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What do you think of the digimon design?
It's fine, Pokemon and Digimon have their own design philosophies that work for what they are
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More accurate if 2 is an evolution that stands up.
Notice how they didn't actually use a real Digimon for the bottom example, and just went to the most basic strawman possible
Does digimon actually get any new fans? Seems like it has been a zombie propped up by diehard 90s kids that just won't let their shit die.
This comic would be much better if it made up its own Pokemon design or used an actual Digimon as an example.
Hell most Digimon don’t even loom like real animals.
Why didn't they used an actual Digimon to prove their point?
Tbqh, I always felt like early ygo and digimon shared common ground design-wise
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The image is likely referring to Metal Garurumon, who has the sword tail, missile launchers on its back, concealed leg guns, etc
Damn, Digimon is kino.
>What do you think of the digimon design?
ugly and incoherent, but not as infantile
1. Then he should have drawn Metal Garurumon
2. The Gabumon line is pretty straigt forward, and MG's guns are literally hidden away because he's a robot. His usual design is just big metal wolf, which isn't anywhere near as extreme as what OP's picture is suggesting
unironically a better design than Inceleon and Incelroar
Why the fuck does digimon always release cool art in the lowest resolution possible
kys retard in denial
>add a few adjustments to create a fant-
So the pigs, mice, and dogs don't look like pigs, mice, and dogs?
>unironically a better design than [Popular pokemon]
Okey contrarian-kun
digimon feels more consistent lately. i think a lot more new digimon look like they could be from the original vpets era than new pokemon feel like they could be from gen 1.
I honestly don't know, maybe the Japanese fanbase has some kids in it
Digimon is niche whereas Pokémon is a trend follower franchise(altering design philosophies to please what modern kids like)
Pokemon is for girls, Digimon is for boys. Wasn't true at first but it's been true for years.
No, Toei and Bandai have explicitly mentioned that they don't get new fans despite sabotaging every new series to pander to dumb children. Xros Wars was a toy commercial that stripped Digimon of the evolution system entirely, Appmon was an attempt to discard the Digimon brand entirely to be more like Yokai Watch, Colon was braindead and designed to target young kids (a stockholders meeting called this one out as a failure specifically,) and Ghost Game was not allowed to have an overarching plot because they were afraid kids would be confused.

Toei does not respect Digimon, and Bandai refuses to release product for it. There are also leaks that Toei won't do a Digimon project at all for the upcoming years due to focus on One Piece and Dragon Ball projects to the exclusion of all else, to the point that even Bandai is upset and having to find other methods of getting media out soon (a web series has been proposed.)

Kind of a zoomer brained thing to post but every time a Digimon game comes out people praise it then go back to forgetting the franchise exists because it receives zero support from the company. Stockholder meetings have made mention of the fact that Digimon does better with older and overseas audiences, so rather than target those audiences Toei keeps trying to force the brand to be popular with domestic children and failing (Nips don't like monsters, hence why Pokemon became all about the human characters.) Meanwhile Bandai limits Digimon toys to PBandai limited runs or Adventure stationary and bag clips, not actual toys. There hasn't been a single new Digimon toy release AT ALL in over a year.

The card game was very successful in Japan, but rather than capitalize on it they copied the mechanics wholesale into the One Piece game and stopped promoting the Digimon game; it's now not carried by most specialty stores and retailers.

Bandai and Toei HATE Digimon
Digimon's card game has pushed it to the 4th most profitable franchise for Bandai behind Dragonball and One Piece and whatever's at #3.

It's allegedly #2 internationally. So yeah, I think digimon's got plenty of fans, it's just none of those fans work for Bandai or Toei.
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I prefer Gundramon
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Actually digimon is on record for having something for everyone. You've got cute digimon, you've got cool digimon, you've got husbandomons, waifumons, giant gun dinosaurs, fairies, angels, demons, your neighbor's dog, your neighbor's wolf but he's kind of an asshole sometimes and also his saturation slider is turned up way too high, old men and women, OMEGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aka the charizard of digimon and yggdrasil's special boy, There is going to be a Digimon for literally everyone, and if it doesn't exist yet it will exist in a couple of decades.

Pokemon on the other hand has always tried to find a balancing act between cute and cool but tends to fall on the cutesy side of things. Look at the Gen 1 dex and notice how many of the pokemon are cute little animal monsters. It's really not that different than modern pokemon at the end of the day; you have a lot of critters that start small and cute then they evolve and become big and tough.

Gundramon is great, but if we're talking musketeers then Beelko's already put a fly bullet through my heart.
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After playing through Cyber Sleuth, Mastemon is the only one for me.
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Pokemon is logical ideas in a streamlined 'natural' design the befits a creature even if the origin is 'mythical' in nature. Revaroom is based on a Wagon yokai for example and it's a spirit that has bonded and spreads through discarded car engines.

Digimon is a mashup of ideas into a cool design because they are 'unnatural' to our world as it is all the internet 'lost chunks and data' that have fallen and festered into new Lifeforms where they have a history but it's made up and it spans the multiverse.
I think the reason for this is that Bandai does not have a OCD mandate to shit out 150 new digimon every generation.

There are some shit digimon out there however they are often forgotten while the show basically uses the good old ones + some good new ones.
You get like 20 new digimon max.
Also the non linear evolution of digimon lets them go
>What if graymon evolved differently?

Also the fact that digimn does not have the combat system an type system of pokemon mean there is no big problem if some digimon that look like shit are left out.
>Nips don't like monsters, hence why Pokemon became all about the human characters
For real? But that's the case for today's audience right? It didn't use to be that in the past
>Toei won't do a Digimon project at all for the upcoming years due to focus on One Piece and Dragon Ball projects to the exclusion of all else(...)

Here's the exact moment when your dumb fanfic falls apart, Nigger.
Dragon Ball is practically dead for years and with exception of one movie per few years and years vidya game slop for Bamco to maintain contracts, it's pracrically (and literally lol rip Toriyama) dead.
Also thinking that Toei would kill big three of Kamen Raider-Super Sentai-PreCure is fucking retarded. Even if toy sales are not as big as years ago it's still their largest source of revenue. For OP and DB they must share money with Shueisha and other involved parties.
>Ghost Game
Maybe, but with all the nightmare fuel and disguised fetish episodes it would be surprising if it was mainly for the kids.
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>and just went to the most basic strawman possible

I always understood this to be a condensed digimon design idea.
Do I need to show the edglorg missiles or edglord tattoos or edglord knives/swords on over 30 digimon to demonstrate this point?

Yes Ogremon is hardly a real life animal. And others are anthro animals however I can pinpoint the same edglord tattoo/patch on them all. Same for them literally reusing the same edglord missiles on over 5 digimon.

Do we go to this?
>edgy edgy edgy

do zoomies only know one word?
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The designs are edgy (nothing wrong with that).
>do zoomies only know one word?
It is a word that exists.
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>Nips don't like monsters
You are one absolutely fucked-up retard. Yokais are the single biggest extract of japanese folklore and culture you could possibly get. You wanna know how the monster-catching genre started? Tradeable Yokai-theme Hanafuda cards from the XVI century.

Monster catching and monster-themed stories are like half of Japanese folklore. This shit is that old. Yo-Kai Watch got its success by going straight at the source material and pandering it for the younger generations that hear about that shit in school, and also from their parents. That's why the cultural context appeal was completely lost to american kids, outside of it being "close to Pokémon".

Saying japs don't like monsters isn't just dumb. It labels you as a full-on retard that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as everyone else. Like, seriously, as a fellow Digimon fan, don't blame this series' failings at cultural preferences. Blame the generational freezing the brand suffers from periodically.

Kids want new stuff. They don't want old trends hashed up. Digimon got stuck on Adventure nostalgiabait after Tri was so successful. Pokémon kept reinventing itself to the point newer Pokémon aren't even recognizable as Pokémon.

We need to accept Digimon dropped the ball when trying to renew their audience. The "nostalgia well" dried up because 90's kids that grew up with Adventure won't waste as much time and money on this franchise anymore. They have jobs and kids now. Sit down and stop making Digifans look bad.
Dragon Ball is an eternal goldmine, while a new Digimon gen hitting off with kids is a gamble. Guess where they're going to put their money?

You got Daima and Super coming up. Plus other projects that they're sitting on while thinking of ways of stealing Toriyama's estate from his family and protegé.
You aren't a real Digimon fan if you deny that image's legitimacy.
Cute Digimon exist, you know? Just like some Pokémon aren't cartoon animals.
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Gargomon a cute and my husband
You are fucking clueless. Pokemon is entirely about human characters now. The ONLY thing Japs like about Digimon is drama with the human adventure kids.

so all rookie must be pokemon, right?
or are they too overdesigned...
Final pokemon evos don't have knives and cannons everywhere, bitch
and that's why pokemon isn't for me
bonding with a war machine makes me happy
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The only help l need is more Gargomon
for me it's Gabumon!
>Bandai and Toei HATE Digimon
But do they hate Digimon more than Game Freak hates Pokémon?
Yes, because GF has nothing else. Without digimon bandai and toei still have the biggest brands their areas can offer like one piece, DBZ, gundam, etc.
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>GF have nothing else
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Gabumon is CUTE! Good choice, anon
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Don't tell me that when all my life I've loved Gatomon/Tailmon (it's a wrong assumption)
Originally the idea was essentially, Tamagotchi V-pets for fighting. So that edgy stuff you're referring to makes sense
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That chart is unfair, the person who made this was white uneducated
>Real life creature and add features
The mainstays and Pokémon that people remember are based off of kaiju and mythology. No one gives a shit about lowstat, "insert-animal" Pokémon.

The mainstays of Digimon are KAIJU/MECHA/MYTHOS. Shoutmon was a direct reference to Gai from "GaogaiGar", Saintgalgomon is literally "Giant Robo"; they are made by Bandai for fucks sake.

>Used a fully evolved mon against a basic one.
>Didn't even draw metalgarurumon.
shit was common in 80s-90s boys stuff zoomzoom
so Digimon was always just lazy and hamfisted in its approach to creature design

primitive, to be generous
Yugioh did kitchen sink design better.
I need to find more art of him
this is a lot of unsubstantiated opinions stated as absolute facts
your post is a whole lot of cope
where's all the human character merch?
all I see are the pokemon themselves being sold
all the marketing for the games exclusively fixates on human characters. You get maybe 3 Pokemon reveals while they endlessly glaze the humanshit
Uh no. It's similar to a growth chart actually, if you've ever had a Tamagotchi.
Bad care = ugly Digimon.

Something you Zoomers can't comprehend.

They also have data which is like attributes
Also not to mention humanoid mons being more popular overtime. I wonder where they got that inspiration from
**Both marketed by Bandai
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see, many pokemon were influenced by kaiju, while digimon is outright made by bandai. Stop acting white and do your research instead of just assuming this that and the other.
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Cutie pie
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That's a 10/10 pic at least
that guy drew him a lot so I downloaded both of his pixiv galeries with a program
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Holy Digimon are awesome
Based beyond belief. He's stuff is top tier and he draws a lot of my favorite line
I'm not saying the ugly ones are ugly nor even necessarily calling them ugly. I'm saying the design philosophy doesn't favor nuance or coherence whatsoever which resulted in less (mass) appealing designs and thus lesser popularity.
outdated image
it's come out that Tyranitar isn't based on Godzilla
I'm not saying you were calling them ugly either, I'm explaining the general principles of how Digimon evolution originally worked
Did you ever have a virtual pet?
bunny digimon are cute
Very! He's such a rascal
Terriermon is fucking dead. Try to get some momentai now, you little rascal.
He will never die! You couldn't kill a lad this cute
this creature makes me smile
It really doesn't. You see the humanshit characters for a couple seconds in the trailers and that's it.
Based and joypilled. He's built for snuggles
Blessed thread
Do you have a favorite Digimon, anon?
first bundle to sell negative copies
I do! I posted. I'm just thinking... I wonder what type they would all be if they were in Pokemon
Normal/Wind and Normal/Fairy for The Lads
Look, it's been a long night at work, I'm sleepy
That's because the way the japanese fans consume animation changed. Japan is an aging country, and it's aging fucking fast. Actually, there's not a lot of fucking going on at all over there. So that means less kids.

An aging audience is going to be filled with young adults and middle-aged fans, instead of the usual toddlers and teenagers. That demographic relates more to the human characters. There's a reason why Isekai is such a popular genre in Japan, there's a lot of middle-aged readers self-insert for publishers to pander to.

Thing is: Self-inserting is the way many western kids play out their fantasies and "play pretend". Ash was crucial as an audience surrogate for rowdy, imaginative late 90's kids. Tajiri himself noted how western kids associated Ash as just as important as Pikachu for the Pokémon brand image.

You had that with Digimon also. A lot of very elaborate kid and adult characters that had a lot of emotional conflict, conflict that aludes to very real situations that happen in the real world. Shit like bullying, neglect, divorce etc. But that's not appealing for japs that just want to self-insert and powertrip. And if the audience is growing older, no one's gonna care about "real life-sounding" characters because they live the misery of real-life everyday.

That demographic shift changed how Pokémon fans relate to the series now. Japanese fans want the self-insert human part, with a lot of audience surrogates and appealing waifus and husbandos. Western fans like more the fantasy monster aspect, like furries and shit.

TL;DR: Japan is growing too old, and now the Japanese like the human characters just as 90's kids used to. While the kids and western fans of now slobber over the Pokémon.
And about anthromons: anthropomorphic characters are still critters are the end of the day. Japanese fans will fixate on the anthro and personality part, western fans fixate on the animal-looking part.
At least more than half of these are just Kaiju and Pokemon taking inspiration from the same animals.
Digimon designs are the last stand of 90s attitude
show me a butterfly with the same mouth as butterfree or mothra then.
Most of these (the ones that aren't are self explanatory) are reaches in the sense that both the kaiju and the pokemon reference the same animal and are drawing inspiration from it and pokemon isn't looking at the kaijus for inspiration.
>d pokemon isn't looking at the kaijus for inspiration.
You really are sounding white right now.
You really are sounding retarded right now.
you're right but you also forgot to mention dragon quest
This is how you know its bait.
well yeah, that too........
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butterfly mouth
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After palworld success people only want Pokemon looking designs, sad
You are not wrong they only like monster when they are cute shit and meme shit like yokai watch, cool is not popular anymore there
Even yokai tried a more teen serious game with shadowside and they ignored it was the lowest selling yw in Japan
Yay, the thread didn't die!
>What do you think of the digimon design?
people on here make fun of the designs, but forget the context
pokémon lines tend to be more round, less complex, and usually have at least one flaw
whereas digimon can be any shape or size because they are canonically just living code and do not really have to follow strict design guidelines
either can be a breasted furry girl, a gun, or a giant beetle, but their designs will be different
let's look at some examples
nidoqueen definitely plays more towards kaiju design philosophy, whereas meicrackmon is basically a kemonogirl
deputymon is humanoid that clearly has a gun body, whereas remoraid looks like a fish and the gun element is easy to miss
heracross is very round with few sharp edges, while kabuterimon is very detailed, with many sharp edges
I like pokémon designs
I also like digimon designs
I like pokémon better mainly because of the collecting aspect, not the designs
both are visually appealing and if somebody says one is vastly better than the other, they are either trolling or are showing their bias towards creature design
He's a master of disguise!
Love Nacl.
Oh so that's where she stores her file size.
This is a weird ass theory and I'm all for it.
nta, but haven't the devs literally cited kaiju films and shows as an inspiration?
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anon it's not a theory. A good chunk of Gen 1 Pokemon are based on things from pop culture. It's just that some references aren't immediately understandable by westerners, and shit like Bulbapedia deliberately spews misinformation (they refuse to mention Nidoking being based on Baragon, for instance, because they have literally said "they are afraid of legal repurcussions.")
Palworld design be like:
1. Take a pokemon
2. Recolor it, don't fear any lawsuits.
Well shit, the Quads of Truth have illuminated me.
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A lot of things have direct influence from Dragon Quest designs too, like Charizard and the Dragon or Gligar and Waspion
Interesting that the other pic leaves out rhydon and adds shit like sandslash and fucking emolga to the kaiju count.
the other pic >>56459492 is a lot of fucking bullshit reaches. Hydregion has Ghidora in his bloodstream, Iron Thorns is definitely Mechagodzilla, and we know for a fact Jynx from her beta was based on Woo, but Omanyte is just based on a nautilus and Carnivine is just a venus flytrap. Literally the only link between Carnivine and Biollante is that they're plants.
Its a cartoony way to portray a bug's mouth.
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Beautifly has literally the same mouth
Simmer down
I'm always paying attention to pokemon news so never really get taken aback by new designs reveals since I'm there for them. But just dipping in and out of Digimon every few months is fun because they just randomly add new ones and I always have a 'what the FUCK is that??' reaction, in the best possible way.
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Perfect level has the best designs on average
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draw them kissing
Blastoise is closer to Gamera, especially with expanded media showing it shooting jets of water out of its shell for propulsion.
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Gligar was based on Facehuggers
use your fucking eyes you fucking retard
>the picture made by that faggot who disabled comments
>Hasn't posted anything on deviantart in almost a decade
In-The-Machine must have killed themself after I sent that note. I was disappointed that the gen 2 starters didn't have any cool digimon like evolutions. They could have at least given a real example instead of a strawman example. Obviously they were referring to Metal Garurumon, but then why not just draw Metal Garurumon?
>Colon is a masterpiece and the best Digimon season yet
>liking Colon Cancer
>the season that gave me what I wanted
You're just salty that Tai and Sora still aren't a couple. Keep seething, faggot.
>nothing but battles
>absolutely zero plot
>adventureshit warmed over

you should genuinely be killed. People like you are why this world is so bad.
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Your tears are delicious.
Yamato x Sora is based!
You're a weaboo. You're right, but you're a weaboo.
I think the Cybersleuth games brought in a little fresh blood but I don't know other than that.
To make fanartists suffer.
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>Ghost Game was not allowed to have an overarching plot because they were afraid kids would be confused.
I couldn't keep up with Ghost Game at the time, due to real life, but damn that sucks.
>GF has nothing else
Because they don't market or support their other games.
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They marketed the SHIT out of Little Town Hero, it just happened to suck ass
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Have there been any more Leomon deaths since this was made?
Leomon was brought back, only to be killed off again in Tri.
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Ugly Garbage

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I straight up dropped Ghost Game because of that shit. Jellymon is still a top tier waifumon though. Want to squeeze her and have jelly babies with her.
this is my digimon partner
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>trying to beat the classics
This guy radiates pure, concentrated homosexuality
It’s really easy to tell how this was made by a 15 year-old.
It’s biased as fuck
GayFreak be like

>That dragon quest monster and kaiju? I'm taking that.
>That semiclone of our IP? Get that ass sued.
For some reason one of my favorite desgins
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fixed it, and cut alot of the BS..... Happy now?

couldn't find it in Japanese
any takers?
What of it?
Forgot pic
>tri- died in the second installment
>Colon's survived
>oujamon in appmon survived.
Hedorah should be muk instead, also there are still some bullshit reaches left
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Off-model, only gabumon X has a canine nose.
I don't like the idea that she can take her clothes off because if you look at the original art her zipper foot is open and shows a black starry void in it
The only ones I can kind of see are Ghidorah, Mothra (not with Butterfree), Jet Jaguar, Mecha Godzilla and Devilman. And even then most of these a stretch imo.
Not Baragon or Wuu, which we literally know for a fact? Yadokarin is also one that's common knowledge to the Japanese, as is the Eleking/Electabuzz connection.
Perhaps, but still cute
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Digimon and guns.
Pokemon fears to use guns while digimon embraces it to a edglord extreme.
Post the one where the digimon animal then trns into a tank then a mecha and some cyber god in the end.
Oh my.
That thing uzes creativity!
That nigga was the shadow the hedgechog of the digital world
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How about something fresher
In my mind, colored by the anime, I recalled it as being a more feminine design, but when going back and looking at it, it's pretty androgynous. I think that's kinda cool that it can lend to a different reading depending on your perspective.
meant for >>56464640
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One of my favorite boys.
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I love this Southern Armadillo
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Its an armadillo axolotl hybrid. Which is why one of its fields is for Aquatic-based digimon
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based dagya
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That makes him even cuter
Cute tubby pubby, I wanna kiss his cheeks
I want to sex this mon
You like tubby lizards, don't you anon?
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>Dobson digimon
this franchise really is dead
Dobson was a real visionary
I appreciate that they're starting to go back to monster designs for final evos instead of making literally everything become a knight or a stripper
that one has to lose some weight
Is digital food fattening?
Human looking digimon are the worst designs of all. Its digital monsters not digital people.
Humans are the real monsters, anon
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You tell me
Gargomon, my fat beloved
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She was built different.
Made for girls and boys of all ages.
I'd fuck him
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naked digimon, haha
What a slut!
Digimon clearly had a deliberately gaudy aesthetic, with monsters taking inspiration for things like Ratfink, slasher villains and Spawn. I don't think the designer would be particularly offended at you noticing a lack of restraint.
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So smug
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The pics at the bottom are adorable
stop being weird
you idiot
>garurumon stealing a bone
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Yeah there's some cute illustrations in this artbook.
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Fat Bunny says live
you first newfag in headcanon
Would take a nap with him
nice try, but durant is actually based on Kevin Durant, the famous american basketball player
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>(not with Butterfree),
what butterfly has that mouth? Mothra was the first stylized thing to have that.

was literally is an ice monster who speaks to people in their dreams hence ice/psychic
Literally HAS YADO in it's name and has a back attachment

A borrowing kaiju that eats uranimum and has the same damn ears and horns as nidoking.

come the fuck on!
like I posted before

also stop being eurocentric, it's japanese name is Aiant
*Gen X
the Shudo T-Rex....
i am not being eurocentric. he is an american (black)
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>Garurumon steals Skullgreymon’s bones and buries them like a dog burying regular bones
>Drimogemon digs them up and absentmindedly throws them away
The Digital World is a magical place
Imagine wanting this
How sickening
yeah, it's name is seanmon
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I enjoy Dobermon
You just know
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I wish he'd hold me in his thick arms
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marriage with diigimon
You gonna give him a digital ring?
I wish
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That's not a high bar.
Huh so this is where the anon that just posted images in /mon/ until bump limit went.
I'm still waiting for a good Digimon game to come out. Any minute now.
>inb4 World
I said "good", not Tamagotchi-like.
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lost evolution is good
Will look into it, thanks.
make a line
there are multiple of the same digimon
He's got some bread for ya
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edgy boy
he's so cute!
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Isn't he? Such a little sweetheart
houndoom is so much better
digimon is edgy tryhard stuff pokemon is babified toddlercore
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Why pokefags hate Digimon when they love Lucario, Braixen, Mewsocarada, Lopunny, and other jobmons and are obviously inspired by Digimon?
I don't know, but Guilmon is adorable
The fact they got Steve Blum to voice him is still the most hilarious thing to this day.
The best part is he nailed it, I couldn't picture a better voice
Because they never grew out of their shitty childhood NOOOO X FRANCHISE IS BETTER THAN Y while those of us who aren't emotionally stunted autists realized long ago that two cakes is better than one and both franchises have their ups and downs.
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pokémon knows how to do cute, weird, cool and pretty designs while digimon knows how to create overdesigned mush.

pokémon can be appealing to anyone, while digimon only appeals to edgy teenagers
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this is a pokemon?
If anything, my only complaint is that Digimon doesn't have a base game.
I know their thing is V-pets, but couldn't they make some sort of cartridge or console where you store and take care of your digimon, and to find new ones you trade or fight others? Even losing could give you resources. And if you get soft lock, the game gives you a "generic" digimon to keep going.

I feel that, with the boom in smartphones and crossplay, this idea could be easy as pie.
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>Only appeals to edgy teenagers
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it's dead
Holy crap.
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I hate companies that would rather let something rot than give it to someone else
I should watch tamers, I have 10 episodes left to watch
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I want a GraceNovamon figure so bad

No, because the franchise keeps doing dumb shit like make a shitty redundant visual novel no one cares about
>Everything will be ok
His name is under company control. If he is lucky, he'll get a small nostalgia bait game. At worst, he will be shelved forever.
The shitty visual novel had a great piece of lore behind it (digimon being spirits tied to humans and their psyke) and stuff that was really satisfying (the moral tree tieing into digimon evolution), if they put that into an actual rpg they could create something great. They are probably sitting in a pile of gold but bandai is just bad at handling their IPs, its hopeless really.
you forgot the weird fetish stuff the add to the design

I'm talking about both franchises of course
Exactly. They don't know what their consumers want. It's like Sega with the sonic franchise.


I was hoping someone would finally make a monster tamer franchise that is actually good, but that hasn't turned up yet
Monster hunter stories would be great if they stopped aiming it at kids.
what a dogshit dex
talking about dogs, was it really necessary to have 6 of them ? The Pawmi line, the starters, the uninspired garbage paradox are
possible the worst dex of them all
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Nta, but only edgy manchildren can tolerate most X-digimon.
This is something that people miss. Digimons are supposed to look bizarre and kinda alien - I feel like OG Adventures really showed well Digimon's aesthetics with its setting - weird, scrambled, mechanical things displaced on a wild island. Fucking abandoned phone booths and factories producing and dissassembling stuff in a loop etc. Fever dream mixing up wild nature with 90s techno geek's wet dreams. Digimon designs fit to that world.
>>56487863 (me)
Continuing, I feel like this is the biggest weakness of Digimon's appeal - technology is not such an alien, bizarre and fascinating topic. Computers and shits are our daily life. It's hard to fascinate people with something with such constant presence.
This is the same reasong why Megaman NT is not getting new games and stuff - people behind it realized that the futuristic net world they created is not futuristic anymore, it's our present irl life.
oww thé edge
>>56487878 (me)
I suppose this is why Bandai lately is trying to reinvent lore behind Digimon, the old lore was build on assumptions that are not real anymore. It's a product of it's times that makes no sense when interpreted from point of view of current times.
>Fever dream mixing up wild nature with 90s techno geek's wet dreams. Digimon designs fit to that world
This is great when you connect it to digimon stemming rom the collective unconscious like they imply in survive.
>It's a product of it's times that makes no sense when interpreted from point of view of current times.
If I had to be honest it kinda seems like digimon homogeneized with other franchises over time. This could appear in a yu-gi-oh card and I would't be able to tell the difference >>56487753. So possibly they would need to go back to their origins (but stop with the nostalgiabait) to define the concept better.
Ah yes, because that’s what people get excited about in trailers. Humans. And not the new pokemon
That's the issue, tho.
Digimon kinda can't go back without going into some kind of Nostalgiabaiting. By design it's faux-futuristic Heisei Era Cybercore. Things it tried to show as weird, cool and alien nowadays are either common things or are understood as old, impractical and failed ideas. The only people that will understand it are oldfags that lived through days when technological "today" was the distant and unknown future.

Think about movie War Games, it's entire premise was build on the fact that for most of the audience military AI computer almost starting Nuclear war was a fantasy scenario. Today that fantasy scenario is pretty realistic because the supposed fantastical element (the AI) exists and is available for everyone. The only people that can understand it are the ones that lived through days when computers were old and shitty.
Thread is almost done, one more pic of my beloved
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As long as we don't get more Cybersleuth BLUE EVERYTHING IS FUCKIN BLUE levels.
Your beloved is fat!
Agreed, I hated that, the only good level was the digital world one at the end.
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Both are great seething poketard
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Okay faggot
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Using AI in a Digimon theme would be an interesting concept
YES! FAT and CUTE! I want to rub his fat belly!
So true bestie

Pokemon also exclusively makes designs for women and children these days, Digimon still has stuff for everyone
Does anyone have the fanart of Penmon at the shop from the PS1?
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I never see this Digi being used
absolutely horrifyingly bad. I like Gen 9 more than 8 overall but the Pokémon are worse by a mile.
I mean... they are already just that and more. They are artificial, digital, living beings. Most of them are actually pretty Intelligent.

I cannot really think about "futuristic" tech that would be understandable as concept but still be far away from us to make this fantasy thing work. Are there any general symbols or aesthetics connected to idea of quantum computing?
There's a lot of digimon. Sometimes some get missed through the cracks.
>quantum computing
Well it's cyberslop as it gets. I think digimon could match the solarpunk vibe as its mostly nature and tech meshed together.
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Godspeed, Gabumonbro
and RIP Digimon as a whole too
Playing through his game right now and it's so painfully mid.
That... could work, lmao.
> Digimon world is solarpunk kind of world.
> With a twist being that old irl tech is send there but Digimon instead of living on a pile of trash are organizing, repairing and using it. The "Repair-it-yourself" kinda theme. Comfy community vibe.
> The center of this Digimon world is totally-not-Chernobyl-core turned into sci-fi super engine basically producing infinite energy for everyone to use.
> There are groups of Digimons being too primitive to understand concept of line phone or are rejecting this kind of tools as filthy and unnatural.
> The first big bad guy would be extremist-naturalist trying to seize control over the Not-Chernobyl-Core and detonate it, cleaning Digimon world from all the trash...
> ...which would somehow end with millions of tons of garbage being moved back to irl, giving obligatory Digi-destined fuckups some sense of urgency and end game.
> You can ilater ntroduce shit from early era of the Internet and Digimon encountering issues with viruses that got dumped along with old computers and stuff. This would open the "technology can be good but it can also ruin our lives" kinda topic.
> Plenty of digimon designs referencing old technologies, with some FridgeAgumon or some shit thrown as side character for nostalgiafags.

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