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>autist OP count: 105
>threads since counter: 110

Previous thread:

Rusefox GF pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/G0tjqZa5 (embed)

Zoroark Mom & Blind Son write.as:

Zoroark GF stuff (bouts of high horny, lewds not shown):

Untitled fic (deceptive Zoro GF):
https://pastebin.com/MpCifp8u (embed)

Mega Ruse (chronicles of freakin' huge ruse foxes):
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You forgot to remove the word "embed" from the OP
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one job, OP
What does she need the gun for?
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Wouldn't you wanna know, Glowie
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Guys I'm clicking embed but nothing is happening!
imagine the soft pawjobs
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>"Babies aren't made that way, Anon."
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TF or dropped illusion… call it
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>Mega Ruse
I don’t think you people understand how tall this girlie is. Are you really ready to take on an Alpha Zoroark?
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It's Zoroark doing the "oh no, oh my, oh dearest me I am a human transforming into a ruse phox golly gee willikers" stint again.
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I imagine other Zoroark act as “wingmen” for those that choose to reveal themselves to their loved ones through a fake transformation and play the evil witch/wizard role to “curse” them.
>”MWAHAHAHA, This will teach your wife to disrespect the shrine of the trickster fox! I curse you to take the form of a Zoroark forever!”
>Oh no! Ahhhhhh! I’ve become a Zoroark! You still love me right? Hold me tight. Never let me go!
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How common is it for Zoroark to disguise themselves as human and start a family with a human?
>start a family
That might be difficult
Even Zoroark would know that is not love but rape. If they catfish people with their powers I bet they come clean before coitus. The revelation would certainly drive most away.
Zoroark breed with humans all the time
If a man can have kids with a Froslass, Zoroarks are easy mode.
>A significant percentage of the population in the real world is related to Genghis Khan due to how randy he was
>In the Pokrmon world a significant percentage of people are at least part pokemon due to how randy Zoroarks are
Headcanon Accepted
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seems just about perfect to me
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Fun fact about Mega Ruse: I originally wrote it BEFORE Legends Arceus was ever even announced. I'm just a modest sizefag who got lucky. Just to play along, here's what Anon's currently dealing with as of Summer.

I also originally envisioned Z as only being 8 ft tall so the 9 ft long Alaskan King-sized bed would be big enough for her. Now I think her, Anon, and H are due for an upgrade.
Also I never played Legends Arceus so I'm just finding out now they're 10 ft tall.
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You're free to play with the size variation for whatever feels appropriate. Personally, I don't think it makes any more sense for Alphas to be locked in on one size than any other mon, and 8' is a good size.
Well, just from looking at an actual height chart, 10 feet Zorks seem to make the most sense to me, so I'll set that in stone going forward.
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zoroark for brushing
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>9' 10" Zoroark during mating season and you are the only male around
This is gonna hurt
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>A man got a Froslass pregnant which gave birth to Snorunts
If a man can get a Mineral/Ghost pregnant because she was doing a good enough job pretending to be human, I'm sure Field with a tangible illusionist is as easy as it gets.
>>A man got a Froslass pregnant which gave birth to Snorunts
This is literally just Ricards head canon. Nowhere in the story does it act
*actually mention coitus, pregnancies, or children.
The game wouldn't be able to retain its rating of E for Everyone if it did, and the fact that you can offer this denial at all is the only reason they could get away with implying it.
>implying it
Except they don't. The story is being twisted by zoophiles who want to justify their degeneracy. If you asked the guy who wrote that story if it implies human on pokemon sex he fucking say no. Until I see them confirm it, it's not canon
You've never played Pokemon Legends: Arceus, have you. Also, I don't think you understand your own argument.
Played it recently actually. Seen the notes in game, didn't read pokephilia into them as intended
And what's your reasoning for the Snorunts having one half of the journal, and the Froslass having the other half?
Not beastiality
You know bestiality doesn't mean "sex with non-humans," right?
>>A man got a Froslass pregnant which gave birth to Snorunts
Where is this ever mentioned in official pokemon media?
It's implied by a side-quest in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
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>Encounter a pair of Snorunts
>They retreat, dropping part of an Old Journal
>Implication: the Old Journal is a possession of importance to them
>Follow the Snorunts
>Leads to a Froslass
>Implication: the Froslass is a source of safety for the Snorunts.
>The Froslass has the other part of the Old Journal
>Implication: the journal is of mutual importance to the Snorunts and Froslass
>Journal's contents are basically a beat-for-beat retelling of the Legend of Yuki Onna, with a man meeting a woman in ornate robes and being instantly smitten by her
>He eventually figures out she's a Pokemon, and she leaves him, and he regrets ever asking, wanting her to come back to him.
>The feelings are strong, but their precise nature is not elaborated on.
>The journal's value to Froslass is self-evident
>The journal's value to the Snorunts is not unless there is an undisclosed connection between the man and the Snorunts
>Implication: the man is important to the Snorunts in some manner, and it's an importance shared with the Froslass
>The behavior of the trio suggests a family relationship
>The Snorunts never come up in the Journal, nor does any notable stand-in
>Implication: the Snorunts become part of the story after Froslass leaves the man
Draw your own conclusions.
I have. You are a deluded. Ask yourself if these "implications" are so obvious than why is nobody outside /vp/ talking about it except to make fun of it?
Pro tip: your own jollies are not the majority, or even the plurality, of what other people do with their hobbies.
Repeat that in the mirror and you'll find your intended audience
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>It isn't what you say it is!
>Then what is it?
>It just isn't!
Pictured: you
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming
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Catching lots of Rusefoxes today.
Got Arceus a week ago.
Do you know where the Alpha Zoro is?
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Alpha H. Zork is in the Lake Spirits segment of the game.
Got it, not a female tho, oh well.
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Big Ruse is still good ruse
>It canon because I and a bunch of dogfuckers say so
>Can you support it with WOG documentation from TPC?
>It's just true alright, Dude trust me!
Nice portrait of yourself anon. If anybody is being a sj it's not me.
That shorty ruser is adorable.
I’d let her hang on me.
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I salute your level of autism. Chris-Chan blue sonic arms level.
I mean, people rarely talk about how Gen 4 has a book that outright stated that humanity used to marry Pokemon outside of 4chan.
I think most people ignore it or don't really care about it...
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Marry =/= copulate and conceive children which is what you are claiming PLA "implies". For fuck sakes TPC can't even admit pokemon themselves fuck and lay eggs let alone a human and pokemon
The societal function of marriage exists for the specific purpose of starting legally unified families, continuing into succeeding generations with offspring, dude. Children are an important part of marriage, here; that's why the first thing you do after getting married is fuck.
Again you are talking about a franchise that has males and females with eggs only appearing when you have a male and female and TPC says, "Oh! They aren't actually eggs!" Who knows what they mean by marriage when they are this obtuse. But I know this much it's not sex and children with pokemon. Until I see TPC confirm the theory , I'll take it for what it is: Headcanon
>But I know this much it's not sex and children with pokemon.
And apparently for no other reason than it makes you mad.
No because it makes zero logical sense for a children's company in 2020s to imply beastiality in a game targeted at 6-12 year olds. Oh I'm sorry "interspecies fornication". For what purpose does it serve TPC?
Purposes for considering such things include:
>World building
>Engrossment in the setting by considering the implications of a species with multiple sapients
>Aids in supplying references to Japanese myths and legends with Youkai and other spirits, which heavily influenced the setting
It is, by definition, not fornication if they're married.
Fuck I need more coffee. Point two should read "The implications of a world with multiple sophants."
You do know that multiple Pokemon have crushes on their trainers in the anime, right?
Did any of them fuck and have children? No? Not really relevant is it then. There's a difference between on screen infatuation and implicit sex and reproduction. Remember OP is claiming in PLA it states a human and pokemon fucked and made babies.
Not a claim of statement, a claim of implication. The Snorunts act like the Froslass is their mother. Both the Snorunts and the Froslass have the man's journal. Where do the Snorunts get a stake in the journal? Familial attachment is the simplest and most logical explanation.
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Be careful around foxes
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Thats not being careful
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>"Yes, Trainer, this one right here."
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i want to fuck this creature
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You can reset for it as long as you saved before entering the cave.
Straight up zorking it
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There's not much of a point in measuring millimeters, considering it changes over the day. Unless it's an average height over 24 hours?
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Blame the site, I was using freedom units.
>Zororark magician who’s gimmick is using all practical effects
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Cute Zoroark. The one in the maid dress looks fine, too.
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And by "it", haha, well let's just say. My master.
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The perfect face for planting a kiss on her forehead
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They grow up so fast.
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So... can Zoroark shrink, or it's destined to get stuck everywhere when disguised as a Joltik? Can Zoroark see and hear everything in it's illusion domain?
Since all Pokemon canonically have the power to shrink because a wizard said so, this is hardly a question. A better question would be: how can a Zoroark mimic something several times bigger than it? What about pokemon that live underwater or can fly, teleport, etc.?
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If it makes a Joltik illusion, its real body is probably still at normal size but just invisible. It would be overpowered if it could just change its true size on demand by making different-sized illusions.
Can Zoroark see through illusion's eyes?
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Mogs Yasuke
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What do you even do in this case? You’re basically at her mercy.
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Morning sickness hits every woman differently. Help her out with cleaning, preparing food, and making her comfy.
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Take care of your fox wife, of course.
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This has been debunked
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By who
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One ugly Zoroark
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is zoroark a wolf?
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According to the source materials, Zoroarks are foxes
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I like this image. Moody with an expressive zork face.
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Allow me to remind you. With a 10’ Alpha Zoroark, your face is in this range.
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>try to be flirty and pinch your Zork gf’s nips
>she jumps and pic related happens
How do you make it up to her?
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My my, how forward
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That's one Fang lookin' snoot
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I get it’s supposed to be intimidating, but I just want to run up to her and give her a hug.
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RUN! She's a ghost and a bitch!
I absolutely loathe this.
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>Scary at first?
>Oh yeah, absolutely.
>But that was years ago.
>Her whole family's around now.
>Striking a menacing pose isn't enough enough to spook you anymore; far from it.
>She and her family have to get creative.
>Very creative.
Think of the money you could make off those weirdos
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>Zoroark family pulls a silly li'l prank on you
>They made you think you're a Pokemon
>They kept it up for a full day
>They got their snickers and laughs
>But damn, the illusion was good
>At the end, you almost believed it was real
>Could be a moneymaking opportunity here...
Oh my! She shaved her top for this pin up.
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Is this from the anime?
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No, but this is.
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Next week or tonight?
I vote tonight. I may be biased.
I vote next week
Next week.
Cute smile!

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