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The hottest steel type ever!
That's heatran
why a bikini?
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Why not?
Out of 10!!!
based bellymon
Mutts are afraid of tits
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This mon has tons of Tinkaporn everywhere
Fpbp, because I was gonna say this.
As an aside, I was shocked to lesrn recently it's the only Fire/Steel type
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Ara Ara, Corvi-kun
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Why do jannies fear wholesome bikini sets?
>OP pic deleted
Why are jannies like this?
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>When Gardevior, Lopunny, Meowscarada, and Eeveelutions does it:
>When Tinkaton does it: Wee-Woo-Wee-Woo
>The hottest steel type ever!
>Not the maw
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Tinkaton's belly is too sexually provocative to be shown on /vp/'s catalogue.
steel/fairy really is the sex type
>Sad French Keyring and Angry British Dog noises
Her belly must be this big to keep up with the sexiness
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I guess that they just have to compete with each other for their trainer's love...
ill be honest shes my favorite fariy type
i love this chubby cavegirl
built for sandwich consumption and belly rubs
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More like outsizes the duck's
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Do you guys think tinky ever wants a corviknight to plow her like a hammer

Knocking them out of the sky is tinky understanding Corvi is just playing hard to get
all right you lazytinks, this thread needs a little more schizo energy in it, so have some of THIS

All Work No Play (M/Human X F/Tinkaton)

Broken into [#] chapters, use CTRL+F to jump around
[1] is the prologue
[2] is the solo journey
[3] is the meetup
[4] is journey together
[5] is solving the main plot problem
[6] is the aftermath of solving said problem
[7] is the main plot wrap up
[8] is the fug
[9] is the pregnancy+more fug
[10] is the birth and resolution
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arceus willing she shall be seated

on anon's face
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Guys cool it with the fetishism. The thread might be pruned if we keep going
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Is it just Tinkaton, or would you raise one from a Tinkatink crybaby?
45 pages? I will try to find the time for this eventually
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I think it's a thread for all Tinkas, you know like how most of the other Pokémon threads includes pre-evos or megas or convergences/regionals, but I don't know how the OP feels about Tinkas pre-evos though?

So far, people who originally hated Tinkatink are started to warm-up to her since the show made her more popular and I feel the same will happen for Tinkatuff as Dot's Tinkatink will be evolving into one in the next Arc coming soon in October 11.
>Forgot to answer the question
IMO, Pokémon feels stronger and more bondable when you raise them from the first stage, besides I like all of the Tinkas(True Tinkalover), so I'll raise my Tinkatink daughter until she grows up into a Tinkaton.
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They're friends
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I think the lack of an op pic will kill it faster
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Out of ten!
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>The hottest steel type ever!
Incorrect, she's not part Fire.
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Do you think Tinkaton would be a mod?
good lord when did steel become the sexo type
There's 5 fuckable Steel types, over half of which are Fairy type. The real sexo types are Fairy and Grass
man we really need a steel eevee
there will never be another eevee
Depends on how they design it.
If they go for the extremely bulky and overdesigned approach how most Steel types are like, people won't like it much, also it has to be girly as it seems most people like the girly looking eeveelutions.
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Mawile is a smol cutie, Magearna is a robot (so sex attachments are allowed), and Tinkaton is a shortstack goblin.
If anything, is going just fine.
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>When you eat a max Fairy Encounter sandwich
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Mah Wife
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Can we make this a general steel waifumon thread please?

On the topic of that, any fellow Celesteela fuckers out there? I recently got into her
>Can we make this a general steel waifumon thread please?
Let's see the actual Steel type waifumons are Tinkaton, Mawile, Magearna, Jarichi, and Celesteela.
I guess that's a good list to go on, though personally I don't like the idea of changing the topic of a thread midway through, it feels like derailment.

Also, I really really don't want to see Zacianfags and Lucariofags forcing zoophilia into the thread..
But it's up to the OP, it's their thread, I just work here..
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I don't know what it says either, let's learn together
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I'm an autistic person who got steel types on their autism roll

Is it bad that I hate a good chunk of Tinkaton fanart?. This isn't even against Tinkaton herself, I still like her design, but it genuinely hurts knowing that it feels like her entire character/some of her fanbase's personality is "I hate steel types". It sucks that I have to frequently come across gore art of some of my favorite mons, especially when its of mons that barely get any fanart like Magearna.

It's kind of like how fairy's personality was "dragon le bad" so let's make them look as lame and weak as possible during its early years. I don't even have anything against the fairy type itself just t make things clear

It just feels like someone at GameFreak wanted the general fanbase to hate steel types as a whole
or doesn't want the type to be seen as cool anymore

Am I weird?
>it feels like Tinkaton's entire character/some of her fanbase's personality is "I hate steel types"
Understandable, there is more to her than that going of the Violet Dex, she can build scrapmetal shelters, she's superstrong as she can carry things as heavy as 220 pounds(one handed) as well being able to take whatever she wants back home which means that even nailed down/secured objects will still be targets hinting that she's much stronger than expected, she can make anything into a hammer not just metal as the anime shows many times with Tinkatink(soon Tinkatuff), and in her Pokémon cards show that she fancy smashing rocks also it seems she likes to collect ores and gems probably from smashing said rocks as her lines' SIR shows them lying around her underground cave(The Tinkatink one is shown bringing them in her cave).
But people prefer her Scarlet Dex as it's the more violent side of her and humans craves violence thus is the side that gets the most fanart, besides porn that is as humans craves sex as well.

But it's not all violence and sex, she gets a lot of cute and funny art as well.

I would like to see her hanging out with Machamp and Conkeldurr, helping at construction sites, lifting heavy stuff for house movers, helping at the mine sites, I felt so disappointed that none of the Worker Class NPCs had Tinkas.

>Magearna barely gets fanart
To be honest, what can you really do with a robot maid? She's like the C-3PO of Fairy/Steels, also to add Klefki has less.

>"dragon le bad"
Because they are..

>GameFreak wanted the general fanbase to hate steel types as a whole or doesn't want the type to be seen as cool anymore
You're saying this because of Tinkaton hunting Steel types(which is a Steel type herself)? No one bat an eye when Melmetal and Aggron was doing it, also Orthworm is the newest metaleater who is another Steel type, as you can see the only thing Steel types fear are themselves, it just they fear Tinkaton more as she's their Doomguy.
>No one bat an eye when Melmetal and Aggron was doing it, also Orthworm is the newest metaleater

Not Really comparable, don't those three dex entries state they eat random metallic man made stuff like rails or just raw iron from caves and soil?

I don't think it was ever shown in any form of other that they attack other steel types
>There is more to her than that going of the Violet Dex
Now I want to see a Tinkaton having bling on her hammer, or wearing some sweet armor.
Or at least, a recreation of this, becuase I feel Tinkaton's line is basically the dwarf of Pokémon.
Hmm, you got a point there, I think the only other Pokémon that attack Steel types are Heatmors, but that's a not a Steel type itself..

>Tinkaton insults a Gardevoir/Gallade
>Tinkaton insults the other Gardevoirs/Gallades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC-ZanQjHXM

I agree, Tinkaton is pretty much the Dwarf(with a blend of Gnome, Goblin, and Gremlin) Pokémon.
Now I wonder how their relationship is like with the Elf Pokémon known as Gardevoir/Gallade?
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>Now I wonder how their relationship is like with the Elf Pokémon
Pretty gay like Legolas and Gimli

But that is a special case, as a species they prefer to avoid and use racist terms like steel-biter and human-fucker.
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where can i find more? I can just see "fanart". this is incredible
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Here ya go
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Both of them are human-fuckers tho. Tinkas would use something like tranny unironically (Garde is half man, half woman).
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>we'll never get a PMD/spinoff game based around this duo
Life sucks so much, bros...
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imagine the harazuri
She loves small critters
Except for Rookidee
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