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Nostalgic relaxation edition.
Time to dust off your old Deviantart faves, anon.

Previous Thread: >>56411465
Old Thread Catalog: https://archive.palanq.win/vp/search/subject/Eevee%20Friday/page/1/
You killed the Lyncanroc thread, you pussy faggot!
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I have a little trivia for you guys today. 4chan used to only allow images in the OP, but not any reply posts. Or at least, I /ASSUME/ this. I went through all 13 surviving pages of 2003 era /b/ posts and noticed that none of the replies had images. Furthermore, there was a comic on (I think) page 22 that damningly was split into 3 posts.
It was also amusing to note that trips were introduced at around the time those posts were archived, and no one seemed to have an issue with them.
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OMG sooooo cute XD
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I think we all know who to vote for in this election.
I think we should boff boff boff Sylveon, Leafeon and Umbreon too. Vaporeon will get scratches instead.
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Here's the first Chappy I ever saved, then!
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Filename-wise, this one's earlier, though
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And this one's even earlier, but doesn't have the signature
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It's the best time of the week, yes oh my, yes oh me!
It's the best time of the week, yes it's true, can't you see?? (~˘▾˘)~

It's time for ee-vee fri-day! (yea yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (alright!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (uh huh!)
Ee-vee fri-dayyy~! (YEA!!!)

It's the best time of the week, gather around, if you seek!
Yes it's ee-vees all day, it's for you, yes for free!! ~(˘▾˘)~
It's time for ee-vee fri-day (it's here!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (that's right!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (woo hoo!)
Ee-vee friii-day (YEA!!!) ~ (ゝˬ ∂)
Ee-vee fri-day! (cha cha!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (aw yea!)
Ee-vee fri-day! (you made it!)
Ee-vee friii-day (EE-BUI!!!) *+°\(*'ᗜ'* )/°+*

- ripped off from an old tripfag in an old thread
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Most of my earlier files are anime gifs
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Did they not have images at all, or were they just not saved?
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This one's even earlier than the full pic
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And the earliest in my loaf folder
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Here's the first few pics in my unsorted folder, in the order they got saved
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Wouldn't normally post this one, but it's weird how it's the very second pic I saved
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Or maybe it's messed up :( Dunno why a video I made this year is listed before these pics
I lost most of my old Eevee pics and their save date :(
It looks like they didn't have reply images at all. Here's the page that I'm referencing when I said "split into 3 posts." It was supposed to be 4 but uh... OP never delivered hehe.
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Me taking the picture
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What evolution of Eevee for me who hates Sylveon, hates Fairy Type, wants an anti-fairy type Pokemon that doesn't play competitively at all?
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Surprised I have this many webms, since I refused to save any of those long ago
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Weekly reminder~
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And we love you unconditionally, anon!
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Their tails might not be as fluffy, but when they thump them against a cushion or a box, they can still make a
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
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I wonder what a Sylveon's tail thumping would sound like in this situation.
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here, have a cupcake!
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>ywn wake up in the morning with your fluffy friend Eevee excitedly bringing him/her to the train station, riding the train and looking at all the beautiful scenery out the window, then stopping for a fun filled day in the big city, containing lots of window shopping, good food and dessert for you both, going to the big fountain and splashing around, sitting at the outdoor tables taking in the local atmosphere while Eevee plays with a new ball you bought for him/her while wearing a new hat made to fit Eevees, and finally you take the train back home, and Eevee falls asleep in your lap while looking at the sunset out the window, and you go to bed waiting to do it all over again tomorrow while Eevee curls up in a ball on the remainder of the pillow your head isn’t using
>you instead have to live in the shitty real world where there is a massive immigration crisis, inflation, wars breaking out every 5 days, and satanic world leaders that eat the flesh of children in a stew
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>Sylveon gives me a cupcake
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Borg? Borg.
Don't have much in the way of old, as someone who's only started visiting in 2019 and only sticks on this board for /ef/ threads.
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>What evolution of Eevee for me who hates Sylveon, hates Fairy type

I'd go with Flareon as then choice specs pixilate hyper voice Sylveon's damage will be cut in half and you can KO her with iron tail or fire fang. Flareon being a physical attacker as well as a special defender means she could totally beat lots of sp. atk fairy types
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>such little Espeon representation
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I see more Espeon representation this thread than Leafeon or Flareon.
Still, it's hard to post them all equally :(
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>was writing a fanfic where the MC had a battle vee
>last updated: two years ago
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Kosaken hey hey hey hebt die Gläser
Natascha ha ha ha du bist schön
Towarisch hey hey hey auf das Leben
Auf dein Wohl, Bruder, hey, Bruder, ho
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Do you guys think that a billion Eevees could beat Fort Knox? :P
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>parents are gone
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They lived a full life, pumping out Eevees :(
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>>56440840 >>56440841 >>56440847
The parents are gone, but they raised a fantastic family.
I wonder if another one of these will be made if another Eeveelution is made.

Oh sure, I'll open this energy drink for you!

The kingdom of snow white.

Mm, Eevee for third term!
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Moskau, Moskau
Wirf die Gläser an die Wand
Russland ist ein schönes Land
Ho ho ho ho ho, hey
Moskau, Moskau
Deine Seele ist so groß
Nachts da ist der Teufel los
Ha ha ha ha ha, hey

This file was fuckin' annoyign to compress. Thank you 4chan for using powers of 10 instead of powers of 2.
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Winter's coming, get your Flareons
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But Leafeon also enjoys rain!
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But Leafeon needs sunlight, too.
Didn't someone make up an Eevee Friday song?
Yes, anon. They did.
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So cute!!! Put it in the May general next time
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Before I forget!
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Hey, my life was significantly better off with his policies, and so was almost everyone else's lives. It was the only time I was able to hold down a job.
That said...

Fuck off. There's a time and a place for everything, and we shouldn't be political in an apolitical space.
This is just a space to kick back and enjoy Eevees in peace, not devolve into petulant tribalism. >>>/pol/ is there for you.
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That's only because Zion Don inherited a stable economy before he shit the bed completely over the Wuhan Colonavilus, manufactured in the Wuhan Institute of Vilology. His supposed racism that was supposed to make him so based and trad wasn't enough to cut the squinty shits off from the world forever.
Every (((isolationist))) policy erodes the power and prestige of the United States. Same goes for deal made with filthy ragheads and commies.
For someone like me who doesn't like Kamala's domestic policies, it's a good thing for me that she didn't get any of that shit done during her time as old Brandon's number two. Meanwhile, that useless hunchback Zion Don never got Mexico to pay for the piddling bit of wall that got completed.
Now, I've made it clear that I wouldn't support the GOP again until garbage like MTG is put back in the kitchen where she belongs, but Johnson turned out to be less of a fag than I thought he'd be (still is a bit, though!). Unless they take out trash like Zion Don and that streetshitter Vivek, though, they aren't worth supporting.
Anon, I said it once, and I'll say it again: Fuck off with the politics. I will not tolerate politics in this thread and if I have to fucking get Rape Ape down here for my autism then I will.
Why are Americans like this? The whole world doesnt need to revolve around amerifat and their dumbass politics. This is an Eevee thread on the internet, not America. Most people here dont care to hear it. And a lot of us doesnt even live in your country and cant vote in it. You fags are just wasting your breath.
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Thank you anon.
Are you my friendly Swede? I bitched at him over /ef/ having bullshit politics like two hours ago while he was asleep.
On the contrary! American prices affect anyone who buys from Americans, or anyone buying from those people who bought from Americans, and so on. And that's without even getting into how much US foreign policy affects the rest of the world. It was already very frustrating when it took them so long to count their votes in 2020, so here's hoping they finally learned to count faster this time!.
Will you tolerate porn instead? I bought an eevee plush for such an occasion!
hit the image limit already
We did.

I don't tolerate porn either in these threads, but I would unironically prefer it over the polarized shit that is meant to control the American populace by pitting friend against friend.
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Euuugh... I don't even know what's triggering it man. That's really infuriating.

It's interesting that you saved this one BEFORE the "real" image!

Round and round we go, where do they stop? Nobody knows, but don't you dare stop them!

What a loaf! Thanks for sharing.
Oi, get out of the bird bath! And what in the world is that round thing that you gave a nose bleed!?

D'aww, she's adooorable! What a cute gijinka!

A box full of 'vees, special delivery!

The lack of pads on their feet makes it a little hard to see..
Wow, what a nice Pikachu!

Wow, what a happy 'Vee! It's as happy as I am to see you again!

Hey, that's fine. After all, those are happy Eevees! Also we're on an anime site, nipponophile site, and all of that.

Mm, yes, look at how smug and royal they look. A distinguished 'vee that knows they stand out as an exemplary Eevee.
What's triggering it is all the screaming from shaunberg, the hymie. In a few minutes, you won't need to worry about it.
I literally wrote all of these BEFORE that error message too >:L

Woo, a coordinated wave! That's quite impressive.

'Vee family for Pokemon day!

Yeah, that is strange. Where did that image even come from?

Build-a-Vee workshop!
If only this was still going on :(
Mm, better just be /that/ making it hyper active. It's still infuriating to work around as a normal user though.

Eevee doesn't want to evolve.
Especially not into a Vaporeon.

Maybe you accidentally overwrote it?
What a cute vee! Hard to stay angry at it!

I'm sorry for your loss, Anon.
At least you have that one. Blue-eyed Jolteon is interesting!
I think I found the limit. 4 replies per reply... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Vaporeon's sliding around on the glass table~!


Ah, look at that cute Flareon! Look how we ignore DNP requests!

Espeon looks really spiffy in that hat. Graceful.
Alright well, with this new limit in mind, I'll tack more shit.

Umbreon looks like a distinguished jovial gentleman in that bowtie. Mmm, yess!

This Leafeon is really cute in general. Probably a transformed human given the literal hair.

Glaceon broke my Windows and is now staring at me.

Cosmic Sylveon. It's perfection.
Taking a break until this clears up...

A happy family! And that Jolteon's fully charged!

Tontarotaro! I love his works!
I suspect you're just saving the good stuff you see, and they happen to be webm.

Thank you for delivering those flowers, Busuta-chan!

Wow, they're having a good time together! Who knew that the sun and the moon were friends?
I feel so appreciated when you reply to my posts at the end of every /ff/!
It's a good way as any to combat all that sharty spam. They often use empty mass replies, probably in some subhuman cargo cult where they try to ape their betters.
Some of the old pics weren't from /ef/, but I put them in the same folder since they were Eevee pics
I just want my Eevees to have no pornography or sociopolitical bullshit attached to them. Even if I did, I would go to the proper boards instead.
webps were already found to be unsafe, so I still don't trust webms, but maaaybe they won't as bad if I open them using a separate program that doesn't have internet access. Makes it harder when searching through thumbnails, though :(
That's the thing that ticks me off the most about people like that. Not only are they often midwits, but they think their causes are so god damn righteous that they can just ignore the normal rules of conversation.
This shit used to be constrained to college campuses and activist meetups, and practically nowhere else. Now they think that it's acceptable to post politics everywhere, even when there is a dedicated place for it in their environments(you fuckers need to go to >>>/pol/).
It's disgusting and it needs to stop, especially since the political arm of the United States on all sides has turned to toxic tribalism to control people and make sure that they secure their voters permanently.
Glad to hear it! I also reply to the posts I haven't replied to yet every Friday. It makes me feel like I'm contributing, especially since I've been posting less and less images as my mental state has deteriorated.

Yeaah, to be honest I don't trust them either for a really simple reason: FLEXIBLE CONTAINER FORMATS ARE FUCKING RETARDED. The only way to make them secure is to hope that EVERY possible data stream is secure, which is ridiculous and very stupid. I also don't like them because they're a /video/ format on an /image/ board but that's neither here nor there.

It pisses me off that Google and Cloudflare are trying to erase JPEG XL in favor of webp.
(Also, webms are not that safe either. webps are just single frame webms. I shit you not.)
There's a reason why I found myself browsing more Japanese Eevee artists as the years went on. It was getting pretty hard to avoid political activism and tribalism on the Western side of the internet.
Okay so I'm not going to be able to mass approach all of these in time before we're bumped off the page, so I'm just going to do a slow burn instead and hope that I am consistent enough to get them all.

Alright, sounds fun! Wish my dog would do that.

Cute animation is cute. I wonder what filters were put on this video...

Ah, one of my favorite reoccuring 'vees!

Probably a whabomp whabomp whabomp whabomp whabomp whabomp.

That is a poffin, and that Sylveon is ready to kill for it!
I'm skipping one because I'm noticing the politics in it.


2019 makes you 5 years old, anon. You'll have plenty of cool shit.

Oh hey, someone actually came up with a good team. Neat! Too bad Flareon's movepool is sucky.

Jolteon looks like they're enjoying this, while Umbreon wants it to all end.

What an adorable bowtie! How cute that they match!

Plantbox dogs and cat. That's Masaki Sonezaki's lab! (I'm shocked he has a full name in the Japanese version.)

I have no idea what's happening here but Vaporeon looks pretty embarassed.

Flareon just got caught trying to watch Jolteon. Oops.

Sylveon the Ribboned Babysitter.
Like everything else, it's a matter of spending more time with your pup. Mine uses his nose to point at his leash whenever we're about to go out
Ehh, yeah. It probably would occur with more time... to be fair he's also like 4 months old so I doubt that he's going to pick up the behaviors this early.

Blue-furred Umbreon reminds me of a certain artist.
Sylveon just looks happy to be there!

Looove biiiirds!~

Distinguished lady and gentleman!

Yeah I'd be slightly annoyed too. That crest is COLD!


Why are you suckling on their tail, Eevee? Umbreon isn't looking too pleased at that either!

OEROES! They're cute!

Jolteon's got a big bundle of flowers for the newly evolved weekly reminder 'Vee!
Nah, Eevee's gonna splash!

Sylveon's hatching an Eevee army!

Look at the goopers.

It's the ciiiircle of VOOOOOOOOOOI

We'd have to post 16.6 images of each! HOW DO YOU POST .6 OF AN IMAGE!? Maybe I'll number crunch it in the future.

That does sound like pain. Maybe you should write one, anon!
(That art's pretty cool.)

Ah, Leafeon's just finished watching the new cooking show! They're ready to take their salads to the next level for you!

Flareon has its own built in pillow. Huh. Didn't think about that.
Though that would superheat the glass and there wouldn't be much of a window anymore after that.
But a cooking show might be horrifying to Leafeon, if it has melted cheese
It goes both ways, too! Just having the puppy around you should be enough for you to figure out what it wants to tell you. And puppyhood is a good time to bond with it and make sure it feels loved.
I thought that was a pillow at first, that's kinda funny. Poor Glaceon though.


Nah, that's still not enough bows. There's a couple on the ground!

Marill and Flareon are both having a good time!

Espeon definitely looks sleeker here, compared to most others.

Proooud Leafeon! It deserves that "cute"!

I still don't get the problem. I've literally never had a consistency problem over pickles... Why not complain about the tomatoes?
I thought I did this like an hour ago and I AM GLAD that somehow this board moved slow enough for me to catch this.

Espeon's enjoying teasing Umbreon, it looks like.

Umbreon's meeting a new friend! And so is Eevee very soon!

Poor Flareon, surprise tackle hugged! Ah well, at least it wasn't violent.

>>56447771 >>56447777
I can relate to this Vaporeon. I burnt my hand trying to make myself some "pad thai." (It wasn't pad thai, it was spicy garlic noodles marketed as pad thai. It was good though.)
Thermal shock sucks balls.

Poor Sylveon... that looks like their trainer's going to work! :(

99 brown 'vees, raise them all, it's getting good!
A lovely conversation!

I'd pet them. Would you?

A friendly meeting between ocean and cloud!

>>56448555 >>56448558
Even here, boxes are the best friend of pets!

Oooh, they look like they're covered in stars. How beautiful!

A happy family of Eevee and 'lutions!!
Leafeon's paw is scuffed.

How cute! The alien and terrestrial are communicating to (You)!

Two of them are cozy, and two of them are busy! How productive.

Bathe him?
Yes >No

They're waiting for their food.
I don't know which artist this is but their top angles of the Eeveelutions are fucking funny.
A wide open field full of mountains... A Finnish dream, or so I've been told :P

Jolteon's found a new cozy pillow! Flareon may not be sure how they feel about it though.

That's one big mother floofer.

I bet this resort has really good hot springs... shame pets aren't usually allowed in those.

Ahh, something Vaporeon and Leafeon can enjoy together!

Classic. I really like the way the colors are uh... "mixed?" Kind of looks like oil paint.

What a beautiful crown, and what a powerful flamethrower!
>>56452004 >>56452009
You're a fish now! You're a dog now! You're a fish, you're a dog, you're a fish, you're a dog, you're a fish nooooow!

Aww, poor Leafeon. Dream of sunny days, and they shall come!

Ooh, I like the art style. Which one is this?

Look at 'em go! They're doing my rain dance!

That's true. Leafeon absolutely needs some.

Ah damn, this is some really cool art. Thanks anon for sharing.

2017 feels like so long ago now... In many ways, it was.
Belly rubs time.

Ohaai! How are you?

Advos makes good art. I like how you can see the shoulder blades, that's something that most artists seem to ignore.

Yuan, obviously!

Blizzard, how cute!

Oh, a baked good for us? How delightful! Thank you 'vee!
I have no idea what that is. A cake? Some Japanese dessert I've never seen before?
Looks like pancakes.
The guy who made the song posted that pic along with it here! https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/50685884/#50691276
It's from an Essentials game

I can't tell if that's just an absurdly large roll of toilet paper, or a stool. I'm leaning towards the latter, but the former is funnier.

Ooh, look at you with your stylish starry hat and neck tie!

Aww, what a huggable friend!

An alien in sea of flowers, a bed of purple!

Heh, that's cute. Even the telescope shares attributes with Umbreon.

Why's my lettuce giving me a :o

Wow, these eyes are a bit more defined than I'm used to. They're pretty cool though!
Sylveon looks like they were caught off guard! They're cute.

Ayyy, all of the Eeveelutions and Eevee with colored butterflies. I really like the butterflies that Umbreon has.

Annd a shiny version! I think Glaceon's shiny butterflies look nicer. I'm a sucker for cyan.

Never forget! This is always cute to look at!

Gary looks like he made a couple of miscalculations... but he also has learned how to ignore most of them. Wish I could ignore my cat like that.

HIYAH! Poor Umbreon!

Sylveon and Eevee, enjoying their time together! Is it just me or is this a very common pairing?

I like the Espeon hoodie!

Piece of cake :D

Nerdy Vaporeon. That's how I feel.

Look at the spiky man. He's wicked lookin'!

Final push for the day. Shame that it's already Thursday though. Homework consumes me...

They look almost ready to pounce. What am I doing to attract that attention?

Umbreon is telling Umbreon (You)R darkest secrets!

Huh, so Leafeon is like a cat!

A mug o' ice!~ I'd chew :P

Sylveon's so happy that (You) are petting them gently.

A picnic at night. What a fascinating concept. I wish I had someone to share that concept with.,
Is Sylveon making dough?

Oh wow, thank you anon!

They really don't look like pancakes, heheh.

And I thank that anon, even if he seems to have long since moved on to other things. I hope he's doing well!

Yeah, that's true. I'm not mature enough yet to raise the puppy so I'm glad my parents can handle most of it. (It's technically not my dog anyways, it's my mom's, so it's not even like I dumped it on her.)

Not all Leafeons dislike cheese! Some quite enjoy cheesy broccoli.
Thank you for the thread recap!
>it's already Thursday
And a time traveling OP already made us a new /ef/ thread!

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