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In-universe, how does Acid Armor even work? What about *liquifying and re-solidifying yourself would make your defenses stronger?
(*Gen 1 doesn't even show the Pokemon solidifying again, so I don't know if it's fighting as a blob or what.)
You ever tried to punch a puddle?
Can Vaporeon absorb cum into its body when it uses Acid Armor?
In most games the puddle resolidifies, so technically yes.
Ever see the liquid slam spoof 90s commercial?
It works just like that.
All I can think of is melting and regrowing yourself makes your body itself stronger. Like having a fresh set of cells as opposed to some ones thatve been working for a while already.
Better question is why the fuck is it called Acid Armor
Probably because it causes the Pokemon using it to melt, which is what people think acid does. I believe the literal translation of the Japanese name for Acid Armor is Melt or Liquefy.
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Deforming on impact helps reduce the shock to the rest of the body [spoile]and so does Chappy[/spoiler]
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cum is slightly alkaline so probably not
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Better question - would you fuck a puddle?
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Acid Armor is just called "Liquefy" in the original Japanese translation.
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It makes them stronger because it's using water type energy to reinforce their bodies in the liquefication process, similar to how Crunch is only stronger than Bite because it's a move that exerts more dark type energy.
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The pokemon liquifies and reconstitutes itself after being hit like that terminator, it's just expressed in the game as raising their defense, like how minimize shrinks the mon and makes it harder to hit and in-game it raises evasion
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I would slap my dick over it
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What happens if you drink it?
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It used to be a move that only Grimer, Muk, and Vaporeon had. They've gone slightly retarded with who gets it, but it's still mostly blob-like pokemon that get it. The japanese name (ie the true name) of the move translates to "melt" or "dissolve." The original idea seemed to be that it liquefied the Pokemon's body, so physical attacks would do less damage. I'm reminded of a King of the Hill quote:
>Maybe mush isn't so bad. You can keep stomping on it, but it's all give. It just stays mush. You can't build it up, but you can't break it down either. In a funny way, mush has the edge.

The thing about re-solidifying doesn't really make sense, and it isn't mentioned in the description of the move, as far as I can tell. The animations do include a sort of reset to the base state of the sprite or model, but I don't think we're meant to interpret that as the body actually re-solidifying. It's similar to how your Pokemon just keeps standing there after it uses Self-Destruct or Explosion in most games -- we aren't meant to believe our Pokemon explode, then are OK for a few seconds, and then fall down. The games just aren't very good at showing what is actually meant to be happening, in many cases.
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Happy Chappy Vappy
fuck off shaun
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Would it absorb my cum?
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Blame shitty translation. Japanese name for it is just "Liquefy'.
The Pokemon literally becomes a formless goo that cannot be really damaged by physical forces.
It's a fantasy game you absolute dimwit, do dogs in real world shoot fire, lightning and ice beams you fucking asshole of a redditard?
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They're not dogs

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