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Why do people hate Johto?
It's literally just KANTOOOOOOOOO but better lol.
Most online opinions nowadays are from 12-25 year olds. These are kids that mostly grew up on YouTube and in the era of high speed internet. So a lot of people in general are retarded, and combine that with unlimited information at your fingertips and you have a shit ton of people who just believe whatever someone on YouTube tells them. How does this relate to Johto? Because a shit ton of YouTubers made videos about Johto (initially it was some of their opinions but eventually it sort of just became a meme/mantra that people accepted as universally true) where Johto is apparently just bad. Basically zoomers are retarded and just instantly believe anything if it's in video essay format.
Show 5 people hating on Johto
I wouldn't say it was better than Kanto, Johto isn't as fun to explore. Kanto winds into itself a few days, Johto is, like, a hallway with two paths at the end
It's far from the worst region, but Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh are more interesting.
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>It's literally just KANTOOOOOOOOO but *bvlled by merchandisers
no one hates it doe
>TL: Gen 2
>TR: Gen 2
>BL: Gen 1
>BR: Gen 2
What's your point? That round instead of DQ ripoffs is LE BAD?
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zoomers going to zoome

Eh, the caves in the first gen kinda sucked ass in comparison to the cool little towns, Ruins of Alph and the Shrines.

I skipped Hoenn, and the countryside appeal of gen 4 was kinda dull as well.
hoeen fags seething at the fact their gen removed features from Crystal and killed pokemania
Gen 2 was even more closer to DQ monster design philosophy tho, but go off Palbabby.
Johto is very different, I would argue that gens 1,3, and 4 (keep it pokejapan for sake of argument) are more like each other than any of them are to 2. 2 is a more slow paced game that you're supposed to enjoy in tiny nibbles over months if not years of time. It's why there's so much timegating and people don't like that.
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>Hoenn fags seething at the [HEADCANON]
why do Johtonegros like to make LIES?
Pokemaniacs were tired of the babyfication of the franchise and boring johto reruns, so they hyped down and looked for other horizons of the same itch.

Nobody gave a fuck when Gen 2 slop was excluded, hence why they're only obtainable in Turdner spinoffs and Sevii Islands.
>Why do people hate Johto?
They don't.
>It's literally just KANTOOOOOOOOO but better
Johto isn't anything like kanto they're polar opposites.
Trvke, Johto is basically a different game compared to the rest of the pokemon series. With how much of a focus it has on playing every day and getting randoms spawns like swarms it strays from the standard RPG formula that RBY/RSE/DPP/Whatever the hell has.
To add to your point, most zoomers/gen alpha live vicariously through streamers, and streamers don't like Johto because a lot of the content is locked behind time based events or is late-game, so they can't do their ADHD speedruns as easily with Johto games. Therefore they say its shit because they're not playing it properly
Are you saying DPP doesnt have swarms or time based events?
For a long time, Johto was beloved and near universally put on a pedestal for having the most expansive post game out of any region, particularly with the release of HGSS which was a genuinely fantastic remake that added a lot of beloved features like following pokemon and even more content like the battle frontier, everyone was always like "why can't we get another game where we go to a different region in the post game like johto?"

Unfortunately, much like something like Ocarina of time, being viewed as a universally acclaimed masterpiece for years left it susceptible to contrarian youtube faggots eager to bitch and moan about the flaws in a game released 20+ years ago, when the series was still finding it's footing and hadn't had any prior experience in merging old and new together

So now you get people like Pchal going "muh level curve muh level curve!!" when they exclusively play nuzlockes which just weren't the intended way to play, and you can still easily beat the endgame fights while underleveled if you're anywhere near competent at the game

And of course you'll have people crying about how gym leaders don't use enough Johto pokemon, or how the new pokemon or all underpowered, or how the new pokemon are hard to find, or how some of them are limited to the post game, once again not realizing this was the first time gamefreak had done a new region, the design philosophy behind these pokemon was very different, some were meant to expand on old pokemon, others were meant to be rewards for exploration, and saving some for the post game meant you had more to do in kanto then fight gym leaders, it makes sense when you look at it from a different perspective, but none of these faggots care about that, they just want instant gratification

Games aren't perfect, some of these are genuine flaws, but calling it the "worst region" like merrick, pchal, and smithsplays do is a fucking joke born of pure contrarianism
Not saying it doesn't have it (We transheart hony trees) but its much less of a focus in that game and the others, swarms have appeared in most games past Johto but that's the only region where they tell you and stop you in your tracks to let you know a swarm's going on, it has a much greater focus and you can tell because many pokemon are gated behind the event that you need to wait to randomly spawn.
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Yeah, no. DPP does it better.
>Talk to random fucking girl in house to hear about swarms instead of getting a phone call
Maybe its more convenient for you but you can't claim that the DPP did it better, DPP does nothing better than any other game.
DPP does everything better like wasting my time with Munchlax. but obviously youtuber zoomers like you dont understand because you cant speedrun it.
You're baiting me with a brick here, be more believable than
>DPP does everything better like wasting my time with Munchlax
if you wanna catch fish
Sinnoh has so much soul and daily events unlike whatever the fuck RBY/GSC/RSE has. And of course this is why it was voted the best Pokemon game by japanease!
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Of course its a wojakposter LMAO
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Jakking is contemporary culture, you bait like I'd see you on the party however.
Nice selfie!
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nope, johturd takes the time wasting slop to the next level
johto is really slowly paced compared to other games, and content is gated behind a real life clock and day of the week system.

notice that none of the johto hate started until pokemon streaming became popular.

i want to be clear: i love johto. i do not think it is bad, but my opening statement is a fact: it IS slower, things ARE gated off. this isn't bad design, it's just *different*.

Johto is bad for *streaming* because it isn't designed for binging.
>Gen 4 game
Concession accepted.
this. i hate this meme, so much.
it's so annoying.
pokemania was already dead. with gen 1 coming out in 1998 in the west, two years after it came out in japan, and no gen 2 until late 2000? we had nothing to keep pokemania going. the anime can only do so much, the merch isn't going to carry pokemania alone. there HAD to be new games.

gen 1 was extended in japan by corocoro events, Blue, and Yellow, giving them four games in total.

in the west, we had the PokeCenter NYC stuff, *if* you lived in new york. we only had red, blue, and yellow, too. Hey You, Pikachu and Stadium(international) aren't enough to keep the franchise going when the gameboy color is out, there's no new pokemon game for it, and the anime formula is already wearing thin because the "show off a new mon every episode" thing doesn't work when every kid with a copy of the game has already seen all 150(and possibly 151 if you got mew). we had the FIRST movie, we had some merch, but pokemon hype was dwindling globally by the time Crystal released in globally in 2001. nothing gen 3 did was going to save it, and gen 2 was too late to bring the hype back to what it was.

gen 2 didn't kill pokemania, gen 3 didn't kill pokemania. the gap in content between 1 and 2 killed pokemania.
you literally posted a Masuda quote that called gen 2 a huge hit, dipshit. gen 2 was popular, but it was too similar to gen 1 to be a "new thing" outside of getting new pokemon. it was pokemon part 2, not "a new pokemon adventure", and while i like johto for being part 2, it's my fav region overall, it wasn't enough to keep the hypetrain at full speed when it took so long to release. Gold and Silver were planned for 1997, ONE YEAR aftet red and green, before we ever had gen 1 in the west. they were delayed, scrapped, and delayed again before finally releasing in late 99. by this point japan had blue and yellow, but it was still just different versions of red and green. pokemania took hold in the west in 98, but we were playing a VERY fast game of catch-up. japanese kids got pokemon drip fed to them; first the original red+green, then the anime, then the card game, then blue, and gold+silver announcement(and then delay, then announcement again, then delay...), then yellow, along with a movie, TV specials, and several events to get kids engaged; pokemon was huge, and GF could slowly release content to keep the hypetrain going.

by the time gen 1 came out here, japanese kids were expecting gold and silver. the anime showed off teasers from the first episode, and western fans were overloaded with gen 1 info, gen 2 teasers, and all of the content that japanese kids had been drip-fed for two years before we ever got the games in english. by the time we got gen 2 in 2000, japan nearly had Crystal already, and the GBA was around the corner(which is why they later bundled it with Crystal in japan). despite the lessened hype because of the gap years, GF still went all in for GSC, with the pokemon mini, the mobile adapter GB services, and things like that.

in the west, we got... gold, silver, stadium 2, and hey you pikachu.

it has nothing to do with johto being bad, it has nothing to do with hoenn being bad. pokemania was over because pokemon fans moved on.
by the time ruby and sapphire were out, the hype train is gone; kids have moved on, people are finding a new thing.

gen 3 had to bring people back in, and like masuda said, the new tech was hard to develop for, so some features were missing this time around; nobody knew before release, so people who still liked pokemon, or kids who never experienced it before, but heard about it from siblings or cousins, bought ruby and sapphire anyway, just two years after crystal's release.

the missing features didn't kill pokemania, but the new hardware wasn't enough to revive it. pokemania died because of a lack of content during the gen 2 development, NOT because gold and silver sold poorly or left a poor impression, and NOT because gen 3 was missing features that johto fans loved.

a lot of us did find gen 3 to be a downgrade, sure, and many of us checked out until diamond and pearl's release. it wasn't because gen 3 killed pokemania, because pokemania was already dead.

on top of ALL of this, by 2002, it had been 6 years since Red and Green; in the west, we got gen 3 a year later, and the gap wasn't quite as wide, but it was still several years; kids who were in primary school for gen 1 or 2 were older now.

during the gen 3 era, i was in primary school still, but i played all three gens, mostly in order, since i got gen 1 and 2 as a gift from some older kids who had outgrown the series.

i'd say i was 9 or 10, and despite us all being kids, i still got picked on for playing a "kiddy game" because it was pokemon.

my best friend was a gen 1 kid, and had this to say about pokemania's death in the UK when i asked her about her experience with pokemania's decline:
>"secondary school homework and developing a sudden interest bucking my hips against a girl's jaw in the local cemetery. at least, that's what made me tune out for a while."
all of this is correct, but to play devil's advocate smith is a genuine johto fan, he just wanted to address a lot of community complaints with his legacy patch. i don't love his changes, and i didn't play the hack, but i did follow its development out of boredom and morbid curiosity. crystal legacy is genuinely fine, it doesn't undo any of the johto-isms that make it such a fun region; the day/night stuff is there, the day of the week is still a mechanic, swarm, radio, etc all still work just like in the original. legacy does rebalance the leaders and level curve, and it alters silver's story a bit too much for my liking, but ultimately i think it's still in the spirit of johto and you can tell smith actually LIKES johto unlike a lot of people who bitch about it.

lol, DPPt are great games. they're comfy, and while they're not perfect i still love them. like i said above, gen 4 brought a lot of us who felt let down by RSE back; i was so excited when i got diamond that i basically dropped all of my gameboy games, not just the pokemon ones, to focus on it. visible day/night is great, the underground is such a cool system and makes secret bases feel really cool in a way i wish they did in RSE. the poketch is super neat, and the apps work really well. they're not all great, but the good ones are amazing. the night time music is some of the comfiest music in the franchise, it's really nice to listen to. contests got a huge upgrade, and unlike emerald, platinum doesn't make them harder to access!

yeah, DPPt aren't perfect, but the good stuff is great, and i wouldn't trade it for anything.

i did end up playing a lot of RSE later on, for what it's worth; i have a lot of gen 3 nostalgia from my early teenage years, but it's not nearly as fun as 2 or 4 imo.

wojak posters need to be rangebanned for the health of the site.
Kanto = Content
Johto = Empty

Kanto = Detailed
Johto = Simplistic

Kanto = Creatures
Johto = Toys

Kanto = No RestTalk
Johto = RestTalk
The majority of Johto Pokemon are bland and forgettable and are utterly mogged by Hoenn's roster which also has the best starters and legendaries.
They were designed that way because game Freak wanted Johto to fail. Thats why johto Pokémon are so lame and underwhelming, why the story is just Kanto’s leftovers, and why Johto as a region has no identity and can’t stand on its own. Game freak tried of doing Pokémon and were hoping Johto would fail so they could move on.
Hoenn has the best region to explore in the series
GS was the very first "They will buy it anyway" game (unless you count Yellow)
>brown schizo
What you say is valid. Johto is definitely designed differently to the other games. It's only mildly so compared to other RPGs but for Pokémon fans it's a noticeable difference. Personally I like both styles, they have different appeals. But your theory makes sense desu, it definitely really accelerated after streaming took off too.
Millennial pokemon fans deserve zero respect for how much they fellate Johto
I think it is comfy, I only disagree with the design assumption that the player would only train 3 to 4 Pokemon rather than evenly training 6
don't forget that johtoddlers are actually just genwunners' baby brothers
The design philosophy is doing the pokedex so catching and training everything doe
And hoennfags are their little bros, and sinnohfags are their little bros. Holy shit you're a faggot that should kill yourself.
source an of these claims. actual interviews and data, not your own personal opinions.
RBY & GSC are a pair; GSC and RSE are not
But a small core team the justification people give for the odd level curve. If you focus on 3 or 4 mons then they’ll be on par with gym leaders and such. Obviously if you go out of your way to grind then the intended level curve goes out the window
Why would you want your team to be on par with gym leaders? The AI in Pokemon games has never been good, the only time you might get a small bit of challenge is if you go into battles underleveled.
I’d still consider being 1-3 levels under the gym leader as “on par.” But if the argument is that Johto is fundamentally easy and levels don’t matter that much then why don’t people just say that instead on saying that the level curve isn’t a problem you are not supposed to train a full team.
>RBY & GSC are a pair
Retarded cope.
can hardly believe one would deny such a plain fact but here we are
>if the argument is that Johto is fundamentally easy and levels don’t matter that much
That's not the problem, the problem is that it's fundamentally too difficult because of the fucked level curve. You need to grind to beat the game but there are no good grinding spots.
They're pairs because?
>the problem is that it's fundamentally too difficult
The problem is that you're just a retard. Why didn't I ever hear a single actual child complain about the difficulty?
The region is fine
The games set in it are awful
Because they didn't care. They just played it because it was pokemon, even if that meant stopping at a certain point because it was too difficult to proceed. Don't even fucking try to argue that the level curve isn't fucked either, it's been objectively proven.
The region is flavorless and empty save for a couple cities
Can you start with this when you post so it's easier to ignore you next time?
>literal children have objectively beat the game with no problems
>but this youtuber said it's hard so that makes it hard
I played it on launch, and I spammed items in battle. Also grinding didn’t bother me back then (I had like 500 hours in Emerald). That’s probably why I didn’t have an issue until I replayed it recently. It is hard to find a balance; if you play the game as intended then it is too easy for the enfranchised player, but if you put self-imposed limitations on yourself then the level curve becomes frustrating. Other games don’t have this much of an issue when doing challenge runs
You have no idea how many beat the game with no problems. Countless video essays have been done on how Johto is terribly designed with an awful level curve that necessitates grinding despite there being no good grinding spots. Either watch them, or admit that you're just a Johto fanboy in denial.
Considering these videos are made by “people” who have to lie to make their points and who’s fans swallow their lies, I think it safe to complete disregard them
Why are those video essays more relevant than the experience of me and literally everyone I've ever talked to in real life? The only place that struggles with pokemon games is this forum.
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Here come the fanboys right on cue.
>Johto is terribly designed with an awful level curve that necessitates grinding despite there being no good grinding spots
"...: And That's A Good Thing"
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>pre-3DS gen infighting
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>here they come
>the people that were already part of the discussion
Literacy is dead.
but enough about Sinnoh
the worst part about sinnoh is the dumb shit they do with the region. gameplay wise, its far better than johturd
Damn it looks ugly.
Posting a bunch of screenshots of an ugly outdated-looking game doesn't counter the claim that johto sucks, it only reinforces it. At least fucking use HG/SS screenshots.
Only this forum has said Cynthia is hard?
It wasn't anywhere near as saturated when viewed as intended on a real GBC screen
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>thats why johto Pokémon are so lame and underwhelming,
just look at them, >>56427136
also pic related
>why the story is just Kanto’s leftovers,
name one story element from Johto that isn't just RBY's DLC
>and why Johto as a region has no identity and can’t stand on its own.
if Johto could stand on its own, they wouldn't have put KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOo stuff everywhere
>Game freak tried of doing Pokémon and were hoping Johto would fail so they could move on.
Sugimore explicated said in an interview he hated being the "Pokemon guy"
video essays are 90% made by nuzlockers or streamers that can't binge the game because it isn't designed for binging. they're irrelevant.
sacred is a hack who has a video titled "johto fans finally have a good game" when it's literally just a gen 3 hack
you screeching kanto instead of saying it normally automatically makes me not take you seriously. learn to talk normally.

johto's pokemon are just fine, being cute is not bad. only edgy bastards who peaked in the ps3/360 era by saying racial slurs online think every pokemon needs to be a kaiju or something.

sugimori didn't want to the "the pokemon guy", but the rest of GF kept working on the series with a lot of passion; ruby and sapphire were built on masuda's own childhood memories like gen 1 and 2 were for tajiri, and he got so stressed over their success or potential failure that he ended up in the hospital.

johto can stand on its own just fine, kanto was literally added near the end of development as a bonus because Iwata's compression algorithm freed up a lot of space on the cart.

>gen 1 dlc
literally the entire legendary beasts plot, everything with ho-oh and lugia, and the entire johto leage. that's three, right there.
if you say these don't count because gen 1 had them then by your logic every gen is just rby dlc.

you're retarded and don't know what you're talking about but that goes for anyone who blindly misquotes GF.

GF did not design johto to fail. if it had been designed to fail they'd have pushed out the broken, incomplete beta in 97 instead of scrapping it and doing it over so it would be a good product.
I like Johto :) Ecruteak City is my favorite town of the franchise, too.

>It's literally just KANTOOOOOOOOO but better lol.
Oh! Was this whole thread bait? I thought OP was sincere...
Besides Tyranitar and Crobat the rest of the pokemon are just useless or boring not to mention even if they weren’t most of the johto pokemon were locked behind the post game, so you’re just using kanto pokemon again. HGSS did somewhat fix this though
GSC are no where near as good as OoT lmao
>slugma, houndour, larvitar, misdreavus
if you're going to lie, be good at it. don't quit your day job.
You're just bad.
Bases and truthpilled. Johtohaters in shambles
> kanto was literally added near the end of development as a bonus because Iwata's compression algorithm freed up a lot of space on the cart.
This part isn’t correct. Kanto was technically in the game before Johto (specifically the beta version that had condensed the entirety of Japan into a single map, with Kanto being a single city). When they scrapped that idea they decided to focus on Kansai which became Johto. Iwata’s actual contribution with this compression is making the game run faster by shaving off around half a second whenever the game did anything like enter a battle, open a menu, etc.
>2 jobber mons that are useless
> 1 that evolves way too late
Besides houndour the point still stands
>Why are those video essays more relevant than the experience of me and literally everyone I've ever talked to in real life?
You see anon, this is how the younger generation communicates. Video essays, eye catching memes, Twitter wars, TikTok. It's a new world...Johto? It doesn't fit in...
Forced meme by youtubers and discord schizos
Cannot get the superior kantooooo starters, the kanto god birds, and mewtwo
>Muh level curve
You got ratio'd, simple.
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Bug stopped being shit

I quit because I found better RPGS, namely an rpg with a better monster system than pokemon in Arc the Lad. It had gen 4's move tutor for free 10 years before the fact.


Kanto isn't post game, Stadium 2 is.
How about some fully evolved late game mons instead of lowstat shitters?
what? how does the point stand at all? the ONLY johtomons locked behind postgame are those 4.
>necessitates grinding
Sounds more like skill issue to me.

well, the kanto bit is half true if you only look at the final build, but yeah.

johto haters have to lie and make things up to find flaws. it's sad.

not every johto fan is the same person.
Killed pokemania, was a technical 'flop' without actually being a bomb in the same manner SNES was going from NES (not as many people playing).
false. pokemania died before gen 2 came out.
>tranny obsessed zoomers larping as nes owners
why is this board obsessed with trans people? election year?
Or, consider that many have always had a critical opinion of Gen 2 and you can't stand the thought of someone not thinking it's absolutely perfect in every way.
"You got that opinion from a Youtuber" is a cop-out answer from those who don't want to engage in any meaningful discussion or can't look past their childhood lens.
>DQ ripoffs
oh this meme again
wrong. all of us who were there for gen 2's release loved it.

i know you weren't there, but we were all very happy.
"I say KAN"
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The pokemon are garbage and distributed like shit, the region is easily the blandest of the 2D gens and lacks any different environments or climate biomes, too many shitty time gated features including rematches.
I never said that there aren't people who have or had genuine criticisms of Gen 2. Read again instead of reading what you want to read anon. I didn't even grow up with Gen 2 kek
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>unlimited information at your fingertips
>still turbo retarded
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>he had to grind to beat a pokemon game
Have you considered that you and your gay ass video essayist are just bad at vidya? God forbid if you played a actual jrpg
I still remember playing Gen 2 near launch and being disappointed that most people who were into Gen 1 didn't wanna touch Gold/Silver. Least at my school.
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so really the "question" becomes

did the tailend of gen 1 kill pokemania
or did the prerelease of gen 2 kill pokemania
it was the gap between releases being so long
Looks good to me!
that's not an answer
I'm so glad the bullshit narrative that Gen 3 killed Pokemania has been exposed and is finally going away. Gen 3 was excellent and saved the series on a fundamental level, it's just that Gen 2 was so shit that people didn't want to give it a chance.
they don't. it's the only opinion about pokemon games that is 100% contrarian. if someone tells you they don't like gen 2 games, they are either baiting or desperately want to feel unique.
coming from someone who was there, no, gen 2 was beloved and pokemania was still full blast after its release. for example, it was still blasting hard when the third pokemon movie came out. gen 3 didn't kill pokemania though, it just died down between generations because all things must end. it's that simple.

you're wrong about gen 3 being "excellent" as well, though. they are still the worst mainline games. 7 hours of content, zero postgame, more linear than any other game. many including myself were severely disappointed by the lack of postgame after having expectations set by GSC. but they did not kill the mania, it was already gone.
Johto being terrible is what ushered in the end of Pokemania, cope about it boomoid
calling me old admits that you weren't there, and know nothing.
Bruh there are literal boomers all over YouTube who were there admitting Johto was actually bad.
Lol no, Gen 2 is actual boring dogshit that doesn't respect your time at all. "contrarian" applies to the nostalgia fags who dick suck it.
those are the "contrarians" I was talking about. baiting views or feeling unique, something you should be familiar with, despite admitting you copypaste your opinions from youtubers. it's the only indisputably good generation of games.
If Johto was so good, Gen 3 would have been Pure Dragon if it didn't get cancelled.
tl;dr johto is bad and killed pokemania
going to a cemetery of all places to get a blowjob is some real mayo shit
all this
Johtoddlers and Unovabortions really are two birds of a feather

It's inconceivable to them that others would perceive the flaws as flaws or even dealbreakers
it reads that it was cunnilingus

>25 year old is a kid

Life has passed you by grandpa, it's important not to get lost in time.
i'm sorry you're illiterate
>everything i disagree with is headcanon
you're not old enough to post on this site
Ho-Oh did the exact opposite of the latter.
>What's that?
>There is no data. There are still Pokémon yet to be identified.
>she’s so buckbroken about someone mentioning Unova that she thinks someone who insulted Johtoddlers is a “johtod”
Nobody like you unobort
>everything i disagree with is underage
Sorry that i demolished your narrative.
It's funny, even Unova recycles Johto's old philosophy but at excruciating extent where the game feels like a terrible reboot.
Props to hiring James Turners and a few additional Genius Sonority rejects, i guess.

You're not snaking out of this one either, fag.
reading comprehension
Yellow was underwhelming, it didn't actually deliver on being a game that felt like you were playing as Ash, it was just a slight variation of the original games. That was bad enough, but then Gold and Silver releasing in such a shitty pathetic state was the final blow.
>gold and silver
if you say level curve you're automatically retarded
>if you say [valid complaint] you're automatically retarded
Unova did the whole sequel shtick better than Johto anyway.
maybe, but johto is still good. G/S didn't have a "pathetic" release
Gen 2 was really good because the creator really wanted to make a proper sequel.
Johto is the epitome of the "little brother who busts his ass but never gets any respect or any acknowledgment because everyone’s too busy sucking off his insanely overrated older sibling who’s a complete asshole but gets away with it ."
you can just tell the heart and soul and sheer effort that went into a design like Furret
the creator didn't make the sequel, ironically
he gave up and made his sound guy develop his draft notes
worst of both worlds: trying to fix an unfinished mess someone else made on your first try

it's no wonder it's become restrospected as a flop
it hasn't been, only retard streamers and nuzlockers(and their gen alpha audience) think this way
Pretty sure a decent chunk of the people who prefer gen 1 to most other generations are sincere genwunners.
I'm not confident enough to say it's a majority, but I'm not entirely sure it's a vocal minority either, it's definitely way too much either way.
Red and Blue are the 2nd worst Kanto games anyway, they're worse than Yellow, Stadium and FRLG, only being better than LGPE.
> .
hello sir
Because they’re gay.
LGPE is the best representation of Kanto tho???
There was a period of time where fans would not stop fellating Johto 24/7, it's fallen off extremely hard since nostalgic millennials stopped caring about the series in general and Gen Z has moved in to dominate the discussion.
gen z who didn't play johto
Gen Z have played Johto, the difference is they were able to go into it without the nostalgia and view it objectively. Johto does not hold up to objective analysis. It's only praised by nostalgic millennials and "le wrong generation" types.
>try it because grandpas online won't shut up about it
>it's old, slow and plays like shit
>go back to fortnite
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Why is this board full of people like you? Who do you think you're fooling?
Get new material
this screenshot is edited btw
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>Why is this board full of people like you?
full of pokefans who were alive when GSC game out? because the minimum age for posting on 4chan is supposed to be 18.
>Who do you think you're fooling?
I'm not the one fooling people.

get a real argument
Doubling down on your retardation doesn't make it more convincing.
kek loved that video
The one single argument Johto defenders have is "e-celebs are brainwashing people to think these games suck". That's right, all they have is the conspiracy defense.
You're supposed to put quotes inside quotation marks. Not made up seethes.
also "they haven't played them" cope too
Are you seething about quotation marks again? Seems a bit "odd" that you'd do this again.
Yeah, when I was a kid and could only play 30 minutes a day, it was fantastic.
lmao, what about the kids who got johto at launch and liked it at launch?
or the kids who got hgss at launch that missed gsc launch and liked hgss at launch?

your argument doesn't hold up. the only gen not old enough to have played johto blind is gen alpha and their takes are even more retarded.

>old and slow
you're retarded

i've never heard of this "pchal" before since i don't watch pokemon streamers but he's actually a liar if he's saying whitney didn't have miltank in gsc. i'm literally playing crystal right now and she has a miltank lol.

there's so much pre hgss art of her *with miltank* because of her gsc team.
Then you finished the game in like 2 weeks. It's a 7 hour game including the postgame after all.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I did what PokemonChallenges told me to do and set up on his Clefairy, then one shot everything afterwards. The only thing memorable about her was crying like an annoying BITCH.
i'm talking about that retarded screencap that claims Miltank wasn't her ace in GSC. it objectively was.
>Jan get internet points by doing nuzlockes, gives himself the most boring channel name imaginable "Pokémon Challenges" and calls himself a "professional nuzlocker"
>the nuzlocke challenge originates from 4chan, /v/ specifically
>/vp/ makes a fairly popular fangame, Pokémon Clover, known for its passion, mechanical depth and offensive content
>Jan has a big melty on twitter telling everyone to stay away from it because the hacker 4chan made it, even though 4chan made his "career" if you can even call it that
>if he did play it, then Clover wouldn't have let him hack Rare Candies in to skip grinding, reroll mons for better natures or play around Motherfuck
What a tool.
Ok retarded anon, I'll correct it just for you since you can't use your common sense. "They are/were kids that grew up with high speed internet", better?
Well that's the dilemma of the people who grew up with the internet isn't it. It's older people's fault for assuming that freedom of information will directly correlate with people making an effort to utilize that info. People are fundamentally lazy and kinda stupid. The internet's proven that even if the resources are there most people won't bother. Look how easy it is to download and play Emerald right now on the phone in your pocket or on the PC you're typing this on. Literally takes 2 mins to download Emerald and mGBA and then press play. Yet we still have hordes upon hordes of people who beg for them on Switch online

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