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admit it, he was right, and you're just salty
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Pokemon I: Ruby & Sapphire
Pokemon II: FireRed & LeafGreen
Pokemon III: Diamond & Pearl
Pokemon IV: HeartGold & SoulSilver

checks out to me
I was ~13 when I played HGSS and just like him I was left non-plus'd by the experience and preferred the preceeding 3 Pokemon games over it.
I was in high school and people would talk about it and the pokewalkers. HGSS brought back pokemania for a bit and was kino.
>HGSS is not a sequel
least autistic pokemon fan
By people, I mean my "friend" group of 4 autists including me.
Looks like your average hoennbaby/sinnohfetus.
These are the faggots who say gen IV was "peak".
if you watched the video he didn't even pedastal DP, criticizing it for being in 3D
this, he's not fat or brown enough to think gen 2 was "peak"
This is how I imagine Pokemon fans to be like after Pokemania died in gen 2.
>Rah Quaza.
that is how preteen boys looked like 15 years ago, yes
It's normal to look fat and autistic in America? I sure am glad to be brown.
Pokemania literally never died
it died in 1999
It peaked in 1999. It died in 2001.
HGSS is not gen 2 its gen 4
I was 14 & started with Crystal and even though I never played Red and Blue when they came out (I was only 3 at the time), I still knew that FRLG were remakes of the original Pokemon games rather than sequels to RS since Pokemon was everywhere in the media when I was around 5 or 6 years old. HGSS were very nostalgic for me.
It died and stayed dead in 1999, little bro.

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