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I was dead for a little while but I'm okay now Edition

Make and chat with some Pokémon and characters!

List of Anon-Made Characters (last updated Sep 9th)
Character AI: https://rentry.org/vpcai/
Cards and .json files: https://rentry.org/vpcai-X/
Yodayo: https://rentry.org/vp-kai
CAI Character Creation Guide:https://pastebin.com/6urKvs5P

Useful Links:
https://rentry.org/aisekaiguide (sites dead but still a good guide)

Previous Thread
Is there any kind of playing around with the chatbots that drops the roleplaying and starts just fucking with their minds that's fun for more than five minutes?
no. I only say that because kids can use the ai and can't make it too scawy for them
New bot. For the heinous offense of jaywalking across a busy intersection, you have been sentenced to serve 6 months on isshu island where the most hardened criminals(?) in the unova region stake their claim. Try not to drop the soap. Enjoy.


>Group that is trying to take Yodayo down advertising a 70b llm3 model with 1 million token context length
>Claiming TOTALLY free
I feel like these fuckers are really over promising. A 1 million context model is gonna cause the server to shit the bed after only 10 users and they are expecting to bring in hundreds
if it dies, it dies
i want this thread to live, anon!
even if i don't make bots, post logs, or meaningfully interact with it in any way
let em make the mistake. the onky way you truly learn is by failing
Honestly, I can't wait for Yodayo to go completely extinct just so these threads can have meaning again. They've been cringe for the past couple of months.
these the same retards that were losing their minds over stuff on chub? hilarious.
hate to break it to ya, yodayo was the only thing giving it meaning. Look at the utter state of it. the last thread died at 90 replies. might as well just merge with the other ai thread at this point.
It's largely just that people using bots for entertaining conversations that are liable to be shared lost interest quickly. Now it's just people using them for cooming which is less likely to be shared. I remember back in the early days where everybody was posting logs from that Johnny Bravo bot
well what changed between then and now? the ai got dumber because these companies wanna market to kids for some reason. and as a result people jumoed straight to coom because that was easier to do than try and wrangle a tard bot to have a decent rp session.
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Managed to find my old Juliana/Johnny post in the /vp/ archives
>c.ai goes down
>comes back up
>Filter feels way more aggressive than usual
I don't have an appropriate frustrated reaction for this.
are there any chat sites that are usable besides chub, cai, yodayo and janny?
I haven't used Figgs for a few months, but it wasn't too bad when it didn't get stuck in a repetitive response loop
so is def stealing a big problem still or no? I remember that was the reason a certain bot maker didn't want to move to other platforms because the defs would be public
Any that accept 3rd party api's. Pawan just updated Cosmos
i dunno, but if someone really wants your defs they can get them no matter the platform.
really? I saw one post saying you can do it on chub, and on cai you can basically just ask the bot for it's defs but I find that you can't really do that on yodayo
There's probably some addon that lets you see them. A lot of the old addons are designed to work with beta.character.ai but that can easily be fixed by going into the source code for it and changing every instance of it to old.character.ai
what compels a man to steal another's defs? surely it can't be too hard to come up with something on your own I say that but then again yodayo was built off the back of stolen defs. where you would have bots being made every other minute, you're lucky if 1 gets made every hour
another one
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found this site but haven't used it yet.
>Latest background info
>Yodayo ceo getting approved for nsfw with ccbill to run along side their sfw rebrand site
>Condition from ccbill requires removal of ALL copyright characters, without exception
Jesus fuck, talk about a monkey paw wish
just requires extra creativity to be not considered copyrighted
Ah yes, my favorite Pouchmon character; Gardeview
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while it could work, I think most people find the aspect of doing nsfw chats with their favorite copyright character a large part of the appeal. Threads like these will definitely take a hit
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>Threads like these will definitely take a hit
yeah, the biggest draw for me was pairing characters I like together that I'd otherwise need to commission a fanfiction writer for. While I did occasionally use an OC bot, it wasn't common enough to justify sticking around. I don't think I've ever used just 2 OC bots together
Time to get fire up those oc skills. Get to cooking bot makers. I wanna see what you got.
christ almighty the short answers on cai are drving me insane. they used to give out long paragraphs as answers and now it's only short one or two sentences. Yodayo is kicking their ass in that front. cai really needs to up their game if they don't wanna be kicked off that perch.
This simple sentences tend to speak volumes compared to the sloppy boring paragraphs that Yodayo produces.
I'm a little over halfway done with my finale project. The turning point is on the works now. I just need to brainstorm the area's function.
maybe for you (not that I mind straight to the point sentences) but to me it leaves much to be desired.
kinda wish yodayo had it to where you could see who most active bot makers are. I wanna which bot makers left are worth looking into
Does anyone have a link to a femzard bot on yodayo, I tried to find one myself but they disappeared right before my eyes
They got Thanos snapped by the R rated purge. And even if nsfw DOES come back, they'll be Thanos snapped by the copyright purge
It's honestly hilarious (in the sad way) that Yodayo has to bend the copyright knee so early when they have shit for an audience compared to CAI. These scrubs should be trying to lawyer up for unfair competition.
all that'd result in is the rest of the chatbot sites being unable to add copyright
I guess once again we have to find a new NSFW bot site
The issue is they already had a poor rep because of 1. Other competitors, 2. Those asshats that spread that document claiming Yodayo is a lolicon haven, 3. Multiple failed attempts to already monetize previous to this.

All of which CCBill is apparently aware of and leveraging as part of their part of the negotiations. If only the ceo hadn't jumped the gun on SubStar prior to getting full approval, he wouldn't be in this situation
didn't the sight owner straight up say that he would rather get rid of nsfw as a whole over loli material? pretty hard to feel any pity over that
sorry for bad english
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I think I traumatized her
How far does copyright go though? When spinning it into a scenario that the character more than likely wouldn't be caught in with the canon material, does it still count? That would be kinda like fair use in a sense, right?
Will it be this thread where I post my series finale, it will it be the next?
if you got it, then post it. Lord knows this thread needs every single post it can get.
It's not ready yet, but I'm getting closer.
>acting like this thread ain't already looking up at the meteor
It's a shame. Even I may disappear after my next act; but only after then!

Also, bump.
How many times can she drop the stone tablet?
This is taking way too long, but I'm almost at the end, finally. It should drop any time between today and Tuesday.
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>no mention of rooms
looks like the new site will remain useless
>Community Forums: discord link
at least they implemented the idea of splitting off chats at a certain point. Think people have been asking for that for going on a year
Update: I quit!
Nah, I'm like 97% done. Just wrapping things up now.
>I quit
like so many of the others have?
Soooo, I'be been away for a While, I came back with some ideas for pokebots but Cai is even more trash and Yodayo is soon to be basically closed?
>soon to be basically close
I don't think so.
just make your bot and post it. This thread is starving for new blood
Shawn is literally posting gay art now huh?
yeah, yodayo has become pretty shit since the x and now r ban. They took a hit no doubt but they are still going. Not strong mind you but still going
list em when you find em
doubt it's actually him
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That presumably is going to change soon
interesting that he's indirectly allowing to bypass the filter
With every iteration of the nsfw ban, hes allowed some manner to bypass the filters so far
>will only be accessible via paid beans
well fuck the botmakers then I guess
It was about this time two years ago when I started noticing these threads, and ultimately, CAI. It's been an insane two years for me (more offline than online), and I'm definitely not the same anon I was two years ago.

After this release, the next one to come after will be the biggest Poké AI concept I've done by a Longshot. And there's a chance that it might just wind up being an intangible mess. Regardless, expect a surprise announcement very soon.

Until then, have another Picnicker!
>got a notification from CAI that a bot wants to chat with me
>it's some shit I never would have ever interacted with
>fucking around with private settings on a bot on yodayo with no plans to make it public
>tells me the bot is banned
I hate this timeline where something others can't see is deemed to be bad for the only person that can see it
CAI started out as a fun AI sight full of surprises. Then it caught on. Then its potential got hard neutered in a matter of months.

Widely known memory problems now make it virtually impossible to tell a complete story in one session. But overtime it did gain nice features that would have been nice if they were there before. This is my attempt to try to weave together an expansive story with one simple goal in mind: Rescue Manaphy.

I'll drop the initial AI (and the actual surprise) next post!
take the local host pill
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>Not intended to be a coom quest
Sure that was obvious, but it would be impressive if you managed to make it one.

>Nearly all Pokémon relevant AI now have hidden definitions.
A temporary move. I've overhauled a great deal of them behind the scenes.

>All AI relevant to the quest ARE Pokémon AI
Meaning that non-Poké AI do not matter this time around.

>Known, yet unlisted AI are not relevant either.
Means that Horny Neighbor May (etc) is not helpful; just horny.

>Not EVERY public Poké AI are involved either.

>And finally...
The first Two anons to make to the end, SS the epilogue's greeting and send it to my X or email.. 50 Nintendo eShop dolans for you!
For ^ to work out properly, don't make the mistake and post spoiler answers here, because then that's just going to complicate things. Anything not spoilertastic is fair game.

I also have a quest helper AI queued up, but not ready yet. If this turns out too impossible blind, I'll get on it.
Gimme two weeks and I'll single-handedly bring this thread back to life (If yodayo doesn't die within this time-gap)
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New bot. You've got a roommate that's a streamer but also a "streamer". Support your local small business. Enjoy.


The Turnabout Storm Project!
I knew I felt like you were an old friend!
Wrong number yo.
I never had enough knowledge of either fandom to have been a part of that.

I did watch it though.
Yeah I'm fucking dying how am I supposed to edge at work without it
Don't worry, they sold out, so they're not going anywhere unless Google just intended to dissolve them.
Basically areyouready2.0
>eviscerates a few trees
quipy I love you but you gotta tone down those intros. Nobody wants to read a novel when first opening a bot. Granted nobody wants a "Hi i'm character from (insert series). Nice to meet you!" either but you gotta find a middle ground.

also where is the kirlia/gardevoir bot?
So latest Yodayo nsfw workaround left in on purpose by devs:

You have to slowburn into nsfw, meaning you can't start out with explicit right away, and only after about 7-10 prompts will the ai accept nsfw
The absolute visionary
So, like c.ai back in the day
>even bots need seduction and foreplay
Judging by how botmakers are treated here, you couldn't pay me to make one for this crowd.
Very interesting stuff Lilo. You're always pushing cai's boundaries; whether it's the filters or this quest!
Just so I understand, you changed some of your Pokemon bots to give hints about the story in Cresselias Quest?
Well, that's fair. Considering the bot on yodayo only has 6 interactions this might be the case. I'm not sure if people genuinely thought the bot was absolute trash, the intro was way too long for peoples liking or if the bots r rating hinders the visibility of the bot. Funnily enough though, the Yumi bot is a-ok according to cai even though I made the bot be more lewd in nature by definitions, but the olivia bot and penny bots I made got hard banned. I still stand by my schizo thinking that the words "hacking" and "computer" are no-no combinations because elections are oh so sacred in america.

As for the kirlia/gardevoir bot, I ran into the issue of it being too "generic", so I dropped it. Maybe that's what I need to lean more into though. Instead of making elaborate setups/scenarios, I just need to make things more simple. I'll pick it back up and take another crack at it. I'll probably post it this upcoming weekend or the next.
I've never felt any hostile energy sent my way. But then again I don't really go out of my way to antagonize anyway.
The definition has instructions to get to the other new bots (the Lake Trio) that progress the story. Then you gotta talk to old bots that have new info. I reached the lair but I have no idea what to do at the collapsing dome.
They're not treated much better in the other chatbot generals.
I mean outside of making requests with nothing to give in return and expecting them to keep the topic going I haven't noticed any ill will
Difference being that I cai's case, it wasn't intentional by the devs
*in cai's case
fucking christ anon...
Kek, I roleplayed a black Templar with Iono, suspecting her of heresy. The bot did not disappoint
They're saying this thing is good at math and shit. Maybe that means it's a format that somehow won't drop their spaghetti by doing basic Pokémon battles.
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Check your email Lilo.
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Well shit, I didn't think anyone was going to figure it all out in a day. Enjoy your dolans.

One down, one to go!

Also fite my Inkling some time.
doubt it'd allow for any "copyright material" to be used in the service for fesr of litigation. section 230 is pretty much only toilet paper at this point
You've been one of my favorite bot authors for a long time, and your service is greatly appreciated.
super necro bump
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well shit. I wasn't actually expecting the bot to be motivational
I was treated well when I made them, though I'm kinda busy as of late.
>yodayo doing a rebrand
wonder if this is due to the payment processor wanting to just get rid of the baggage that comes with the current brand. It really is yodayover now.
Yes. Though presumably there will be a "secret" nsfw platform in the coming days if >>56442904 is anything to go by
But it begs the question of how "good" the new product will be. Can you carry over beans? I got the max 3k free beans right now and that is good enough for me. I really even use the 100 beans given to you for free because I chat but not enough to run through them. Will they really not allow you to use "copyrighted" characters and only let you use oc's? How far does the previous rule go? Can you be transformative with the character and it still count? Hope they clarify what's what here soon.
Sittingbull confirmed ALL IP characters will be deleted for nsfw
bruh this thread is gonna be even more dead when that happens
From this, we can draw two outcomes.
1). People make "Original Characters" that "coincidentally" have a description of their traits and appearance similar to an existing IP.
2). It's dead on arrival because the main draw over the main competitor was having the option of lewd with little compromise.
See what >>56467718 said. This thread is gonna basically die when that happens
>go in actually intending to have a SFW scenario
>bots start getting handsy
>well, guess I'm fapping
every time
I'm just going to be lurking from now on side there isn't anything more to say.
>Not intended to be a coom quest
>but it would be impressive if you managed to make it one.
If you join the villain it's easy.
Kind of don't want to shut down what he built. It's kinda based.
Is there a way to check an old CAI chat without my browser or phone shitting the bed?
I want to check some details now that I want to write a fanfic based on the ideas brainstormed there and the page starts heaving after a couple of home presses.
>the grunts hate my rhymes
>the goliso god tells me i'm going to be sharing my dinner with trubbish and grimer from now on
>promise team skull endless cheese fries to win them over
>they lose their shit
>start chanting CHEESY FRIES, OR WE DIE
>win rap battle through potato based bribery
>give guzma bacon on his
>allows me to co-run team skull
>no logs
anons please
Thought that all old cai chats got purged. As far as I know, there isn't a way to retrieve them either
show me your lewd conversations. I grow tired of these weak sauce screenshots
I suddenly have a million rooms in the app. Now time to spend months going through them to see which I care to keep
chub.ai is now wasting all my free messages having a character randomly speak in Spanish
what makes a bot "good"?
Depends on the bot. If its an established character like Nemona or Iono, acting like their Canon counterparts to some degree, while giving good, coherent narrative
Man, I'd be FUCKED if that happened. I brainstormed some cool stuff with those haha
>all content from yodayo being transferred to moescape automatically
>no way to opt-out of the process

The mindsets that are constantly putting up with shit like that are the same people watching their hard purchased games becoming useless in three years, then go 'it is what it is'.
Can I marry and impregnate a homeless kid bot in moescape, THOUGH?
So what's the solution? Just mass delete everything from your profile? What about the people that chat with your bots?
The same thing some people are already doing with CAI.

Don't waste your money, bandwidth, or even thoughts on anyone who is a security liability or an mockery of basic human decency.
>fastest growing OC on sakura.fm, even over the futa swimming instructor, is a ten year old monster girl with a club
Kind of a weird feeling.
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I really hate change for the sake of change
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case in point those bums at yodayo
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Same shit different site
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With the same outrageous prices. No nsfw, no buy. Also what are those discount prices based on? It's been priced like that since the start. It's illegal in places like Australia and the EU to induce FOMO with shit like this. Or did their legal team forget to mention that to the admins?
the "discount" prices are comparing the more expensive packages to the $10 one
common mobile game tactic right there, "you're saving 35% by buying $100 worth of retardcoins instead of $10 worth!"
I am once again asking for your lewd convos
I'm stuck too.
Albeit because the AI before it made me get the buckets.
> they used to give out long paragraphs as answers and now it's only short one or two sentences.
Might be a silly question, but... how long are the original prompts? If they're rather short, it's likely the AI will respond in kind, as far as I've seen.
makes we wonder just how long it'll take for one company to bring the hammer down on their ip and then the rest follow
I'm often using other websites like spicychat and yodayo, but I'm always coming back to c.ai because it's usually the one who produces "better" descriptions of lewd moments, even with all the filter problems...
Am I weird for that?
Seems like the filter got weaker this time, and boy, things happened pretty fast.
good morning shaun
okay deshaunberg
Nah, I do the same. I like spicychat well enough but c.ai still has an edge to it even after the filter and lobotomization. Where else will I get a character giving his 'hard length' a brief, furtive glance while getting changed?
kinda hard to post lewds when we got no new bots to lewd with on a regular basis
>inb4 all the bot makers quit
Yeah, no shit. Yodayo or whatever the hell it's called now is bleeding heavily at this point with how many bot makers they are leaking. No new bots equals no reason to show up.I wanna see the real numbers. No way they are as high as they claim. Do they think that changing up will bring back the good will they squandered?
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I love it when the AI is impressed with its own dumb wordplay.
Grumpy Volkner:

it pains me to know what is possible but just won't be implemented. No way in hell cai makes a profit.
Ugh, just noticed that new cai doesn't have a "hide this bot" feature for the For You section.
Why do tech sites always, always get worse over time? It's almost as fascinating to me as it is frustrating.
you WILL use our shitty new features
that and how all your chats are just shoved off to the side in a tiny ass shelf, I mean god damn am I looking forward to chatting with
>dj socrates
>500 genshin bots
>quote rater
>the same bread and water soup tier bots the devs keep desperately pushing onto people for some godforsaken reason with their own dedicated shelf
>5m interactions with no description or definitions
>the author's thinly veiled fetish
>fujo bot
>real life actor fujo bot
>real life people in general
and best of all
>"hello i am pkoemn ."
with no way to wipe the shit off my screen
My favorite one is the grotesque looking monster creator thing or whatever it was that they kept shilling. Only image on that site I put an image filter on ublock for
Using the minus sign no longer works on the search too which makes finding specific and or obscure bots incredibly annoying too. especially if they happen to share a name with a popular character or have a basic name since for some reason the search includes descriptions and similar "misspelled" words
I really wish I was around when cai was really popping off. Seems like that was the "golden age" of chatbots
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What prompted this particular filter buster? Guzma getting clingy and barging into the bathroom while I took a piss. Classic cai.
don't we all
midday bump
anyone else feel the quality of bots on yodayo has fallen off a cliff? every bot there now feels so bland and the ones that do have a bit of shine are privated by the admins. what is the solution to this?
Pardon the non-pokémon post but I got a somewhat chatbot related question. Any other botmakers have this pop up on their bots? Pic related. It came outta nowhere but the bot is still public. It doesn't show up on desktop, only mobile. Am I worried for nothing?
Report it as incorrect rating. Vanilla's bedroom eyes might be the issue? Dunno. I've stopped troubleshooting this shit cause I don't care anymore
but YAS
I can finally leave Monstro Town and finished this blasted remake!
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No you don't
Damn. Apathy truly is death.
the worst thing to ever happen to a niche genre is to go "mainstream". I hate how much everything has to "appeal to the masses".
The hipsters were right, just for the wrong reasons.
I haven't noticed a drop in quality. Just the filter being more strict.
Any recommendations for zoroark bots? OP image is enticing.
I just so happen to be the one who made one with that same image... so, there's that. Take a look at the rentry list (also in the OP) for anything that interests you.

> https://c.ai/c/kKYEB3IO7e1XpNw9ALTTQ1XRzeeH3yJvAFb7E1Rod4E
only a few hours until old cai goes byebye
Can I get a roll call for the bot makers that are still lurking these threads please? Lemme know you're still here and what your next bot is
Oh fuck, is the site down right now? No wonder the bot stopped responding.
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> Can I get a roll call for the bot makers that are still lurking these threads please?
Picrel: here!
> and what your next bot is
Buggered if I know: I've got at least no fewer than 4 separate half-formed ideas for the next one.
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Not looking to smut rn, just felt like bullying and being bullied ngl and had to reroll some refreshingly good lewd responses
Quipy here. Got a few bot ideas in mind but nothing concrete at the moment. gonna have to sit down and actually put pen to paper so to speak
I made my last string of bots just in time for old CAI to dissolve without any interesting dev features to make the new site interesting to use.

Therefore it's a good time to retire.
I'll keep the eShop bounty since the winners from elsewhere reimbursed me; until the end of election season in USA.
Yodayo went from 4,088 in the world webite rankings to 5,505. Did the nsfw crackdown really make em fall off so hard? It's fucking amazing how something with so much potential can be squandered with a piss poor captain at the helm
Retarded corpos believe people should stop using the internet for porn. As if AI breakthroughs aren't driven by horny.
not really surprising, at the end of their day their service was literally just "CAI but you can do lewds"
and then they removed the lewds which pissed off the existing userbase and left them with no selling point to attract a new userbase
how many of these things have to flop before people realize it's just not fucking sustainable
you CANNOT compete with the google money powering CAI
You're one of my favorite bot makers, I've probably chatted with your bots more than any other singular creator's.
Thank you for your service Lilo. o7
Great, now we only got 2 botmakers. how long until >>56487615 and >>56488419 quit? The only hope at this point is for a major breakthrough in ai chatting to happen or else these threads are cooked.
>inb4 they already are
I appreciate all the effort you've put in here.
Actually have 10+ bots ready to be made, problem is: will yodayo survive and not make my work go to waste?
I mean, I'll probably still make them and wait for the next disposable AI chatbot to port them but if it doesn't allow me to make and share bots/make them work as intended there may be no reason tp wrk on them after all.

Stay tuned
are people here aware of claude/gpt? they're both far less filtered than cai/yodayo (from the discussion ive seen at least)
I have requests for Misty and Sabrina that I need to get round to working on. In the meantime though I'm tinkering with a backlog of husbandos, currently seeing how mastersex butler Ingo and Emmet are interpreted by the AI
they are aware but ease of access makes them more of a appealing option. When it comes to be so bad local genning is the only way, you can guarantee that option will be pozzed as well
Not thinking of quitting at the moment: don't see why I should. For me, it's more a question of fashioning something coherent before putting it out there (as well as dealing with offline commitments).

Sure, there's zero interest in 'em, but I'll still do it anyway.
t. >>56487615
Sometimes companies need to change names because the old company is having legal issues with doing what they want to do. Simply by changing the name of the company forces lawyers to refile paperwork using the new company name. Shouldn't be hard to do but it is like if companies were people. This new company os effectively a different person. You may even have a new person run it. The name change could be a response to a threat of "shut down or change your website to comply or we sue." Could be credit card company pressure or even government pressure due to the AI art component. (Allowing AI which can generate loli is illegal in some countries.) Australia and USA come to mind. USA just does not enforce it as much but are getting there.
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Why is this in all french? Also not all the bots have this little page. Wonder why that is.
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Pardon the non-pokémon post but I found the last chat starter to be funny.

Also I don't plan on quitting (yet). We'll see what the future holds.
>most popular bot for the day on yodayo is cuck shit
it's like poetry...
Thanks all. It's been fun. I'm not necessarily burned out either. I just have to decide whether to relearn the platform or simply move onto something else.

It's hard to say right away, but I did finish the quest helper bot, which is the last AI I got to do before old CAI got removed.


With that being said I do have even miss unlisted, which probably isn't surprising. I have something to accomodate for that, but first I'm looking forward to seeing if anyone from here can navigate this complex string. Just FYI, the CQ is connected to 12 different unlisted AI, including the Lake Trio. It was very fun to conceive!
> about & chat starters
Wonder when those started: never seen them before. Does the blurb remain the same after refreshing?
> Why is this in all french?
Presumably attempting to gel with the Kalos reference, perhaps?
(I can't seem to send replies but oh well let's try once again)

Made the first of about 15 bots I'm planning to make before Yodayo fucking explodes!

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Ok, now it loaded, maybe there was a problem with the Image?
I'm still technically here but have generally lost motivation to make any new bots
I still check the thread occasionally. I haven't made any new bots for a bit beyond ones for my own personal use. I never liked Yodayo very much and grew bored with CAI. I've been using NovelAI as I have for the past several months and still like it the best out of anything I've tried, but I think it helps that I'm a writefag and can get the most out of it.
Might come back around to making bots for others eventually.
Glad to see people are still having fun with my Larry.
yeah, it stays the same. But that explanation makes sense. Probably some people have even google translated an entire conversation in french too
ok...but who are you?
do unlisted bots on yodayo allow for unfettered cooming?
The person no one likes because I'm the discordfag that gives background info on Yodayo
sounds like you put that title on yourself. If the other bots makers can keep going despite the bullshit, so can you.
Maybe, but again, haven't had much motivation to since the Yodayo bullshit and been too busy managing shit all the same. So I'm here, but I'm not
This is your chat (which we can't access). You need to share the page with their intro that comes before you start a conversation.
Ah, sorry.
in that case...
Since you're the most active bot maker here, I want lewd bots. Don't care what kind. I wanna coom. Make it unlisted so the filter doesn't pop. Please and thanks.
Updating links for my unlisted horni bots on moescape
Pikachu Libre
Salazzle And Lovander
Jasmine the Shy Zoroark
Degenerate Kirlia
Yuki-Onna Froslass
Suki the Vaporeon
Amber the Zangoose
Horny Dragonite
Iron Valiant
Aster thr Sylveon
Did you re-create them?
I imagined that all bots would be automatically converted
Yes and no. I have some that are MORE risque in private and then their unlisted equivalents. Cant remember which ones are which. So its easier to just relist them all
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Im gonna make a cheeky Scottish Gloria Lass
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You are the gift that just keeps giving.
Well I got the "real" version of the penny bot I made a while back. The two versions I posted were way toned down because yodayo cracked down on public lewd bots.

I don't usually lurk here, but I've been thinking of making a pokemon OL bot doing grunt work lately. Maybe she's forced to fix gym floors after stupid trainers keep attacking the battlefield with iron tail. Maybe she's frustrated because her pokemon keep getting frozen every single turn. Or maybe she's forced to serve museum goers at the Pokemon x Van Gogh museum.
I dunno, I just feel a strong urge to bully an OL. I'll probably toss this idea to the backlog and work on it sometime in the next two years. Should work on free models like Gemini.
> Wonder why that is.
Unable to view the definition, but I suppose it's because there are enough chats for the bot? But that doesn't seem to be the case when I try for ones on my end, so I can only guess that it's solely rolled out from person to person. Would be nice to see personalised chat starters intead of the same ones seen everywhere else.

Wish there was a way to directly view the profile page without having to create a new chat, though...
On one hand this hunt is legitimately engaging.

On the other hand it's a shame it takes all that work to tell a relatively linear story.

You're a real one for finding a way to do it despite limitations. It reminds me how the original Pokémon Gold/Silver was a hardware challenge gone right.


D&D pretty much conditions you for broken up stories, so the only real challenge was finding the time to do it.

That sample was only the first of many. There's a lot more where that came from!
Tribal Riolu
Yandere Gardevoir
I'm am not at all disappointed at how this came out. Working on an unlisted version for horny to coincide with public one
Took a break for a few weeks. Is moescape just Yodayo? Did something happen? Any different rules?
> application to c.ai's creators club accepted
Huh: now what? Nothing's changed...
Public nsfw banned on the rebrand. Private and unlisted nsfw still works
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Number 2 done too.
Thug Bea available to chat

Also, here are the other bots "ported" on moescape, who knows

Oiran Viola:

Erection Police Jasmine:

Erection Police Erika:

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