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Hydreigon thread
Love this three headed dragon
Worst pseudo and built for big fairy cock
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Happy Hydreigon is something I did not know I needed in my life
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He looks like he rapes all 3 Johto starters simultaneously and gets paid for it. . .
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Forced sissification is hot
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>Flabébé used fairy wind!
Fuck you all. He is very cool and scary.
That’s a very cool jugulis.
You know, if they change his design so he can actually stand, he could become a rival to charizard
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I love seeing him happy
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Hmmm, sylveon bacon
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Yum yum
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Dark/pseudo supremacy
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Why these two?
>Trooneon ruining another thread with their faggotry
Muppet dragon!!!
Dark/Dragon vs Fairy type
Sylveon canonically goes for the BDC (Big Dragon Cock)
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Sylveon and Hydreigon is a classic pairing, from a time where we didn't have false-flagging tranny faggots like >56438803 every fucking thread.
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Only if you dress Cynthia as a Sylveon
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Because of this + Hydreigon getting quadruple-fucked by Sylveon is funny
Cute sunglasses;
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Hydreigon wrecked shit on gen5
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Troony detected in your picture. Gtfo from the thread now.
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Wich is better for him: Poison teratype or Steel teratype?

I love running Hydreigon Poison tera with Belch and Salac berry
I don't hate sylveon but the joke got old years ago, let alone in gen 9 where I can choice specs ohko tera kill it and removing weaknesses.

Dead pairing desu
Not dead, Hydreigon finally asserted dominance
Shoo Sylveonfag. Go back to your pozz thread
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Two can play the Tera game, but why bother? That shit will be dead next gen anyway.
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god this picture is way too good

id love to be that hydreigon so badly
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And I'd love to be that Sylveon
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>tfw you will never be a cute fat dragon and devour willing cute anons as they play with your tongue and go inside you

i just want to be a cute dragon
>look down at the latest anonymous human
>the appearance is vague as usual, but you're pretty sure this one's male
>and definitely a little timid
>"Sorry, it's... just a little intimidating. What with you being big enough to eat me."
>smirk and place one side-head on his shoulder
"Those mawshots a bit different in-person, hmm?"
>the side-head licks his neck
>mmm, freshly showered
>polite of him
>he closes his eyes and shudders with a breathy moan
>"Yeah... maybe if I just don't think about it until it's over, somehow..."
>lower your main head, open up only a little, and let your side-heads coax him in
"Start with just your hands. Explore my mouth, feel my tongue, let me taste you... and then, when you're ready, push deeper. Trust me, you will. They always do."
>one hand, then the other, pushes over your lips to rest on your tongue
>smile and give a pleased hum
>dextrous human fingers dance over your fangs
>run along your gums
>then find the entrance to your throat
>it takes a lot of control, mental and physical, to keep from swallowing right there
>after all, it's not like he could do anything about it
>still... it's nicer when they choose
>he carefully squeezes your tongue, experimenting with the wet muscle
>even pets it a little
>then takes a deep breath
>looks you in the eyes
>and pushes his hands deeper
>soon starting a small but definite bulge in your neck
>that's your cue
>you swallow, letting his head rest just inside
>imagine him staring down your gullet, vision naturally following where his arms vanish into a pink, squishy realm
>not that you'd tell anyone this, but you're not letting go now, even if he tried to pull out
>he rubs his face on wherever he can
>then leans in again, pushing deeper
>another swallow, another advance
>take over at this point, lifting his feet off the ground
>gulp, gulp, gulp, and he curls up so nicely inside
>he's wiggling in there
>probably getting off one last time
>decide to help
>"Good boy. Melt for me, now..."
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Even if I'm more of an endo friendo, I must admit that that was very nicely written. Good green.
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>Just the two of us
>We can make it if we try
>Just the two of us
>Just the two of us
>Building castles in the sky
>Just the two of us
>You and I
>Violet dex: It’s said that Hydreigon grew ferocious because people in times long past loathed it, considering it to be evil incarnate and attacking it relentlessly.

How do you feel about this?
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This one goes hard
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