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Why did Game Freak stop trying to buff old gen Pokemon after Gen 7? There are so many mediocre Pokemon and shitmon that could actually use some buffs.

The only changes since then have been nerfs. Aegislash, Cresselia, Zacian, and Zamazenta all ate nerfs but nothing got stat buffs.
>Why did Game Freak...?
Small indie company, please understand.
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It's odd because there are so many Pokemon they could make viable again with some more sizeable buffs like what Gen 7 had. +20 speed on Golduck would make it a fantastic anti-weather contra-meta pick.
>Why did Game Freak stop trying to buff old gen Pokemon after Gen 7?
Because they can't outclass CHARIZARD
Charizard has been outclassed since Gen 1. Moltres exists and keeps getting buffs.
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They could always just... buff Charizard...

It's because the buffs did fuck all to help. Giving Pikachu +10 to both defenses did absolutely nothing since it's not surviving a hit anyways. If it got +20 to speed or +10 to both attack stats it would've been appreciated. Meanwhile, the Nidos got +10 to their non-dominant attack stat, Wigglytuff went from pathetic SpA to negligible SpA, Alakazam got a SpD buff for no reason, and so did Victreebel.

The only ones in that image thage ended up noticeably better than before were Butterfree and Beedrill, who were still dogshit, Clefable, who would've been busted with just becoming Fairy type anyways, and Ampharos who got a nice defense buff.
I guess the dex cut means they're less obligated to buff anything.
Them getting away with the dexcut means that they're fine doing less than the bare minimum. They don't have to try, people will buy it anyways.
Pikachu honestly should just keep its Let's Go stats, it was really only Zip Zap that made it particularly powerful.
gamefreak never knew how to balance but they threw their hands up after gen 5
Gen 6 had the most balance changes of any gen other than 2.
As long as they also buff Raichu, sure. +10 to Speed, Special Attack, and Attack would bump it up to only 515 BST, 85 BST over Pikachu. It'd be able to outspeed Starmie for the first time ever.
Groudon and Kyogre should both receive a buff. They have the lowest BST of any box legendaries for no reason.
The fucker is the most buffed starter in the franchise. Its just that Charizard is so fundamentally shit that even though its life is the easy mode of easy mode, its still the vast majority of the time
>Gen 2 get Belly Drum
>Gen 3 Arena Trap and Triple layer spikes exists soley to fuck over every other fire type except the flying lizard
>Gen 4, get dragon moves
>GEn 5 Solar Power Life Orb as a ability except with a higher boost
Gen 9 is the only time that asshole hasn't gotten something and that's only because it isn't over yet
romhacks exist
they should do a generation where instead of introducing new Pokemon they just do a complete BST overhaul for existing Pokemon
That's coming in the reboot after Gen 10
>gen 4
>glosses over the most commonly used hazard that absolutely fucked zard's already low chances of viability into oblivion

yes anon, dragon moves really made it the powerhouse of gen 4 that we know
>It's because the buffs did fuck all to help
Who knew that a simple +10 to an irrelevant stat wouldn't do anything?
>Muh viability
I would love it if each Starter was buffed to have a BST of 530 with reworked stats to better fit their designs as well as a 3rd ability to choose from.
Didn't know Cresselia got nerfed, was it a menace in VGC or something?
It's the best VGC mon ever before Incineroar.
They gave it a new busted ass recovery move in Lunar Blessing... I guess they didn't want it dragging out VGC matches like it used to
Ahhh I see, pardon my ignorance I don't keep up with VGC but I vaguely remembered seeing it on some teams.
I remember that they gave Woobat a stat buff of 20 HP, but left Swoobat, its evolution, untouched.
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Most of Pokemon need HP or Defences buff
The fact that Waillord still have still have only 170 HP is a joke. It should have been 300 at this point.

There is tons of usless abilities as well:
Keen eye - Pokemon do not loose accuracy AND now it should also grant 10% to acc.
Big Pecks - Protects the Pokémon from Defense-lowering attacks AND If pokemon is on full health it recives 25% less damage

Super luck - Heightens the critical-hit ratios of moves. AND boost effects +10%

And some weak moves would be great if they actually boosted their effects:

Wrap - Cuts speed 1- every time its activated
Acid - 100% To drop defence
Astonish boosted to 40% to flinch
Swift- Boosted to 70 power
Mega punch - Boosted to 120 power
Bide- Raises both defences at first use
Twineedle - 50 power
Steamroller - boost to 40% to flinch and deals SE damage to rock types
They get boosts from own weather
So do Koraidon and Miraidon, and their Abilities are powercrept versions of Drought and Drizzle.
Frisk is laughable nowadays since you see your enemy's items in comp. I can't believe they gimped H.Typhlosion with it
Because they said fuck it, let's power creep the franchise into oblivion.
>VGCissies having trouble with a NU-shitmon
Just like how they keep getting BTFO by the PU-shitmon Farigiraf.
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Picrel has been treated like abandonware since gen 4 and I won't stand for it, the mega doesn't count since it doesn't change his base form and megas are retarded anyway
Actual turdmons have passed him in the competitive environment because they get first impression and other stab priority and he doesn't
>>Gen 2 get Belly Drum
Oh wow a move that raises its physical attack, thank you gamefreak, im sure that useful for a special attacking lizard.
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it had a larger array of physical options pre-split too
>Sp. Atk: 85
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Seviper used to be able to learn Sucker Punch in Platinum through a move tutor but there was no way to get it on it in later generations.
With it coming back in SV and the introduction of the Mirror Herb mechanic, it, for some reason, cannot learn Sucker Punch again.
Really grinds my gears, and its not like Sucker Punch would really change anything for Seviper
I think if they chance Origin Miss and Precipiece Miss to be more reliable they will be atop of the food chain again.
or just give Kyogre Scald back so it has reliable damage again in doubles, there is no reason the Legendary Pokemon of the Sea cannot shoot some hot water
The worst thing Game Freak can do is give a Pokemon an inaccurate signature move that is also stronger than a more accurate generic move. Making it so you miss some serious damage thresholds if you run EQ over Precipice Blades is what makes people not want to use Groudon.
I think the worst thing Game Freak can do is make an otherwise broken Pokemon rely on Focus Blast for coverage (see: Tapu Lele, Alakazam, etc)
That's probably why Game Freak forgot to give it anything. It wouldn't have changed a thing and Seviper would still be an unsalvageable shitmon.

If Seviper was a Gen 1 Pokemon it would've gotten an evolution by now.

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