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is this Ash's worst team? it's so fucking soulless aside from dracovish and sirfetch'd the rest of them seem like they're only there because they're popular. say what you will about his unova team but at least it looks like a team he put together.
Lucario is so fucking boring and bland as the acemon
what the fuck is a dracovish? and why is that Farfetch white?
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There you go no need to thank me
I recognize Ash, but who the hell are the other 3 niggers?
It's the perfect Championship team for their most iconic character!

>Pikachu/Gengar/Dragonite are Kanto staples
>Sirfetch'd is a Galar Variant of a Kanto Pokemon
>Lucario was the first Mega Pokemon, and the face of DP
>Vish is among the best Pokemon in SwSh

I challenge you to build better.
Go look over Gen 8's dex, you tourist.
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it's a real glory hunter team that's my main problem with it.
>Pikachu/Gengar/Dragonite are Kanto staples
so? you can say that about any pokemon from Kanto it's fucking Kanto.
>Lucario was the first Mega Pokemon, and the face of DP
if he's the face of DP why didn't he get one in DP? it's too little too late, it's over done at this point who cares?
>I challenge you to build better.
ash has 50 something reserve pokemon any of them would be better choice and I'm not even talking about the popular picks I'm talking about the underdeveloped losers like boldore, gible, or bayleef
Ash is TrAsh
>Gen 8's dex,
You mean Nu-gen trash?
>I challenge you to build better.
Pikachu, Charizard, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto and Butterfree
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>Big tournament that serves as a finale for Ash's role in the anime
>Instead of all of his pokemon in reserve being giving one final chance to shine in the spotlight he catches a bunch of new pokemon and uses them in the tournament
I could not fathom a worse way to end the series.
Gengar I can at least rationalize as some weird way to apologize for Ash never catching Haunter in the OG season but I have no fucking clue why they gave Ash a Dragonite
This is from the nu-gen anime, what did you expect
Just picture it: Ash, with his original team, Pikachu, Chadrizard, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Pidgeotto and Butterfree charging into battle, taking down every pseudo tranny champion with their weak, nu-gen shitmon. The thrill of watching real, beastly Pokemon from fucking Kanto! that look like actual monsters utterly destroy those nigger furrysuitmons from the nu gen champions. I’m practically salivating at the thought of Charizard blasting through them with a single Flamethrower, or Pikachu dropping them with one thunderous strike. It would’ve been pure, unfiltered glory! Oh and all the traniggers crying and writing "KANTOOO" while their uncles fuck them anally!! Fucking beautiful!
It’s a Pidgeot, faggot.
>Kanto out of absolutely nowhere
>>56446060 (OP)
feels like they lazily threw together the most plot armor mascot-filled team possible to justify ash suddenly beating champions left and right. it spits in the face of his previous teams, ragtag groups of weird mons with character and unique personality quirks made his other teams memorable and soulful even if they sucked in battle.
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>Sinnoh's league was the only league to have Ash rotate his old mons in
>tfw it would have been the best way to give Ash a send off (though it was never going to happen with Tobias existing)
I wouldn't be surprised if TPC or OLM simply refused to do it again to 'keep the idea unique' or some corporate jargon to justify not using it again.
I miss when cancer like Lucario and Gardevoir didn't exist
>top right
Goh, the worst character in the franchise. HIS only redeeming feature is his Japanese voice actress. Everything else sucks.
>bottom left
Gloria, the default name for the female protagonist of Sword and Shield. Memed to have a thick Scottish accent, but it just a normal girl.
>bottom right
the worst character from Sword and Shield. Which is surprising, given how many terrible characters there are in it.
I think that fossil pokemon looks terrible and an abomination.
>Kanto League- Charizard vs. Pikachu. Ash's Charizard refuses to obey causing him to lose.
>Galar League- Charizard vs Pikachu. Ash's Pikachu Gigamax (or dynamax?) Leon's Charizard and wins.
A fucking mid-evo

I think you mean based, anon
I unironically love the Galar fakemon. It hearkens back to old archaeological fuckups with people just treating dino bones like a puzzle and making them into whatever shape they thought looked "right".
I liked how chaotic Goh was, and he was way more adventurous than ash's other partners that just feel like sidekicks along for the ride. He was a blatant Niantic shill though, the whole catching without battling thing was lame.
Yeah and it is fucking retarded for Pokemon.
Because Leon had Charizard, so Ash couldn’t use his own. Dragonite was a substitute.
The biggest issue with Ash's Lucario is that it has zero character and personality. We've had and see countless Lucario in the past, and all of them have unironically better personalities and movesets than Ash's Lucario.
Ash's Lucario is literally the worst Lucario in the entire anime. That it somehow went from egg to Champion-level just like that and then they tried to cram that special snowflake egg destined to be Cynthia's Garchomp rival just because she's also born from an egg was insult to the injury.
Ash's Lucario was too little too late. People would have loved Ash having a Lucario gens ago but at this point it was just whatever.
>Is this Ash's worst team?

- Sigh - Look, You will ignore my post anyway, but, I'll post, after all.

I'm sorry if you don't like them and I sicerely blame the writing for give too much early focus to random things (aka captures Go never uses + Chloe's shit) and less to actually develop Ash's team.

And yeah, I'd give him a more diversified because it was a "world tour" saga, but, I truly like his JN team and I wouldn't ditch them.

> the rest of them seem like they're only there because they're popular.

His SM team had two starters, two USUM exclusives and a LGPE mythical. It was worse.

> Say what you will about his unova team but at least it looks like a team he put together.
Unova is probably his most random team ever. Nothing will ever change how shit they are.
Completely agree. I remember thinking Ash should get one in gen 4 and 6 because they would reference his aura powers outside of the Lucario movie all the time, and they just never did anything with it.
>they tried to cram that special snowflake egg destined to be Cynthia's Garchomp rival just because she's also born from an egg
There's no fucking way that's real
Who gives a fuck, Ash's anime was complete dogshit
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>There's no fucking way that's real
it is
My man, you have no idea. They even shilled the thing on magazines and everything.
It's worse actually, a lot of people tried to hatch the egg but the egg never responded to them and the egg only moved when it felt Ash's special snowflake Aura.
And it gets even better, they also added a last minute retirement plot for Cynthia right before the battle with Ash started that hadn't been implied or foreshadowed in any way beforehand to try to "up the stakes" too.
I shouldn't even need to tell you how ridiculous the notion of Cynthia wanting to retire because of "boredom" is in the first place.
>Japanese voice actress
You means actor, right? Cause that's Deku's VA (Yamashita Daiki).
i can get riolu being interested in ash just because muh aura i can't get past the forced rivalry with cynthia's garchomp
To be fair, someone else had to be the one to defeat Garchomp. It couldn't be the rat for obvious reasons and Lucario had been the season's "ace" so it had to be him yes or yes.
It's just that the execution was just fucking awful but that's par for shitneys.
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Holy shit did the Anime have no plan about what the FUCKING CHAMPIONSHIP would be like when it was the fucking goal set up from the start?
Ash fucking off was very clearly something that got decided midway into Journeys. The series was EXTREMELY aimless for the first half and as far as the PWC goes you can tell that they hadn't given it any thought beyond setting up Leon as the final boss because it's Gen 8 so gotta shill Gen 8 and it was only when it was decided this was the end they decided to bring all the Champions just for the sake of "hype" and what-not.
The Ashime was a fucking mistake
What a fucking mess, I don't know how OLM and TPC allowed it to get so bad, surely they knew how to plan the anime and not let it be a such a shitshow. Hell SM spend most of it's run being aimless as well and it never had such an egregious mismanagement.
People will blame the rona but there was something deeper going on for sure.
>His SM team had two starters, two USUM exclusives and a LGPE mythical. It was worse.
two starters is pretty normal, lycanroc being exclusive to the ultra games means nothing, I'll give you melmetal and naganadel though. I'm not defending it but it's not as egregious as journeys
>reddit spacing
Opinion: straight to the trash
whoops, my bad. I confused VA's with a more bland character, but yeah. Yamashita Daiki is pretty decent as Goh.
I mixed the voice up with Chloe, whose Japanese VA is Hanazawa Kana. Fuck it, Chloe would've been a better main companion than Goh.
Did Chloe even do anything in the anime?
who the actual fuck has Farfetch'd in their team
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not really, she did a couple of competitions and a contest (typical female companion activities) but her voice was cute so that gives her a plus in my book.
it seemed like they didn't give a fuck about writing for Ash anymore, which honestly he should have been dropped three or four Gens ago.
You can tell this anime hates gen 8 a lot
she was just there to have the Eevee and do the typical "I don't like Pokemon!" heel turn.
It was really obvious that they were trying to set-up Go for something just for it to completely fall flat on its face.
Nah, give Go all the starters.
>this meme cope again
1) Execution is everything, and they failed
2) Earlier constructed dinos still looked feasible. These pokemon do not at all, even skeletally.
I know that. I just think that the abominations against Arceus and science are oddly cute.
Well, I think Dracovish is cute. That monster suffers every second of its existence and I like it. The rest are pretty meh.
I didn't know that Ash got one in the anime until after I finished the game. Seeing it in the anime made me laugh so much.
Ash's retirement was decided by winning the Alola League. After winning a regional league, the next logical step was the World League. Winning another regional league makes no sense.
Retards like you are why TPC had that shitty mandate that fucked over the Kalos tournament's ending.
Even if Ash wins ONE regional tournament, that doesn't invalidate his ability to train up a new team and enter another region's tournament. Not everything needs to scale up infinitely.
>winning a well established regional league and a new created one are the exact same thing, therefore Ash winning any league after winning the Alola League means nothing
Fuck you
Ash's ass should have been long gone out the door after DP, the way he was in BW proved this even more, his character became even more retarded than fucking Dragon Ball Super Goku.
I think it's a cool idea but the execution is terrible
It's pretty lame but by no means as soulless as making the very last arc of the series about saving some random Latias and Latios from a random Pokemon Hunter.
You didn't watch Journeys.
Ash should of mega evolved Sceptile to please the Battle Frontier crowd. Hack writers. I mean he could of even Garchomp vs Garchomp. Heracross if the anime was feeling based. He had an entire roster.
should’ve been charizard sceptile and greninja instead of those 3
desu every single lucario in the anime is the exact same, all of them are just "le stone cold stoic" type. say what you want about Cameron but at least his lucario was interesting in that it broke this norm
sm did not pass aimlessly, the aether arc was planned for the first episodes and the necrozma episode for the second and the idea of the alola league was already there from the beginning, in any case AG and XY had less direction
It is not explicitly mentioned that Ash already surpassed in power any team in SM, he was literally more powerful than other regions, in any case, the fact that he suffered to beat Guzma and Gladion means that they are stronger than any of the other league participants.
>Ash fucking off was very clearly something that got decided midway into Journeys
That's just stupid. Removing a mascot with a 25 year track record like Ash and creating a series like Horizons takes years of study and planning.

You Ash self-inserters are going to cry forever about the huge bait they shoved up your asses in XY. Good thing your shitty fanfics will never come true.

Only an idiot/Ash self-inserter/shonentard like you cares about that bullshit. Ash won the Alola League, and that league is just as valid as the others, whether you like it or not.
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Holy Shit This by diamond and pearl, Ash was the peak of what they could do with him, he should have beat Cynthia (who the series treats as the Champion of Champions nowadays) and moved on to a new protag for BW Hilbert and Hilda would have been a perfect refresh for the series using game protags from then on.
It would be better to never have Ash win a league and just dismiss him.
>ITT: Same shitshow and opinions from 2022 getting rehashed
PM2019 was so painfully badly written it feels like they made it bad on purpose just to ensure people wouldn't object too much to the mc getting ditched.
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Half a year into the show they did an interview with the show's producer and asked what their plans for Go was beyond just having him run around catching a fuckton of Pokemon and the answer was just "lol i dunno". This show was just written with no fucking direction or planning ahead at all.
Dracovish looks retarded and Sirfetch'd looks pretentious and goofy.

Neither are good fits for Ash, who always favors skinny coolmons (for fully evolveds) with the sole exception of Kanto.

But yes this team is absolutely soulless and displays no understanding of the character.
would have been Kino
There is no saying that it says that it is basically wall custion when I have to find legendary or mythical things something logical considering how difficult it is to catch this they will find out how it works today 4 chan shows retarded and I remind you that Serena doesn't even have a goal or that all girls without counting Lillie and Iris They only did generic contests and nothing more than that.
Ash shouldn't have a Lucario because Lucario already belongs to so many other trainers, its importance gets diminished and it dilutes both of their identities.

Korrina was already pushing it.
He literally says he has no fucking clue where they're going with Go so for now they're just having him continue catching Pokemon and they'll figure out a direction for his character later.
skinny coolmons. alola and hoeen literally shits on it
With no region the series is based on, there's literally zero reason for Ash not to just pull his old favorites from Oak's farm and use those.

Pikachu, Greninja, Sceptile, Infernape or Charizard Snorlax whatever
There are literally questions about how they will catch legendaries, the mew project was just an evolution, that apart from May Serena Iris basically they didn't do anything for the most part the only thing that had an arc as such from the beginning was Lillie Dawn it doesn't count anymore basically they just copied the contests
but because at the power level it would not contribute anything in any case he would use his strongest team for that moment, that of sm
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can you believe this
hands down the funniest bort delusion I've seen all month or year
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% is meaningless because the top % barely battled any
What's wrong with it conceptually?
>grenigger weaker than palpitoad
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>Ash won the Alola League, and that league is just as valid as the others, whether you like it or not
What always baffled me is that OLM wanted to do a reboot in BW but also didn't want to ditch Ash or TR so they just decided to just pretend Ash was just starting his journey (while referencing his previous journeys because OLM is too chickenshit to even commit to that) and 'try' to make Jessie and James seem threatening (when that's the antithesis of who they are and basically meant they had to have the soul sucked out of them so they could seem 'cool and edgy'). motherfuckers were trying to have their cake and eat it too and I'm almost glad that an earthquake fucked up their planned plot for BW because they deserved to eat shit for it. Either commit to the reboot or don't reboot it at all, anything would have been better than this half assed bullshit.
It's no surprise that when OLM finally let go of Ash was seemingly made up on the last minute since they apparently didn't know how to plan for it after 20 FUCKING YEARS
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>Goh, the worst character in the franchise
>Everything else sucks
>the whole catching without battling thing was lame
He only did that to weaker mons. For the stronger mons, he did battle them with the exception of Suicune. Suicune was moved by Goh's kindness & allowed itself to be caught by him so as to stop the pesky hunters.
Why does Goh look so feminine in this, did you edit his eyes or something or am I just a raging homosexual?
Goh is an androgynous boy. This isn't an edit, this is real.
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Literally none of those people had watched a single episode of that series and probably didn't even know the finals was a 3v3, let alone that it was a free-for-all.
How is this somehow more impressive than winning the tag battle tournament in DP?
Literally none of these people had seen a single episode of this series and probably didn't even know that the final was 3 on 3 let alone that it was a field battle. Did the people come to prove an idiot? He knew apart from what it had to do with me, I was with the other Ash, but he was strong enough to the point that he would trample this league.
That was a delayed comment, you realize there were people who saw SM from before, the league aside, what it has is 3 vs 3 when Ash SM was stronger than previous regions, it would trample everyone in the Sinnoh League.
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Ash's Greninja lost to Alain's Charizard's BURASTO BAAN
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He's just cute and fem. Probably to make up for the fact that he's just basically a Pokemon Go player instead of a traditional trainer.
>Japanese ten year olds who didn't even exist at the time he caught his Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh/Unova mons
Happy #WorldAshKetchumDay

How did you feel about the monkey paw curled for those butthurt about Kalos- resulting in the Beginning of the End?
>Another XY vs SM shitflinging going in circles to keep the thread alive
>Gohfag dumping his tears image again instead of actually providing a compelling point

Mods should just ban all ashnime discussions if this is what's left of it after one and a half years
> Ash and Leon's Charizard battle ends in a tie.
> Final battle is Pikachu vs Cinderace.
This is how I would ended it.
>Gohfag dumping his tears image again instead of actually providing a compelling point
That's because Goh makes Ashfags panicked.
SM Ash > XY Ash
Hurling insults means you don't have an argument to defend your stand.
>(who the series treats as the Champion of Champions nowadays)
That’s Leon who has the hall of fame theme as his battle song and was the final boss of the anime
>Muh gacha
Nobody cares
Someday years from now Ash's journey Gen 1-8 will be remade.
What Pokémon should Ash have used to defeat Cynthia's Garchomp?
Fuck it, I'd argue Dracovish was also pretty souless, they clearly just put it in there because it was a funny meme abd everything else about it was an afterthought. It is barely ever even seen, let alone used in battle up until the final tournament, and thus all it's wins feel like huge asspulls. As if that wasn't enough they also give it some unexplained powerup in the actual final battle that was never mentioned before or since. Plus it's friendship with Sirfetch'd that was laughably last minute and meaningless.
Anime after gen 4 was shit so who cares?
Sinnoh Team, what else?
If you can call them a team... They feel more like battle robots and rarely interact with each other. The Sirfetch'd and Dracovish friendship started in episode 103, one fucking hundred fucking three
>That’s Leon who has the hall of fame theme as his battle song
>and was the final boss of the anime
And yet Cynthia is the one undefeated at full power.
>Nobody cares
>D-Doesn't count!
I accept your concession.
Leon purposely gimped himself too tbf. He could've won without even using Charizard but didn't Ground type Librero his Cinderace against Pikachu because reasons.
Retarded battles all round, honestly.
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>If you can call them a team... They feel more like battle robots and rarely interact with each other.
could you imagine his journeys team doing this? they aren't friends. I don't even think Lucario and Gengar have met, they're work friends.
Just his Gen 1 journey.
Serena technically counts as Ash's friend from Gen1 too so she'll get some screen time as well
lol, no Famon. Serena would be tossed to the garbage been like the others in a Gen 1 reboot.
They burned all of Yajima's fanfic, including the scene of little girl Serena with a slutty voice and blushing when she meets Ash. What the fuck was Yajima thinking?
It's not like SM or JN were any less fanfic -ish with how they flanderized Ash's design and character, XY was the last series where the story felt at least somewhat cohesive with the whole Pokemon Master thing.

JN's ending of Ash defining the Pokemon Master title as the "friend of all Pokemon in the world" was one of the most fanfic retcons in the show since it contradicts what the show was about and even Ash would realize that he just doesn't have the time to befriend and meaningfully interact with EVERY Pokemon even in just the 8 regions he visited.

It's essentially just saying that there is no Pokemon Master as a tangible thing, it's more of a freedom lifestyle but Ash was like that from the first episode already like... That's not something worthy of a 1000+ episode saga finale.

Erika in JN was a totally different character than in ashnime canon

Even the Gen1 series by Shudo was arguably a very loose fan fiction based on the games

It doesn't make sense to call XY in particular a fanfic because all of those ashnime seasons have that fanfic vibe to them to be honest, so how is Serena being a Gen1 character any less valid than Brock or Misty? Yeah yeah Kanto nostalgia but even in Japanese magazine popularity polls Serena always ranks high. She's not some literally who in the context of the meta franchise
>is this Ash's worst team?
Clearly not, he finally won!
>No Infernape
>No Greninja
>No Lycanroc
This whole team has zero sentimentality, it's just all corporate picks for the sake of marketing. Lucario had no personality and got his Mega piss-easy. Dragonite was a nothing-burguer. Sirfetch'd had his development but got quickly put on the way-side. Arctovish is the least worst, charismatic but still butt-ugly, kids weren't going to latch onto it.

Thank God Ashitnime shitshow is long over.
Ash really is Pokémon's Messi. Emotional final chapter in his career but no one remembers the team he won with, just that he finally won the World title. Their first official titles were also pity wins.
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the dick sucking smug face
>XY was the last series where the story felt at least somewhat cohesive with the whole Pokemon Master thing
Explain it because Pokémon Master never had any meaning beyond being a slogan.

>Gen 1 Character = Character born in Gen 1
It's that simple.
>so how is Serena being a Gen1 character any less valid than Brock or Misty?
Because she wasn't featured in gen 1, you dumb amourfag. She was retconned into Ash's past for her own story in XY, it was not relevant for Ash. If they ever do a reboot of the gen 1 anime, you are going to be disappointed when the main cast are the ones who were featured in the gen 1 anime.
Same as the Alola League.
Absolutely no one would be able to tell you anything about Ash vs Gladion besides COUNTER THE COUNTER and that's only ever brought about in mockery.
In fact, Hau getting robbed is the most memorable and often brought-up about particular moment of the entire league.
And Ash vs Kukui? Nothing but Pikachu vs Tapu Koko and maaaaybe sometimes Ash's Torracat becoming a Baracat just to then never be used again even once in a real battle. No one remembers anything else of that fight.
It's not that SM or JN were any less fanfic with the way they Flanderized Ash's design and character, XY was the last series where the story felt at least somewhat coherent with the whole Pokemon Master thing.

Are you an idiot or is that literally SM? Is it better defined that rs pokemon master has an ending where ash, even after winning, decides to travel outside of Alola because maybe he wants to continue adventuring? and keep learning It is also more or less implied that it is the experience of traveling more than anything else that is a pokemon master, in what way did Ash flanderize in sm? They showed their personality traits outside of being a cardboard like in xyz and the fanfic with the frog and serena that you like
fagot xyz literally pikachu vs golisopod naganadel vs tapu koko naganadel vs lucalio melmetal vs Ace of gladion
melmetal vs empoleon are just some battles
kalos has only charizard and sceptile vs greninja
Haven't evolved yet.
That's Leon's ace.
Only Infernape has any chance.
>Asks a question
>Denies everything he doesn't like despite the double standards
Kill yourself, obnoxious piece of crap
Feel worst for female Dragonite and Dracovish. Those two I wanted to see the most, and got the least screentime. No real answer for the "how is Dracovish out of water" question and fuck them for denying me a fatass weight gain dragonite gal in the literal food eating competition episode

Problem is they waited like 10 years too late to give Ash a lucario because muh failure hero can't have ""legendary"" mons

DP Ash would be way more popular with it than the poor Gible who got used way too late for one (kinda funny) joke with Piplup.
>Sinnoh's league was the only league to have Ash rotate his old mons in
No it wasn't. Fuck off. Demented boomer.
I wanna frost that lucario cookie
He is just an XYfag. The Pokemon Master crap was treated no differently in SM then it was in OS-XY. Hell Journeys didn't touch on it at all until MPM (which you could argue is it's own series).
>B-But XY!
Meds, SMschizo.
literally a xytard
>Haven't evolved yet.
She was retconned before Pokemon started lmao
You're fucking retarded
>Problem is they waited like 10 years too late to give Ash a lucario
they oversaturated the hell out of Lucario, since it's introduction there's been a Lucario battle in every region so by the time ash gets one we've already seen basically everything. it's like who cares I'd like to see something new not a pokemon I see every fucking day give ash a gallade or something anything that isn't the same shit we see all the time
Yup. Also Lucario works better as a rival’s ace then Ash’s ace IMO.
SM is the GTurd of the franchise, even by the same writer.
Hopefully it gets replaced by it's Daima equivalent.
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Cope Toriyama drone.
GT was great because Tori took the back seat, not the front.
It's insane that the actual XY forces you to get a (Mega) Lucario if you have less than six mons, and retarded OLM writers still decided "not yet" for XY the series, where they gave 1/3rd of Ash's mons barely a battle streak anyway >>56447726
He should have had his Sceptile (who defeated legendaries before) in his final team and as the one with the mega gem
Then perhaps Greninja.
ironic considering there's fucking gengar dragonite and farfetch'd in there
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>Also Lucario works better as a rival’s ace
Say less

You think Cynthia's Garchomp will lose to an unevolved Gible.
>Bitches over this in a show where unevolved mons repeatedly defeated their evolved mons
Autistic faggots like you should get the rope. Nothing but useless fucks.
We are talking about Cynthia's Garchomp, not some literal-who's Garchomp.
Who is "we"? It doesnt even matter whose it is. They have no problem with any other evolved version because it remains Garchomp vs Gible in the end. Shut the fuck up if you can't turn on your brain, useless piece of garbage.
>It doesnt even matter whose it is.
It does matter whose it is since each trainer influence their pokémon. Cynthia is not some weak litteral-who whose Garchomp will lose to freaking Gible, her status is too big for it.
>Actually expecting a glorified commercial to give a shit about not recycling ideas
They would have no problems placing Gible over her Garchomp if it would get them a net profit. They did it with virtually every other Shillmon and they will do it again. Don't reply to me again with your braindead faggotry and get the rope, oxyshitter. You're pathetic.
>They would have no problems placing Gible over her Garchomp if it would get them a net profit
There would be no net profit in Gible beating Cynthia's Garchomp, there would be just salty Cynthia fans causing massive backlash.

>They did it with virtually every other Shillmon
Only when the opponents is a literal-who and gym leaders, not Elite 4 and Champion.
>That would be no net profit in increased merch sales
Stopped reading, it's clear you know fucking nothing. Consider the rest of your garbage babbling discarded, thirdie.
>retarded OLM writers still decided "not yet" for XY the series
but if they gave him a Lucario in xy it'd take away valuable screentime from one of the 3 birds they slapped onto his team could've just replaced Hawlucha anything it could do the other could do better
Worst part about Ash's Lucario is that it has the worst moveset. Who the heck gives Steel Beam and Reversal to a glass canon like Lucario.
Take your move autism and shove it. Nobody cares.
Famon post
And Leon's invicible unbeatable undefeated charizard from k-k-kantoooooooooo got beaten by the meme rat.
You're retarded nigga.

Either way, in a ideal world where there's actual good and logical writing, the only one who should have beaten Cynthia's Garchomp in Infernape because that was the set-up in DP. Gible was always mentioned to have lots of potential but it beating Garchomp would have never had as much gravitas as Infernape would have had.
If you want the best of both worlds make fighting Garchomp some sort of raid battle where Cynthia's down to just Garchomp while Ash still has his entire team but they're all beaten down from dealing with her entire's team. All ready for the reverse sweep while the rest of the team desperately tries to chip Garchomp and Gible second to last pulls a super super Draco Meteor that truly fuck-ups Garchomp's shit to the point Infernape, now with Blaze activated from being fucked up as well, is capable is bringing down Garchomp.
That way you have a meaningful team effort and Infernape getting the kill for maximum emotional pay-off.
To be honest, in a way, I'm glad no reserves were used in the M8.
Bringing back Sceptile or Greninja just for them to job to Leon or Cynthia or Steven random team members for the sake of Pikawank because only the meme rat is allowed to be the one would have been fucking awful.
Just look how even Cynthia's battle couldn't help itself with the rat just oneshotting Gastrodon just because fuck you even if it didn't have it be the one beating Garchomp for obvious reasons.
Remember how awfully they made Lucario job to Leon. Can you imagine the meltdown if that had happened to Sceptile, Greninja or Charizard instead?
I like Steel Beam and was annoyed when it got replaced by generic Bullet Punch.
I fucking hated Reversal because you knew it was just gonna be the "asspull" move to give Lucario undeserved wins. And because, again, it's just a generic punching.
Ash's Lucario is just so fucking bland in every way shape and form. Two fucking punches, aura sphere because obligatory and double team which is one of the most spammed filler moves in the entire anime.
I have no fucking idea what they were thinking.
Maylene's Lucario was a prideful cunt who even attacked Maylene sometimes because he thought she was a shitter.
Cameron and Korinna Lucarios were goofballs like their owners. And the whole berserk Mega on Korrina's Lucario gave it something memorable.
Kukui's Lucario is notable in that it is the only Lucario in the anime inthat it didn't use Aura Sphere. Appearance was too short for it to show any personality though.
So overall before Ash Lucario only the Movie Lucario and Riley Lucario were the cool stoic type.
Oh my God, the stupid things Cynthiaschizo have said.
>I like Steel Beam and was annoyed when it got replaced by generic Bullet Punch
Bullet Punch is better than Steel Beam since its a priority move and doesn't take away half HP in a recoil. The problem was that the anime animated it as a fury attack when it supposed to be a dashing attack where Lucario dash like a Bullet to punch target.
>I have no fucking idea what they were thinking
They were thinking how to make Mega Lucario less threatening against Mega Charizard X.
Yawnfag thread
Ok, if you hate Ash's Journey team, show me YOUR picks
Go fuck yourself with your obsessive Alain Boogeyman and move on from the Kalos disaster already. If you're seriously deluded enough to think that Alain, who wasn't even in the actual tournament for more than one episode, then you need to take some serious meds.
Let's be real, the only reason Ash "won" the Alola league was because of the backlash they got when they cheated him out of the Kalos league championship.
>it's so fucking soulless
A perfect fit for Ash
>Thread bitches about the screentime of the Galarmons
>Show me your picks which further increases the problem
Are you retarded?
>And Leon's invicible unbeatable undefeated charizard from k-k-kantoooooooooo got beaten by the meme rat.
>You're retarded nigga
You mean the most popular pokemon and the freaking FACE of the entire franchise. Its not like Gible who is completely overshadowed by its own evolution.
>If you want the best of both worlds make fighting Garchomp some sort of raid battle where Cynthia's down to just Garchomp while Ash still has his entire team
That would have caused a bigger backlash. Cynthia is a freaking CHAMPION which I repeated dozens of times you garbage piece of trash-can. The anime needs to respect Cynthia's skill as Champion instead of somebody who would lose 5 Pokémon to Ash without taking any of his pokemon or lose to a freaking Gible. That's why they went with Lucario that has special aura connection with Ash who can build giant Aura Sphere in its normal form.

Normally I shouldn't have to explain to anybody why the anime can't make Cynthia's Garchomp job to a Gible because anybody with common sense can figure it out. But you brain is filled with so much garbage that it left no place for common sense.
>Loses the argument
>Starts tossing the word garbage around.
If even the anime makes it a point that it doesnt matter that evolved Pokemon are getting beaten by their unevolved stages, no matter who the trainer is, then I don't know what to tell you. That anon has a point but I guess you just don't want to accept it.
Yet he is such a garbage character that the anime producer still killing the show just for him. They could have Ash get rematch with past trainers that he yet to beat on PWC yet they only picked those whom Ash already defeated, why? Because Alain's name would be first at the list. They couldn't let Ash use his reserve on the biggest tournament in his life because then they had to bring back Greninja who threaten their Alain. They picked the worst moveset for Ash's Lucario and Dragonite because they also threatened Alain's Mega Charizard X. They dragged Bea all the way to Hyper Class to avoid Ash and Mega Lucario from facing Alain and Mega Charizard X on Hyper Class. The anime purposefully took the worst decision for PWC only to avoid Alain from losing to Ash.

The anime can make a special where Ash beat Alain and revolve the current crisis with remaining dark vines on Kalos Forrest to promote Pokemon Legends Z-A but they will purposefully avoid it because it threatens their Alain.
>it a point that it doesnt matter that evolved Pokemon are getting beaten by their unevolved stages
None of those pokémon belong to a Champion. Ash beaten Leon with Partner Pikachu from LGPE, he didn't defeated him with a Charmender.
>B-But Cynthia!
People would have been called Cynthia a massive jobber for fucking up the reverse sweep if what was written in that post happened after the hype had passed.
I accept your concession.
>Cynthia is a freaking CHAMPION
So was everyone but Alan in the M8 and everyone jobbed like crazy to trAsh and C-CHARIZARD from K-K-KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Literally no one was treated respectfully on the M8, not even Ash and not even Leon. Everything writing on that was dreadful.
>The anime needs to respect Cynthia's skill as Champion instead of somebody who would lose 5 Pokémon to Ash without taking any of his pokemon
Learn some nuance, retard. Not everything is shounenslop where only the raw numbers matters.
>or lose to a freaking Gible
The Gible that was always mentioned to have a shitton of potential and whose Draco Meteor even made Tobias shit himself.
>That's why they went with Lucario that has special aura connection with Ash who can build giant Aura Sphere in its normal form.
You're acting like if anyone truly liked Garchomp vs Lucario lmao.
The "fated rivals" crap they tried to pull between those two was fucking cringe as shit.
All you just did was accusing Alain of being the sole reason of everything without any coherent evidence. He only showed up for what seven episodes, one of which was the only one where he even battled while the rest was him only getting mentioned in passing or watching other matches. I am so unhinged to pin the blame on a fictional character for something that wasn't happening a year with said not even somewhat involved in it. Unless you have any actual proof like a interview from Journeys where he gets discussed where it MIGHT be the case and I want a link for it, your post isn't worth anything.
>Moves the goalpost away from Cynthia
I accept your concession
That's famon, a known genuinely-psychotic Ashfag 3rd worlder. He is legitimately crazy.
The fact that they jad to give him Melmetal and Naganadel at the very last minute because he didn't even really have a full team for basically the entire series.
Alan beat Ash fair and square because unlike Ash alan actually train he pokemon plus he is mega evolution master meanwhile Ash need chuuni OC special destiny greninja just to get 8 badges and never freakin train
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>complaining about opposing views
r*ddit is that way m8
>R*ddit out of nowhere
>So was everyone but Alan in the M8 and everyone jobbed like crazy
And one of them is the partner Pikachu and fully evolved Charizard.
>Literally no one was treated respectfully on the M8,
Except what you suggest was even more disrespectful.

>Not everything is shounenslop where only the raw numbers matters.
Except in pokemon battle where number of Pokémon matters.

>The Gible that was always mentioned to have a shitton of potential
Its a last minute Pokémon that barely got much screentime, let alone potential. Tobias only talked about Draco Meteor shower rather taking down any of his pokemon.

>You're acting like if anyone truly liked Garchomp vs Lucario

They would have hated Gible vs Garchomp even more.
>They would have hated Gible vs Garchomp even more
Eighth time you've posted this and your only argument for it is basically
>Trust me, don't ask questions
You're full of shit. Your posts mean nothing in the end

>All you just did was accusing Alain of being the sole reason of everything without any coherent evidence
The evidence is right front of you.
An anime geared toward selling merch decides to write an additional problem with dark vines that they have no intention of ever revolving just to get rid of one of their most popular pokemon instead of shilling it like their other popular shillmon, there is no way a merch driven anime would do that unless self inserting is involve.
>He only showed up for what seven episodes,
Off course they going to let him appear less to avoid him losing even more.
>The evidence is right front of you.
So basically no evidence. Great point, I definitely and totally trust someone more who blames Alain for something like matchups years before he even showed up with the level of claims like:"It just is, ok?!?!" than official interviews which actually provide insights. Retard, try again.
See >>56454309
Bahahaha how are Alainkeks still a thing after being completely cucked?
>Thread was originally about the questionable final team
>Passive aggressive redirection towards painting Alain as the sole cause for everything
>Provides no source for ANY of the Producer/Execs copes or claim
>Al-Alainkeks amirite guys?
Astounding projection.
Ash caused dark vines because he incompetent and get in Alan way
heck vines not exist in game which proof Ash so incompetent as to be unlikeable
Maybe Ash should have gotten Salamence instead of Dragonite. You know, less kanto.
>less kanto.
people will say him having a lot of Kanto pokemon on his team makes sense cause he's from Kanto but he's not the Kanto champion he's the Alola champion.
In my version --
> Ash's Scraggy evolves and has its rival battle against Iris's Haxrous.
> Ash defeat Alain and Mega Charizard X in the first match of Hyper Class using Mega Lucario.
> Ash also use Mega Lucario to defeat Steven's Mega Metagross.
> Ash use Infernape to defeat Garchomp after Pikachu and Kommo-o ties with their Z-move.
> Ash's Charizard ties with Leon's Mega Charizard Y and Pikachu win the battle by defeating Cinderace.
Ash not even competent enough for any of that . He can not even know steel immune to poison and so dumb as to not interest Nemona
>I challenge you to build better
5 Tauros.
outbuild me now, bitch
You sure hate the frog.
I have no interest in that failure.
Gen 4 is when the ashnime should have ended
They literally rebooted everything pokemon in the next gen already so what was the fucking hold up
>> Ash use Infernape to defeat Garchomp after Pikachu and Kommo-o ties with their Z-move.
Not having Cynthia doing Z-Moves was so fucking dumb when she appeared on SM and then went and gave her a Kommo-o during Journeys too.
The only one that works is arctovish and MAYBE dracozolt
The others suck
Forgot to mention ---
> Ash defeat Milo, Nessa , Kabu in Normal class.
> Ash defeat Bea in Super Class instead of dragging their battle to Hyper Class.
> Ash received coaching from Melony which leads to his battle with Gordie on Super Class.
> Ash meet Marnie and Bede right at the beginning of JN series with Bede being treated as his main rival.
> Bede is the last person Ash defeat on Hyper Class before his Master Class Promotion battle against Raihan.
> Brandon become one of the Master Eight and challenge Leon on Master Tournament with three legendary Golum that Leon effortlessly defeats.
At that point just make a normal Galar anime.
You mean Ash lose to Milo since he incompetent
It's insane how dirty they did torterra to make infernape look cooler just for that fucking monkey to fall in the shadow of lucario and blaziken anyway
I would have take some inspiration from SWSH such as Professor Sakuragi being Ash's sponsor for PWC. Brock would have returned to be Ash's coach while a female OC act as Ash's manager who book fights for Ash on PWC.

Basically make it closer to real world sport.
Torterra was never a good starter to begin with.
It gets worse when you consider that all of "Torterra's" wins were solely because of Turtwig.
>Big guy
>Shit on the back so you can't even flip it
>No earthquakerinos allowed on tv
If you want to make torterra seem cool you have to get creative and that is too much effort for hack writers, at least you guys got pokespe
Too much Galar. The one thing Journeys did well was not focusing too much on that shitty Gen. Fixing the PWC is easy. Have Ash rotate reserves from the start and he doesn’t catch anything new. Also if Ash has to face old Gen characters let it be ones he never faced before. Instead battling Korrina for the billionth time how about he faces Karen? PWC was a cool concept wasted on poor execution and decision making by the staff.
Torterra is just embarassing.
Blame trAsh for being a retard unable to use slowmons.
That's not even true; Ash can clearly battle effectively with a bulky fucker, because every time Snorlax made an appearance, it generated at least one KO. I can't fathom why the writers never let Torterra use its real strengths and let it learn Body Slam or something. If it can't win by speed, let it win by stamina and crushing weight.
I hate the anime because it doesn't even follow the games
I don't give a fuck about shiny rayquaza or whatever give me an adaptation of the games in animated form with cool animations or fuck off
How about I blame the retards writing the damn show. Literally no reason they couldn't have made a storyline about him adjusting to the speed drop. Without them being 'lol rock climb' and just giving it it's speed back and ignoring the problem entirely too.
The funny thing is that they went and made an episode of Paul's Torterra teaching it how to be a slowmon and how to adapt to losing its Turtwig speed and then they completely ignored it lol.
That wasn't on Ash's part, that was Snorlax being a natural beast.
Torterra needed a trainer to help it adjust to being slow but Ash just wasn't competent enough
Ash isn’t real. This shit is on the writers.
The writers did their job. Ash is by design a retard.
I get you have an irrational hatred of Ash, but he is not real.
Anon, he is a fictional character who was designed as a retard intentionally. This is like getting mad at the writers because Goku didn't get a PHD in qauntum physics
Why they just didn't make a galar anime? is the region really THAT bad?
25th anniversary. They wanted to do something different. They fucked it up of course.
They thought Ash was good enough to carry the show himself. He wasn't.
The series was ending, they wanted to pull out all the stops rather than just have "Ash visits the new region and does some stuff".
>Retard still thinks Journeys was planned around Ash leaving the series
>Didn't saw the obvious red flag with the first episode
I genuinely feel sorry for you.
That was the most obvious shit about it after a while
What the fuck did you guys think Project Mew was about? And the whole thing with the World Championship?
It's a ground type where no earthquakerinos are allowed on tv and that's the only move that type can learn
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I've been thinking about this, and Ash's battle with Alain - which also lacked Charizard - for a while now. I have a theory that the reason Ash's Charizard wasn't used either time was because they thought the child audience would get confused if two of the same Pokemon were out at the same time. I can't prove this, but it's the only theory I can come up with that makes sense.
Well that and Ash hasn't interacted with charizard for what, a decade? It's really weird to bring back a pokemon that hasn't battled once in 10 years, let alone never been properly trained.
Dragonite was an obvious substitute Charizard.
Yet it fits Ash really well.
THIS, SO MUCH THIS, they should have actually give it more hot headed personality that would match Ash and make it more unique from all those calm but ready to fight brawlers most Lucario are.
Concerning gen 6, I think it was because of Yajima. Ash-Greninja was his idea. If Tomiyasu was the head director of XY, I think Ash gets mega Lucario or one of Zard’s mega forms.
Are we still spreading that wrong idea? Yajima to GameFreak for a idea for the relationship between Greninja and his trainer. They gave him the idea, in fact the recton into Battle Bond was just well as effective but they were the ones went with the fusion-tier bond so that's on them. Besides the obvious "B-but muh full team", the last entry before that had more than five Pokemon getting caught on his team but he cycled through them and sent one of them back for CHARIZAAARD. And they weren't above referring to previous gens when the hick saw Piplup and was reminiscent of a Piplup with a different attitude.
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I wanted my dream episode, where Ash Pidgeot comes back to him and gives him a mega stone.
I think its best Mega for Ash unironicly.

They should also allow Primape to evolve into Anihilape making a first new Pokemon debuit, shit would be so cash. Noone could see that coming.

They could make a whole ep where one of Ash foes laughs at his pokemon and Primape wants to wreck ite shit more and more that opponent appears.
In battle something breaks at him, it evolves expoding in rage but gets badly hurt in process of beating shit of 4 opponent Pokemon so it cant battle anymore.
>adaptation of the games in animated form with cool animations




Forgot to mention
> Lance will use Mega Charizard X against Diantha.
Remember that Lance supposed to have Mega Charizard X as his ace on LGPE but the anime ignored it to push Gyarados because they want Mega Charizard X to be exclusive to Alain and nobody else.
>I wanted my dream episode, where Ash Pidgeot comes back to him and gives him a mega stone.
>I think its best Mega for Ash unironicly
Its Unguarded ability makes it the worst Mega evolved pokemon. How the heck the show going to adapt Unguarded? Is Mega Pidgeot not allowed to dough a move?
Do you have a source on that bullshit or is it another cope pushed by your deranged hatred of Alain?
Agreed. Wouldve been a brutal sweep in introduction of a comeback for Pidgeot. But I am content with how it's settled by simply coming back when all is said and done.
Shut it, ESL. The adults are talking.
Remember that Ash not even in games but the anime ignored it to push Ash because they want their OC Ash to be exclusive champion to anime and nobody else
>The adults are talking
I don't need to hear it from a kid like you.
/padt/ here. Make this a General and keep the nutcase here. He is disappointing his Bengali parents, for sure.
>No argument
I accept your defeat, kiddo.
>/padt/ here
You don't speak for other generals. That ESL is retarded but youre just as annoying. Don't tell me what to do and do it yourself, useless sperm.
Like you ever have had any arguments before.
That you can only project proves the other anon right. Get out, we don't tolerate NEETs like you.
I'm sure you could totally tell bro. You were the only non-blind person in the whole wide world.
>After a while
So you agree with me in that it was decided midway into the series. Good to know.
its so fucking stupid that for the literal end of the series he has no returning Pokemon, but I guess it makes sense because Pokemon hates its past
That you can't comprehend after a while as in hindsight says fucking everything. They planned that shit out, Pikachu's Origin story was the start of the finish line alongside countless other episodes that were paddling the horse's final stretch before caving in. How long did it took for you to even come up with that response?
Get a grip.
>Gengar (Haunter)
>one more, maybe lycanroc or some popular galarmon instead of literal whos

There's your team.
Gen 6 was obviously when they wanted to end the anime but execs got cold feet.
Oh great, another nostalgia team that would steal even more time from the galar team.
nobody gives two goddamn fucks about the galar shitters in a series that is about bringing back shit from the whole franchise. They unceremoniously made all the Galar characters fuck off asap other than Leon. And you're fucking retarded if you think Ash's team, which only has two Galarmons at all, is representative of the generation.

Galar was an abortion of a region anyway and didn't matter in the anime at all. Making his team a bunch of random Pokemon for his final challenge spit in the face of the viewership, though that's not surprising since the Pokemon anime is one of the worst shows to ever air.
Blame Alain for it, the producer was so obsessed with avoiding Alain from losing to Ash that they refuse to let Ash use hid reserves to make sure Greninja doesn't have to return.
it was fucking ridiculous that Ash didn't get a rematch with Alain either. Horrendous writing.
>>one more, maybe lycanroc or some popular galarmon instead of literal whos
Galarian Darmanitan???
>Ash didn't used previous Pokemon?
>Blame Alain for it
>What do you mean he wasn't there?
Aside from you NOT providing a name for that producer, you're actually insane. Get a life, NEET. Aggressing shouting Alain's name like he's a terrorist ruining your life doesn't making him one. But I have no doubts that Alain's win eight years ago already ruined yours.
would be cool but it should probably be a shillmon. Problem is that the main Galar shillmon is... charizard, with Cinderrace in second.
>Aggressing shouting
Ash and Goh could have gotten Urshifu. Its hilarious how the anime completely ignored Kubfu to shove Tsuragi into the show.
Oh yeah that's a great idea actually! He was very shilled.
>Runs out of excuses
Sure, whatever.
Pokémon 2018 should have focused entirely on PWC.
Pushing Goh and his goal of catching Mew was a mistake because it served no actual purpose outside of wasting time. It would have been better watching various trainers competing on PWC beside Ash. Not to mention Dawn should have won her first grand festival instead of wasting time to shill Koharu.

Pokémon Battle is a competition, a sports. The anime should have embrace it's sports element.
>Pokemon 2018
There was Pokemon 2019, not 2018. Consider your garbage ESL rant discarded.
Sure, anon, sure. Whatever you say.
Hope you're a billonaire already from that future vision you've got.
Catching fully evolved mons is soulless
>Making his team a bunch of random Pokemon for his final challenge spit in the face of the viewership
I think people expect a team of randos from ash at this point like all his teams have had obvious corporate picks except johto I think noctowl is there to fit the bird quota and show off shiny pokemon.
This. Ash knocking off the likes of Steven, Cynthia, and Leon with some random forgettable shitmons from Galar would have been dumb. I swear the fandom has even dumber ideas then the writers and producers.
He literally has his own 1 of a kind mutation of Greninja and a top .001% Infernape just rotting away, but he uses some random lucario and dragonite
Lucario is the one that makes the most sense since it's popular and he's not had one before. And like fine, I understand that. But why Dragonite? He's not even that popular. He's just a random Pokemon Ash got given because he needed something for the tournament. Bringing back Greninja - or ANY reserve Pokemon - would have made way more sense.
Yeah but it looks like Ash which is ugly and disgusting. Who wants to look at more ugly Ash?
>Constantly loses battles
>Needs a snowflake super form to even win one battle
This obese ghost shitmon doesn't deserve good things
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H-Typhlosion evolves from Ash's Quilava during a mini time travel Hisui arc.
Gengar is the same one from Sabrina. She wants to focus on acting and trades it over to Ash because it loves to battle.
Garchomp evolves from Gible. It replaces Lucario's role and has interaction with Cynthia's. Their battle becomes Dyna Chomp vs Mega Chomp and Mega wins after Dyna ends.
Wouldn't H-Samurott be a better choice since Ash still doesn't have a fully evolved water starter that he got to keep?

Also I don't want Ash to get Garchomp since its Cynthia's ace, if Ash gets every Chanpion's ace that Pokémon battle won't be exciting anymore.
This shitter won against Raichu on episode 18 but it didn't get his second win until episode fucking 99 against Marnie's Grimmsnarl
>Read thread
>They should bring back greninja infernape sceptile and charizard
Why not bring back the biggest losers so they can get a fucking redemption arc?
Torterra, gliscor, tauros and noivern are just rotting there and they should get something at least
Ganger actually my favourite among Ash's JN team. Its deserved more screentime, it feels like the anime never understood Ganger's potential as a character and Battler.
Typholsion made the most sense since Rowlet and Oshawott are the kind of iconic nfe that they'd never evolve up while Quilava is already in the middle stage. Also there's a water with Dracovish already.

Garchomp kinda combines the roles of Dragonite and Lucario together with a pseudo and you need the last slot to mega. Ash has Gible already and its a Sinnoh poke during the remakes so it checks alot of boxes. Gible appeared near the tail end of its series and I always felt it never really got its chance to shine.
Reminder that Gengar's previous owner was objectively and factually right in abandoning Gengar.
He blamed Gengar for the misfortune in his life, and behold, the next time he appeared his life situation had considerably improved.
I still remember how everyone called Gengar the jobmon of the Journeys team until the roles reversed WAY later between it and Jobnite and even then Gengar always needed mememax to be worth shit.

>Its deserved more screentime
The entire Shitneys team in a nutshell. There's a reason why so many call them glorified battlebots.
I'm baffled that people gush over how much of a deep and cute friendship Dracovish and Sirfetch when that happened suddenly and out of nowhere during the Drasna fight episodes and never before and never afterwards.

>it feels like the anime never understood Ganger's potential as a character and Battler.
That's a problem with Gengar as a whole since it got sanitized into being a goofy harmless jokester and even had it's color palette changed over so it is less scary.
All the edges of Gengar have been softened through the years.

9/10 unironically one of the best and most well thought shitneys replacement teams I've seen. Actually even well thought in regards of what needs and must be shilled during the season which is something you rarely see people taking into account.
Honestly I feel the Pokémon Ash should have gotten was Blaziken considering its one of the broken pokemon due to Speed Boost.
the hisuan forms werent made yet you dumb fuck
Blaziken does fit with his style well but they already gave Torchic to May and the anime doesn't really like having main characters share the same species of Pokémon
> Pokemon Legends was release in January 2022
> The Master Tournament started in June 2022
>they already gave Torchic to May
Who can't no longer appear in the show due to her issues with VA. Not to mention May had Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Munchlax (Snorlax Pre-Evolution) which Ash caught first. Furthermore Mega Lucario was Korrina's ace as well.

Blaziken would have been Ash's best ace
Rica can no longer appear in show due to issues with VA too so that mean Ash never come back
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So an idea I had some time ago was what if Ash kept his Alola Team for Journeys (since it's his Champion Team).
The Team would get some changes (Lycanroc will stay with Kukui) and he will get his Mega Lucario (which in this version is an offspring of Ash Lycanroc and Kukui's Lucario) and Dracovish and Ash will travel back in time to Hisui at some point and his Rowlett would evolve into Hisuian Decidueye. His Melmetal will learn to Gigantamax. I think it makes more sense than sudden getting the Gengar and Dragonite and Sirfetch'd. Also it would make Ash a better representant of Alola in PWT.

>Two steel types
>Two fighting types
Its ability its litteraly Ash "ability". He always uses opponent moves as its advantage.
PWT Ash has 2 Fighting types and 2 Dragon types
Kalos Ash had 3 Flying types and 2 Dragon types
Sinnoh Ash has 2 Ground and Flying types
Orange Island Ash has 2 Water Types
Kanto Ash has 2 Flying Types on main team
Unova has duplicates.
Johto had 2 grass types most of the series

Outside Hoenn and Alola, Ash always had duplicate types
Just don't mega right away. He learns to save the mega as a trump card for the final stretch of battle where its all in.
Sounds like a strategy, which is a bit too complicated for the character we're discussing. Especially since it requires self-restraint.
Grow up
Cynthia is love, Cynthia is life
>2 ground types
>30 of the same pokemon caught on a banned episode
>Overshadowed by everyone else in Ash's best team
Maybe Ash should have gotten a Hatterene instead of Sirfetch'd so he could finally get a Fairy/Psychic type Pokémon.
Ash isn't smart enough to raise a Psychic nor is he emotionally mature enough to raise a Fairy

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