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they need to nerf this strongmon
But why tho?
Actually I think it should be slightly buffed and reclassified as a restricted Pokémon.
The buff:
>height goes from 6'3 to 7'7
Is it enough?
too tall
needs to be wider
The cutest!
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That's smile. That damn smile
baramon thread?
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>strongmons get nerfed
>now have to resort to onlyfans to make their money
the sluttening is upon us
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he cute
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I want him
join the club.
I want to BE him.
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Why not both?
Choose one Urshifu style to become, the other will be your boyfriend
I like the way you think
If you ever become him...

...call me.
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Same energy
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oh yeah hammy is back
I get she’s into muscular daddies and shit, but cannot she try out drawing thicc babes for once? She got the potential but from what I get from her streams she refused outright
Can ghosts be strongmons?
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>but from what I get from her streams she refused outright
Very based
Doesn't she draw slacking? i think she makes that one fatter then the rest
i think anon means he wants fat females
Daddies are the better option
coming to the designated bara thread to ask for fatfem is bold but I respect it
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oh no he got left in the kitchen
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Why would you say something so mean?
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I used to think he’s boring and annoying but now I dunno..
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is that after intimidate
We should have had that, but instead we got generic Eeveelutions.
what, you want the royal mask stripped naked?
They're cowards, unfortunately. I tried.
Doubles sucks, he's fine in singles
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thats my dream scenario
someone ought to translate the moon runes, would love to know what fat boy here is saying
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Something close to
>The illustration of Single Strike Urshifu was so touching.../really stuck with me...

Probably referencing that card
retard sub human Canadian cockroach kill them
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the best trio
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on-model to anthro tf desu
where's my bara keldeo
Strong Pig
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I love off model musclemons so much bros
Ugly yusuke shitmon
on model mons muscle worshiping off model mons is perfect
based asf. i remember making a sprite for blastoise because he didnt fit with the venusaur and charizard ones.... i don't think they ever picked it tho.
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found it!! I'm still proud of it lmao
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Very good, anon
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great job anon
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I prefer that other one where he is bulkier
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Chesnaught is cool but I wish we got gen 7 instead of 6
>thicc babes

Do you also request straightfags to draw gay porn you damn retard?
who's they? were they making a fan game with buff pokemon?
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too based for this franchise
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infinite fusion
typically machoke fuses. picrel is noivern + machoke
someone should steal these and make a bara RomHack, would play the shit out of it
Pokemon fusion
Different people make different sprites and shit
some pokemon fusions still had no good custom spites tho
The blastoise one is of blastoise + machoke
Honestly I don't know the hacking and rom paert of stuff
but id be more than glad to give out a bunch og sprites of pokemon being super buff
Pokemon: Iron Version
Everything as head, baramons as body
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they don't
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why is there a random twink there
thanks now im daydreaming of feeling the GRIP of this baracat's claws on me
What's this about?
The Mighty Incineroar Tera Raid event in Scarlet and Violet
Only Gatr, Torterra, Infernape and Serperior (and gen 9 starters) didn't have a raid
for me it's Rillaboom
and I hope the Amoonguss meme dies
I missed a ton of these raids and was upset until I tried actually getting him and remembered why. It's not worth it unless you solo these and even then tera raids are tedious. At least I finally got him
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Post pls
git gud, they were all super easy to get.
I never said it wasn't easy. Just not enjoyable.
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Pigs and Bears.
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I wish I had that Rillaboom/Machamp fusion pic again
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would you a tree
Wouldn't you get splinters on your dick?
inside hes a slime boy made of sticky treesap
>Reddit spacing
hardcore, unprotected sex with baramons
I love her art
Son, we need to talk about your Pokemon
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I love this bug dumb bear so much, he's the reason I even bothered getting the game and dlc
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Ok, this one is straight up a man
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any birbs
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Nuh-uh. He has a tail, see?
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What are your favorite uncommon mons to see barafied?
t. Incineroar
t. Any mon with TR
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I need more Samurott
I like seeing pretty much any mon turned bara anthro as long as it isn't too cute/feminine/weird, but even then exceptions can be made like >>56449234
it annoys me when it's mons that the artist clearly did to be wacky/weird
bara isn't forced, it should come naturally
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this...but what if they were anthro?
ugghhh...we need more masculine fairy types...
>bara isn't forced, it should come naturally
This. I know there are exceptions, but the gluttony on the other side is something that always makes me angry. Not every pokemon was made to be attractive.
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It's the perfect type for big boys
>tapu koko and bulu
>zacian if you ignore the lore I guess
Are these the only non-cute/feminine fairies we have?
Galarian Weezing, but I don't think any bara art of him exists
Nothing wrong with using your imagination. I don't expect shit like Klingklang to look good but it's fun when people take a lesser drawn mon and actually make it work.
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Cute fat bf
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okay that's fucking hot asf what the hell
lack of legs tho.... I need thighs, man.
*Monkey sound effect*
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I love Urshifu and Incineroar. They make a good duo/couple
>nullghost Urshifu
oh fuck

catbox it
it's in his telegram
oh right it's his first time doing urshifu right
I miss buffurun's art, I remember when he showed up in one of these threads and doodled a Thievul
Bara bear daddy
Dominate me
thanks anon
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for me it's Zangoose
That fat slut?
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I want to be__ this dog
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I want to be held by this dog
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here you go anon
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This site has only gotten shittier as the years go by and the only thing that keeps me here is you guys. I love you fags.
TPC's overly defensive approach to the hiatus was a mistake and only made this board more cancerous than it already is.
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Remember to bond with your Strongmons
based bear trainer
hell yea poke-grooming!
you know he gets fucked by them, one after another
The question is who goes first?
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ursaluna because he's the biggest
That's not a bad start, I feel like he'd be the 2nd most gentle
i'd rather let him break me
Then go for Snorlax. I bet he fucks like he eats
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The King™
the only artist that doesnt draw him to be all gross
i love him alot
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He's really cute and underrated
New Sylveon from the same artist
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Just like bad characters in MOBA games, if it works, it's good, but the chance of it going wrong is high.
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>can't evolve Kubfu in SV
Thats bizarre.
is this picture implying they are married
but how did they reproduce if they are both men!?
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You know there's options right? Adoption, surrogates, they could even be from a previous relationship
They shove a ditto up one of their butts and breed with that, it’s very loud.
Ditto breeding anon
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i know theres like one of these for like a bunch of different pokemon. can you send them all? ive seenan incineroar and lucario one im p sure
The return of Javier Bardem Seviper.
A shame about the shitposting with you-know-who, Seviper makes a pretty good baramon.
Between him and Zangoose who tops?
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Speaking of snakes, Serperior is another male

female artists should not draw gay porn, they should be shot for doing so
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Not even they're good at it. Her Dribble/Spitz and Curt/Villager comics are hot as hell
upside down penises are horrifying
*when they're
Gators are so cute, they're always smiling
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tfw only want his baracat/solgaleo set but he bundled them all together
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The final forms are the entire reason I chose Charmander, Totodile, Litten, and Grookey, and the only other time I chose a grass starter was Treecko
Fat pokemon bellies...
They're great, aren't they?
anyone got the Shibadon figs?
Bros I just fucking love male with sexy man tiddies...
based. nidoking is so underrated as a baramon
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why cant he be real its not fair bros
i can cook, i can clean. i would be the best househusband
that's one suspicious nidoran
I wonder if I have that, lemme rummage
found them
I fat male pokemon to "bully" me with their bellies and then cuddle with them.
hardcore, unprotected sex with baramons
it's bad
Pangoro is the perfect bully bf
no it isn't
it's still bad
does he finish drawing anything or is it all sketchy trash?
>sketch bad
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what did he do to you?
God I wanna lick the sweat off his taint so fucking bad
disappointed me
sounds like a you problem.
better yourself!
That's so much sweat!
great taste anon
This x10000
is that water gun
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Not that one, but if the content is just that, then yes.
looks obese
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I hope there's another Pigmon in Gen 10
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I had the "fixed" second Charizard/Machoke fusion, but my computer ended up "burning"

Also too bad this one can't be resized to 288x288
it's.... beautiful...
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If a pokemon wears the belt he turns anthro
Then what's the natural state of Machoke?
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and muscular

someone should train AIslop to do this job
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odd pair but i dig it.
who tops?
Excadrill, small top on big bottom is hot
me as excadrill!
Based midge
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I hate how Scorbunny got lots of undeserved porn because GF didn't reveal middle/final forms anymore
I liked it with fuecoco
His evolutions were bad
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Huggable dragon bf
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That's just more to hug!
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the OG bf
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well done barafriends
I'll miss this thread
before the thread dies for good, do you have the full of this?
Well, Skeledirge wasn't as affected as Cinderace.
I don't like either of them
for me the real tragedy was raboot not getting much art
>middle forms
GF not showing evolution videos anymore simply killed all their chances to shine. They only have a few minutes before leakers show the final form.
He takes the spotlight from CHARIZAAAAAAAARDDDDDDD
zard can't be topped

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