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There’s just something about her.
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new pic? I swear I’ve never seen it before, also, no opening question for the thread?
Yes, it’s a new pic! Also, shit, forgot the question.

What do you like the most about Nemona? For me, I can’t decide. There’s just so much to love about her.
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You did well baking the thread. I was about to make it myself in a few hours, picrel was going to be for the OP, I would’ve asked how Nemona manages to balance being an honor student, running the student council, stalking you, and still finding time for pokemon battles.
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NYD is finally back at it with the next part of his video the guy spent several months working on something for Genshin Impact.
>I was about to make it myself in a few hours
What a coincidence! I made this thread because it’s my birthday today and Nemona is my favourite pokégirl. There haven’t been any Nemona threads for a while, so I thought it would be nice to leave it until today. I didn’t know there was supposed to be a question, sorry.

I don’t know how she balances all of that stuff, to be honest. I guess she’s just very determined. She strikes me as someone who never gives up on her goals, no matter what. Even though she should probably take a breather from time to time.

I’m definitely smelling what he’s baking…
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I was really itching to start a thread when that episode aired, where she struggles with her weird/weak physical condition. But I decided to wait until I could find some new and good art that would fit the OP pic
>when that episode aired, where she struggles with her weird/weak physical condition.
Holy fucking shit, really? I’ve been making my way through the anime (I’m up to episode 12, I’m pretty sure), but that just makes me even more excited to continue! More exploration of Nemona’s character, especially her condition, is always welcome. Which episode is it?

That’s a lovely pic, she would definitely wear something like that on formal occasions. Her gloves are a nice touch. Maybe she wears them to hide her arm brace?
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Yeah, she runs out of breath halfway through a mountain hike, and the anime doesn’t even explain why. Just like in the games, I guess my headcanon will have to fill in the gaps. By the way, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday,Anon, my bad.
Interesting. I had a feeling it would be the episode with her winter uniform. I love when the anime adds small details like that.

>By the way, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday,Anon, my bad.
Thanks! I imagine Nemona would do everything in her power to make sure that her rival has the best birthday possible.

(I’ve gone out, so I can’t post any pics at the moment, sorry)
Nemona and her dog.
Love her outfit in that pic. Lycanroc looks very cute as well.
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Yeah, Nemona looks very beautiful next to her pokemon.
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I agree.
>Thanks! I imagine Nemona would do everything in her power to make sure that her rival has the best birthday possible.
I wonder if she would be able to spend money on the MC or even if she has access to her parents' money.
She likely has access to her parents’ money. She probably uses it very sparingly (she doesn’t see much use for it, I imagine she only uses it to buy groceries), but she’ll make an exception just for you.
I miss the writefag, he was based.
I hope he’s doing alright. His greentexts made my love for Nemona reach terminal levels. It felt like falling in love with her all over again…
I feel like this song really fits Nemona, both the lyrics and the general vibe of the song.

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Thanks, I made it myself. It represents my current mental state pretty well.
Btw the original was about Noelle from Deltarune, I just swapped Noelle out for Nemona. The original pic isn’t mine.
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Are you the Anon who wrote this: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50389525/chapters/127309891 ?
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yeah, she attracts pajeet markeing agents too much
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These pics are part of a comic, maybe I'll post some translated pages later.
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I still have the link that he shared where he made a compilation with all his writings:
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No, sorry. I’m glad there are other people who like both Noelle and Nemona, though.
SV should have had a part with swimsuits or on the beach.
The Naranja Academy official swimsuit! I imagine the academy has swimming classes, you just don’t get to see them.
Hop but more annoying. Only popular because she has a vagina and coomers (which make up the majority of the Pokemon fanbase) love that
Way better than Hop. Nemona is a chsmpion from the start, but is willing to battle you with stuff she just caught or is training for fun because she just loves battling. She could kick the players teeth in with her regular team, but doesn't because she wants to groom you to be her ultimate rival since no one else is good enough to beat her anymore. When you beat her in the endgame, it only inspires her to start big tournament where everyone gets to compete at their top level. She does what she loves the whole time. Meanwhile, Hop is all about battling and beating the player and his brother until you repeatedly beat him and he decides to give up on his dream, without even beating Leon! So he settles on becoming an aide for the professor, despite being a top tier trainer that could probably become a champion if he just kept at it. Hop is a pushover.
If only. Nemona has a beach behind her house, so there would definitely be an opportunity for it.
Pokemon owes me a beach episode with all the gen 9 Pokegirls!!
Yeah, her default clothes are fucking atrocious.
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You sound resentful, take this cute pic of Nemona.
Imagine Nemona trying to convince Penny to be less shy about wearing a swimsuit. Penny doesn’t want to wear a swimsuit because she doesn’t want to be so exposed, and she’s very insecure about her body. Nemona encourages her to love herself, and Penny finally ends up agreeing to come with her. She can find Nemona a bit annoying sometimes, but sometimes her encouragement is exactly what she needs, even if she might not realise it.
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This reminds me that Nemona and Penny haven’t had any interactions in the anime
I’m excited for whenever they do! I’m not very far in (I’m only up to episode 12, I’m pretty sure), but I’m enjoying it so far! I love Nemona and Penny, they have a very entertaining dynamic. They contrast each other perfectly.
It would’ve been great if Drasna was also the one teaching the swimming lessons, and we got to see all the students (especially the girls) in swimsuits.
Absolutely! I imagine Dendra teaches all PE classes, as opposed to just battle studies.

(Sorry for the AI slop, I just thought it looked nice)
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Not all AI slop is bad
Hey, I requested that one! I’m pretty sure I’m the number one AI slop poster in these threads, if not the only one. I request a lot of Nemona, with the occasional Penny or Carmine here and there.

I really like how her swimsuit looks in this one. Both this one and the previous pic I posted are how I imagine the Naranja Academy swimsuit to look.
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Ok that pic is just cool as hell.
Quite based, Anon. AIslop is fun and lets you satisfy your curiosity quickly without needing to pay for a commission. I don’t see anything harmful in appreciating AIslop from time to time.
True. I don’t have enough money to pay for commissions, although I do make a few requests in drawthreads from time to time. Pic related is probably the only delivery I’ve gotten that’s relevant to this thread, though. I like to draw on occasion, but I’m not very good. I hope to get better eventually, though. Slop is good just to satisfy my curiosity, just like you said.
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I know this isn’t a drawing, but I made this frog a while back, and it was cool seeing other Anons use it.
That’s a very cute pic! It’s very relatable.
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her cheerleading outfit is kino
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This is a good answer for a bait.
Well, if you don’t like her outfit…
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Nemona... https://files.catbox.moe/4drks2.jpeg
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Good stuff there, Anon, It's my turn to share
Ooh, not bad. He sure showed them.
I remember the threads when that video dropped schizos were screaming and cursing Pixar so fucking based. Can’t wait for the next part
Wasn’t that pic lost? If so, glad it’s finally been found!
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That's right, it was lost, I still need to find the imageset of this pic: >>56456528
Keep at it! The more lost Nemona pics that are found, the better!
I’m very excited for the next part. Sure, it’ll probably give the schizos more ammunition for some reason, but they’ll die down eventually. The more we see of NDY’s Nemona, the better.
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I hope he doesn't forget to add the freckles this time.
Of course. They’re one of her most important aspects, after all.

Fingers crossed we don’t just get to see the ones on her face, if you know what I mean…
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>Fingers crossed we don’t just get to see the ones on her face, if you know what I mean…
Yes, I think I have an idea of what you mean.
You’re right on the money! We probably won’t, but I can dream, can’t I?
Show knows how to tie a tie. That already makes her smarter than Hau and Hop combined.
She’s a lot smarter than she might initially seem! She didn’t become president of the student council for nothing.
I love both Carmine and Nemona.
Funny that's there's very few pics of Dendra and Nemona, when she becomes her apprentice in Indigo disk
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I know, right? It’s so unfair. I’d love to see a pic of Dendra and Nemona working out together.
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That's good, since Nemona's in poor shape, she probably stays thin just because of her diet.
there are a lot of arts of her sweating and stinking
what kind of subhuman faps to disgusting shit smell? Indians?
Happy birthday Optimus Prime!
(For context, Sep 17 is the day the original Transformers cartoon debuted. I know this is vp but some of us have other interests than Pokemon too.)
Cool image tho.
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based fan of transformers.
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Hap birth Soundwave too! He and Penny would get on as well as Nemona and Cliffjumper, I feel.
>Six fingers in both images.
It's consistent, I'll give it that.
Sadly it's our fault.
how many images of nemona are fappable when she's wearing her uniform (braless but otherwise buttoned up counts)
Masters exists >>56458750
Wait, are you seriously telling me that even though you claim to dislike Nemona, you still click on her fanart and zoom in enough to notice the sweat on her skin? Dude, just admit you like her and move on.
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GF would never be able to stop us!
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Oh no!
Based Transformers enjoyers! I find it funny how two of my main special interests (Undertale and Transformers) came out a day before and a day after my birthday respectively.
She’s a sporty girl, so she sweats a lot. It’s cute. She probably smells quite nice. I imagine she has very good hygiene.
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That artist is pretty based.
I agree! I really like the previous pic I posted, it makes me want to go with Nemona to the arcade on a date.
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Nemona prefers steel type pokemon or fairy type pokemon?
Hard to say. Orthworm is part of her main team, but she uses Scream Tail in Pokémon Masters. I’d have to go with steel type, since the main series games are more important and Masters is debatably canon.
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I don't like that Red is close to Nemona
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new one, I think
Neither do I. But Nemona’s heart belongs to her rival (you), so I wouldn’t be too worried.
There’s quite a bit on r34, but let’s be real, they accept anything over there. It’s just as bad as Pixiv. Plus, there’s way too much AIslop, though I’ve seen some good 3D videos. One guy is even working on a long animated scene with Nemona, Julia, and Carmine.
Based Stacy
In Masters she talks a lot about her Rival, I hope they send the yuri agenda to hell when they introduce Florian to Masters or else...
>I hope they send the yuri agenda to hell when they introduce Florian to Masters or else...
We can only hope, anon. We can only hope…

Although the SV protagonists really don’t have much to them. They’re the blankest of blank slates, so I can’t imagine they’d have much to draw from for their portrayals in the game. I’d rather they leave it open to interpretation.
>so I can’t imagine they’d have much to draw from for their portrayals in the game. I’d rather they leave it open to interpretation.
If they base it on Pokespe, Julianna is definitely going to be a cunt, and Florian will come off as a smug bastard
Do they draw from the manga for the protagonists? I can’t imagine they would for the SV protagonists, since their portrayals are radically different from anything else we’ve seen them in.
They’d probably tone it down, since Masters is a gacha, and having a grumpy little midget and some jerk flashing his money would be off. I can’t imagine not wanting to beat the shit out of Scarlet if I came across her in Masters.
>having a grumpy little midget and some jerk flashing his money would be off.
Honestly, some jerk flashing his money would be perfect for a gacha game.

>I can’t imagine not wanting to beat the shit out of Scarlet if I came across her in Masters.
Same. I haven’t read much of the manga (I’m up to the chapter where they fight Katy, I’m pretty sure), but I’d more than happily beat the shit out of any incarnation of Juliana. I have personal reasons.
>Honestly, some jerk flashing his money would be perfect for a gacha game.
>I have personal reasons.
Well, don't keep me waiting and tell me.
>Well, don't keep me waiting and tell me.
Let’s just say that there’s only so much yuri I can take before it gets too much. Is this delusional behaviour? Sure, but it’s how I feel. It’s just a personal thing, I’m not judging anyone who likes that kind of thing.
>If they base it on Pokespe
Why would anyone base a real game on fanfiction? Weird.
That fucking novel and that fucking video really messed with most of the femcels' heads. I have no clue why the higher fags at the pokemon company would approve something like that. It’s not like they did it for some shitty propaganda, the novel and the video were aimed at an asian audience anyway, fuck the faggot who came up with that idea
I'm just guessing, dude.
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>the video has 26 million views
It’s clear that the romantic aspect is up to interpretation (you can just as easily interpret it as them simply being good friends), but that doesn’t stop people from making assumptions (“historians will say that they were good friends”, “damn, these bitches gay, good for them”, other shit like that). I’ve had bad luck with this kind of thing in the past (5 girls I have liked have turned out to be lesbians, 3 IRL, 2 fictional), so that probably has something to do with it. It’s only a matter of time before Juliana gets added to Pokémon masters and they cave to the pressure of people online by adding a small “wink wink nudge nudge” to the whole thing. I hope it doesn’t come to that, though. I hope I’ll be able to get past the yuri aspect, though, because the novel probably has some interesting details about Nemona’s character.

Wtf I hate Gengar now. It’s a nice video if you look past the yuri interpretations of it, though.
>the novel and the video were aimed at an asian audience anyway
Yes, which is exactly why they did it you, what do you think? Pokémon is very popular with women. The majority of yuri consumers is female. Do the math. The West didn't invent lesbians and you're stupid if you think that. Plus, there is no difference in Nemona's dialogue for male and female player characters, which means that she's bi and not lesbian.
>keeps falling for lesbians
>falls for Nemona
Do I even have to spell it out for you? Think about it for a moment. You have a type, and she falls into that type. You should learn to accept that instead of being mad that yuri exists as if it was made to personally spite you.

Honestly if any of you can't accept that Nemona is bisexual, you don't really like her. You like an "idolised" version of her.
True. Apologies if I sounded delusional. Like I said, not knocking anyone who likes yuri, it’s just not my thing. Sorry.

>Honestly if any of you can't accept that Nemona is bisexual, you don't really like her. You like an "idolised" version of her.
Fair enough. My interpretation of Nemona is as accurate to how she is in the game as possible, so I guess her sexuality doesn’t really come to mind. I’m sorry.
It's okay anon, thanks for apologising. I just think it'd be really unfair and hurtful towards Nemona herself if you were like "Nuh uh she would NEVER like a girl," when it's a very reasonable assumption that she likes both. Again, not saying she's a lesbian, because that would go against game canon as she seems to like the MC in the same way no matter if they're male or female. But when you have a bisexual partner, it's hurtful to them to be unaccepting of that part of them. I speak from experience
>Yes, which is exactly why they did it you, what do you think? Pokémon is very popular with women. The majority of yuri consumers is female. Do the math.
They fucked it up trying to market Nemona solely to yuri audiences, which is exactly what pokeCompany aimed for in asia. In the end jap women ended up preferring Rika over Nemona and Kieran. Thankfully, they didn’t push that yuri agenda too hard in the West, and Nemona found more success here
>The West didn't invent lesbians and you're stupid if you think that.
I didn’t say that I hinted that they could have used it as free propaganda to please Westerners on Xhitter. However, it was pretty clear they only intended that mess for Asia, they literally did it for free.
>Plus, there is no difference in Nemona's dialogue for male and female player characters, which means that she's bi and not lesbian.
Well, it would have been better with a special dialogue for the male and female character.
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>me reading the thread
True. Although I don’t think her being bisexual is a 100% canon fact, it’s still a perfectly valid interpretation. I’m sorry for being insensitive.

Please don’t bring pointless shitflinging into these threads. Although I I’m not a fan of yuri featuring Nemona, I’d rather not attack those who are. These threads are very comfy, so we should try our best to keep it that way. Nemona wouldn’t want this.

>In the end jap women ended up preferring Rika

I’d like to see more art of Nemona and Carmine hanging out. They’d have a very entertaining dynamic.
>Please don’t bring pointless shitflinging into these threads.
Out of respect to the thread I’ll step back from this... for now.
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Huh, yuri time?
Lacey is cute.
>Nemona: Come on, Lacey, tell your dad to come. Your mom can join too, I could handle both of them at once!
>Lacey: Uh, Nemona, that sounded kinda weird. I'd actually rather you just battle me.
>Juliana: *babbling as he clings to Nemona after pretending to slip on a banana peel*
Yes she is.
Cute. That interaction is very in character.
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These two pics are a bit old and the artist is a bit slow, but I like the style.
I’m interested as to how exactly Nemona and Lacey know each other. Did they first meet at the party? Do their parents know each other? Clay is a rich businessman, so him knowing Nemona’s father doesn’t seem too out of the question.
Nemona is marketed more towards women because she's not that popular with men, not the other way round. Just look how many guys here on 4chan say how she's unfuckable. She's not a super sexualized character and has that "feminine tomboy" appeal. She is also not that young like Lillie or Marnie so the lolifags are also not interested in her. It's definitely an archetype that's more appealing towards women. But yes, Rika turned out to be a lot more popular. Nemona is still not super popular with male audiences.
>Well, it would have been better with a special dialogue for the male and female character.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I love that they got rid of that. Especially cause I often do two playthroughs, I play male MC first playthrough and fem MC on second. It would feel bad if she suddenly "treated me worse" on my second playthrough.
Also I think they can actually "go further" like that, in terms of dialogue that one could interpret as romantic. Because if it's separate between male and female, it becomes very obvious what they are trying to do, so people pay more attention. If they arent separate, they can be like "well they say this no matter if the character is male or female so they're just friends right? ;)" I think it's easier to avoid controversy like this.
>I wholeheartedly disagree. I love that they got rid of that. Especially cause I often do two playthroughs, I play male MC first playthrough and fem MC on second. It would feel bad if she suddenly "treated me worse" on my second playthrough.
That's the essence of RPGs, I’m no expert on RPGs with romance mechanics beyond Mass Effect and some FF, but that’s part of the appeal. If Game Freak plans to step up and expand character interactions, you’ll probably have to play through the game twice just to experience all the different dynamics.
>I think it's easier to avoid controversy like this.
This is probably the only thing holding GF back, because let's be honest there are certain types of fans that are just too loud.
>Nemona is marketed more towards women because she's not that popular with men
Strange. She’s my favourite pokégirl of all time, and loads of other guys online love her. Maybe our perceptions of things are just different.

>Just look how many guys here on 4chan say how she's unfuckable.
I don’t think that’s a very good frame of reference. A lot of people say those kinds of things just to get a reaction out of people, although there are probably a lot of people who genuinely dislike her. You don’t really find many people outside of 4chan talking shit about her, though. Not saying that everyone loves her, I probably just have a different view on things.

>She's not a super sexualized character and has that "feminine tomboy" appeal.
And that’s exactly why I love her! She’s pretty and sexy, but realistically so. Her appeal is in her simplicity. I respect your opinion, though.

I 100% agree with your opinion in regards to special dialogue between male and female protagonists. I think it’s the best decision overall. It allows for a wider range of interpretations. I definitely interpret her love for the protagonist as romantic, but others might simply prefer a more friendly relationship between the two of them. I have my interpretations, and others have theirs.

(Not the anon you replied to, just thought I’d give my thoughts on the matter)
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Is it just me, or was there a sharty lurking around here?
Unfortunately there was, but that’s been taken care of.
>Nemona is marketed more towards women because she's not that popular with men
If that's the case, it's probably because Nemona's marketing wasn’t directly targeted at men, which was a huge mistake I mean, this generation has the most variety of pokegirls in terms of shapes and colors. They could've done a market analysis and made better choices for each one.
Sharteens like to target SV related threads. They are really easy to spot though since they are literally just trolling children.
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Good good they deserve to be permanently banned
Nemona's pedicured feet!
God, I love that pic. It’s very accurate to the official artstyle, and her feet look adorable. She has very nice toes. I love her expression as well, it’s as if she’s teasing you with her bare feet. Her bare legs are nice as well.
Hop is better than Barry, Silver and Cheren, and Nemona is better than all of the above.
this Anon is in love with Hop how cute.
It's quite a thing that the artist behind this pic only draws furry porn but is able to create this cute pic.
Gen 3 Nemona. Thoughts?
I mentioned in an old thread that Nemona's design gives me a bit of a nostalgic vibe, kind of like the Gen 3 remakes. That sporty aesthetic.
>Frontier Brain
>loose hair
>>open shoes
No more fucking jackets
Aside from formal gala events, I highly doubt she ever wears any jewelry
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>Nemona's design gives me a bit of a nostalgic vibe, kind of like the Gen 3 remakes. That sporty aesthetic.
She does give off a similar vibe to ORAS May, now that you mention it.

>>open shoes
Kek, love the emphasis you placed on that one.

>Aside from formal gala events, I highly doubt she ever wears any jewelry
True. She doesn’t really care about such things.
Kek, that was funny. Love that she’s wearing her pjs from the music video.
That pic is great, it's a pity the artist has shifted focus solely to yuri manga nowadays.
It’s a shame, but it’s a small price to pay for such fantastic art. Although I’m pretty sure that’s the only pic that has Nemona by herself.
Oh great, the mentally ill voretard noticed this thread.
My favourite pokégirls <3
Are Nemona and Penny even that close? Most of their interactions feel like awkward banter mixed with subtle jabs and insults.
They probably aren’t. I just think they have a very entertaining dynamic. Nemona tries her best to help Penny be less shy, much to Penny’s annoyance. I think they’re both very cute in their own ways. They complement each other very well.
Imagine that at some point Penny loses her shit and gives Nemona a savage beating.
I don’t think she’d go that far. They’re still friends at the end of the day. Penny’s a nice girl, she can just get a bit impatient sometimes.
But Penny was the leader of Team Star, a group of "bullies", so it wouldn’t be too sorpresita if she lost her temper and went after Nemona. She’s got that quiet, pent-up rage vibe that could definitely explode if pushed far enough.
True. She definitely has the capacity to lash out at someone, but it’s probably not Nemona. Although she can find her a bit annoying sometimes, she appreciates her enthusiasm. Sometimes Nemona’s encouragement is exactly what she needs, even if she might not realise it.
I'm pretty sure Nemona has also thought about kicking Penny's ass.
In a battle or in an actual fight?
An actual fight. during the Area Zero part, there’s a moment where Penny (and Arven too, but especially Penny) starts talking shit about her status and her parents. If SV wasn’t a pokemon game, I swear Nemona would’ve been on the verge of beating the fuck out of Penny.
Shit, you’re right. Nemona definitely strikes me as someone who is a bit too nice for her own good. If she wasn’t the loveable airhead we all know, she would definitely at least give Penny a very hard slap.
New art! (I’m pretty sure)
cute rat
The cutest!
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>"Anon.. I'm not brown, I'm latinx."

What do you reply
I would tell her that it’s a fucking stupid term and she should stop using it, then I’d give her a big hug and a kiss on the lips.
Kek, would you say Nemona leans more towards being a leftist or rightist?
She has no clue what any of that even means, she just wants to battle, for Arceus’ sake!
Sooooo she is liberal
which oingo boingo song does she relate to the most and why isn't it Little Girls
Everyone knows how girls with daddy issues tend to end up, and Nemona not only has that but both her parents are practically absent. When she hits that ""self discovery"" phase, she’s probably going to rebel against them hard. While businessmen are often portrayed as cold, conservative types, modern ones (especially in the West) act more like liberal fags trying to stay "relevant" with the younger retard. Still, I highly doubt Nemona’s going to grow up into some kind of conservative woman.
You probably want someone to respond you with Wild Sex, but... Shit, I don't have any punch line for this post
True. That sounds about right. Although hasn’t she already reached her “self discovery” phase? Ever since she met you, she has finally found a sense of meaning in her life. She finally has a goal. She finally has someone she can truly consider a friend. You moving in across from her was the best thing that ever happened to her.
Now give her an unhealthy codependency on (you)
You're the only one who can beat her. (You) can give her meaning, and without (you), she's the heir to a throne of lies. She needs (you), and you shouldn't let her forget it.
>without (you), she's the heir to a throne of lies.
Interestingly enough, she isn’t. Her sister is the one who’s set to inherit the company. I guess that might explain her free spirited attitude. She doesn’t have that kind of pressure on her, so she feels free to do what makes her happy.
>You can practically shape what her moral compass should be like.
Holy based!
shit i forgot about the sister and the parents and that shit
if (you) hadn't moved in, nemona would likely have given up on battling, if only because she never stops winning. she has no fun without (you). she's suffering from success, and she's ripe for the picking if (you) can win against her
also, >>56465260
Yes! You are 100% correct! Although I have no interest in manipulating her for my own personal gain, it’s true that her love for battling would likely have fizzled out if it weren’t for you. Who knows what she’d do if that were the case…
god i wanna live la viva loca w her
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I can't figure out if Nemona is dominant or submissive.
Who wouldn’t?

It depends if you win or lose. She’s very competitive either way.
>it’s true that her love for battling would likely have fizzled out if it weren’t for you
And OBVIOUSLY, there must be a limit to her obsession with Pokemon battles. I refuse to believe she’d ever agree to sexual favors just to get a battle.
Of course. If she wanted to do anything sexual with you, she would let you know. She has other hobbies, she studies often and she exercises whenever she can, but she would never refuse the opportunity for a Pokémon battle. She’d love to get more intimate with you, but she’ll ask you when she’s ready.
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battle of the bulge lol
I think I see something on that left one
I love when Nemona cosplays meowscarada! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No you don't
pretty based ngl
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That artist has been cranking out a lot of Nemona stuff recently: https://files.catbox.moe/ctlcey.jpg
God, I love her proportions. They’re so accurate to how she is in the game.
Exposed :o
>Still up
based, fuck snitches
flawless feminine silhouette
>still up
why wouldnt it be up?
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>It's the end of the world as we know it
Why would it be?
God, I fucking love this pic. Not only are her proportions fantastic (her tits and ass are small, yet nice and round, just like in the game), but her personality is spot on. She loves you very much, but she’s not a slut. She would definitely be quite embarrassed to wear an outfit like that.
read the filename
Kek. As long as I have Nemona by my side, everything’s all good.
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note: drinking age in spain is 18
i am assuming the same for paldea
> rain is still coming down hard
> weatherman says there's a tropical depression because of the heatwave
> so you're still stuck inside
> nemona's parents are back home, they said they're fine with her staying at your place
> fairly late, mom's gone to bed
> relaxing on the couch together, watching a movie
> you and nemona both begged her to get a new couch
> nemona literally said "I will pay you to buy a new couch!"
> only time you've ever seen her throw around money like that
> movie sucks, you're both bored
> well, she is
> she's sitting on your lap, leaning on you quite heavily, squishing you against the armrest
> so you're very comfortable
> but she's clearly bored
> only thing that you can think of besides standing out in the middle of the rain and trying to battle
> 'hey, nemona? ever try rum?'
> "Hm? No, why?"
> 'my mom has a bottle in the freezer. i think she cooks with it. i hear it tastes good if you mix it with soda.'
> "Yeah? Gonna guess you're as bored as I am?"
> 'well, no. i have a pretty girl laying on me.'
> see her go red in the face
> "So you're gonna flirt with me then get me drunk? Wow."
> 'sorry, projecting what i want you to do to me.'
> "Shut up?"
> glares at you
> god she is so cute
> gets off you and goes into the kitchen in a huff, follow her in
> get two glasses, get rum out of the freezer
> "Have you mixed a drink before?"
> 'nope.'
> open the bottle of rum
> "I've never had anything stronger than a beer, so..."
> looks away
> looks embarrassed
> "Go easy unless you wanna see me puke on you."
> set the bottle down
> 'i don't think you're weak for not being able to hold your liquor. hell, i can't.'
> she looks to you
> looks more at ease
> "... Really? Huh."
> she picks the bottle up, sniffs it and wrinkles her nose
> "Bleh. Then you and I should both go easy on this. It smells strong."
> hands the bottle off to you, grabs two sodas from the fridge
BACK THE FUCK UP EVERYBODY, HE HAS RETURNED! AT LONG LAST!!!! I haven’t read the story yet, but I’m so glad you’re back.
welcome back bro.
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>Kek. As long as I have Nemona by my side, everything’s all good.
>And as the earth burns to the ground Oh, girl, it's you that I lie with
God, those lyrics perfectly describe how I feel about Nemona. As long as we have each other, we can make it through anything the world throws at us.
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> can of la casera and your favorite soda
> pops the tabs, pours them in the glasses while you grab a shot glass
> you learned your lesson the first time mom let you get drunk: do not free pour into a glass
> one shot of rum in each
> mix lightly so you don't knock the fizz out
> 'know any good drinking toasts?'
> "Yeah."
> raises her glass towards you
> "Salud."
> sips it carefully, looks surprised
> "... This is really good. This is... REALLY good."
> about to take a big gulp
> gently remind her it has booze in it while you drink yours
> you're about to take a big gulp when she gently reminds you it has booze in it
> you get where she's coming from
> the rum somehow makes it sweeter and the fizz cuts through the alcohol taste
> doesn't taste like the nasty beer you tried once
> both of you say nothing, enjoy your drinks quietly
> offer her yours
> she does the same
> she doesn't look as impressed with yours, but you quite like hers
> and the fact her lips were just on this glass is a bonus
> where the fuck did that come from
> is the alcohol hitting you already
> hand her her drink back
> "Why are you red in the face this time?"
> tell her it's dumb embarrassing garbage and sip your drink
> "You're funny, Anon. You know that? You can dish out flirts but you can't think about me without turning red. Like, I'm not even saying anything, and you're flustered."
> sips her drink, already looks a little red in the face herself
> you remember reading somewhere alcohol works faster on an empty stomach and neither of you have had anything to eat for a while
> man she's pretty
> popcorn sounds good
> ask if she wants popcorn
> she stares blankly at you for a second
> probably wondering how the hell you got to popcorn from her teasing you
> "Yeah, actually. Popcorn sounds good."
> toss popcorn in the microwave
> pull it out of the microwave because you forgot to take the plastic wrap off
> toss popcorn in the microwave and turn the microwave on
>>and the fact her lips were just on this glass is a bonus
beautiful detail
>you can't think about me without turning red.
Literally me.
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> microwave sounds
> meanwhile, you finish your drink
> she's done the same and is pouring herself another
> she makes the mistake you did
> she free pours into the glass and takes a big drink
> coughs a little
> "Anon, this one's even better! You want some?"
> sure
> way stronger
> cough a little as you hand it back
> she laughs
> what a lovely sound
> weird beeping noise
> fuck is that
> oh right the microwave
> get the popcorn
> burn your hand
> doesn't hurt as much as it should for some reason
> pour popcorn in bowl and start for the couch
> you're both drunk
> popcorn was salty, so you drank more
> and nemona had issues finishing her drink so you had to help her finish it
> you're feeling warm and relaxed
> room's spinning a little
> the movie is still awful but at least you and her are able to laugh at it while you're both drunk
> she's lounging on you
> you and her were talking about how her parents probably like the finer things but she likes simple stuff
> you specifically said she's not into that 'princess shit'
> she laughed and said she wouldn't mind it if it was you spoiling her
> just not often
> you asked if she was going to lay on your lap and ask you to feed her popcorn as a joke
> she actually did
> she's so warm and sleepy looking as you cradle her head and feed her popcorn one piece at a time
> she has eaten like half the popcorn like this
> she is probably going to eat the other half like this
> you aren't sure when but you stopped feeding her popcorn and just
> cupped her cheek
> she tucked her arm in yours and leaned into your hand
> she is so
> so pretty
> pull her up to your shoulder
> lean in and kiss her forehead
> get your face cupped, her eyes open
> it's probably the alcohol
> but you swear, she is the prettiest girl you have ever met
> and you feel so
> so lucky to love her and be loved back
> that you almost fail to notice when she pulls you towards her
> it's probably the alcohol
> but her lips taste so sweet
>flawless feminine silhouette
Precisely. Nemona has such a beautiful body. I want to hug her with or without clothes.
God, it’s so good to have you back. This story is so cute. I love that you include more Spanish elements in the story (La Casera, drinking age being 18, saying “salud” as a toast). Are you from Spain, or did you just do a lot of research? I am so immersed in their relationship. Their dialogue is so adorable and natural. Your descriptions of things are beautiful as always. I’m very excited to see what comes next!

i do a lot of googling
Fantastic job on your research! Is that it for this particular story (Anon and Nemona getting drunk), or is there more?

that's all for this chapter
anon and nemona will probably wake up with a hangover
God, that’s going to be one hell of an experience. I’m very excited to see how things play out! Btw, what movie do you think they were watching?

for the sake of comedy? one of the pokemon movies
if i had to pick an actual movie? wouldn't know because i don't watch movies
Fair enough. It’s better if it’s left up to interpretation. I’m not sure I want to consider the implications of the Pokémon movies actually existing in universe.
Based version.
Needs freckles on her other cheeks
Of course. Most art of Nemona’s butt seems to forget her freckles, unfortunately.

(Kek, I’m acting as if it’s a canon fact that she has them down there. To be fair, it pretty much is.)
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>> that you almost fail to notice when she pulls you towards her
Absolutely kino! I can see Nemona being the one to take charge in a moment like that.
It’s those small details, man. Those greentexts make me so lovesick for her, it’s unreal.
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How do we feel about the SV group minus the protagonist making a joint appearance in the anime now that Arven shows up?
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There are just too many characters in the anime even if the writers are good, I feel like they won't be able to do justice to everyone. but as fanservice, I'd totally be down to see the original Paldea trio hanging out with the Kitakami siblings
Love Nemona
Love Penny
Love Arven
Simple as
I’m quite excited! I’m not very far into the anime (just finished episode 15), but I’m enjoying it so far. I love the SV friend group, so I’m looking forward to seeing more of them.
why is Nemona taking off her shoes?
No clue. Maybe she doesn’t want her shoes on the mattress/carpet/whatever that is.
I can picture a perfect day at the beach, filled with classic Japanese gags. We’d start by smashing a watermelon under the hot sun, then maybe play wrestling with Nemona, having her sit on my shoulders, while across from us, Carmine sits on Arven's shoulders for a friendly match in the shallow ocean. and "when the sun goes down", Penny casually reveals that she brought fireworks hidden in her backpack. We’d end the night gathered on the sand, watching the vibrant lights explode against the dark sky...
Also Kieran looks like he's raping Koraidon in that pic.
God, that sounds like a dream. That’s such a beautiful scenario. Every little detail just comes together to create something fantastic. Great job.

I’m going to ignore that last sentence.

also, she would so bring the Komodo 3000
>she would so bring the Komodo 3000
Absolutely. Despite being quite shy, Penny would definitely get up to a bit of mischief. You can take Penny out of Team Star, but you can’t take Team Star out of Penny.
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AIslop is good if it's free
Someone needs to draw her getting some much needed princessification hypnosis.
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>princessification hypnosis
tell me more about that
Nemona would definitely be interested in such a thing.
It's kind of ironic that Nemona's into hypnosis, yet even a mythical pokemon struggles to completely hypnotize her.
She's like us all;
>she longs for what she cannot have
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Kino pic!
Holy shit, that is so beautiful! She looks so beautiful in that outfit, and her hair being down is a nice touch. I love her exposed stomach as well. Pawmot is also cute as always.
Nemona with loose hair is absolute peak! I really hope we get to see an official version of her like that one day or else...
Same! Her ponytail is one of her cutest and most defining aspects, but it also lets your mind run wild wondering how her hair looks when it’s natural and flowing. Although maybe the reason we haven’t officially seen her like that is because she’d simply be too powerful with her hair down.
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am sorry for derailing
but where is fren?
Are you referring to me? I post a lot of Nemona, and I’ve spoken to you before.
ye :D
how are you doin?
I’m doing great! I see the photography threads are still doing well after all that time. In case you didn’t see the posts earlier in this thread, I made this thread for my birthday, which was almost a week ago. I’ve been watching quite a bit of Pokémon Horizons lately (just finished episode 16), it’s getting quite interesting now. I also got Pokken Tournament yesterday, it’s quite fun, and the aesthetic and soundtrack of the game is top notch (it’s also really funny seeing Pikachu do an electric wind god fist). I’ve been slowly making progress on my next fanfic, which is also quite nice. This one anon who writes the most beautiful greentexts finally returned after a long absence, which is fantastic. The AI threads have also gotten a lot more active. Things have been going pretty well for me lately.

wrote another part to this but i think 4chan somehow ate it
i'll rewrite it later


i'm glad you appreciate my work
i have no idea what i'm doing so hearing i'm somehow doing good is nice
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oh happy birthday man! glad to see everything is going well for you -w-
and the photography threads? Yeah they're slowing down a bit. probably not gonna make another photography-only thread until the 11th of october probably, purely because of time constraints (goin 2 japan in 4 days :D)
>wrote another part to this
Sweet! I’m very excited to hear the rest.

>i'm glad you appreciate my work
No problem! I write my own fanfics, but they don’t capture the same sweet, romantic feeling that yours do. We’re going for two completely different things, so I’m not going to compare apples to oranges (or would it be leppa berries to oran berries?).

>oh happy birthday man!

Yeah, I noticed the photography thread died. It’s a shame, but not all threads make it to the bump limit. Glad you got to indulge in your hobby! It’s very admirable. Your photos are fantastic.

>goin 2 japan in 4 days :D
Holy shit, congratulations! I went there at the beginning of 2019, it was very nice (I went to the Pokémon Centre in Tokyo and got a little figurine of Porygon!). Hope you have a fantastic time there!
it's simple, hypnotize her to be a dainty lady in a big puffy dress with big hair who likes plush dolls and tea parties.
One of the most fucking based things I've ever heard
>Pawmot is also cute as always.
It's weird how other trainers on Nemona's level have more intimidating aces, yet she has a yellow plushie, I mean I like Pawmot, abd it's pretty cool that Pawmot is the first pikaclone to evolve. Makes you wonder if Pawmot was specifically designed with Nemona in mind.
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wait a second. japan, tokyo, january 2019?
holy shit we could of bumped into eachother IRL
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something like this?
Holy shit! Small world, huh?
eh not princessy enough
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is this princessy enough?
Because she was raised like a lady, despite rough and tumble tendencies.

> when day is
> what are
> your head feels like there's someone in your brain
> and they have a hammer drill
> and they are trying to get out by drilling holes through your skull
> try to open your eyes
> immediately shut them
> light hurts
> sound of rain on the roof hurts your head
> stomach feels weird
> mouth feels like you tried to eat dry concrete
> throat feels like you tried to drink sand
> why did you think popcorn was a good idea
> at least nemona's warm
> nemona
> she's passed out on your shoulder, her face nestled into your neck
> you're on your back with the armrest as a pillow
> and having her here at least makes your heartbeat making your head hurt more tolerable
> as good of a pillow as she is, she's an even better blanket
> better than the actual blanket
> blanket? where did
> bottle of water is put by your head
> hear three more set down by the couch
> thanks mom
> drink half the bottle
> can literally feel your mouth and throat absorbing the water
> feel nemona stir
> she grumbles, steals the water, drinks the other half
> snuggles into you tighter, and goes back to sleep
> rub her back under the blanket and try to tune out everything
> why's her shirt so ruffled
> why's her shirt unbuttoned
> open your eyes as much as you can bear
> you and nemona both look disheveled like you were in a fight
> a fist fight, not a pokemon battle
> her hair is a mess
> and your shirt's even more ruffled than hers
> your neck feels sore
> prod at your throat
> feel weird divots in your neck, sort
> of a half moon
> shape
> why
> are there bite marks
> on your throat
> what the fuck did you and nemona do while you were drunk
Oooh, this is getting interesting! I was wondering why we didn’t get more drunk antics in the previous greentext, but it looks like we’re about to find out what exactly went down!
I'm drunk right now but I think this is cute.
imagine something like this drawn by this girl:>>56460649
God, that would be so fucking beautiful.
I actually based my original request for that pic off one of writefag’s greentexts (a silhouette of Nemona changing behind a shower curtain). It turned out a bit different than I imagined, but it still looks so beautiful and sweet. I got some more deliveries, but I don’t have them on me at the moment. I’ll post them when I get the chance.
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ayy that's pretty good, that fits the bill.
These gens are very beautiful.
Holy shit, we’re almost at the image limit.
These are fucking good, even artistic, I hate to admit that AIslops can look this good
huh, is this the first time this happens?
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I choose the last pic
I’m actually blown away by how beautiful they turned out. I’ll probably request more like that in the future.

>huh, is this the first time this happens?
It just feels like it’s been so quick, even though this thread has been up for a week. Time flies when you’re having fun, I guess.
What a fantastic pic to end on! I love her expression. Nemona with her hair down is always based.
storytime will continue next thread
apologies for being gone and taking so long to update
No worries! It’s good to have you back. Although you can still continue storytime in this thread, we’re 30 posts away from the bump limit.
I think I forgot to congratulate Op on his birthday
On the bright side, Shaun won't be able to spam anything.
Based, I'm glad to see you're back
Well, it's a shame that nobody here knows how to do ASCII.
thanks, this pic is old fanart of Nemona, well, I'll be honest, this feels weird, we usually hit the post limit before the pic limit.
>I think I forgot to congratulate Op on his birthday
Better late than never! Thanks, anon. Nemona is very special to me, so I wanted to make a thread for her to celebrate. Although I’ve made most of the recent Nemona threads, anyway.

>On the bright side, Shaun won't be able to spam anything.
True. I guess the almost month long gap between threads resulted in a lot of new art being posted, which filled up the image limit quickly.

>Well, it's a shame that nobody here knows how to do ASCII.
I would be very impressed if someone managed to do ascii art of Nemona’s official artwork.

>thanks, this pic is old fanart of Nemona
I can kind of tell, since she’s missing her arm brace (we didn’t know how important it was for her).

>this feels weird, we usually hit the post limit before the pic limit.
True. Like I said, I guess there was a lot of new art posted in the gap between threads.
Well, the pressing matter at hand is what the image for the next OP should be, one of these has my vote:
>True. Like I said, I guess there was a lot of new art posted in the gap between threads.
I believe this only happened once, during that surge of Nemona fan art featuring her cheerleader outfit, that thread was pink af
All of those pics are fantastic candidates. I’m having a very hard time deciding.

True. I guess there was just a lot of pent up love for Nemona that accumulated in the gap between threads.
>> are there bite marks
>> on your throat
uh... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hickeys, if I had to guess.
That, or Pawmot attacked you out of jealousy!
God, I hope not. Pawmot’s very nice, so I hope there are no hard feelings. Besides, biting isn’t really his thing, anyway. He’s more about punches.
Kek. I’m over it now, but that’s really funny.
Who would win in a physical fight, Penny or Nemona?
They would never hurt each other like that, but Nemona would win no contest. Although she gets tired very easily, she is very active and likely exercises frequently. Penny on the other hand stays inside at her computer all day and has a very poor diet, so she’s probably very weak.
Actually, I just remembered that Nemona does in fact use a fairy type Pokémon in the main series games (Ribombee). However, she only uses Ribombee if you pick Sprigatito as your starter, whereas she uses Orthworm no matter what starter you pick.
Penny is a fucking twig who eats only garbage. She stands no chance. Nemona (probably) older, taller and likely stronger than her. She has shit stamina, but you don't need stamina in a fight when your power is greater.
Yeah but Penny seems like the kind of girl who’d fight dirty. I can picture her targeting Nemona’s eyes or going for a headbutt right to her chest if things weren’t going her way.
No way, Penny is super shy and passive. She would doxx Nemona's ass, steal her credit card information, or spread fake rumors on the internet, but physically? Absolutely no chance she could do more than scratch and pull hair. Look at how thin her limbs are.
People here seem to forget that Nemona is a lady, I really doubt she could throw a proper punch.
She could if she wanted. She's energetic and headstrong.
In the next thread, I’m going to write out how I imagine a physical fight between Penny and Nemona would have gone if things escalated in Area Zero.
someone with xhitter needs to remind him that Nemona has freckles.
Please include Arven in some way as well
Nemona is a ____ (wrong answers only)
If Nemona and Penny ever fight, I hope they make up afterwards…
...with a battle!
Exactly! It would be the perfect way for them to bond.
It's over u_u
This was a fantastic thread! I’ll make a new one when I get the chance.
don't take too long
or else...
You'll die if you don't battling me!
Sorry it took so long, I was busy.

New thread

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