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Kinda crazy that Legend Z-A is probably the Pokemon game surrounded by the biggest pressure from fanbase...ever.
>graphics wise
After SV and its technical issues everyone expects Legend ZA to be a lot better or at the very least to have a stable performance
>as a follow up to Legends Arcues
PLA was a game that completely broke the pattern we had for over 20 years in Pokemon games. Different style, different rules, it was so inventive (for Pokemon standards) and a lot of people was impressed by it. Now everyone excpect PLZA to be even better
>First game to be set entirely in a city
I feel like this doesnt get talked enough. Its something Pokemon NEVER did before as we have no idea how it could work and who GF will make it work conisdering most new games were just open wilderness areas.
>A follow up to XY
XY is the only entry in the series to never get an extension of its world, ideas and features...untill now. Many people want to see how Kalos themes, story and lore can be explored further
>The big silence
Its been almost 7 months since the reveal and we have no updates and we know almost literally nothing about the game. It feels like the most mysterious Pokemon game they released probably since DP (and the promo campaigns worked different back then anyway)
>TPC hyping it up
I dont think they ever called any of the upcoming games "Ambitious" which i read as risky and them trying hard to please the fanbase.

I think people's expecttation are getting higher the longer they wait with revealing anything which might result in even greater negativity if they dont deliver
Do you think the game can even live up to all those expectations?
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I swear to shit, if they fucking don't...
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Part of me wants it too, but the other half reminds me that it's GameFreak at the development head, so...
>it's up to Chadlos to save the franchise
As long as it has megas the tiktok zoomers will gobble it up so they've got guaranteed sales anyway
Sword and Shield had it worse

>First mainline game on a home console
>"Let's Go is for casuals, but Sword and Shield is for the REAL fans"
>Wild Area forcing Breath of the Wild comparisons
>Released during a window where other Switch games (Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Smash Ultimate, FE Three Houses, lead up to Animal Crossing) were being perceived as unusually great and also ambitious creative refreshes for the franchise
>Dex cut makes people want to see something impressive that proves it was "worth it"
>$60 + $30 DLC + tip
What I can definitely tell you is if it DOES live up to those expectations, it will rock the discourse and fan base
>will retroactively make XY "better" and make people suddenly remember it more fondly - like what B2W2 did to BW or Platinum to DP
>may cause a shift toward a preference for legends format, sending the franchise harder in that direction
>could bring back Megas permanently

How would you feel about these possible impacts?
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Arceus' favourite train conductors.
The Paris Catacombs are some spooky shit, never even considered their inclusion, but since the game is entirely set in the city it would probably be wasted potential to not include them in some way.
TWO $30 DLCs my friend.
I don't see any problem there
It was one $30 package containing two DLC updates. Unless you count the Sword DLC and Shield DLC separately, which I'll allow since they have exclusive characters. $180 just to see every character design, at least BW had the decency to let you meet both Drayden and Iris.
No it isnt retard
No, my mistake, I couldn't recall if they sold them separately not.
do you think the guy was ever found? or has he been killed by the secret catacombs society™?
If Skullfucker managed to leave France with his sex trophy, then I'm sure that gif guy is fine.
Pokemon 2019 had the biggest pressure. Core fans were furious with LGPE and Game Freak was quick to reassure people that the next entry was for them.
So of course that just put everyone into pure cope mode, just repeating the same mantra over and over of "WAIT FOR 2019!!!". And then when it became a abundantly clear with the forced exp share and dexcut that Pokemon really wasn't for the core fans anymore the fandom irreversibly split in two.
I dont think 2019 had it worse or SWSH having a bigger pressure. Sure the dexit was loud but other than that people really loved the reveal trailer from pokemon day and the ideas of wild area and return of gyms with battles on huge stadiums. Yes people didnt like the idea of LGPE being so strongly infuenced by GO but other than that there wasnt that much hate as lets say nowadays for BDSP. Now we know literally nothing about PLZA. No, i really think the pressure for this game iscway higher. At least for now. The reveal trailer might change that but as of right now it seems like we're in for another several months of nothing and waiting which will make the fanbase even more frustrated
Catacombs is a must considering Zygarde is said to live in caves
If Furfrou is readily available in ZA and can be trimmed, will the Home GTS economy crash?
The ZA teaser showed ta least two furfrou trims so i guess the answer is yes
would be incredibly good
Do we think the game will really be entirely urban, or is that just a fuckup/mistranslation on NoA's part? Seems much more likely that there's a wilderness zone associated with each of the five Lumiose sectors. Hard to imagine anything similar to the Legends Arceus gameplay loop working in a city
Its hard to imagine there wont be any wilderness, even if it would be artificial one like Bluberry Academy.. Maybe via Hoopa's rings?
Yes, but I want him to still smile without Ingo.
What if there are wilderness areas, but you're clearing them of the dangerous elements so they can be urbanized and made a part of the city, thus still being 'within the city'
Legends Zango Shovelware
I dont think it would be called urban redevelopment plan then. It feels odd but maybe it is just the city
Wouldn't urban expansion be a part of redevelopment?
>Tech demo so gamefreak can learn to make full scale cities
The switch was such a mistake
Don't give GF excuses, their failings are entirely on them being shitty code monkeys even with the underpowered console factored in.
I want a retro style game
Thing is GF wasnt terrible with 3d interiors and buildings. XY, ORAS, SM/USUM were just fine, heck, even Sword and Shield werent terrible in that regard. I think it was GF's obsession to follow Breath of the wild and create a full open world filled with mainly open wilderness that led to this situation. Maybe after finally achieving that goal with SV they finally realized they've been neglecting urban settings and thats why PLZA goes full city mode. It will be unique and memorable, we can be sure of that at the very least
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We dont know if its realistic size game or a chibi one to be honest...
Does any game ever live up to expectations?
Breath of the wild's influence ruined gaming in general.
Yeah but the thing here is that GF really tried to follow it for pretty much the whole Switch era (minus BDSP which was Ilca anyway) and it looks like Legends ZA could be the first and only one to break this pattern
Nope I truly believe it will be even worse than S/V which is currently the worst pokemon game of all time
You will find this true about open world games in general
Open world = unfocused scope
Open world can work if the game can support the infinite sandbox gameplay - which Pokemon CAN do.
BDSP got hate because of Let's Go and SwSh. ORAS didn't get hate exclusively because of how mediocre XY was.
BDSP got hate because of FRLG, HGSS and ORAS, not because of other games in its generation. The core issue was that it was a 1:1 remake down to the glitches, and it was compared to other remakes that modernized mechanics and gameplay on top of the graphics.
ORAS got that 7 hour video essay though
Well there's also Let's Go
I genuinely think that without giving us game screenshots or something to talk about people are going to hype it up more and more thinking that. "Gamefreaks taking their time" and will need to explain themselves when it's the same shit as always.
>First game to be set entirely in a city
That's not a good thing, the last game they made like that was Little town hero.

I don't want to play pokemon Yakuza.
And if it's based on actual pokemon style cities, it's going to be 3 houses and a pokemon centre.
But my biggest fear is that gamefreak tries to do a actual city, and the switch just can't fucking run it. Because gamefreak are incompetent fucks.
That's because people are retarded and don't understand how video game development works. They showed off nothing, as it only recently started production (within the last 8 months from Pokémon day). They took 3 years to make L: A, being generous and assuming the same for L: Z-A, that's one year pre-production and two development (same as with New Gen games and L: A), meaning they started concept work for L: Z-A round about when they were finishing off SV, leaving them to start production the following year around the same point they started conceptualisation.
I'd be genuinely surprised if they weren't at least mostly done by the announcement. I still remember the skyrim guys getting pissed off people were asking about the new elderscrolls game they announced, I think 6 years ago now? Instead of caring about their new product.
I feel like Lza was probably in development after the end of La.
>I still remember the skyrim guys getting pissed off people were asking about the new elderscrolls game they announced, I think 6 years ago now? Instead of caring about their new product.
To be fair, the general expectation of gamers back in the day was that if you released a trailer, then you were close to finishing development and were just about to ramp up the marketing push.
Then came modern design philosophy where everything has to be a minor cult, and you need constant hype and speculation (engagement) from your fanbase in order to keep stringing them along until they are able to consoom the next product you release.
We dont know if its a good or bad thing because we never got a game like that. You can be sure there will be some wilderness, be it real or artificial in Lumiose
Has this even been confirmed, or is it just speculation?
Nintendo of America siad this
>>First game to be set entirely in a city
Do we know this for sure? I thought this was just something people were assuming because nothing but Lumiose was shown in the preview.
I won't be surprised if at least one form is exclusive to GO still. They want people using the app because it makes a fuckload more money than any of the real games.
As mentioned just above you, NoA's blurb about it outright said "entirely within". the problem is you fuckers thinking the 3DS is the canoin version of Lumiose, when the lore is the canon and the games are a representation of that (routes in DP don't feel near as long as the distances between what eventually become Named towns and cities in Legends). Lumiose is fucking massive, in lore (the anime and manga feed into that) and I have no doubt Game Freak will have the entire game set in "one city" because they can decide exactly how big it should be, in comparison to their original conceived plan of Lumiose's size when making XY.
Anon, /4chins/ not buying shit in-app /= everyone's not buying shit in-app. They're raking in the dough as it is, you need to use premium passes to get better go battle rewards and there's enough limp-wristed retards WANT to be at worlds tapping their phone for the world to watch.
/vp/ will seethe about it no matter what it is
>Legend Z-A is probably the Pokemon game surrounded by the biggest pressure from fanbase...ever.
Not even close. I would say PLA had way more pressure.
It all started with ORAS not having the BF or substantial postgame content. Fans began to voice their displeasure, but they were a small amount since Pokemon had just come off some pretty good games, with the exception of XY.
Then SM was underwhelming, and USUM brought back rehashed third versions, except this time it didn't have much new content or an extensive postgame for the 4th game in a row.
By the time SWSH was announced, the people who voiced their displeasure with GF had grown in numbers by a lot. The dex cut ended up increasing those numbers and all hell broke lose.
There were hashtags, dislikes on every new pokemon video, and people were even making up stories about Masuda using bugs on women.
SWSH was underwhelming as well but then, in a very clear effort to appease fans, GF announced BDSP and PLA. I personally think there would have been an even bigger shitstorm than the one in SWSH if they hadn't announced PLA.
So, with all of these years of angry fans, PLA had to knock it out of the park or end up being hated as well.
ZA has the massive advantage of SV being better received than SWSH and PLA still being fresh in people's minds. It has some pressure to be good, but nowhere near the pressure PLA had.
>ORAS didn't get hate exclusively because of how mediocre XY was.
It did look good by comparison, but this is the game that started the "Gamefreak is lazy" argument.
This. If there ever was a moment in the history of the franchise where Gamefreak had to nail it, it was with Sword and Shield.
And they fumbled it in a pathetic fashion.
Not sure if i agree as the Dexcut thing was short and coming along head to head with the hype train of new gen (new Pokemon, forms, features) and then it got cut off quickly with huge sales aswell as praise for GF for revealing the first ever dlc which many fans wanted for years.

Now we've seen negativity since 2022 and the short lived hype for ZA was replaced with more negativity since we know nothing about the game
The negativity now doesn’t come close to the one right after SWSH.
The games did sell well, but the Pokemon Company and Gamefreak were clearly bewildered by the hate they received.
Maybe but only SV situation got them admitt not only to the graphical issues but also to rethink they release schedule which is something they never did before
>take a gap year at the end of a generation for the first two decades of the series existence
>jumped-up jokers steal a slice of the market
>take a gap year in the middle o fthe third gen of the decade
>"yay, we got them to care about us people they never cared about ever before"
They took the gap year now, announcing L: Z-A first, to ward off any potential rivals trying to steal a slice of the market and them with no reply.
Or are you too young to forget Yo-Kai Watch's perfromance across 2014 and 2015 led dipshits here to start squeaking it was going to be a pokémon killer, because they hadn't a full pokémon game to challenge its reception yet.
>S/V which is currently the worst pokemon game of all time
you're a tourist and a fucking normie

SwSh, BdSp and Lets Go are the worst games of the franchise, by far

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