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>we'll never have this level of soul in glitches again
>glitches in games I grew up with
le soul

>glitches in games I didn't grew up with
The remakes have the exact same glitches
>hidden glitches people go out of their way to discover and execute
>game-breaking glitches happening on your face during regular play
Glad we agree DPPt sucks ass.
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A romhack where you can catch beta Arceus through tweaking would be kino.

What game breaking glitches are there? Lumiose City fucking your save or whatever is the only one I know of. Maybe soft locking yourself if you're generous.
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while playing SV I never encountered any game-breaking glitches. you have to go out of your way to cause them
anon was right so i'm gonna just repost what they said

>glitches in games I grew up with
le soul

>glitches in games I didn't grew up with
Well, yes. That is what Genwunners say and what Genwunners say goes. Maybe if SV had Missingno people wouldn't have been sharting all over it.
this but unironically
For me it's about utility
>Glitch duplicates items in my bag
>Glitch lets me clone Pokémon
>Glitch lets me reach event-exclusive areas
You can get all three starters in Gen II just by doing the cloning glitch twice at the start of a new game without saving. They carry over to the PC on the next file.
Cute charm “glitch” is neat.
They literally had the exact same fucking glitch in BDSP. Coincidentally BDSP's shit like menu storage was also the last time glitches were especially fun in a Pokemon game, and is the only worthwhile thing in BDSP aside from being able to be modded incredibly easily because it's made in fucking Unity. Shame it had to be a worse remake of an already bad game.
i got stuck in the void because i was a retarded kid (and im pretty sure the tutorial i saw said that you had to save in the void, because otherwise i was absolutely braindead) and lost all my pokemon not only from diamond but from ruby too
it's called "Hypocrisy"
>Sinnoh is so slow that riding your bike can break the game
Genuinely funny
Anyone talk about the void with classmates in school? At lunch it was brought up and no one believed it, one of the kids must have seen it on YouTube or something. I brought my game to recess to try it out, and we were all ecstatic once we got it to work. This shit was insane.
we shared an action replay
Glitches that benefit gameplay (letting you catch any Pokémon you want, getting access to event only areas, duplicating items, etc.) are good.
Glitches that hinder gameplay (crashing the game, corrupting Pokémon data, tank performance down to single digit FPS, infinite loops etc.) are bad.
>game glitches when I want it to
>game glitches when I don't want it to

simple as. no one was complaining about SV's cloning glitches, for example
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have you tried having friends?
oh interesting. I didnt know the mystery zone area music was different from its base song
johto too thoughever
Fuck it, I'll take the bait.
>hard to execute glitch that lets you get mythicals that would otherwise be unobtainable
>easy to execute glitch that crashes the game occasionally
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load up your game and recreate this glitch right now
>game-breaking glitches happening on your face during regular play
Gen I is full of these
it's not even in the international version of dppt
I don't know the name for the glitch, but sometimes entering buildings at high speeds would cause the game to crash for me
So are BDSP and SV. We have gone full circle.
Such as?
> it's not even in the international version
I can tell you're under 18
my bad
I was misremembering the glitch being unsafe to do on the English versions and not working in platinum as it not existing
People would still shit themselves about the good glitches
Can't, none of the games I own or have played had that glitch left in at launch, which doesn't include SV, which does have that glitch.
>Mew and fully evolved level 1 Pokémon
>Zapdos before Brock
>Unused postgame battle against Oak
>normal Ditto can be turned shiny
Gen 1 Kanto was held together with nothing but spider webs and dried chewing gum and it's awesome.
I can tell you're a zoomer who discovered /vp/ in 2019
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Don't do this to me anon
Exploitable glitches are just better in every way, sucks you missed out
I agree, SV is the best game in the series.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=HI4H1CJdK90 this fag uses ACE to get unreleased decorations in the underground. i wanna try it sometime
>easy mode > hard mode
casual ass fucker
This guy has been contrarian shitposting for YEARS.
And that's why gen 1 games suck.
>All this seething in the replies
You just hit their right nerve huh
dunno about "glitch" but I had a few crashes while playing(on switch). never experienced that with another pokemon game, even lost a large amount of progress during one of the crashes.
Tedious /= difficult
The greater the challenge the better the reward, learning how shit like the Coin Case glitch and the Pomeg Berry glitch work is difficult, but the reward is the potential to complete the dex without needing to trade.
/v/piss in a nutshell

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