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/vp/ - Pokémon

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There is nothing wrong with human on Pokemon relationships
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Correct. I wanna fuck this Stoat
There are many things wrong in your life, family and brain, you disgusting subhuman spammer
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>posting the resident whore
You're right, but that bitch is anything but wife material
the nerve posting that ugly thing
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And yet she's compatible, the stripper magician isn't
Literally playing through Scarlet as we speak with a team built with that fact in mind
Humans are compatible with all Pokemon
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There actualy is one thing wrong with it OP…

Pokémon will never be real ,and the same goes for Pals and Digimons too.
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>Nobody actually posting images of humans and Pokémon being in a relationship
Guess you don’t actually believe that huh?
The pokemon should be on top of me
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Correct, its pokemon on human relations that is sick and wrong
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Not much wholesome art of that, I'd wager.
Audino, my beloved wife.
Humans are for (sexually) submitting to Pokemon.
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You need to watch your mouth, "anon".
My Braixen is always sitting on my face, using it as her personal seat cushion. I hate it
Since it needs to be said yet again. All poképhiles deserve to be punished. So do all Pokémon who are humanphiles.

No exceptions. None at all.
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I blame Gamefreak for convincing me that a big fat kaiju can be a good fantasy wife
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AI will slowly but surely advance to a point where we can upload a fully functional digital personality into an anthrobot waifu
Digimonbros won
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What if the pokemon are gijinka-fied
Hello justin
My Braixen already punishes me
Caroline Konstnar reference?
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Its wrong on so many levels. Besides the obvious bestiality angle, its also wrong because you are in a position of authority over your pokemon.In that position the pokemon might go along with your advances even if its not into them simply because you are the one in charge and they want appease you. Human on pokemon is generously sexual molestation, at worst its rape simple as.
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Ah yes, my beautiful wife.
First of all, there are multiple instances of pokemon being normal friends with humans, so your idea about trainer-pokemon romance only applies to one specific type of human-pokemon relationship.
Second, there's no "bestiality" about it. Meowscarada is a sapient creature with a humanlike body, she's a catgirl. If you start thinking about bestiality when you see a catgirl, you're mentally ill.
Show me one single cat breed that has a human body, otherwise it's not zoophilia and you're just being mentally ill.
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She's so cute and pretty, the mega too.
rope of cum from lucario's big cock!
All Pokemon are straight. Female Pokemon are attracted to human men. Male Pokemon are attracted to human women.
>Pokemon refuse to mate with other pokemon
>Humans refuse to mate with other humans
>Both die out within a generation
>Only pokemon that reproduce asexually or live long beyond the human lifespan survive
Humans and Pokemon are compatible
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>he doesn't know about the Snorunt in PLA
>Arrives alongside the first snow. It's thought that homes Snorunt visit will prosper for many generations. By tradition, one might offer a lump of ice made from pure water at one's front door
How does this translate to Humans and Pokemon are compatible?
Nah, Pokephiles are based.
People who force these wonderful things into cockfighting should be hung.
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>he REALLY doesn't know about the Snorunt in L: A
Congratulations, you're one of today's lucky 10,000.
Did you mean Froslass
>A Pokémon inhabited by the soul of a woman who died bearing a grudge in the snowy mountains. Legends of Froslass placing deathly curses on misbehaving men send shivers down my spine
If the entry is literal and she has the soul of a woman then so what? It doesn't mean if pokemon and humans fuck they produce offspring
Snorunt has part of the journal as well
Literally doesn't say anything about humans and pokemon interbreeding. You are reading shit into a story that isn't there
>Man impregnates Froslass that has Snorunt children
The story doesn't say anything like that
>Froslass just happens to randomly be carrying a journal and happens to defend some Snorunt
Just because it carries the journal of some rando and protects members of its own evo line doesn't mean they were fucking. Next you'll tell me that Ninetales in the tranime was fucking Brock
>these Pokemon inspired by Japanese folklore don't fuck humans even though their inspirations do
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I'd command this cat to ride my face as a daily routine. I would eat this cat out until she orgasms in my mouth on a daily basis.
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>it can't count because my headcanon is prefect
Some motherfuckers still tryna' ice-skate uphill.
There nothing to count. You are reading something into the game that isn't fuckiing there. I tried googling it but the only person talking about seems to be you. This isn't canon. This is your headcanon.
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Right, let's run through the context you ignore to squeal about your incel headcanon
>pokémon based off the Yuki-Onna, a female yokai clad in a kimono said to meet travellers in the snow
>'dex entries refer to various myths about the yokai's powers, along with stating the species have a clear preference for handsome human males
>side-quest story is basically a version of the Yuki-Onna myth, where a Froslass takes a human male as lover and husband and has children with him, leading to it sparing her husband's life when he breaks the promise made to the GFroslass in the snow on the mountain years ago
>the Froslass is considered Owned, thus uncatchable, as if it considers itself someone else's still
The Snorunt/kids having half the Diary and the Froslass/mama having the other half just rams home the point, but motherfuckers, still, ice-skate, uphill.
Sex with Pokemon
But, pal, you ARE real
How could you say no?
but enough about your mom
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He didn't post a picture of your mom
Every trainer's dream
>the walking trash bag
so your mom. But I don't see your mom anywhere in that image.
>the walking trash bag
Again, what does your mother have to do with this? Why do you keep bringing her up
Absolutely, utterly haram.
ENF isn't really my kick but END is hotter than any fucking right she has to be
You would not find any proof in the Bible that sex with all Pokemon would be wrong.
I can't post most of my "research" to support OPs claim.
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She looks dangerous
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Best Satoshi ship.
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the ship that made serenafags seethe
She's a rapist
yeah, she deleted all the replies calling her "walking trash bag" somehow
guess she's a mod but that's a conspiracy theory according to /vp/
Why do Pokemon lust for their trainers?
faggots are attracted to each other
why can't 4channers get laid irl? are they too ugly? too autistic? both?
Some of us can and do tho
Seethe ban-evading homosexual
So i assume you dont like dom-sub relationships?
Can't literally every Pokemon use their super powers to absolutely annihilate any human making an unwanted advance?
they're using the retarded feminist conspiracy theory definition meaning "having sex without MY permission"
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>all this malding over cute cat

>if you don't like my same spammy threads that I keep making for years then you are malding
Stinky and poor slumsfag behavior
Imagine wasting your 10kb per second over garbage threads instead of trying to land a real job like a normal human.
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Damn girl!
hi ban-evading faggot
Because Meowscaradas are known for being master tricksters, and they know what gets them what they want.
Hey OP, when's the part where you mention your porn addiction?
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Can a human marry a Pokemon?
what if I accidentally crush the pokemon
OP, your other two Mewoscarada threads got deleted for spamming
why are you ban-evading still?
you're mentally ill and ban-evading
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imagine the sex
as long as they consent to it
Meowscashita fans are mentally retarded, best to just ignore them
go back to Tumblr
What's with the autist and his meowscarada obsession? This isn't a meowscarada thread.
Apparently posting meowscarada causes the basement dwellers to seethe about muh meowscarada
stop ban-evading, tranny
braixenmod likes meowscarada as well
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I like Delphox
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I'd make sweet passionate love to my Meowscarada on a nightly basis.
Pokémon wearing REAL CLOTHES should stop the fucking Cinderace hips debate.
The what?
Some artists (I really don't know why) draw Cinderace hips like shorts they can take off.

When it's just fur of different color.
Shorts are sexy
Those aren't "real clothes". They're holograms or whatever gay ass excuse Unite uses.
But, the Pokemon Cafe stuff? The anime costumes? Yeah.

'Cause they are. It has a modeled raised waistband, anon, there's no other explanation. Further, it's a soccer player. What do soccer players wear? Shorts. Much like Machamp's wrestler clothes.
>pokemon wearing clothes means they can't already be wearing clothes
It's just fur that looks like shorts.
There's no difference between the rest of the body and the hips besides colour.
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Shorts are comfy and easy to wear.
A man of good taste I see.
ivycuck is not getting any attention from braixenposter so now he has picked meowscarada as its new target to harass and seethe over
Not that you would have choice in it

TFW he sticks a voltorb up your ass and had it use self destruct eh anon?
I eat Meowscarada ass
That titty is straight up out
I might climax to this
Let it all out
What does Meowscarada milk taste like?
Like an African jizz
It's ok, mods can break the rules
Just be a good goy and fap to animals
hi ban-evading black-obsessed homosexual skeleturdie fan
help me then...
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but how
keep posting these pics... and be a bit lewd, maybe?
What would she smell like?
Who's this artist?
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knowing some retard hates this thread, I will bump this thread
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>This thread
They're gonna fuck
fire/fighting type fennekin line

oh yes
pikachu calling his sexfriend after getting horny reading the thread
Sometimes Jenny want to be tased in her ass by 100,000 volts of yellow love.
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this cat is my wife
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Pretty sure that's frumples
whatever makes you sleep at night, homosexual clown
Some furfags are literally rich
Good thing liking catgirls is perfectly normal and doesn't make you a furry.
being sexually attracted to Meowscarada makes you 100% a furry and there is nothing wrong with that
Embrace the furry. Just don't be like the poor fellows who desire the Skeledirge. They've got nothing left.
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Sie kann gerne an meiner Weißwurst zuzeln
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Pikachu wants to bone Cynthia though.
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Pokemon are our wives
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I do not care what you fags who oppose me say or think. I love Glaceon and I'd do anything for her. I want to have sex with her. Anything that makes her happy I'd love doing. if she liked having sex with me then I'd fuck her multiple times a day either rough or gentle depending on what mood she is in. Wiping down her fur after she stepped into a puddle. wiping her vagina after she pees and knowing that made her feel better and more comfy. I would be around her 24/7 to protect her. if she wanted me to be sober I'd quit everything. if Glaceon didn't love me then I would NOT rape her I'd just kms but only after I knew she was safe and that she didn't care about me so my death would not affect her. I would not be in a position of authority over her, if she doesn't want to fuck then we don't fuck; simple as. That doesn't mean she doesn't wanna/consent to cuddle or take pills with me. I would train her in such a way that she knows that the world revolves around her snd that anything she wants she gets. If she wanted my penis in her mouth because she knew it would make me happy then how is that rape? retarded ass nigga.
Why did they make her forehead so gigantic? It's such a baffling design choice.
for cute kisses and my cock on it
>implying it's just one guy
Nigga, Meowscarada just looks like some human-sized anime girl, I bet even a few normalfags wouldn't mind fucking the cat.
Pretty sure he's talking about the autist complaining about Meowscarada
every pokemon created after Gen1 has the goal of "it should look worse than Kanto pokemon"
>still pushing her delusions and headcanon as reality
If that statement were true, Kanto wouldn't have the largest number of regional forms. The reality is a handful of Kantomons are incredibly, massively popular (but none of /vp/'s actual favourite kantomons, so they cry about the mascot and notables still getting shilled over their childhoods), the rest are ignored shitmon, especially when they then turn and re-design it for the zoomie generations to repackage it and try and make it interesting compared to the newer designs with more personality.
Yeah, you can see how they constantly try to save Kanto nostalgia. The very first product they tried to shill using Pokémon GO mania hype, aside from Sun & Moon, was fucking LGPE.
sex with pokemon
Based Targaryen.
thank god for AI image generation
I can generate as much porn of any eeveelution taking it balls deep as I want
Stop having inane fantasies involving magical pets from a children's franchise.
she loves human men
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Shut it or I'll write another chapter to my F icetales/M human smut
You're not even the real zozzle.
Don't tempt us with a good time, birb!
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I wonder if vp will ever turn around on duck girls
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Glaceon is built for rape.
It just looks dumb
That rabbit is going to pound that Scottish pussy
damn you, duck girls are my weakness
I blame disney
Is THAT what mienshao is supposed to be?
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Always loved them
CNC or actual rape?
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Oh to wake up to this
All pokemon need hugs from their trainers sometimes
Stop projecting your inane groomer fantasies towards innocent magical critters from a children's franchise.
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Seething with envy because vaporeon gets all the human cock
That Goodra probably prefers to bond with his Trainer with stomach time.
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Designed after stoats, yes.
I wish
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They'll never let you, even if the technology reaches that point. You will never fuck your pokebot waifu
That's what Pokemon are, silly one. A Pokemon is conceptualized as a magical pet, not your inane idea of a "lover". Pokemon is a series made for children, not for people with inane ideas. Stop promoting inane groomer fantasies involving cute, magical pets from a children's franchise.
Puritard does the most obvious samefagging in the entire world
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I like this smug cat
Froslass lusts for human men, and is confirmed to have fucked and had Snorunt kids with a human man, just like in the tale she was based on.
Yeah, now what? Shut it and spread those cheeks.
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What did the artist mean by this?
That you should just make an actual mewoscarada thread at this point if there's not even going to be any human x pokemon pics
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I love her so much
what compels a pokemon to engage in these kind of activities?
y-you can't kiss with a beak....that's impossible! and illegal!
There’s got to be some degen out there that has 3D printed a beak and experimented with how to best kiss it.
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Only Dewgong marriage is allowed. All other pokemon are immoral and wrong.
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fair enough I suppose
This except the correct answer is Lapras
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big plush ships soon, I'm excited
Alolan Ninetales DREAMS of getting her slutty holes stretched by a BHC
>It's like you haven't read any romantic smut with avian gals.
I'm not sure such things exist
but anon, the position of authority is the BEST sexual position!
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Made for marriage with human men
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This but feral-only 'tales (ice or fire, not fussed).
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You know, I don’t think they could lay on their back with the big DA. Guess they’ll have to just lay on top of you.
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BAHAHAHA! Guys, ya wouldn’t believe this, but dere’s an entire posse of them Pokeman-lovin’ clowns in dis thread! Dey couldn’t get a real woman to love ‘em, so dey went after Pokemon instead!

>“B-but Pokemon can love huma-“

They love ya for da food you give ‘em, ya friggin’ morans! What a buncha lonely jokesters! Point ‘n’ laugh at ‘em, fellas!
Then explain them asking for sex
>They love ya for da food you give ‘em
I didn't realize they loved human cum that much. I thought they were just sucking my cock to please me.
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c-cease! It's not true!
Meowth get off the pc we all know you're horny for giovanni
Pokemans can’t use da computer ‘cus dey’re not smart for it, ya doofus. Next you’re gonna tell me dis “Meowth” can speak like any human does. Friggin’ absurd, dat’s what it is!

If any of ya losers actually went outside, none o’ ya would be such dumb and imaginative louts that “like” da Pokemans da wrong way!
Something something human cock
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A’ight, dat’s enough, pal. You ain’t touchin’ this poor lil’ Pokemon da wrong way again, evuh. Beat it, or we’ll beat ya.
>Grabbing onto lapras' head with both hands, shoving your cock into her mouth and face-fucking her until you cum down her throat
Is this what saved them from extinction?
Pokemon understand human speech and can do complex commands therefore they can and should be fucked
Also, Mystery Dungeon
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It’s about time I introduce you guys to my new wife. My bitch of an ex left me when she found me deep inside my precious Vapy, screaming things about “bestiality” and “cheating”, not like she understood my feelings anyway.
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Oh no, the repulsive virgin is attracted to Pokemon and hates women, whatever shall we do?!
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Girls love pokemon too.
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Preventing lapras extinction
She would try to bite your penis
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BAHAHA! See that, fellas? The jokester tinks it’s okay for him to molest da Pokemans, but da girlies doin’ the same? Oh no, dat’s crossing da red line! Not like molestin’ the animals is the red line already! Get a grip already, bozo!
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I support human/pokemon romance regardless of gender. Stop dehumanizing the sapient creatures. You're making them cry.
Is that tf2 scout
>"Thanks for the ride!"

You just read this in scout's voice
who is having the sex thought?
iirc some pokedex entry mentions lapras being capable of mind reading
does that pervert have an erection?
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More pokemon wearing cute dresses
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delicious treats
I want to marry her oughhhhj
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Phox SEX
You sound like Team Rocket's Meowth, who gets cucked each night by Jessie and James.
Jealous that other Pokémon are having the relationships you are constantly denied.
So you're saying that you should fuck wild Pokemon, then? Is it more acceptable for a Pokemon Ranger to fuck Pokemon because they don't hold any long-lasting authority over one? I think I could personally deal with living in the woods if it meant I could acceptably hook up with one.
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What do you think her mouth tastes like
No. You would have to get down there and fuck the ugly parts.
Who was in charge of this pokemon's design?
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Someone raised in an era where kid's media wasn't subjected to the gay stranglehold it is today.
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Someone who grew up during a time when tumblr, xitter, and reddit weren't yet a thing.
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The japanese don't have to deal with those things, though.
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