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>play game
>its fun
>put every possible data point you can think of in a spreadsheet
>claim its not fun because it doesnt meet your made up conditions
>play game
>its fun
>put every possible data point you can think of in a spreadsheet
>claim its not fun because it doesnt meet your made up conditions
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>play game
Lost me there
>its fun
Lost me there. Nothing about these shit games is fun.
It's just youtubers and eternally online tards who obsess over the level curve
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>play game
>its not fun
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>Play game
>It's fun
>Get diagnosed with ADHD
>Claim It's not fun anymore
Schizo thread
>turn on game
>it's not morning so can't catch teddiursa
>turn off game
Should've put every encounter location and time into a spreadsheet.
but that would ruin the enjoyment of turning the game on and off in less than a minute and feeling pissed off every day
you can catch teddiursa at all times of the day thoughbeit
Ah shit
Might be fun if you could skip all the fucking cutscenes
>dude just change the clock lol
i too think real time day/night cycles was a shitty feature
Wacky Deli, it was only added to inconvenience the player and make pokemon impossible to get. ohtods were just dumb enough to like it for some reason
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>want to prepare for the competitive level 50 Battle Tower and Red being 27+ levels higher than my team
>want Ice Beam for Jynx, Thunderbolt for Raikou and Flamethrower for Typhlosion
>Move Tutor charges 80,000 Pokédollars in Game Corner Coins for each move, 240,000 all up, barely have enough
>Move tutor can only teach one move per day and only appear on Wednesdays and Saturdays
This was definitely a response to Pokémania at the time, they couldn't fit much more onto the cart, so they just stretched out what they had so kids would always have something new to do, smart, but also really fucking annoying.
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>play game
>its fun
>get diagnosed with alzheimers
>claim its not fun anymore
>get depressed over the shit starters
>stop playing 5 mins after that when first seeing the eyecancer distorted battle pixels
>it takes yawnfag 5 minutes to get through, generously, a minute of text boxes and animations to get to the first battle
Like, Gen 5 has some issues with long cutscenes, but holy shit if it took you that long why do you like USUM so much? I really like it but I wouldn't replay it that often given how fucking terrible the cutscenes are.
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And now for the game people are actually playing.
>why do you like USUM so much
because USUM actually has gameplay between the cutscenes unlike BW
yawnfag is in the HOUSE TONIGHT
>ADHDzoomie doesnt understand what 5 mins is
>USUM out of nowhere

Borts having schizofits as usual
You forgot to add
>kill self from several mental diseases
>USUM out of nowhere
Since when did 35 year olds get dementia?
>No argument so just copypastes

Borts don't even try defend their games anymore, we won bros they've woken up.
Unholy trips of truth cccccchecked
i thought millennitards had ADHD because they couldn't pay attention to a streamer doing calcs for more than 5 seconds
Millennials need the parasocial relationship with the streamer because they were groomed on Facebook, Tinychat and IRC as kids. But if the streamer is autistic and only focus on the game, the millennials seethe and get banned.

>Have never played the games themselves

Yep definitely zoomzooms in here, time for bed guys, come back when youve actually played the games
Zoomers have already played these games like 30 times each. All you do is seethe about zoomers here and forget a bunch of shit about the games.
Lucky trips of truth ccccccchecked
>Cant get time right
>Blabs on about streamers
>Now pulling magic numbers like 30 times each out of their ass

Education aint what it used to be
i played through emerald, platinum, and bw2 about 10 times each
i'm sorry but i can't get into hgss after the first playthrough. too fucking boring.
where's the fun
>play Sun the first time
>have a great time
>play Sun the second time
>want to skip through the cutscenes and get to the adventure
>suddenly become acutely aware of just how many cutscenes are in the game
>play Ultra Sun
>notto disu shitto agen.png
More like
>play game
>its actually not a game, its a cutscene player
>don't have fun
Its the other way around, everyone who was here in 2013 know it was a fucking disappointment, the newfags claim it wasn't so bad because they were 8 back then. Its an endless cycle.
People can have opinions different from yours OP
These games are the peak of the classic generation (GB family of games), HGSS is the peak of the DS generation, and then nothing else compares besides RBYFRLG.
This is the ultimate pokemon red pill and that's why people here seethe over Johto constantly and why there's a million video essays tearing it apart. It's controversial, therefore drives engagement, to go after it. It's like getting attention for making fun of Jesus.
Its the other way around, everyone who was here in 2013 know it was fucking great, the doomers claim it was bad because they are jaded. Its an endless cycle.
>10 years later
>still playing game
why'd it have to go to shit right after this gen
I was here in 2013 and XY was the first game that I had to make myself finish. I actually put the game down to have sex with my girlfriend a few times, so I knew something was wrong with the game. Would've never happened with HGSS.

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