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Welcome to the Jasmine thread. How tough are you?
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>How tough are you?
I drew this in the earlier days of SV and it may be the first (or at least one of the first) pictures of Jasmine with Poppy posted on the internet. Not sure many toughness points it gets me.
I would rape her
bruh... WHY
>shitmon that is so scared of Jasmine it has to hide in Kanto to avoid her
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I would let her rape me
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>Is patiently sitting in Route 7's grass for when she visits Erika in Celadon

Devious Devilpupper...
I am as tough as steel… clang!
>Empoleon uses Hydro Cannon
>1 Houndoom goes down and Emploeon has to recharge
>5 other Houndoom jump in for dinner!
Well how tough is Jasmine in sex?
>Empoleon uses surf
There no more Houndoom.
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What is it about Jasmine that seems to draw in giantess and other fetishists?
total houndoom death
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>Empoleon uses Surf after it finishes recharging but it's too late by then and its trainer is already feasted on in Route 7

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She may look petite but she's tough and dense as steel. She'd snu-snu your pelvis into pieces and leave you unable to walk.
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Nobody said it was the same HC Empoleon that just flushed your shitbull nest out through cycling road and into the ocean.
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>Jasmine's dismembered body was flushed from Route 7 out to sea

So, anons, you think we're getting a new Jasmine alt in a few months?
May 2020: Jasmine debut
Nov 2021: SC
Dec 2022: Holiday
Dec 2023: Lodge

Maybe fall or new years alt or some random canon alt or sygna suit drop if it happens this year

I'm getting worried that the Jasmine dev might've left because she's been really absent in story events in 2024 so far, only showing up as a cameo in that USUM Elio/Selene event I believe

It's going to be almost 2 full years since her last alt that wasn't a reskin, so maybe. Maybe a new alt might coincide with a possible upcoming steel high-score event, the devs have been adding a crapton a steel units these past months
Halloween Jasmine with Doublade with an added damage ability like Furisode Dawn.

Costume is another princess, no armor for you because DeNA doesn't like that

or Halloween Jasmine dressed as a fairy princess with Klefki and a throwaway kit.
Post the fat ass pic of Jasmine
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Iirc Lillie went through a similar drought before her most recent alt. Devs are just giving other characters a chance to get stuff. If Jasmine somehow doesn't get anything at all in 2024, she'll likely get something major in 2025.
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And...im gonna fap now
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She's right here with one of her muttkillers retardbro
Jasmine needs to cut out the pokepoffins!
What Jasmine thread with a fat ass?
there was a Jasmine thread with >>56425135
as the OP, but it occurred at the same time as a Jasmine focused Autism thread and they ended up cannibalizing each other around 200 posts in
>Thinks a Ditto is Jasmine meanwhile the real one is Sharpedo food

Looks like you're the retardbro
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>s-she's a ditto
Now you're just embarrassing yourself. She a expert battler with a stacked team. The chances of her some attacked and eaten by some wild shitmons is slim at best, even with a type-disadvantage.

I'd also like to point out the people canonically eat Pokémon, some people irl eat dogs, and Jasmine has been shown to be gluttonous; Pic related is more believable than your fanfic
>the real one is Sharpedo food
The real dead Houndooms?
Damn, Jasmine's Empoleon sure tossed those things out impressively far.
>She a expert battler with a stacked team. The chances of her some attacked and eaten by some wild shitmons is slim at best, even with a type-disadvantage.

Her Pokemon are expert battlers but she herself is not and all the Houndooms in both regions are found in Route 7 so there must be hundreds if not thousands there all who are very hungry, faster than her steel types and have a type advantage and attack more on the Special side while mons are more physically defensive. The Houndooms will use their renowned coordination to track her down and attack her at night when there's reduced visibility. Empoleon and Steelix both get targeted first as the biggest threats with potentially damaging STABs and they are overwhelmed by hundreds of Houndooms due to being slow and due to sheer numbers. Her other mons then fall pretty quickly in succession. Then finally, dinner time.
Yep the dead Houndooms that were eating Jasmine's corpse and Jasmine's corpse. Luckily she left a Ditto behind to take her place so no-one notices anything. This >>56425851
anon has already been fooled by it.
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>spamming the same thing twice
You seem to be a bit on edge, schizomuttposter.
Unfortunately your dogs were being annoying and consequently they became locally extinct. Driven out of Johto and Kanto both, it'd be almost tragic if they weren't pests.
>at night
Your gay fanfic was about a scenario where she was casually visiting a friend from a separate region. Among other things this wouldn't be taking place at night.
Not that it matters since the 2nd Empoleon AoE'd your entire paper tiger horde straight to the currents of Hoenn. They must have been pretty low-level too, getting outsped and wiped by two different Empoleons before they could so much as Growl.
>Schizo hallucinated about double posts and two Empoleons due to not taking their daily meds

It's a long trip and she'd be staying the night at her friend Erika's gym that would be set alight by the hungry dogpack. Jasmine's Empoleons' city-wide flooding attacks would be Water Absorbed by the local poliwags and poliwhirls in the pond next to the Game Corner leaving them open in the dark where they can't see anything to get torn apart by the pack of Houndooms regardless of their speed since they're sitting ducks.
That was never how Water Absorb works.
Furthermore that was never how wild pokemon or routes worked.
Additionally that was never how "their" worked as a word, tranny.
It's abundantly clear that your dysfunctional excuse for a brain simply isn't working whatsoever. Clearly mindbroken from witnessing the minor extinction event of your favorite pokerino that couldn't even come near a passerby girl occupied with something else.
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>hundreds if not thousands
Doesn't matter, no way all of them would be attacking at once, maybe a single pack of 3-6 with only the pack leader and maybe one or two out of them being anywhere near the Jasmine's level to be a threat. Trained Pokemon are always stronger and smarter than wild mons, and this is especially true for a gym leader's Pokemon. Her Pokemon are strong enough that type disadvantage wouldn't matter, and even its been established she has the coverage to deal it with it.

>Jasmine's Empoleons' city-wide flooding attacks would be Water Absorbed by the local poliwags and poliwhirls in the pond next to the Game Corner leaving them open in the d
What steroid's are these Poliwags on that their ability would affect battle going on from that distance, also Water Absorb doesn't redirect attacks, Storm drain does. and even then AOE attacks like Surf can't get redirected.

Cope and seethe. Jasmine fans are laughing at you..Even Houndoom fans are laughing at you.
>Whitney was only chosen by the Pokémon League to be a Gym Leader recently during GSC
>a sailor NPC in Olivine talks about how the last time he was in Olivine there was a different Gym Leader
>Norman is from Olivine City and moved to Hoenn to be its Normal type Gym Leader, three years before GSC happens
World building is pretty cool when it's done right.
>Thinks Water Absorb is being confused with Storm Drain
Look samefag there are an unlimited amount of Poliwags and Poliwhirls in the encounter areas since you can just keep fishing and catching them eternally regardless of the tiny size of the pond. They wouldnt want their whole city to be flooded with Empoleon's stupid antics so as many as are needed are going to come out to help the locals by absorbing the water and no need to redirect attacks since they'll be everywhere. Unfortunately for Jasmine the same thing applies to the grass on route 7 where there are infinite Houndooms waiting hungrily versus her party of six mons.

RIP Jasmine it's been fun
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Jasmine's cute pedicured feet!
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The Houndoom thing is just because of that one picture, right? I wonder what the artist thinks about this... lore, I guess, that they accidentally created for Jasmine, if they're even aware of it. They probably weren't expecting it be this infamous YEARS later.
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>he doesn't know about the fangame
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afraid to ask but what fangame?

cute dress
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That’s some very nice ascii art, but what’s she so afraid of?
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That sitting position is so lovely, of course Jasmine pulls it off perfectly.
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Sitting down with this dress on in the Olivine City night sky, with a breeze hitting those legs, and that ass directly on the lighthouse bricks? GIWTWM
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Best buddies
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Thoughta on AI Jasmine?
prefer actual artists but AI makes some cute Jasmines
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Who's the girl on the far right?

Sunny Day causes bright sunlight that lasts for 5 turns, and induces these additional effects:

The power of Fire-type moves increases by 50%.
The power of Water-type moves decreases by 50%.
The accuracy of Thunder and Hurricane lowers to 50%.
Solar Beam and Solar Blade do not require the charging turn and attack straight away.
From Generation 5 onward, Growth raises Attack and Special Attack two stages each.
The moves Synthesis, Morning Sun and Moonlight recover 2⁄3 of the user's max HP (instead of the usual 1⁄2 HP).
The move Weather Ball changes to Fire type and doubles in power.
Pokémon with the ability Chlorophyll double their speed.
Pokémon with the ability Dry Skin lose 1⁄8 of their max HP each turn.
Pokémon with the ability Leaf Guard cannot be afflicted by major status conditions.
The Special Attack of Pokémon with the ability Solar Power increases by 50%.
Cherrim changes into Sunshine Form and its ability Flower Gift increases Attack and Special Defense.
Castform changes to Sunny Form.
Pokémon cannot be frozen.

Z-Move effects

When a Pokémon is holding Firium Z and uses its Z-Power, Sunny Day turns into Z-Sunny Day and raises Speed one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above.
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How often do costume events rerun?
I was Jasmine and Celesteela but I don't want to pay for it.
Candice dick fit in your mouth?
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Jasmine's other best friend/rival in love
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>Steelix’s sturdy activated!
>Steelix used earthquake!
>Houndoom fainted
It is so soul that they gave her an empoleon in hgss
Gym leaders could have such soulful teams in general but instead they are stuck with 3 shitmons two of which are a repeat of the same line
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Tough as the nail on top of Magnemite's head.
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Jasmine anons, we've officially reached 1,000 on gelbooru
can anyone submit stuff to gelbooru because I found been finding quite a few Jasmine stuff on pixiv, twitter that aren't on there
Yeah, all you need to do is make an account, and you get to upload a maximum of 15 a day I think?

Although I think it's better to upload on danbooru because I think gelbooru automatically uploads stuff from there
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What’s the difference between Danbooru and Gelbooru?
one requires you to make an account to search more than 2 tags at a time
danbooru makes you buy a gold account to look at some tags and to search more than two tags at a time
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It's best if you can credit an artist and I don't think generated content flies on there.
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really? Pixiv I can see but Twitter tags stuff far less than pixiv, how would an automatic system work there.

>I don't think generated content flie
yeah I figured
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The urge I have to suck on each of her toes...
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I want to CLANG her
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What do you mean by that, anon?
I would be like Pepe in that Abby Shapiro pic except it's Jasmine.
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Jasmine boards haven’t quite been the same since that guy who did the sketch requests vanished. God I miss that brilliant man.
He is truly missed :(
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truly the end of an era. hopefullly he's doing well with whatever he's doing now, art-related or otherwise.

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