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Time for a Slurpuff thread.
Cute umbrella
It's actually cotton candy.
I miss bellydrum...
are they edible
Hmm, merengue...
I want to eat it ngl
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cute pink blob
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Probably, but they taste like merengue, cotton candy, or strawberry cake.
God almighty, I've been waiting for this.
How are we doing, Slurpuff bros?
Great, still supporting the cupcake dog.
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That's what I like to hear. I was doing some practice drawing the other night and made this. Bit basic, but it comes from the heart.
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I will now commence with the true art dump.
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That's all the anime gifs I have. Sorry for good quality.
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Well after five years or however long this line's been going, we've finally got gen 6 sitting cuties.
What do we think of our pal in pink?
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>I should have bought more while the seller was still in business
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A'ight, someone else take over, I need to go to sleep.
may your dreams be as sweet as Slurpuff, anon :)
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It's the strangest thing, I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately and I don't understand why.
Maybe I just need to cuddle my Slurpuff more.
Slurpuff can be a physical attacker, special attacker, support player, defensive tank; there's really no reason not to have one on your team at any point, it can slot into any role you need. Other mons wish they had that kind of flexibility.
Bumping for interest.
Have you tried all the usual recommendations? No caffeine at least three hours before bed, getting in exercise during the day, having a light snack a few hours before bed, like a turkey sandwich or some nuts/a banana, staying away from blue light devices before bed, and/or a warm bath/shower? And if none of that works, a good nut just before bed can also do the trick, which is of course different from the kind of nut I mentioned earlier ;) or yeah, just try cuddling a little more with Slurpuff, lol.
the punchline is Sweet Veil
Me too, I must cuddle the puff.
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stress/eating like garbage can fuck up your sleep schedule
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>the exaggerated swagger of a pink fairy
I have an uncontrollable urge to punt this thing and eat out its mushed insides off the wall
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You mean cotton-candy like insides?
It's probably merengue too, or little gum drops entrails. But Swirlix does look tasty also.
very cute! keep up the good work
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Nice drawing anon! Very adorable. :)
Literally can solo the Elite Four.
>Flamethrower/Surf/Draining Kiss/Energy Ball
You're right. Give it Calm Mind and Cotton Guard and swap the TMs as you go and it's completely invincible.
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I agree, Slurpuff is a definite 8/5 for sure.
You have to agree that is one of the ugliest least inspired evolutions ever. So, so ugly damn why? at least it's behind a terrible evolution method (even that is horrible lmao what a shit existence).
Low IQ take.
>cotton candy is called "fairy floss" in some parts, cupcakes are called "fairy cakes," giving it a good reason for its fairy type
>goes from one kind of dessert into another while still being clearly identifiable as Swirlix's evolution
>the cupcake icing forms its ears, as well as "bangs" that partially cover its eyes, almost like a Shih Tzu or something
>a layer of jam dripping over its jiggly belly visually mimics a bib, highlighting its gluttonous nature
>fluffy cotton candy aesthetic is applied to dogs, which can also be comically fluffy
>to run with that comedic aspect, they turned it into one of those kinds of dogs with a constant happy slobbery grin, while the majority of Pokemon dogs up to that point had been relatively serious and wolf-like, making it unique
>Slurpuff becomes a nontraditional bipedal dog-like creature rather than a literal dog, fitting in with gen 1's "vague fictional creatures/animal mixes" if you think about it
>dogs have a great sense of smell, so it makes sense that Swirlix and Slurpuff would make use of this in conjunction with their love for sweets
>its sense of smell has become so powerful that its eyes have atrophied the way cave-dwelling animals in real life lose the pigmentation of their eyes due to disuse. its red eyes are indicative of the lore behind the design while also staying true to the three-color palette that maintains simplicity.
>its tongue is always hanging out to emphasize both the fat fuck motif and its sense of smell
I’d cross the street if I saw this coming down the sidewalk
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>he thinks he can run
It smells your fear.
You have to agree that is one of the ugliest least inspired evolutions ever. So, so ugly damn why? at least it's behind a terrible evolution method (even that is horrible lmao what a shit existence).
>only available via trading
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You heard it here first.
>least inspired evolutions
There is a Pokemon that is just a crab whose Japanese name is literally crab that evolves into a bigger crab.
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Oh thank fug, the server's finally back up.
pink blobs
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bumping cute thread
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C'mon quints...
Death or glory death or glory death or glory death or glory
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I claim this victory for the greatest Fairy of them all.
I see no problem with this
I do like kingler but a cartoon crab that evolves into a bigger crab is way less inspired than a fluffy puppy combined with a dessert evolving into a mature fluffy dog combined with a different dessert in my opinion.
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>there's only three slurpuff fans remaining on /vp/
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How do you know
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You left your webcam on.
Stop slouching.
What happened to all of them
Scattered, dead, hell if I know.
I miss her
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Me too, bud. Me too.
Cute cotton candy umbrella
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Extremely cute
Does Slurpuff know how to share?
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Only in exchange for goods and services to acquire more food.
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Starting to regret not posting these in order...
Sanrio reject
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So how does cotton candy evolve into this? What kind of sweet is it?
Horrid shitmon
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ur mom
Clever Slurpuff
Guarantee you 99% of this thread likes iCarly, kissing cute girls, eating hot chip, and lying

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