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Also kills youtube ads. You're welcome, by the way.
>Also kills youtube ads
Which Youtube is trying to bypass. Anyone that makes code for anti-adblock software should have their genitals smashed with a sledgehammer.
The ads are slowly breaking through the defenses. I used to just get like a second of black / loading before a video if an ad was scheduled, but now I might see a couple flash seconds of Ryan Reynolds with no sound then it freezes and disappears.
Forgot your I's.
Finally, someone addresses this. I hate how Bulbapedia is infested with ads despite being an indie wiki. It’s just as bad as the fandom wikis that it’s supposed to be an alternative to.
I've been using ad block since 2011 or so. How the fuck are there still people in 2024 browsing without one?
>browsing without adblockers
>I might see a couple flash seconds of Ryan Reynolds with no sound then it freezes and disappears.
That sounds like a horror movie in the making. Be careful, anon.
Some people want to help the site by giving it money, without just straight up giving them money.
I was one of those people until just last year.
I finally gave in and started using adblockers because of Spriters Resource though.
I have a shitty pc and their site is so inundated with ads that just having a single tab open causes my entire computer to freeze.
If I can't use their site, they're not getting ad revenue from me anyway, so I may as well just block the ads and keep using something I enjoy.
My issue with it is the layout. Sometimes I look up a mon, scroll for a bit, am confused why I'm not getting any information and realize I accidentally clicked on blubbagayden instead of pokemondb.
Ads are just a number
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Used bulbapedia for years and had no idea it had ads.
Works on Firefox.
if you dont have an adblocker by now its your own goddamn fault
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Hey, Joe
remember when you begged people to turn off their adblocks so you could get money with your spyware and trojans, you filthy snake?
You could just buy a new pc, instead of being a bandwidth leech.
>go to bulbapedia
>takes forever for all the ads to load
>scroll past 20 ads every page
>feels like such a hassle
>leave & go to serebii instead
every time
*Fandom or cerebii
God Fandom is so FUCKING bad
>you could just do [expensive thing for no incentive of your own] instead of [much quicker and free alternative]
don't ignore this, Joe >>56456287
>We value your privacy
Yeah fuck off. I don't support any websited that use cookie banners.
I hate ads so fucking much. If something is valuable enough I'll just pay for it whenever I can, be that in one large purchase like buying a complete tv series or smaller amounts tossed to a site like wikipedia every so often. I get it, these things can't exist if someone isn't paying to keep it going, and a lot of things are going to cost more than they're actually worth. But holy shit how can anyone genuinely think making your service unusable is the way to fix that? The only reason ads are at all profitable is because of idiots and luddites like op who haven't blocked everything. Sooner or later enough people are gonna get fed up enough to start using an ad blocker or stop using those sites to make the ad revenue insufficient and I wish that meant the internet will improve but sadly it's more likely everything will just shut down rather than adapt.
I miss Web 1.0
Bro? Your adblock...?
bulbapedo has always been inferior to other sites. It's only relevant for ashnime shit nobody cares about but for information about the games/routes/encounters it's shit tier.
>pedo pomfred thinks Joe comes to this trash dump of a site
Pomf pls
Pretty sure it has been proven that he at the very least checks /vp/ sometimes.
You got caught several times, Jew Merrick
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If you use anything involving Chrome OR Chromium based browsers (like Opera) the Manifest v3 update made blocking ads a much more involved process then before.
This is why open source browsers that doesn't use Chromium are having less of hard time blocking ads.
I have zero issues thanks to using Firefox.
Take the time to do some research on your browser of choice and see what the code is based on.
If it's Chromium, you have to wait until things are figured out a little better for ad blockers to be more consistent with any other browser.
If it's not Firefox or a fork of Firefox, it's Chromium.
Yeah like Edge or Safari.
>gets ads on the internet
Lol, lmao even
Edge is chromium based though. Apple's webkit engine might not be killing itself the way Google is killing chromium, but given Apple's control freak nature I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later they pull similar crap.
Vivaldi built-in adblock + uBlock Origin = zero ads everywhere including Youtube.

>Edge is chromium based though
weird how Edge is extremely lightweight and opens in a flash, while Chrome feels like launching a 150GB AAA game
Pretty sure that's because Chrome specifically eats RAM like a motherfucker
it's also because 90% of its code is just data collecting telemetry and spyware acting as background update service
Which is specific to Chrome and not Chromium, unless you decide to add them like a mongoloid
I have never even considered if Edge was Chromium based until this post.
I mean I never use it so that's probably my only excuse as to my ignorance about it but damn.
Chromium really is fucking everywhere now isn't it?
Yeah Firefox seems to be the only one to my personal knowledge that's not Chromium. And that's really terrible.
As the Sponge of the Bob said 'everything is Chrome in the future'
Rule of thumb is anything with google's fingerprints on is automatically untrustworthy, due to google having a vested interest in serving the internet ads.
People quacking about "it's hard to block ads on ___" are likely using a google offshoot as as already mentioned, they're trying to sidestep ad blocks on yt on their shit. DON'T USE GOOGLE BROWSERS.
well the moment that happens it's when I stop browsing the fucking website.
Yeah, when I was in highscool I used a browser called Lunascape because it used Mozilla's Gecko engine, Google's Chromium, and whatever Microsoft built Internet Explorer on and let you swap between them. It was very handy back then to be able to change at will and not have to worry about which brower had which logins since a lot of stuff was specifically built to run on either Chrome or Internet Explorer exclusively, shit like online assignments or certification exams, and the school computers were so shit and so inconsistent that I just carried my own laptop instead of deal with them. This was like 15 years ago so no clue if it still exists.

And yes, some school staff had a fit about "no electronics" every time they saw me, but my teachers were just glad they had at least one kid that could troubleshoot technical issues so worst case scenario I just told whoever I had next period to call the office and get them to give me my laptop back so I could do my work.

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