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> Poor Glaceon :( She's my favorite Eevee evolution.
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Imagine having that fat assed slut as your favorite eeveelution
She's my second favourite but I say she's my favourite when prompted because a nigga can't say Vaporeon is his favourite without getting dirty looks no more.
How does British person beganning to speak in niggerbonics ?
Long-term exposure to such things.
Yes…I agreee…Sylveon is the best…because I am also…a Sylveon…
So instead of the memed waifu eeveelution your favorite is the promoted waifu eeveelution.

People are gonna give you the same look regardless.
The only “safe” eeveelutions are Jolteon, Flareon, and Leafeon. Everyone knows.
Whenever I talk about pokemon it's usually with normalfags so I'm safe.
Real ones know it's Vaporeon.
Glaceon has barely any good art
kinda cringe to force your own memes and enable tranny fantasies
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Not true at all!

I like her but the problem is ice just isn’t that useful.
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Chappy pics are useful for finding these threads easily!
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This thread just got Chappy approved!
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Just took a while for me to see it :( But now I can find it easily!
kinda cringe for you to seethe at something like this
kinda cringe for you to seethe at someone for calling your cringe behavior out, honestly
Buy me a drink first
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3 and a half hours is pretty fast compared to the other threads where it takes you days to make your first chappy post
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I caught this one while it was on the front page! Just haven't been using the catalog much :(
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You should be using the catalog all the time, index is trash that new people use because they don't know of the catalog's existence yet. Just change the size of the threads to large if you feel it's too small to read
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I usually browse from the archives, so can't see the catalog from there!
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That is SO weird, chappyanon. What happens during archive maintenance?
Glaceon is a shitty Ice eeveelution design. Literally uninspired and YOU know it.
dont care himecut=sex
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Learn to get along, you stupid catdog-things.
I'd use a Glaceon to cool my pc
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There's more than one archive!
Why does that quadrupedal creature have a human collarbone?
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Why did May come back to the anime dressed as an Arabian prostitute?
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Glaceon started it
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Glaceon, Glaceon, über alles
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Über alles in der Welt~
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you're a strange one
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Close the fridge
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It's a safe enough way to browse, at least through TOR!
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You forgot about the maid outfit
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She has lots of good art.

nothing more beautiful than her in game model.
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What does Nintendo think of this?
>thread random anime screenshot
>replies: off-topic porn
botted board
see also: dead internet theory
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Mods, the retarded ban-evading bot is back again
Glaceon when she has to watch how I annoy her by playing with my dick in front of her.
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seething sh*rty subhuman
I actually really like Glaceon's shiny form, even if it's not that distinct.
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Mean :(
Stop tugging the poor baby's neck!
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The poor glaceon joke was made by an adult. Look for it in False Swipe Gaming's Glaceon video comments (I don't want to mention the commenter here)
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At least Glaceon isn't a troon
like you
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Haitians don't belong in the Sylveon thread, and Haitians certainly don't belong here, either.
Average Sylveon fan on the left
At least we know now that mods are allowing all the trolling
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All threads need protection against Haitians
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Thank you for your service to the eeveelution community, Sylveon
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>calling any other mon a fat assed slut
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Glaceon is loafing around!
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Sylveon takes the brunt of culture war retardation, so that other Eeveelutions won't have to suffer it as much.
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We truly don't deserve Sylveon. She always has to fend off trolls and deal with hatred on a regular basis
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may is such a terrible character and i legitimately dont know what they were thinking writing her entire arc
doesnt have any goals whatsoever when she starts out, unlike dawn, who wants to grow up to be a top coordinator like her mom
picks a random starter with whom she doesnt develop any bond before choosing, unlike dawn
decides to become a coordinator after watching a showcase by beautifly, decides to catch a wurmple and raise it into a beautifly so that she can shamelessly copy someone else instead of having her own idea of a coordinator and developing her own style
even then, she drops that thing off at her parents, the very pokemon that inspired her to follow a path, when she leaves for kanto
her starter is nearly ignored, so much that it evolves the very last couple episodes of the ruby-sapphire anime, only then showcasing its former signature move
her content combinations are lame and simple, it really is a surprise how she got to the grand festival twice (and ended up losing both anyways)
and finally
gets jobbed to a coordinator who only won a single ribbon and had a losing streak despite having more experience
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Who at Gamefreak wants to fuck her?
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Who at GameFreak DOESN'T
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May's Glaceon is so cute in this picture. Look at that beautiful collar! She's adorable.

Max looks so out of place, they should have at least had him wear his hair up in a ponytail and maybe wear a dress.
I just evolved an Eevee into Glaceon within the main playthrough for the first time ever in my current run of Platinum.
I always go for Umbreon (or Jolteon if Umbreon is unavailable) with the first Eevee I receive, but I've been more appreciative of Glaceon lately.
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Glaceon should get Snow Warning
Awesome, more and more people are appreciating Glaceon for how great she is.
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how many Eeveelutions on a single team is too many?
If I was an Eeveelution I would spend a very large portion of my life connected to as many Glaceon as I could find.
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7, maybe 10!
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first time I ever spent money on this game solely for her maid skin
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