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post bugs and bug adjacent pokemon
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I love my fuzzy bugbro!
Shout-out to all the Unova bugs, there's not a bad one in the bunch
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i like illumise
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bug maids
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>volcarona + tail = NEW POKEMON!
paradox mons were a tragic mistake
Mistakefaggot was a grave mistake, anyway I love my hands-throwing mofu bro!
>Mistakefaggot was a grave mistake
nope, all i'm doing is rightfully pointing out gamefreak's laziness
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God I wish that were me
What are bug adjacent Pokemon? Aside from Lurantis and I guess Vibrava/Flygon
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>spider pokemon
>doesn't have eight legs
does it bother anybody else that some bug types don't have the proper amount of limbs that their real life counter parts have? not saying that these designs are bad because of it but it still rubs me the wrong way
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Gliscor as well
Kabuto sorta
I'd argue Applin since he's just a lil worm
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Ah, yes, everyone's favorite evolution line; Pawmi, Pawmi, and Pawcarona.
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please can someone post the rhino beetle looking at heracross on a 3ds with the "hes built like me" caption? I cannot find this anywhere on the internet thanks
I know what image you're talking about, but sadly I don't think I have it saved
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Every night is a lovely night for bugs
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Any kind of arthropod really, kind of silly not one crustacean pokemon is part bug.
Honestly no, I think the idea is more "pokemon, who happen to be very insect like" then "actual insect pokemon" so they only take on the basic appearance if real insects. That said art needs to be kept relatively simple for merch and animated appearances, them shortening most spidermon's legs to six is unfortunate but I think they still capture the spirit of the creature well enough to work. The only "innaccuracy" that bothers me are Shelmet and Accelgor. Genuinely think the artist or whoever made it bug just had no understanding of even taxonomy.
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>be bugfag
>gen 5 comes out
>liked volcarona but didn't consider it a top favorite or anything
>gen 9 comes out
>they double the fluff, add a lizard tail, make volcarona crawl on its stomach and call it a new pokemon
>in my top 10 favorites, absolute favorite thing from gen 8 and 9 combined
I don't really get it but fuck am I glad dino moth seems to be relatively popular as far as bug types go, absolutely love this guy.
soul... so much fucking soul
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How would bugmons react to their irl counterparts?
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They’d be surprised at how tiny their counterparts are
Bugmons are so much bigger than actual bugs
>How would bugmons react
They'd probably just gobble them up immediately without a second thought
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>Lol they are even weaker than us
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Why does it change from bug to dark when it evolves?
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They didn't want to do just another bug poison type, but didn't want to drop the poison typing off a scorpion, so instead relegated a bug dark type to a couple of gens down the line
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OU when?
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My ancestor :)
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are slugs accepted here
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Sign, why didn’t they make slither wing an evolution of volcarona?
I want you to think about Volcarona with Eviolite for a second
I’m not a competitive player, how bad is it?
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>paradox Pokémon are like UBs and will never be featured in a game again
Moth bros...
>how bad is it?
Anon, Volcarona in itself is already a fucking beast. Give it Eviolite and it might very well become unstoppable

>>paradox Pokémon are like UBs
I guess Paradox mons feel a bit alien-like (reinforced by their theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU927PfH0kM), but they're not the same thing, no. UB designs feel especially non-standard and otherworldly, while Paradox mons either look like mutated forms of existing mons or just robot versions of them.
UB were in SwSh, though? So at the very least you should expect Paradox to be in Gen X main game.
After that, they will probably become rare thanks to dexcut. They are a huge group, considerably bigger than the UB, so GF will probably not want to prioritize them instead of 20 other Pokémon that don't come in a bundle.
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>kind of silly not one crustacean pokemon is part bug
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Tiny robot
Plot twist: the Pokemon League was built on top of a giant slumbering Crustle all along
What are the lore implications of this?
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Unless we're talking about the late Carboniferous period. They weren't so little back then...
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Better be careful with something that flammable
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Seriously, is there any types that fit for Scyther rather than flying type?
If there were a serum that could Gregor Samsa you into a bug type pokemon, which one would you choose to become?
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I'd like to be a Ribombee
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Golisopod or Leavanny could be interesting
I kind of like having a human body, so I'll say Heracross or maybe Pheromosa. Heracross because it has some degree of flight, and Pheromosa because it's extremely fast.
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scizor, at least i'm somewhat humanoid and capable of defending myself
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big bug
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Really big bug
this bug gives the best hugs
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he’s so cool
it can't be easy holding on to things as a Beedrill...

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