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What are the limits of his powers? Could he conceivably take over the minds of every person in a region?

I’d like it if they made a spooky halloween special/movie that was basically a zombie film.

>Could he conceivably take over the minds of every person in a region?
That's what happened in kitakami
Yeah but Kitikami has a population of about 20.
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>Could he conceivably take over the minds of every person in a region?
Maybe when he grows up. At the very least he now knows he can make people do whatever he wants, something he possibly didn't know prior to his awakening. It's a lucky thing he gets himself caught before the situation escalates. It's now up to the trainer to show him the true nature of love is unconditional and shouldn't hinge on magical desire-unlocking mochi.
He’s super OP when you think about it. Mewtwo brainwashed some random nurse in his movie, Pecharunt was able to control a Pokemon Champion along with the rest of Kitikami.
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He was this close to winning too. Only reason he didn't is because of literal Ultra Instinct from the MC. If he gets (You), how long would it take him to realise you have the masks and the loyal three? They can just go back home at that point.
Of course the elderly couple is certainly dead by now so it would be a sad victory :(
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That's true, but he's still too naive to infer that. Maybe he'll get the idea along the way, or his companions can find a way to soften the blow somehow. He's in for a very rude awakening either way. Such a tragic sweet boy.
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So how does the Toxic Chain bringing out the desires of the Loyal Three and making them retainers for Pecharunt work? Is it like the mochi or does Pecharunt have two completely different methods of subjugation?
They probably liked to steal things anyway.
I'm talking about Okidogi getting blessed with strength, Munkidori with intelligence, and Fezandipiti with beauty
Oh did Pecharunt give them those? I thought it chose them because they already had those abilities.
>does Pecharunt have two completely different methods of subjugation?
It might be a two step process.
>the mochi is not only delicious but also appears to bring out the deepest desires and powers of those who eat it
>The chain is made from toxins that enhance capabilities
The effects are similar but not the same. One is bringing forth that which is latent within you and the other is enhancing it to an exorbitant degree. I don't think just the mochi would last forever, eventually it's going to leave your body and presumably also the effects that come with it. The chain however, that's permanent to the point where not even death can put a dent on it. The mochi draws out your potential and the chain locks it in place.
gee, three threads?
What, did you want a fifth cunny thread instead?
He deserves the whole board
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Isn't that what the p in /vp/ stands for?
It's definitely more than 20, only most people were at the festival wearing masks. Still half the town's population in the span of like 8 hours at most is impressive. Imagine how much worse it'd have been at any other time of the year.
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What if he evolved into a cute boy?
>when the beat drops at 25 seconds

i thought the 4 treasures had the best theme until i heard this
I’d like to see more antagonistic Pokemon in future games. Like ones that aren’t just forces of nature or responding to bad human behavior. Not full-on evil, just a bit of a menace.
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Peachboy wants headpats.
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He already is
So he was still looking for the masks when he came back and that’s why he possessed everyone, right? That old couple is certainly dead but he might not know that.
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He's such a good lad
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So is the mochi and chain able to change your Type into anything you want, or are there limits? Turning into a Fighting or Psychic type from having your musculature or brain stimulated respectively are both predictable outcomes, but Fairy? That's a lot more ambiguous, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Could you become a Fire type if so you wished? Dragon? Bug?
they killed a man
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That was more out of incompetence than pure malice
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Also while on the topic of Types. I'm hoping the anime or whatever they appear in next explores his Ghost type further. I get why Poison gets the focus since his entire concept revolves around being a Pecha berry, but still. The groundwork is there for him being the one to resurrect the Loyal Three for example. Like even if he needs the help of Terapagos/insert plot device here it still works better than the Kieran asspull.
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>Eviolite Pecharunt
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Can only take over retards in Paldea/Kitikami everywhere else is too smart for him
Penny is Galarian and Nemona isn't actually from Paldea
He said IN Paldea, not from Paldea.
Am I supposed to believe the average Unovan wouldn't throw themselves at anything that smelled remotely like sugar
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why did they make them all male anyway?
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They're male in Momotaro. Or to make them less sympathetic by pitting them against the female mascot of the DLC. The implied misogyny is funny.
Which one?
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Who's to say he wouldn't perfect his craft depending on the region, maybe he can serve malasadas in Alola, macarons in Kalos, churros in Paldea and so on
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This is my headcanon now, makes this shit even funnier
Notice how Ludicolo is unaffected, Chad Hoenn mon is too smart for that.
not unaffected, he seems slightly unnerved and uncomfortable
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Mochi Mayhem must've been as traumatic for Pecharunt as it was for everyone else ironically enough.
>wakes up from hundreds year long coma in unfamiliar place
>misses parents but also cannot simply return home, not without his friends who helped him make the journey and specially not without the masks he promised to bring
>fleeting suspicion that said friends are dead
>figures out to make some mochi and go from there
>stumbles upon the festival hall where everyone is wearing masks, not only like the one the ogre wore but also ones that look just like his friends
>what the fuck
>retreats back to the only safe place he knows, that store he woke up in
>except now there's a guy with a dog and a neon haired girl and they start screaming for no reason
>two more kids show up
>fuck it, mochi free for all
>you dodge with speed unseen, but at least he can make you fight the other two while he uses the opportunity to skeddadle
>except the onion haired guy finds out
and chases all him the way up to loyalty plaza
>place gives him the creeps but cannot figure out why, doesn't matter anyway
>last ditch effort to stop the two of you by sending the entire fucking town to protect him, including a battle-crazed autist who literally cannot shut up about matches
>you sweep her
>fuck fuck fuck
>cornered, no choice but to fight but maybe he can try stalling you out unti-
>you send out the ogre or his one of his friends, whatever mindbreaks him worse
Why are you so mean him? Sure maybe he shouldn't have been going around turning people into mochi retards, but also he's a baby, so cut him some slack.
That's just Ludicolo all the time kek
His whole motivation is to get praised and headpats. He’s basically a cute shota who happens to look like a small peach,
I don't know what Marshadow is supposed to do
Imagine how bad Pecharunt is going to crash out once he finds out the old couple that raised him are long dead
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And unlike other legendaries catching the Loyal Three is optional, so there's at least a couple savefiles out there where he genuinely believes everyone he's ever loved and cared for is gone.
It's always the most innocent who suffer the most.
He got his ass kicked by a Pokemon weak to his main offensive type despite having 3 other mons of backup so evidently not much.
He also took over the mind of a Champion and had full use of her team, and was an inch away from taking control of the player as well.
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Pecharunt is a part of the 88 club with Red and Cynthia
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So could he use his chains to give any Pokemon an edgy Poison makeover?
I guess it would
How far does the brain washing go? Does he issue a relatively simple command like "Aid me", "Battle this guy", "Do a silly dance" that then the person carries out, or does he actually have full control over your actions? Are you battling Nemona, or are you battling Pecharunt?
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Preposterous. None of the loyal three are edgy, they're cute silly goobers
Koraidon and Ogerpon would just wreck his shit after seeing what he did to their trainer.
but he doesn't actually get to do anything to you. i mean he tries but the protag is untouchable
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They deserve to be happy.
>Well I thi-
They deserve to be happy.
They deserve to be happy.
They deserve to be happy.
Even of he would have failed in this instance that has no bearing on the OP’s question. Is there a limit to how many people or Pokemon can be under his thrall? Could he cause a zombie apocalypse?
That doesn't mean he doesn't have the potential, just that plot armor triumphs above all.
>Lvl 70 0+ Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0 Def Okidogi: 44-52 (19.6 - 23.2%) -- possible 5HKO
>Lvl 70 0 Atk Okidogi Poison Jab vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0- Def Ogerpon: 198-234 (92.9 - 109.8%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
>Lvl 70 0+ Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0 Def Munkidori: 69-81 (30.8 - 36.1%) -- 55.8% chance to 3HKO
>Lvl 70 0 SpA Munkidori Sludge Wave vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0 SpD Ogerpon: 188-224 (88.2 - 105.1%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
>Lvl 70 0+ Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0 Def Fezandipiti: 58-69 (25.8 - 30.8%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
>Lvl 70 0 Atk Fezandipiti Beat Up vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0- Def Ogerpon: 25-30 (11.7 - 14%) -- possible 8HKO
>Lvl 70 0+ Atk Ogerpon Ivy Cudgel vs. Lvl 88 0 HP / 0 Def Pecharunt: 26-31 (9.2 - 11%) -- possibly the worst move ever
>Lvl 88 0 SpA Pecharunt Malignant Chain vs. Lvl 70 0 HP / 0 SpD Ogerpon: 218-260 (102.3 - 122%) -- guaranteed OHKO
If Tera crystals bring realities from any timeline then it must've been the one where she had Gameshark codes enabled because come on
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So polite...
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I wonder how Pecharunt feels about being on a team with both Ogerpon and the Loyal Three.
How many other Mythicals/Legendaries are enemies of each other for reasons other than just being natural opposing forces like Groudon and Kyogre?
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You know how Ogerpon could wear a mask during the festival and that's all it took for the villagers to not recognise her? What if he's the same, like somehow he's never seen her putting on or switching masks so he can't make the connection of Ogre=Ogerpon. Then he wonders why she seems to hate his guts and doesn't want to be his friend, the loyal three don't have the heart to tell him. He's so stupid and cute.
It's really just those two, that's why their story is so good. Their beef is actually personal and thus more real than anyone else's.
Is it actually stated anywhere that the Loyal Three killed the man Ogerpon lived with, or are we just assuming?
It's very strongly implied. There is no mention of him being alive after.
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they aren't going to specifically use the word "kill" in modern pokemon, but it's very clearly what happened
I know that we need to be allowed to catch every rare Pokemon, but I think Kieran would have been a good fit for Pecharunt. We already got Miraidon, Ogerpon and Terapagos, can’t he have one? They’re just two misguided boys who want to be loved.
They're at least trying to be tryhard edgy but turning out goofy
>it took 27 years for a second Ghost/Poison type
It's super obvious he got fucked by Toxic Chain as he was nowhere to be found by the time Ogerpon returned. The thing with toxic poison is that it starts slower than regular poison. He probably felt strong enough to leave the cave to possibly retrieve the masks and by the time he realised something was amiss it was already too late. Also explains why Okidogi and Fezandipiti weren't particularly concerned and chose to celebrate with the other two instead of y'know, getting the fuck out of there. They probably thought they just shoved him a little to get him out of their way.
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He can have the ogre or the turtle or both for all I care. The peach is mine. Or for Carmine, when she gets into Masters
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I want Pecharunt to get a Pyrovision moment where we see the Loyal Three through his eyes as cute and friendly and then it immediately cuts back to their actual mean selves
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Good night
>The only genwun evolutionary line to keep its unique typing after gen 9 is Zubat
Quite literally the perfect opportunity for a mystery dungeon rival/evil team what the fuck is gamefreak's problem
We hate money probably
proper spin-offs are too expensive to make, only mobile shit and remakes now
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I want to know what happened to them, did they spend the rest of their days wracked with guilt of sending their adoptive son to his death, or did the mochi-induced memory loss lead them to believe that sweet timid Pokemon they loved so dearly just left them one day and could never understand what they did wrong
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Pecharunt has the same kind of sexism you'd expect from a preschooler who's had one too many bad experiences because he cannot fundamentally understand girls might just think differently from boys and just assumes they're all mean and dumb. Okidogi has your run off the mill frat boy misogyny in where he claims he doesn't have anything against them, but also they should stay home and nurture because that's how things are. Fezandipiti is like one of those misogynistic gays and Munkidori believes females are genetically inferior.
The fun part is that whatever gave Pecharunt that notion it was before the Ogerpon incident because by then he had already made sure there were absolutely no girls amongst his ranks. It can't be that he has an issue with female humans because he lived with a man and a woman, so the only logical conclusion is that it must've been another female Pokemon. Someone broke his heart.
they explicitly state the professor lost her life so it's weird they left this one open to interpretation
Where is this idea that it hates females coming from? It didn’t even know that Ogerpon was female when it stole the masks, and the fact that the Loyal Three are male doesn’t imply it hates females either. Does Gandalf hate women because there aren’t any in the Fellowship?
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Of course it's not actually implied within the context of the story itself, but they're literal toxic male villains wrongly touted as heroes standing in direct opposition to the misunderstood female protagonist. Furthermore, they're male regardless of how feminine they might look as is the case for Fezandipiti, which only supports the idea of Pecharunt going NO GIRLS ALLOWED and intentionally avoiding recruiting female companions. It's just a silly headcanon, don't think about it too hard
so will they be the second all-male legendary trio to get an unnecessary 4th member? will it be female?
They are already 4 retard...
pecharunt is a mythical and the leader of the trio you dum dumb silly billy
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Not entirely out of the question, Momotaro is one of the most culturally relevant folktales in Japan so it has a bunch of different versions. The dog, pheasant and monkey are ubiquitous but there's a different animals in some of these, there's a bull, and I think he has a crab in some versions. Each animal embodies different virtues, the pheasant represents bravery, the monkey represents wisdom and the dog represents loyalty. Ingame they're the classic brains-brawn-beauty trope.
The Bull and Tiger are the Oni they fight.
Fair enough, I kneel o Momotaro lore sage
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It's such a nice change of pace from Pokemon immediately imprinting onto you as soon as they appear on screen. And at the same it's a natural step-up from Pokemon getting more agency in the stories. Here you have a group with clear motivations and goals that justify their actions (to them, at least) which causes them to directly clash with the player. They just struck gold with these guys. I never thought going from irredeemable assholes to redeemable assholes would be so effective as character development.
And how dearly did they pay for it.
I agree that it shows more agency than a lot of Pokemon have been given in the games. Pecharunt is a bit of a bastard- he loves the old couple but also basically drugs them and his whole goal is mostly selfish as he just wants more of their affection. These are intelligent creatures, so some of them are bound to not be completely innocent or just following orders.
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He's a little shit. He's clingy and entitled and cowardly and insecure. He has a laundry list of negative traits yet it's clear that genuine malice is not one of them. Him mochi'ng his parents is done because he thought he could use his powers to draw more affection out of two people who already loved him like the child they never had. It's naivety and greediness. Neither of these things necessarily imply malevolence - it's behaviour you'd expect from an indulged mama's boy. It seems that until recently Gamefreak just didn't trust its fanbase to understand that a Pokemon doing bad things doesn't correlate to it being bad by nature. They only took damn near 30 years to allow their titular characters to show flaws.
I dunno if I’d call him cowardly. Going on a journey across mountains and seas to steal masks takes a certain degree of courage. Him sending the Loyal Three out to defend him from Ogerpon was little different than a trainer sending out their Pokemon against something, and he didn’t send them out with the intention of them just buying him time to run away because he didn’t run away, he just retreated into his shell when there was no other option. It’s a fine line between a character being cowardly and just pragmatic about their own abilities. Plus at the end of the DLC he fights the player himself even though they defeated everything he threw at them.
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I see your point and like your vision. I'll bring my two cents as well.
Setting off for Kitakami without hesitation is him jumping at the opportunity to do something new after multiple boring requests. He sees himself as an adventurer going on a whimsical journey of friendship to grant his parents' wishes, perhaps only realising along the way that the idea might be more dangerous than he had previously anticipated. Hence why he gives Munkidori the ability to see the future while Fezandipiti gets captivating pheromones. The story even explicitly states he only felt safe after recruiting his three retainers. When the Loyal Three fall he doesn't even attempt to fight back, he's utterly terrified. Although on second thought that's a perfectly reasonable reaction to seeing your best friends getting their skulls caved in. And frankly I'm not sure he has the mental maturity required for pragmatism lol.

I don't think it's too unreasonable to interpret that at least after the mask incident (or better yet, because of) he develops an aversion to fighting. He was clearly trying to avoid a confrontation by waiting until the two were gone and snatching the masks during the night. He could've zergrushed the cave if he wanted. He may think the plan was going just fine until Ogerpon attacked, and so he's made to believe that if he gets into a fight everything will go horribly wrong, which to be fair is exactly what happens. In Mochi Mayhem he runs away like a bitch after you defeat the Penny/Arven duo and after Nemona, it's worth noting you're the one to initiate the fight that time. You challenge him when he's cornered and desperately looking around either for someone to protect him or a way to escape. And his Nature is Timid. That's the biggest indicator.

There's nothing I can say to undermine the fact he stayed with the Loyal Three until the end though. He didn't run. Let it be known he chose to go down with the ship. That is courage all right.
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It's weird they gave his dormant form the official name of Never-Rotting Peach just to never utilise it in game. I wonder if it was supposed to be his moniker during the boss battle like how Ursaluna is Bloodmoon Beast and the like
They're not the same, Gengar is a ghost that poisons, Pecharunt is a poison that ghosts. Very different.
Pecharunt is now listed as a Magnificent Bastard on TvTropes: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/MagnificentBastard/Pokemon
Based and deserved
How would you write it's cry as an onomatopoeia?
State the purpose of your request. I shall only answer after you prove yourself to be pure of heart.
Ooweewee *pop*
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Peachbros we just can't stop winning
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It’s official: Ogerpon forgave Pecharunt and the Loyal Three and now they’re all friends.
Neat, he’s the only Pokémon in a mainline game that’s listed. Just goes to show that he stands on his own as an antagonist more than the usual force-of-nature Pokemon that we fight at the end of these games.
A-are they going to eat that Dipplin
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Anon... they just never ran into each other.
They're fascinated to learn there's more Pokemon out there that also look like fruits. Fezandipiti is definitely considering it though.
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I wonder if the anime will do something with him.
Melmetal didn't get a movie but got to be part of Ash's team. Let's hope Mythical privilege also gives him a big role. If the next arc really is Kitakami he'll be appearing for sure.
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>the “did nothing wrong” dance
I don't know but Its no longer there here >>56450493
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Peach spotted in the 2025 pokemon center calendar. Rest of the illustration isn't important.
I never realised there's so many Ghost type Mythicals
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There are only 3. Psychic has 7.
Not counting Arceus
>Psychic: 7
>Steel: 5
>Water: 4
>Grass: 3
>Ghost: 3
>Dark: 3
>Normal: 2
>Fire: 2
>Fairy: 2
>Fighting: 3
>Rock: 1
>Bug: 1
>Electric: 1
>Poison: 1
>Flying: 1
>Ice: 0
>Ground: 0
>Dragon: 0
And 6 form changes with different stats and 5 signature abilities
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Maybe things will turn out alright in the end.
Mythicals deserve Hidden Abilities
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It's so good. My only complaint with Battle! Loyal Three is that maybe it starts a little too slow with the first verse before it picks up, and this remix fixes that by going everything everywhere all at once with the techno, reverb and bass drop, which fits because Mochi Mayhem is basically a rave. Meanwhile it leaves the second part intact with the flutes and shamisen because why fix what isn't broken. The best part is the intro though. It's the same as Loyal Three, short and sudden with those dramatic few notes and then that grating sound like nails on chalkboard before the final piano note. Basically screaming these are NOT the good guys. It's so much like a Monster Hunter spotted jingle in that its purpose is to put you on edge before giving way to the actual theme and I love it for that.
big if true
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I've thought of getting mine graded but I hear it's a scam
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Got a fable booster bundle for fun and got him from a pack which was nice
Bought the ETB promo separately for cheap also
It is not worth it in the slightest, it's for people who wanna eventually sell it or think a card being 'mint' makes it better
I wish you could actually close up the Pecharunt plush. It feels like a missed opportunity.
You can, sort of, just not all the way through. I don't think it qualifies as a form change, but I still hope his peach form gets something, maybe a Sitting Cutie a couple years down the line
i want to cook him
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A nice meal, right anon? Right?
That's delightful. Give it to me now.
This make me think - is there possibility that one day we will see game with these four as main characters? They clearly have that JRPG-esque "four quirky niggers" vibe.
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As main characters? Never ever. As antiheroes? They were born for the role. If only GF loved them half as much as I do.
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I hope we get some Halloween fanart with him, since he’s basically a ghost that turns people into zombies.
I wanna go trick or treating with them...
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How do you display those wtfhueg ETB promos? Do you go au naturel or are there custom toploaders or something big enough for them?

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