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It's Skeledirge's day. Post and celebrate the fan favorite Paldean starter here!
it's funny how fans of shit designs always make fan art of them next to other much better designed pokemon just to make the shit design look good
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It is? Well, happy Skeledirge Day, then. :)
Meowscarada is the fan favorite though
bald ugly clown gator that looks blocky and made out of plastic
But enough about Krookodile
Kinda true
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Unfortunately mogged by the power couple. How do you even fail like this as a fire starter?
>gay duck
>fur bait
croc hard mogs them
you are a homosexual
>you are a homosexual
But enough about ducks.
But if they're a fan then the "shit design" is the best design in the fan art
ugly bald clown
still the best fire starter since infernape
Skeledirge is none of the above though
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Skelebros we're free from the Rowlet curse!
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Clownfag cope just keeps getting bigger. There's a reason you don't see player screenshots with the croc. Fuecoco just became an one-stage pokémon.
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pity bump for the one and only bald clown gator fan
you know you'll regret this when the thread devolves into genwar bullshit
pity bump :)
have a pity bump, op
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>p-p-pity bump!!
That's exactly wha he wants anon. It's why he's samefagging.
That's why Transcat is often drawn with better designs like Cinderace and Gardevoir
Literally the first time I would pick the fire starter, fuck the coomer cat and the faggot duck.
>better designs
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it's actually because skeledirge is a kino design that fits in with pokemon from earlier generations, you know, as a POKEMON! Something the other 2 starters struggle with
have a pity bump
Krookodile is a fat red crocodile with black stripes

It is not good
skeledirge was disappointing compared to fuecoco, but it's not that bad and could've been worse like the fake fairy
>board is actually infested with faggots
it's over
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Faggot you mean, it's just one person dumping his quACK folder and play through KEK
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There's a gator thread constantly dying on the catalog that's exactly what you're talking about. You don't need to project that much man.
Duckfags have it good, probably gets the least shit thrown at them here now out of the three.
>probably gets the least shit thrown at them here now out of the three.
gays don't attack each other
that's why catfags and duckfags are on the same bed
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Please don't post your disgusting images here. Oh wait you can't post in your thread because you hit image cap. Fucking moron LOL.
Why is there so much hostility in this thread
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>thread made earlier
>still hasn't reached image limit because no one gives a shit
>this one will slide too
lmao, is someone desperate?
please take this pity bump since you clearly need it, op :>
Why are people so hostile? There's personally disliking a design, and then there's going out of your way to barge into a thread about a 'mon you don't like and bitching about the fact that people like it.
What about fan of a mon design that they always draw fucking it's trainer (selfinsert)?
take this pity bump, hopefully your thread will take off soon!
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Because people like to have FUN, don't you know what that IS?
This thread was going to slide anyway, because aside from the haters no one really gives a shit about the croc. That's the point.
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Not every thread needs to be image spammed. It was solely to spread some enjoyment to fans of the croc on his day. Getting the duckfag to seethe was a nice bonus.
Did he do 9/11?
Saw that this thread wasn't doing too well, so I'm here to give it a bump of pity :)
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Nice thread
>Fire got a Venusaur-esque mon
>Generates endless seethe
Why are Firefags so tasteless?
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>weak to Water, Ground and Dark
He gets spitroasted by both.
how can a pokemon be this unpopular? And what's up with its one and only fan being extremely insecure?
You mean the one hater of it that's continuously seething ITT?
Bro, you're the only one posting pics in this thread. This is embarassing for you to say.
insecure little clown
ugly ass bald clown
Skeledirge had no chance of gaining popularity with this garbage design
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Is the concept of an "opinion" THAT alien to you?
kek good one. skeleturd seethes a lot
It's about you, genius. The one who can't stand people liking a 'mon you don't and trying to group them all together.
based anti-skeleshit poster
>h-he’s the heckin’ goodest friendo with feraligatr!!
wtf is wrong with skelidookies?
>t. Seethedirge fan
pity bump for this dead thread
Truly the most insecure poster on this board must be the skeletroon. Never have I seen someone so butthurt as him
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Just don't reply to it, maybe it'll go away.
>that image
pity bump for the clown
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Does this ugly clown croc have ANY good art at all?
pity bump
Please take this pity bump
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pity bump!
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>crocGODs get a duckfag to bump their threads for free
It shouldn't be be allowed to win this hard. The 'dirge is unreal.
This is very "Ghost" like
Darker color suits it well
Skeledirge X
I don’t like it but I will always respect and cherish it for making Zodiac retards commit mass suicide.
that's a snake you s o y b o y
probably the least popular starter I've ever seen
troon-coded bald clown
How can a pokemon be this fucking ugly?

Nobody posted the gay duck
>skeleshit day
>5 days ago
>only NINETEEN skeleturd images
fucking hell, this is just embarrassing
no wonder OP is seething in other people's threads 24/7. Literally no one gives a shit about his ugly piece of shit croc
yes lol
it's ironic how he goes around into other people's threads and calling them insecure when this dead garbage thread exists
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wtf bros...you told me the crocodile was unpopular...the narrative is crumbling
meanwhile the ones the insecure skeletroon calls "insecure" are both in the top 5 and one of them is in first place LMAO
skelecuck loves humiliating himself
>2nd most popular 3rd stage
>most popular 1st stage
oh no no no no
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Luv Crocs
>l-look at this list!
Look at this thread, dumb clown
NO ONE gives a flying fuck about this failed shitmon
>he thought posting his clowncroc being in 30th place was a good idea
I think the best thing about it specifically is that now that it’s fully broken, zodiac retards are left forever arguing among themselves as to whether a crocodile is a snake or a bull while no one takes them seriously ever again. Good end.
Then why is its hater bumping its thread in the dumbest possible way. Seems like you're just projecting the insecurity instead of noticing it.
>n-nooo look at my samefagging.
You lost
>top 3 percent in the series
keep seething
>Gengar more popular than Shillzard.
>skelecuck is way below the pokemon his only fan seem to always attack
Let's see the most recent list
skeletroon in full damage control after embarrassing himself
idk, post it
your ugly shitmon lost hair and you should lose weight, buttmunching faggot
>least ugly skeledirge fanart
Why are you so hostile?
>actual skelefag: you guys seem weird, here's some fanart and actual popularity stats ig
>it's okay for me to spend most of my day shitting up other people's threads, but don't you dare insult me in my threads!
Why is OP so unbelievable insecure?
but enough about you
>being schizo
It's the result of being the one and only fan of this literal-who clownmon on /vp/
quads confirm
OP is brown and insecure about his shitmon
You must have a special kind of autism to find this trash design remotely good
Grenigger is way too high for how objectively fallen he has become

Has to be XYbortions grown up thinking he's still good
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Now I know why the duckfag is so mad. It couldn't even get more than 1 poster in it's thread and now it MEGA FLOPPED the popularity polls. Meanwhile both the other starters make it there multiple times! KEEEK!
pity bump
take my pity bump
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>Nobody posted the gay duck
let me fix that then, here's one of the duck riding the croc
gay duck riding the hideous homosexual bald clown crocodile
that's just what schizoes are like
just watch, he'll "pity bump" soon like a psycho
It's quite the sight isn't it
pity bump for the dead skeledirge day thread
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bruh, look at the time gap between posts
at least the duck thread had more than 1 person posting pics
Pity bump for this embarrassing clown shitmon
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>inb4 pity bump from a faggot
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one at a time, false flagging seether
make this the longest lasting thread /vp/'s had
>like the fake fairy
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holy shit that's so much worse
dodged a bullet
It will be the longest humiliation ritual/vp/ has ever had.
pity bump
have a pity bump
I'm sure the skeledirge fans will see this thread and post fanart one of these days. Have this pity bump until then!
I like crocs
pity bump!
have a pity bump
Point proven
Point proven
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The duckfag does this for every Pokemon starter it doesn't like KEK. Literally every other starter thread gets a shitpost from it within minutes. It literally thinks about this board 24/7 and goons to the duck. It's truly pathetic kek.
Pity bumping the fan favorite Paldean starter thread
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Stop bumping this shit thread and let it slide, as a duck fan.
pity bump
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Again, duckfag?
have a pity bump
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dog shit starter

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