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I don't get the hate. It seems forced.
>Yet another galarkek shill thread
It’s shit. You’re a faggot.
Good morning, Sar
paldeaspics having a melty
You know it's a bad game when even the anime studio refuses to animate it properly
Better than SV at least.
>Least insecure gaylarian
I’m South American retard
Why there are so many galar thread now? wasn't school supposed to start this month?
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True. Most of the complaints like MUH DEXCUT are massively overblown and just memes.

>Pretty looking and clean art style and graphics that fits the tone of the series instead of the bizarre hyper realistic tranny shit they tried with SV.
>Made the Pokemon League a meaningful and well thought out part of the story with good worldbuilding surrounding it.
>Great multiplayer UI similar to the PSS but more convenient to use for connecting with randoms.
>Best trainer customization in the series thus far
>Introduced useful QoL items such as mints and ability patch
>Included overworld encounters
>Has an actual postgame.
>Raid battles are fucking awesome
>Kino music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeFJRaH2Mz8
>DLC that's actually worth it.

SWSH did a lot right.
Based tranny obsesser
Are there any good romhacks that fix a lot of the issues?
Lol, if I got a dollar everytime someone took a shot in the dark at my ethnicity here and was wrong.
You're the obsessed one who keeps spamming that.
>No u!
I accept your concession
God, I want to fuck Gloria so fucking much
She's a 10 years old child
>bizarre hyper realistic tranny shit they tried with SV.
Just go out and get topped by a trans girl already, it's clearly all you can think about.

Ay, thanks for reminding me about the dlc customization shit added in these games though, I might hack them in when I eventually play Divine Sword
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>improved party wide exp share
>postgame battle facility
>cute girls that aren't uggo niggers and trannies
>competent story
>set mode
>beautiful open world with different unique biomes
>memorable gym leaders
>a champion that's actually tough
>no time travel/imagination/wormhole shit
>no parallel universes
>custom characters that actually look custom
>minimal glitches
>less kanto pandering than usual
>interesting DLC and an actual post game
>More freedom to explore than SM; Runs and looks better than SV.
>VGC was the comfiest it's ever been
>dynamax taps into the Kaijukino that founded this franchise
>gigantamax is visually better than megas in every way
>sneaky pebbles BTFO into extinction
>playable on TV>free camera
>restores apricorns
>new movesets
>frequent events
>Is fun
That's right, those behind this are the sp...
Oh no no no no hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!!
it IS forced. it is a *bad* game when compared to all games that exist, but it is a *good* pokemon game. it looked polished (for a pokemon game, not like SV which looks like an alpha test version), the story wasn't overbearing like it was in alola, and the overworld encounters and customization were great. There were even some instant classics dropped that gen in terms of pogeyman design.
Of 10!
>another Gaylar thread trying to defend this shit
Gayturds can't stop thinking about trannys, this isn't even funny It's just disgusting but I assume you are planning to transition
>competent story
Kek, good joke, for a moment I thought you were serious.
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>"L-Leon please!"
>"Galar will run out of energy in a thousand years!!"
>*Starts crying*
>Pretty looking and clean art style and graphics that fits the tone of the series instead of the bizarre hyper realistic tranny shit they tried with SV.
By N64 standards maybe, on the switch it was rather underwhelming.
>Made the Pokemon League a meaningful and well thought out part of the story with good worldbuilding surrounding it.
And then failed to provide a decent challenge with it. Gyms shouldn't be easier than raids.
>Great multiplayer UI similar to the PSS but more convenient to use for connecting with randoms.
Did you even play multi?
>Best trainer customization in the series thus far
It's literally the same as SV except there's no stupid uniform enforcement.
>Introduced useful QoL items such as mints and ability patch
Like every gen that introduces such stuff.
>Included overworld encounters
Overdue, a welcome addition.
>Has an actual postgame.
Dickhair and hairfunkel is hardly a postgame to be proud of.
>Raid battles are fucking awesome
They were a decent idea but the execution needed to be refined.
>Kino music
Pretty much every game in the series has outstanding tracks, that's the one thing the bug man is good at.
>DLC that's actually worth it.
I do welcome the death of the third version.
Because it's only trannies who even like Scat/Vomit in the first place. It's not obsession if it's truth
The artstyle hits the uncany valley so badly, how the fuck is it good? It looks so real it feels fake.
>Average swooshiefan
>Because [Headcanon]
And the gross, sickly looking grey hue on all textures on SV must be such an improvement.
Still looks like a mobile game in development and plays as such
>The first thing xhe thinks of when seeing a Pokemon game aimed at all audiences is trannys
>It's not obsession if it's true
Yeah, sure, all 24 million people who bought the game must be trannys, right? But you're the one spiraling into obsession here, you're about to turn into a tranny if you can't stop thinking about them.
>More appealing hairstyle variants in SW/SH
>The clothes aren't all gender neutral focused like in SV
> It looks so real it feels fake.
That's SV. It's not even good realism either.

Opinion discarded
you write like a tranny trying to impose trannys everywhere so i treat you like a tranny
Imagine being a Gaylarturd thinking about trannys, SV, Curry and being a superpower 24/7.
ScatVomit isn't like that. SwoShit's 3D models are disgusting. They look like weird dolls.
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Can you explain this?
i thought this was /pol/ instead of /vp/
>wahhh muh feelings
>better bring up /pol again
>T. /pol/ack
She’s a buff woman with curves and no bulge in her crotch.
>inb4: That’s a muscular man’s body
Yeah, because pokemon characters are known for their realistic proportions, right? With their 3 inch eyes and massive heads, totally like normal people. The fact that your first thought is she’s a tranny just shows how obsessed you are If you want to talk about trannys go to /lgbt/
Anon just because you can't grow muscles doesn't mean women can't
verlis is behind these swsh revisionism threads isn’t he
> less kanto pandering than usual
What’s Leon’s ace?
>She's a woman
no lol
>Another Galar thread where nobody actually talks about Galar
Paldea making Galar its eternal bitch.
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Based and truthpilled.
>As a tranny I can assure you that this NPC is not a woman, believe me my tranny instinct tells me
Okey tranny,
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference sadly
>Defends SV
>Calls people "tranz"
Okey tranny.
If you genuinely love this game, you've probably never touched a DS.
Many such cases
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>SwSh's 3D models sre disgusting.

if you're talking about the Pokémon I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I like the models in both gens a lot but I think SwSh has significantly more aesthetically pleasing ones : )
>SwSh enjoyers talk about the multiple things they like about the game.
>Schizos and tranz seethe because SV isn't being praised
>tranny using xher powers of altered reality perception, conveniently ignores that the first person to bring up SV in this thread was actually another fellow Gaylarian
It is a well known fact that 95% of this board are either gay men or trannies.
The rest are degenerate coomer pedos
I mean when this abomination pretty much towers over everyone. And it's pretty weird how they tried to make this character look feminine and give it make up.

We never had npcs like this one before so why now
tranny franchise
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I think it means it's time to grow thicker skin then
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Don't know, why did SwSh remove the beauty class and swap it with the model class?
They don't even look feminine
I guess the Japanese should also go to /Pol/
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SwSh had Marnie. Nuff said.
Because SW/SH is where it began. It was just more tolerable
I say the same when I look at SV "women"
if you think of that every time you see nemona carmine and lacey thet it says a lot more about you
Not wanting to read peoples dogshit "political" opinions has nothing to do with the thickness of my skin, these guys are a cancer on the board trying to derail every thread
ywnbaw troon
Meds. Okay the blonde guy I can sort of understand. But the blue haired guy?
I thought it was a girl the first time
Drooling over my cock
I'm not even trying to turn this political.
I'm saying that the weird characters are straight up ugly and bad design choices
>But the blue haired guy?
what's feminine about it? he just wears winter clothing with pants and blue is a boy color
>No argument
Lacey is the only cute girl and she's DLC.
you are a tranny
Nah you are
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Grusha is more masculine than this Galarian friend, my dear tranny.
>Most masculine galarian
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Wow, Galar is peak masculinity!
The fact that this character is indistinguishable from a female perhaps? The light, long blue hair, the feminine eyes. Small stature. The bright colours he wears. They also look like what a girl would probably wear. The pale skin.
We can't see the rest of his face adding to the sense of feminine mystique.
The eyelashes being that choice of dark blue make it look like he is wearing mascara though this probably wasn't intentional.

You have got to be trolling me at this point or you are just delusional
Why is he dressed like that i don't get it
>I thought it was a girl the first time
I think that was the point. Kind of a trope though, gen 2 gave us Bugsy. Holy fuck I wanna fuck Bugsy, no homo.
Retard alert. I can still tell that is a biological female. Just a tomboy.

Anything else?
That's a man big smoke, and he got balls on the brain
>The fact that this character is indistinguishable from a female perhaps?
Only for a porn addict maybe this character has no curves no feminine clothing nor boobs
>The light, long blue hair
Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons also have long hair and i wouldn't call them feminine
>the feminine eyes. Small stature.
According to retards boys can't be short
>The bright colours he wears. They also look like what a girl would probably wear.
Not a single girl with a sense of fashion would wear that
>The pale skin
Men can't be white?
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Hahahahaha I almost forgot that the models from Galar have that girl boss hairstyle
Well there you go, SWSH started it as I said
I'm not trying to chsnge your preferences, I'm complaining about the chuds crying about "trannies" in every thread. I already forgot this was a SWSH thread.
Looks like the guy who fapped to grusha is still seething till this day huh
No because at least they're not ashamed of SV so much they won't cover the DLC.
I think you are trolling me.
I'm a female myself and I thought it was a female
Bitch rocking the Stormfront. Think they would be friends?
Jk lol, that bitch is Hitler with tits
>I think you are trolling me.
Not an argument
>i'm a female mysel-
That's a Jew playing a character written by a Jew.
Gen 1 started it, we all know Sabrina is a lesbian bro, don't ask for my source
It's you again from the other thread. The
'not an argument' anon to everything I point out.
You didn't deny that the fact he covers his face either adds to the mystery.
And I said PALE not white. Retard.
Why else did others also believe he was a girl too then?

Also I'm not clicking that shit
Nobody thought Avery was a girl. Multiple people thought Grusha was a girl. So calling Grusha the troon is more fitting,

Try harder
Wait, are we seriously arguing with a tranny who hasn’t even played SwSh, isn’t a fan of it, and is just obsessed with trannys and SV?
A sexy Jew lol
>Also I'm not clicking that shit
Yeah i sure bet you won't
Sorry but if those characters are in a large portion of the game... and since your play pretty much as a unisex character anyway (clothing-wise) ... People are probably going to get mad
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>I'm a female myself
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>It doesn't matter that Avery dresses like a flamboyant sissy and Grusha like a skier! that's not how it works, because I said so
cringe tranny cope
Whatever helps you cope, anon
Pretending won't make it true
t. jacked off to Grusha porn is xzhe is seething
I won't lie I can't even remember this 'Avery' character to begin with. I remember the model NPCs though
>t. tranny projecting
>I can't even remember this 'Avery' character to begin with.
He's unironically a loser that gets constantly bullied
Just keep at it with the ((you))s
I don't really give a shit what you believe anyway, Zoom Zoom
Sure anon keep believing it live in your own delusions
post neck with timestamp so we can check if you have an Adam’s apple or not
Based. Tranny BTFO
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Defend this
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Wow, so this is the model Galarian beauty that Galar fans have been wanting to see in SV.
Kek a literal drag queen.
This ain't /soc/ bud
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No, you defend this.
I know SVfags aren't posting this when Ryme fucking exists.

At least the dark skinned girls in SwSh look like girls
It's okay anon you can come out of the closet
>hooligan chav looks like hooligan chav
Literally the stereotyped dike as a pokemon character
The difference, my little retard, is that Ryme is a granny rapper and the model is a fucking beauty model who is supposed to be beautiful.
Isn't that one of SV's subplots?
I completely agree, we had every justification for doing it. Every single intelligence agency on the planet was saying the same thing, including China, Russia, and every European intel agency. They all said Saddham had WMDs.
metalhead girl with silly boots
Let me see..
>Daddy/Mommy issues mad AI gone crazy
>Terrorism school bullies
>Generic gym route
I bet xhe'd like to play a coming out simulator before xhe actually does it in real life.
xhe do xherstuff
Can someone translate >>56447387 ? i don't speak schizobabble
Both have dyke hair but the Yell female unironically looks more like a female if you look at her clear boobs, waist and hips. Unlike Mela the troon. Btfo by your own pick lol.
I think it's trying to say "I have mental illness, please keep scrolling"... my schizobabble is a bit rusty though
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>The difference is that SV black character is ugly while the SwSh black character isn't.
Thanks for the translation anon
>He's unironically a loser that gets constantly bullied
He probably posts on /vp/ too
the Galar model is fucking ugly. I don't know who you're trying to fool.I know you're too stupid to get it, but rapper grannies aren’t supposed to be beautiful, models should be. The Galar model is just as ugly, if not uglier, than Ryme.
>>Terrorism school bullies
It's actually an allegory for trannies being retards, acting like they're the victims when they're in reality the tranny bullies. It makes sense due to Mela, Giancomo, Penny, Eir, Ortega and Atticus injecting HRT and trooning out and becoming the real bullies. Though Penny was always tranz. It's even more fucked up when you're forced to accept them again
>he gets bullied by trannies
Could you be any more pathetic?
>It's actually an [Headcanon]
Anytime anon
I think it's pretty great
How mindbroken do you have to be my trans people to type this out anon? Genuine question.
One has a female face, the other literally has a male face are you blind or just gay?
Mela looks like a man
>is a tranny obsesser gay
Do you need to ask?
These threads only serve to make fun of SwSh fans they should be deleted
I'm not but it's obvious that's the message GF was going for. It went over most people's heads though.
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>Mela looks like a man
Sure, whatever you say
>it's so obvious that no one noticed

Men don't look like that
>no u is considered destroying an argument
do browns really?
>replying to yourself
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>pajeets vs latinx
Who really won doe?
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Xhe wants to join the thread
7 years old distinguished gentleman
That thing isn't even from Galar or Paldea
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My favorite sissy femboy rival is bede he's just too cute and hot
Now someone post that tall butch girl (?) with the mask on from S/V
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i will post these two instead just so everyone can laugh at
Gamefreak broke my trust. They sat there and told us they had to Dexcut because they had to remake models from scratch, which was a straight lie. The 3d models and wireframes were identical to the pokemon from the 3ds era. People like to bring up the shaded textures as evidence to say that is true, but it is a fallacy as that isn't FROM SCRATCH, as the same models means they have the same texture mapping which would be unchanged, so at best the only change would be editing an already existing texture, which while is change, is not a result of complete remodel, re-rigged for animations, remapped for textures. Given more credence with Hau's animations that are copy pasted on Hop along with the other notorious HiGh QuAlItY aNiMaTiOnS. The lack luster technical capacity and awful pop in showed how unoptimized it was. After that, fans were trying to find some saving grace, they can add the pokemon in later... right? to which they told the community they had no plans to do such things. Which we now know was a huge lie when they sold old pokemon back to players for shallow DLC with overpowered legendary pokemon as incentives making pokemon even more egregiously pay to win. This was what we got as the True next gen pokemon game after the shitstorm from Lets Go's departure from mainline features, lies, cut corners, and GREED. They can pound sand for this game. Scarlet and Violet did not learn from Sword and Shield either, and continue the trend. For me, that is something that I cannot forgive. For those that can, I genuinely hope you have fun.
>Posts the biggest chads evere
>T. sordward and shielbert
I replayed it recently and yeah it's fine. I never cared about collecting them all or online multiplayer though so if you were really into that then I can see why it would have made you mad at the time

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