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The Emerald Battle Frontier is literally impossible
Skill issue
Git gud.
Succeeding at the frontier is intended to require the skill level and understanding of game mechanics that most tournament players have. If you want something easier, try the endgame of Colosseum.
skill issue & git gud
Is the expanded map canon? I don't remember the desert being next to the weather place
>all that wasted space
>filtered this hard
and yet the game is for children, really makes you think huh anon?
nobody completed the Frontier as a kid
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no that's how it is in game. but they're not connected so they don't feel close to eachother.
that's not it works lmao. Hoenn was actually one of the most impressive game worlds on a handheld console, a map this size without any loading screens was a huge deal on the gba. there's no "wasted space", that space outside the maps doesn't exist.
i did, your point?
i have no eay of proving it since i dont know the game nor a gb advance, but i completed all facilities.
whether you believe it or not is of no interest to me.
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>Is the expanded map canon? I don't remember the desert being next to the weather place
It's actually not uncommon for one side of a mountain to be green while the other is barren, pic related is the Himalayas.
You're retarded, Hoenn is already fucking huge, especially so for a GBA game, with thousands of ways to approach it. The game wouldn't be improved one iota if we turned all those green bits into Viridian Forest / Petalburg Woods clones. If they did people would just complain that now Hoenn is all forest instead of water routes.
Are your mons trained up properly? Does your team have good synergy? What do you keep losing to? Cheese is inevitable.
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This made me want to check out Walk Through Walls
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Surfing in Sootopolis void/crater.
This. Retards love to dunk on Hoenn even when their claims are objectively wrong.
No It's fucking bullshit. Being faced by shedinjas and evasion spam is anything but requiring skill level
You will not see a classic scrub throw his opponent five times in a row. But why not? What if doing so is strategically the sequence of moves that optimizes his chances of winning? Here we’ve encountered our first clash: the scrub is only willing to play to win within his own made-up mental set of rules.
git lucky
this was probably impossible for most kids tho, unless they looked up guides/online forums
Wait so it lets you walk through walls but you still need surf to cross water?
I got gold in the tower but I could just have easily as lost, luck is a big factor.

I really have no idea how GF thought kids would enjoy this or win when they made every effort to hide all the elements of their new stat system. Pokemon with average IVs or at least good IVs in a couple stats can win, but not with poor EVs too, which no kid would know about from any official material or guide
Walk through walls doesn't allow you to walk through npcs, rocks, boulders and waterfalls (when surfing). Any object that requires you to face it and press A isn't covered.
The water texture lines up seamlessly but it's a different water texture to the ocean. Is there a spot near lilycove where the offscreen water texture suddenly changes?
Huh... I expected it to be more straightforward than that, like just making "can move in that direction" always "yes".
Git gud.
Unfortunately all main games before XY uses two collision systems internally to begin with.
>luck dependent facilities
>asked to get a 50 win streak
I seem to recall using a walk through walls code in gen 1 and just walking everywhere, including water and on top of NPCs.
This is called a rain shadow. I only know this because there was an episode of The Magic School Bus where they talked about it.
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it's completely unreasonable to expect any kid to manage more than a Silver in any of these places. Shame, since the place's gimmicks are generally pretty fun but good luck getting pokemon good enough with no outside knowledge/genning
Skill issue. I never faced an unkillable shedinja nor I had to deal with much double team crap. Even in the factory.

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