ooze personality and your expressions are always so top tier. And the Chansey throwing hands? Amazing. I was wondering what Pokemon from Bibi's team Vivi might use and I'm glad to see Koko made the cut.
>Truthfully, I've been trying to up my work pace to be more like [me]
Honestly you whipped this up in no time and it came out so good. Whereas I might have speed on my side, you definitely have quality on yours cuz sheesh- just look at her. I love how you handled the hair too, I had a feeling it would come out to be such a pretty sunset like color and you did not dissapoint.
>Whut? I was talking about the snow lol
I don't even know what I was talking about lol, just ignore me and my lack of brain function
I appreciate the cleverness behind it, and it's just a neat team overall :)
I think this might be my favorite piece of lukeart to date. I just love Dense so much.
Super cute and quite the departure from Luke. Not that I want Gilded Platinum to end at all, but I'm interested in seeing how she plays out.
Wow the romance of it all. This last thread had so much sex appeal.
>Now what if we did a quadruple-synthesis..?
>i wonder what the connective tissue between these 4 would be...? strong willed yet feminine i suppose
I don't think /tog/ wouldn't be able to handle the quadruple fusion
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>go to sleep
>wake up
>I'm on the OP of the next thread again
Bruh just use an image from the fucking archive already.
Did you just not even notice the OP links?
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>TQ: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
While Miko is by no means a self-insert character, I picked it since it's similar to mine irl. His full name is Miko Torres. A Japanese name like Miko (albeit Miko is more often than not a girl's name in Japanese, but is commonly a boys name is other cultures) is kind of a nod to his mother Mei's Johtonian origins whereas the Spanish last name Torres comes from his father Julio who was born and raised in Paldea. Torres meaning tower and Miko translating to beautiful child (or shrine maiden lmao) kinda gives me star child vibes cuz towers are tall and closer to the heavens, and he's a kid, etc. His family crest is a star and can be traced back from his mothers side. Idk if anyone remembers the "Draw your OC's ancestor" thread task from a long while ago but Miko's ancestor was an early astrologer who had a partner Starmie (might be in the archives somewhere).

Ivy's name came about for a few different reasons. Her full name is Ivy Blume and is chock full of puns. Since she's a nurse, Ivy comes from IV bags. One of her main inspirations when creating her at the time was a character named Rose from the anime The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic, so Ivy shares in that plant themed name. Her last name also plays off that plant theming- Blume = bloom. I knew I wanted her to be a mature woman type of character, and I feel like Ivy is a mature woman name (shout out to soul calibur's Ivy Valentine for engraving that association in my head). And overall I think her name just sounds pretty. Ivy Blume.

>TT: Draw your OC watching a TM with one of their Pokemon.
This doesn't exactly meet the brief, but training with your Pokemon is kind of related to watching a TM right? [picrel] is just something I sketched up this morning, I wanted to draw Ivy in her r63 outfit- seemed like it'd be good for more serious training or something like that. I'll try and make a more dedicated TM drawing later.
>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
Emily mostly only tells people her alias. Tiel. But her actual name is Emily Matcha. I haven't really thought of full names for Arai or Mari yet. Especially once the major cosmic event happens in the story, all 3 girls take on Tiel as their family name and become Emily Tiel, Mari Tiel and Arai Tiel since their respective families no longer DIRECTLY exist as they once were anymore.
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I've been house-/cat-sitting for a friend and been kinda busy with other stuff, so sorry I didn't say anything earlier but oouuuoooooh >>56407673 is cute as hell!! They look so great together, Wolke would instantly become friends with Bibi.

Almost as lewd as >>56407673! The thread was getting scandalous!

>>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
I immediately knew I wanted to make an OC with a Drifloon motif. Drifloon -> flies -> sky -> clouds -> Wolke means cloud. I haven't thought about a last name because most canon Pokémon characters don't seem to have one.

I can't wait to get home and back to my PC. Have a pencil doodle of Alex getting molested by a clingy Mimikyu for now.
Hehe, that's adorable.
>>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
did i ever mentioned ben 10 sticknodes cartoon with 6 bucks fee to get a cameo? well, twenys big appearance never happened and thank god, so yeah, to not make it look like 25 was a self insert i just cut my name off and presto. also design was sucking ass.
later i just thought it was a great idea to make this "I'm 25, but friends call me Tweny" and him being VERY strict on that rule... and how funny it would be for him to have a long ass name, something like
>25 "Tweny" "Tension" "Overkill" "Neo" Tennyson
eehh, what can i say? THINK! No one has ever made an oc which is ALREADY an AU of unexisting oc!

okay lemme do one thing next post
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This is the "ONCE I GET- ONCE I GET- I'LL BE" replacement for my new and original AU "THE SAME SAME !!!!". Think about it, no one has ever made an AU where 25 takes the role of Tweny!

erm, so, who are you exactly?
>erm, so, who are you exactly?
...didnt get it?
erm, no?
>erm, no?
...man ur stoopid
erm, shut up?
Tweny tripping a bit too hard on that bad shit atm
>Thread Question: What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
Came up with the design, team and a vaguely rough idea of the background info and such. The main point to go off was her being related to Shauntal.
I am horrible with coming up with names, so my crutch really was coming up with something related to Shauntal's, be it name, aesthetic or general themes. Anyhow, the english name sucks so I was going nowhere in that regard, however the jap name was better thought out. After looking through kanjis and flowers for a good 30 minutes, I came up with the name, as annoying as it is. Right now my cope is that it's "muh le localized" name and that I will be struck by inspiration one day, but I am doubtful of that.
Hell no, I didn't! I only figured I'd take care of it since I was actually present and didn't think anything else of it. >>56417125
Godspeed, cosmonaut. While you're out astral projecting across the universe, I spent the afternoon teaching uneducated Americans about vatrushkas and the Russian word for black people . Had one guy fall in love with the word and start shouting it at everyone he came across, everyone else wishes they knew where to get some. I was thinking of tweny's zipper teeth all the while.
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>What went into the naming of your OC? What is your OC's full name?
I like names starting with D, since mine also starts with D: Damian, Dexter, Dereck, Dick, David, Diego, etc.
As for surname, I was on a Russianbadger binge, I finished watching the Payday videos, and started on R6. They went to "Castle can't cripwalk", and then it hit me: I basically made a guy who is "cool" by Pokémon standards, yet treating him as a normal guy.
Castle was like that: he is SpecOps, works against terrorist attacks, hostage situations, and search & destroy missions. He is also black. Yet, that dude is from Sherman Oaks, had a relatively normal life, his best friend is Ash (a boring jewish woman), he watches K dramas, and he doesn't leave his home when he is off duty.
David was like that: joined the army to pay for his first trip and trainer paperwork, survived a volcano explosion, became the Champion equivalent of the Hoenn Battle Frontier, and discovered a new evolution method. Yet, he lives in a single room cheap rental, works 9-5 minimum wage gigs, and likes to lift. The only way he is interesting is when he happens to be in the background doing something.

David Castle was born.

>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet
If I knew, I would, but I haven't thought that far.
>What would your OC think of your hometown if they could see it?
He would like it. My neighborhood is calm and quiet, so is relaxing.
>Draw your idea of how TMs work if you haven't already
I did that last thread. Tube + Pokéball + PC. But I like taking TMs from training or magazines. It explains those NPCs that teach you along the way.
>Draw your OC bullying Alex
He wouldn't bully him, but he will have an Iroh speech if both have a moment like that.
>make a short mp4/webm of your character and a scene-appropriate song to fit the mood
Just put this to this image
If I could.
I am finding out he has a surname for the very first time.
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arms too busted up from boxing to draw anything. have a shitpost
>thread question
bibi came from my favorite love live subunit, and it's just a cutesy name with an easy breezy kinda whimsical flavor, so i rolled with it. there are other things i like it about it though, like how last thread i mentioned that if you wrote it out in katakana (the japanese script characters' names are written out with, since i don't believe the games make much use of kanji) you could read it as vivi, which means "alive". most pokemon characters don't have surnames but since the topic of last names has come up in these threads before i went with montero which is spanish to reflect her paldean origin and has relations to "hunter" and "mountain" which reflects her goal oriented and focused nature, like she's always on the hunt or aspiring to a lofty goal. alto refers to a pitch for male singing voices, nyx is a goddess of night, and tesoro just means treasure. the names are all fairly on the nose and refer to their major conceits but i don't exactly think pokemon's a series known for subtlety so i'm giving myself a pass
>I was wondering what Pokemon from Bibi's team Vivi might use
all the aggressive brawly types for sure! i think hatterene and kommo-o are shoo-ins while the last spot for bibi reps either goes to tusk or toxicroak. >>56416819 love both the notes on name origins and the dramatic posing and lighting on ivy and hitmonchan
>I immediately knew I wanted to make an OC with a Drifloon motif
have i ever mentioned that i really like how the pumpkin shorts and hair ties help add to the balloon theming?
>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet.
ah finally an excuse to put together a design notes compendium (i jest)
I thought people learned about his surname when I posted those imaginary emails.
Look, familia, it's been a long night and a long day for me and I just walked out of work early for the first time in months only to realize after the fact that I left without my security badge.
I didn't study for this test.
I'll try to do some of these when I get time later. If the campfire thing is going to happen should I make a new campfire picture?
Also, we have a second Gilded session this week so I'm pretty hype about that.

I really like Sylvie ill post more about her the closer I get to actually playing her.

Dense is a good boy.
>only to realize after the fact that I left without my security badge.
Oof. From one custodian to another, I feel your pain.
IT department, actually, but I'll settle for digital janitor.
Nah, that's just the way the building's set up. Elevators only work in one direction without your identification. I got it taken care of, but man am I ever scatterbrained.
Luke Forester,

I wanted his name to sound rural and connected to the earth, but none of those names sounded right. He just didn't feel like a 'Sage' to me. So I made his surname more of a earthy name while I made his first name Luke because it just felt like him. It sounded right.

>Something about him I haven't said yet
I briefly wrote about it, but never said it outright here: Luke loves older women and crushed hard on Nox and Suzi's mom at first.
Ahhh... custodians and IT members. The unsung heroes of our time.
I can assure you, if it weren't for people like you, society would collapse by the end of the day.

I hope you two have a good time, or what's left of your day. I don't know, time zones are weird.
haboodadabadoodoodough. I'm sure you guys would forgive me for wanting to go to bed at a reasonable time for a change. Like as soon as I'm done posting this.
Thanks for the love, king. See, that awesome Ivy pic is exactly the kind of thing I want to be able to accomplish one day. Speed, style, raw talent. So we have Lili from Tekken AND Soul Calibur to thank for this. Good tastes.
>the romance of it all.
OKAY, SO SOMEONE ELSE WAS SEEING THAT TOO. I thought maybe it was just my delirious imagination running wild. Believe me, I don't mind. That angle never once entered my gleaming dome, but damn if it ain't a hot prospect.
Very charming drawing. Now let's see it in reverse.
>that edit
Comedy gold, soul brother. Be sure to power hydrate for me. Have some salt and enjoy the evening.
>Luke loves older women
A true man's man.
>if it weren't for people like you, society would collapse by the end of the day.
Believe me, I've resigned myself to this fate.
>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet
I'll answer my own prompt. Ida's physical description is based on E-Chan. When Azelie referred to Ida as Franco's beautiful secretary, E-Chan commented that she always imagined Ida being plain. Ever modest, that one.
Have a great night, lads. I love you all. Yes, even you, don't downplay it.

>Exaggerate a feature of your hometown to make it more like the world of Pokemon (ie, turning a small park into Pinwheel Forest).

It is now 50% refinery and port centric instead of 25%. Luke would be reminded of Oreburgh. To exaggerate more, all the refinery companies have merged into one and to add a little conflict they'd be trying to control the prairie reserve.
forgot the picture
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>draw your OC's reaction to eating a lemon.
>draw your OC making silly faces.
I feel like this does both

>make a short mp4/webm of your character and a scene-appropriate song to fit the mood. Use free programs like WebM Converter/Webm for retards.
One day I will finish this
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ah, i'm aware there's a significant height gap, i actually went so far as to make height accurate models when planning out the pose to make sure i got the proportions right, but i might just end up exaggerating it a bit more in the final product to make it clearer
>I thought maybe it was just my delirious imagination running wild.
the added sense of intimacy is very much supposed to help make the piece sexier, and getting an outfit tailored to you means dealing with having measurements taken and the requisite close contact
we all know i'm a yurifag. my third eye's open for the stuff so i can see it everywhere, i think miyazawa was fucking cooking when he called *landscapes* in and of themselves yuri. the bonding between phos and azelie who started out at odds with each other was interesting, though i obviously don't expect their relationship to be something you explore extensively. funnily enough i think they make a good pair for the same reason franco and phos do, in that they have an opposites attract vibe going on in terms of personality and aesthetics, though they lack the ideological clash of franco vs phos. also phos being significantly taller than either of them is a huge plus, i like height gaps, but couples with taller women barely exist outside the realm of fetish art, so eif is a bit refreshing in that regard......all this thinking has also made me wonder what a dance between phos and azelie would look like.
>loves older women
beat me to the lemon meme but i'm glad to see it
The lemon is so sour he became a lemon as well.
Emily would be the type to never pucker regardless of sourness. She's the kid who put 10 Warhead candies in her mouth at once and only slightly puckered for like .2 seconds. Just sticks her teeth into the lemon and starts drinking it dry with naught a shift in her expression. I was one of those kind of kids. Mari hates sour, Arai is in the middle.
>Landscapes are in and of themselves yuri
Pardon my French, but this is just retarded. Only someone who is flat out addicted to yuri could possibly think this way
>This beautiful mountain range reminds me of two girls kissing
Only a tremendous word salad could even attempt to justify this line of thinking.
We out here bullying team galactic
Let's hope Luke doesn't torch the place down until everyone gets answers.

Sending out Spitefire did frustrate Suzi a bit because it started out as a stealth mission.

Charred the grunt (he lived tho) after a quick fight, Saturn came on the intercom and instructed them to guide us to Cyrus' announcement.

We were escorted to Cyrus' room where wanted to meet with us. He gave us his plan and Nox and Luke sort of made peace. We found the lake guardians and Luke headbutted Charon with Rock Head.
I like to think Luke acted on instint at that point.

>"Now, you are all here."
"Yes! And we will stop you!"
>"Is over. With the power of the Lake Trio, I-"
>The young boy ran up all the way to Charon, headbutting him before he could even react
>Jupiter is just shocked
>"... WHAT THE HELL?! He was just going to tell you he was going to release them because we have the Red Crystal to summon Dialga and Palkia!"
".... Ohhhh, I think I got too far ahead."
>"You THINK?!"
"Well, why stop now anyway?"
>And Jupiter goes down now
So now that chapter 2 is out, and I got some feedback on how to make chapter 3 better, I suppose I can ask for more superficial feedback and ask;
>What do people think of Emily as a character between what I've said here in the thread and her behaviors so far in the fic?
I'm just kinda bored atm as I mull over Chapter 3.
>Charon approaches Luke and confesses proudly
"So, you're admitting to the crime?"
"Then you accept the punishment for that crime."
>*Sweating,* "...If the punishment is in the legal system."
>pavlov'd myself into sleeping in four hour shifts
Ruh roh.
Never doubted you for a second but that modeling work is a big surprise.
It's an artist thing. Think about the gentle curvature of the horizon. The melding of two or more life-giving (motherly) natural earthly bodies pressing together. If viewed through a down bad sapphic lens, it clicks. All things in nature exist for the singular purpose of germinating new life. Heterosexuality exists in all things except for, paradoxically, the celestial body itself that has no male connection to pair with. Certainly the sky doesn't have any protrusions to insert into Mother Earth, so you can't really call it heterosexual. I don't agree with the perspective but I can see the angle.
Heh, well she has my lemon autism too so she ain't all bad. Of the three, she's squarely my middle pick. She's an interesting act to juggle. I think she excels in a show-don't-tell format where she has other personalities to bounce off of (ergo, what you've been saying for months and months and months now), but the extreme in-group preference and total sociopathy towards her enemies is a bit of a jarring disconnect for me. For all her musings on freedom, that's actually a page taken right out of the dictator's playbook; but like the abuse angle, I doubt it was anywhere near intentional because there's no shortage of cases like that in heroic media and the idea is rarely explored in detail. Her literal bonding with her Pokemon is probably her most interesting trait on an individual level. The fact that such a standoffish person's biggest superpower involves making herself an extension of someone else and vice versa speaks to an interesting internal conflict. I had a good laugh at her line complaining about the waiter because it's so funny to see such a detached character gripe about something so mundane. She should work on her hygiene though. Eugh.
>What do people think of Emily as a character between what I've said here in the thread and her behaviors so far in the fic?
Personally, full of surprises so far. At the beginning I thought I was going to read another "I'm so speshul and kawaii" character, with the whole =3= face and the emphasis on her shape and height, especially when explaining scenes very precisely to avoid confusions. But 2nd chapter let me see her character a bit more.
She is not very open (emotionally), and her knowledge in battle really makes her a threat to be reckoned. Her ability to asses stressful situations, using the skills of her Pokémon to make way to her objectives, and even be capable of having a melee arsenal at any moment's notice makes her very flexible in battle moments. This makes me wonder how her team works when she lets them go all out.
She is a walking menace, and now her enemy knows about it. They underestimated her, and lost two very valuable units. To pour salt on the wound, both lost in their "terrain": the Elisyum they created to capture her didn't stopped her at all. In fact, I would wage it actually helped her.

I wonder what her next move will be, but I feel next chapter probably has to focus more on her sisters. While a Warlord (or War Madame?) at heart, she maybe isn't very good with logistics, so is turn to Mari and Arai to analyze and work the information she found. Or what was left of it. Exploding that reactor was (probably) as powerful as dropping an ordinance load from a bomber.
I see your points, but she's sorta INTENDED to be this paradoxical mix of traits that somehow still comes together SOMEWHAT harmoniously (in that none of it seems particularly out of character for her). She's kinda meant to be this incredibly outlandish-- if not outright alien individual, able to swing between the mundane and in future chapters more heartfelt moments but, she's also not the usual hero type, she's also a bit of a wicked little sociopath that utterly dehumanizes and brutally crushes and abuses anything she deems to come at odds with her self-made moral compass that just HAPPENS to result in her doing what is generally the "right thing"-- even if it means making meat taffy out of her enemies and sending back-alley crooks into extended hospital stays. I'm probably gonna be bouncing her off her sisters more in chapter 3 as I IDEALLY introduce the foil to partner Emily with though. So while Chapter 2 was the tip of the iceberg for how she handles herself in "combat scenarios", chapter 3 will ideally shed some light on the more "human" half of her that while is still rather "alien" in some ways, is still earnest attempts on her part to still "co-exist with normalcy".

She's a bit of a socio/psychopath with how she just flips a switch between the two lifestyles on a whim but she ends up applying it in more productive and beneficial ways because in the end with Mari and Arai still present she doesn't care for the pitfalls that claim many others that come into contact with POWER. She's already happy with what she has and just does whatever she happens to enjoy, living as the free-est person on the planet. Acting solely on if something pleases or displeases her.
She doesn't outwardly show it I'm surprised no one remarked on when her battle with the robot came to a close but she LOVES being in the thick of battle. "Stressful situations" are anything BUT that for her. Next fight scene will more than likely be here fighting properly in TANDEM with her Pokemon. Probably in chapter 4. So you'll get to see that eventually at least.
>I wonder what her next move will be, but I feel next chapter probably has to focus more on her sisters. While a Warlord (or War Madame?) at heart, she maybe isn't very good with logistics, so is turn to Mari and Arai to analyze and work the information she found. Or what was left of it. Exploding that reactor was (probably) as powerful as dropping an ordinance load from a bomber.
Yeah, chapter 3 will be introducing a foil to partner Emily with and put more focus on her interactions with said foil and her sisters. Arai will be handling a lot of the evaluating of data and planning. The closed connection servers are gone but the Collective has an overarching data NETWORK that she is still sneaking through to form Emily's next attack. For the moment she knows the Collective is working with Team Flare and that Team Flare will eventually cause issues in Laverre Town but she's still digging for specifics before they head there.
Is this a secret code. Are you implying a reluctant career in politics for Emily's future?
For future reference, psychopath = abnormal behavior, can pretend to be normal; sociopath = abnormal behavior, cannot pretend to be normal. Emily actually qualifies moreso as a Übermensch, disregarding morality and doing whatever she wants by right of strength and will. It's not about who's going to let her wallow in her own filth (seriously, it's inconceivable to me, my god), it's about who's going to stop her.
>look up sociopath vs psychopath
Hmm...now I'm not sure which definition to apply to her. She dehumanizes and holds no remorse for enemies, Emily actually never killed anyone until her and Mawlie's first time going involuntarily Mega. Mawlie in her Mega state flattened Kyurem until it couldn't fight back anymore. Emily-- with her connection to Mawlie was going just as berserk and straight up killed Ghetsis with her bare hands in a quite literally blind rage. She has no reservations about killing the Collective since their knowledge of and how to use Infinity Energy makes them potentially the most inhumane and dangerous group of all and simply holds back against "civilians" like street gangs or lesser threats like Team Flare in future chapters. But at the same time she switches through the "combat mindset" and "mundane mindset" with the flip of a mental switch depending on criteria-- able to form genuine bonds with people who she either takes an interest in or people who make it a point to get through all the ice and thorns that usually keep her at a firm emotional distance from most people and genuinely being bonded like family with her "sisters" and her Pokemon.

Is there even a fully accurate term for an eclectic little alien like Emily at this point?

>Is this a secret code. Are you implying a reluctant career in politics for Emily's future?
God no, not even as a joke.
Actually I rescind this question, I think it's just her being nigh-feral. I can't think of any other way to put it. Capable of remorseless brutality but also still able to connect with others. Kinda like a highly intelligent animal.
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On FURTHER reflection on this, I don't think that fits either. I'll just not use terms like psychopathy or sociopathy anymore since neither apply entirely to her. Eugh. The act of putting a clear definition on her like this is proving to be a pain.
>The act of putting a clear definition on her like this is proving to be a pain
So, her paradojical existence is an issue for her creator? There's a meta joke about this now.
It's less so an outright issue and moreso just a nuisance cause it makes it hard to convey what kind of person she is within just a few words-- if not a singular one.
>Tell us something about your OC that you have never told anyone yet.
She's a pretty big battleautist
>What would your OC think of your hometown if they could see it?
There's not much to really talk about. Hasumi might show interest or admiration towards two or three of the notable buildings here which I will not describe, but nothing too special.
>Draw your idea of how TMs work if you haven't already.
Gen 5-7 TMs are self explanatory. Advancements in technology and the manufacturing process have allowed TMs of a high quality to be produced, allowing them to be re-usable an indefinite number of times. They are presumably rarer/more expensive than regular one-use TMs/TRs, but that may very on the region in question and their available markets.
TRs are just lower grade mass-produced items meant to be gotten out there in large numbers for cheap, having seemingly found the market for it. And it makes sense really, presumably a trainer would really need to use a TM once, maybe twice at most, getting it for a fraction of a regular TM's price would be the smart move in that regard. It is also of little worry, as move relearner can re-learn one-time-use TM moves indefinitely, so it really is just a one use per pokemon.
As for the cram-o-matic and the TM machines in Paldea, that's simply the downside of custom, on-the-go TMs. Needing to supply a large number of orders, of various types of moves would obviously come with a handful of downsides. Here it's either the inability to make them reusable, or using higher grade blank TMs makes the model economically unviable.

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