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Beetwig -> Treetle -> Cannopytle
Type: Grass/Bug
HA: Compound Eyes -> Heavy Armor (Reduces super-effective damage by 50%)
Base stats: 90/120/115/60/85/60 (Cannonpytle)
Signature move: Napalm Seed (Grass - Physical - BP: 110 - PP: 10 - Acc: 100% - The user fires a seed at the target that will explode upon impact. This will leave the target with a burn.)
Can also learn: Wood Hammer, Megahorn, Iron Defense, Endure, Reversal, High Horsepower, Leech Seed, Seed Bomb

Flarrapin -> Ignishell -> Eruptoise
Type: Fire -> Fire -> Fire/Ground
HA: Evaporate (Water-type version of Lightning Rod)
Base stats: 79/83/119/116/65/68
Signature move: Krakatoa Beam (Fire - Special - BP: 140 - PP: 5 - Acc: 95% - The user opens up its plastron to launch a very powerful beam of geothermal energy at the target. This also damages the user.)
Can also learn: Lava Plume, Earth Power, Shell Smash, Rapid Spin, Iron Defense, Flame Wheel, Curse, Eruption, Flame Charge

Macaqua -> Sumonkey -> Yokozunami
Type: Water -> Water/Fighting -> Water/Fighting
HA: Guts -> Sturdy
Base stats: 126/104/75/85/75/65 (Yokozunami)
Signature moves: Ring Master (Water - Status - PP: 5 - Both sides preform a ceremony to make themselves stronger. Neither side can be taken off the field.) & Sidestep Slam (Fighting - Physical - BP: 80 - PP: 10 - Acc: 90% - The user dodges the target's attack and slaps them down. The move fails if the target if the target is not readying an attack.)
Can also learn: Aqua Jet, Close Combat, Heavy Slam, Arm Thrust, Liquidation, Belly Drum, Brine, Low Kick, Fake Out, Smelling Salts
>all three are fat bulky slow looking starters
you fucked up david
I liked the Grass before, but now that I know the Fire one is a tortoise they feel redundant since the beetle feels very tortoise-ish. Maybe give it a more insect face like the previous forms to avoid looking like you have two turtles?
How long before you change them again? I'm not even trying to shit on you but you've been editing the same few things for how long now? Just use them and start making the actual game.
Hey david, why did you made that
Yeah I'm not clicking Play on that
Water is garbage thebother are very good
not gonna read all that schinkel, you're just gonna scrap all this anyway. see you with your next redesigns!
>jew monkey line
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David has some real weird sadistic pedophilic fetishes. he used to request art of kids being tortured. I have half a mind to alert the authorities in Gig Harbor, WA. who knows what this creep has on his computer.
Yeah I know.
That’s irrelevant to the thread subject.
We’ll see about that.
>We’ll see about that
yeah, we will. you want to place bets? I'm betting the fire starter gets redesigned next, within the next week
Give bug eyes to the final grass evolution.
what happened to the dog?
>bringing the turtle back
you're good david... for now...
fucking autists, not even once
TM/HM/Tutor Movelist

Cannonpytle: Thief, Grass Knot, Body Press, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Bulldoze, Return, Protect, Rain Dance, Solar Beam, Iron Head, Earth Power, Brick Break, Trailblaze, U-Turn, Rock Tomb, Smart Strike, Facade, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Curse, Dig, Cut, Rock Smash, Strength, Rock Climb, Bug Bite, Signal Beam, Seed Bomb, Double Team, Attract, Giga Drain, Knock Off, Superpower, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Frenzy Plant
Egg Moves: Smack Down, Quick Guard, First Impression, Energy Ball, Spikes

Eruptoise: Body Press, Toxic, Hidden Power, Sunny Day, Will-O-Wisp, Return, Protect, Acrobatics, Solar Beam, Mystical Fire, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Clear Smog, Sucker Punch, U-Turn, Rock Tomb, Facade, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Curse, Dig, Rock Smash, Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Double Team, Attract, Heat Wave, Scald, Sandstorm, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Strength, Rock Climb, Earthquake, Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Stone Edge, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Fly, Blast Burn
Egg Moves: Amnesia, Scary Face, Incinerate, Dragon Pulse, High Horsepower, Crunch

Yokozunami: Toxic, Hidden Power, Ice Punch, Blizzard, Return, Protect, Rain Dance, X-Scissor, Trailblaze, Calm Mind, Chilling Water, Facade, Aerial Ace, Substitute, Rest, Sleep Talk, Water Pulse, Curse, Dig, Surf, Waterfall, Icy Wind, Gunk Shot, Double Team, Attract, Hyper Voice, Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Knock Off, Scald, Ice Beam, After You, Superpower, Poison Jab, Iron Head, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Bulldoze, Bulk Up, Low Sweep, Avalanche, Rock Slide, Strength, Rock Smash, Rock Climb, Drain Punch, Vacuum Wave, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Hydro Cannon
Egg Moves: Water Sport, Play Rough, Wave Crash, Rollout
I love that the water starters Mawashi resembles a crashing waterfall, great touch David!
The fire starter gets Shell Smash and the water starter gets Aqua Jet, so there's that at least!
Do you still have art of that coyote first starter you were using before switching to this turtle?
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David, you dumbass. You can't samefag to compliment yourself and in the same post reply to someone else's critique to defend yourself.
at some point you just gotta call it and move on
I'm not David lol, just thought I'd say some positive stuff because there's always negativity flung his way, even if he deserves some of it.
I like the fire turtle first stage. Don't change it.
Hey David, you still have the Water bunny evo line? I liked that one.
fuck off David
David is a fucking sick man
So, how do the starters look so far?
Kill yourself David
>the dad is even named David
Jesus Christ...
Fuck off David
Ok ok, I went too far with that one. I haven’t done something like that since.
Kill yourself, David.
What the fuck
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Genuinely what the actual fuck. I think this confirms that David is literally a unironic pedo who has a fetish for abusing kids.

Go and fucking die in the deepest pits of hell, you low life pedo scum.
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David has been known as a pedo in porn communities for some time, glad /vp/ is finally catching on.

picrel, Kinnohfan = David. he's also been accused of it multiple times on /v/ if you search the archives for grandiafag
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That's genuinely fucked up.

Someone needs to bully him out of this fucking site with this sort of stuff to scare him out.
>being a abusive pedo is... le bad
wowww didn't know I was posting on reddit
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>fucking goanimate
>his own name
jesus christ why
Guys, I’ve disowned the video. I don’t know what I was thinking when making it. I’ve been called out by others for it. I will not make something like that ever again.
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What happened to the tree squid starter? I was looking forward to that one.
Why do you talk like a 9 year old?
Well... at least you rightfully portrayed the rape as illegal, immoral, and deeply traumatizing... but it's a bit much. Was it supposed to be funny?
Nope. It’s supposed to be taken seriously.
That'd good then. Good luck with the game David.
please stop talking to yourself
David, why should anybody believe a single thing you say, when you constantly make empty promises that you immediately walk back?
>I'm gonna change my behaviour!
>doesn't change
>I'm gonna stop posting!
>keeps posting
>I'm gonna stop redesigning my starters!
>keeps redesigning his starters
>I'm gonna cancel my game!
>doesn't cancel his game
>I stopped making these videos!
you are such a disingenuous person, and everybody has seen that. you just say whatever you think will get you out of trouble. but it's not gonna work anymore, your past has caught up to you. you have several years of accusations of sexualizing minors in creepy and sadistic ways. I don't believe for a second that you've stopped. maybe you just don't do it publicly anymore, which might be even more worrying. you're a sick fucking freak David, and I seriously hope your disgusting fetishes have stayed in 2D at least. but I wouldn't let you anywhere near children.
i wish that were me
That point happened like a year ago
I've defended you in the past, David, but now that I've seen the videos, I believe I have seen the real you. You are scum, David. You are the lowest of the low. Please do not post here again.
I've disowned that video. I haven't made something like that since. I really changed for the better.
David, can I be honest?
The more you fuck around with these the worse they are. The original mecha beetle/Sentai wolf/Salt lizard kaiju were the only good ones.
Stop wasting time and making shitty threads.
No, David. You never change. If you changed you would have left here a long time ago. You need to give up the idea that you will ever be welcome here again. That video cannot be unmade nor unseen. People will associate it with you for a very long time. Either find a new place to share your fakemon or at least stay away from here for a year two at the very least, enough for you to be forgotten and you can start again here with a fresher image and possibly an improved art style.
I don't know if op or his fan club is more cringe.
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He'll never change. He's got a history of himself proclaiming he's gonna change but he's still the same old annoying shithead. Often always ignores advice because he genuinely thinks he's better than anyone else despite being a jobless neet loser with pedo fetishes and weird attachment for sexualising women in bikinis.

I fucking wish this fat jobless neet would kill himself and save us some oxygen. Faggot literally does not deserve the right to live if he can't improve.
I don't have a superiority complex like a lot of you anons are. Plus, that was from 2 years ago. Try to be more up to date. And also, telling people to kill themselves is just an embarrassing thing to say. You're just taking this personally. Do me a favor and just chill out. You're just going to get an aneurysm in real life sooner than later.
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Hell nah, that means nothing with your history. There's no such thing as "disowning" the video. You're literally lying through your yellowed teeth.

We already know that you will keep on doing child abuse porn with fucking GoAnimate out of all things.

If you'd weren't lying you'd fucking kill yourself right now for being such a pathetic scum.
*do, not are.
>b-but two years ago

It's still relevant because you still REFUSE to actually fucking improve. Fuck off you braindead moron trying to dodge facts.
I regret making that video. It's just something to learn from. Like I said, I haven't made a video like that since. Try doing some research child.
>Try doing some research child.

That's rich coming from you, because you're still a child deflecting advice from people.
I am trying to improve. But everytime I do so, you continued to give me shit. So tell me, who's the bigger jerk here?
It seems my morality is incompatible to the average /vp/ poster. I just can't comprehend you guys.
I can say the same thing for you given you tell me to kill myself when I'm trying to be civil with you. I wouldn't be surprised if you gain a prejudice towards other people named "David" because of your psychological complex towards me.
We keep giving you shit because you still keep sticking around 4chan out of all places.
I'm getting tired of derailing this thread. So, I'm just going to end it here.
It'll never end until you leave 4chan.
>I am trying to improve.
David just saying you're improving isn't improving. You have to ACT differently. You've been on this board for years and do the same shit, but you're too fucking retarded to realize you are.
David, you have to understand it's not just about the video. You have shown a repeated pattern of deplorable behaviour, lying, and manipulation. Your words mean nothing to anybody because you have proven time and time again that your promises are empty and hollow. In addition, you have been warned multiple times that you are unwelcome here and that your continued presence would result in escalation, and yet you have dug your heels in and refuse to leave. You bring this on yourself. And unfortunately, I don't believe for a second that you have stopped or plan to stop sexualizing minors. Again, this is not an isolated incident; you have a prolonged history of fetishizing minors, and a habit like that would take serious rehabilitation to change, which is an effort that I don't believe you are capable of, because quite frankly you have never demonstrated that you can change or are willing to change. You like to say you are, but your actions speak otherwise. And I assume it's the same for this. Get off this website, and seek help. You will not be able to have a comfortable thread on this website again. I'm afraid that even if you do change, which I don't think is likely, the damage has already been done. There are some bridges you can't un-burn.
ONLY TWO YEARS? holy shit

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