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/vp/ - Pokémon

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>all these shitty sprites with ok sprinkles
Why would I want to play this?
Holy cringe
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>emerald is 20 years old
Dear god, this looks like shit.
imagine putting that much work into the worst installment of the franchise
>all ugly shit
It would have been more respectful not doing it.
This is so wholesome and cool
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You're getting oooooold
older than me
>imagine putting that much work into the worst franchise
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Nothing screams slump of mediocrity harder than mid artists constantly drawing shitty looking pokémon and trying to pass it as the quirky gen 1 artstyle

Stop taking the easy route and learn to fucking draw already
Cope shithead.
>32k likes for absolute shit
>check out the artists out of curiosity
>first troonoid (that i'm aware of) isn't until squirtle
this isn't looking too good bros
ORAS turns 10 years old in November
Alright, how many of these have pride colors put in them? You know modern “””””””artists””””””” can’t resist.
Transwomen being more talented and creative is an own somehow. The brain of a chud is fascinating.
Surprisingly there weren't that many troons (at least that I'm aware of) that worked on this hack. Some had red flags and many of them had pronouns because of course they do, but overall I feel like the spriters did a pretty good job. Even saw a familiar face who I nearly forgot about on this one site.
They're not talented if 99% of them destroy whatever they touch. The rare 1% who are actually creative don't deserve to be lumped in with those creatures.
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bro 99% of these legit look like shit. genuinely not worth playing.
i could post the disgusting tranny flag sprite but have this nice looking walrein instead.

That’s a very lovely sprite.
Why is everyone here such miserable bitches? This seems pretty cool to me.
That one is cool wtf are you smoking
/vp/ thinks transphobia and bigotry is a substitute for a personality
>ROM hack
This is illegal
1) this is not redit
two) fuck off this is SHIT looking
Wow, most of them look like garbage. And you can really tell which pokemon had competition with multiple submissions and which had one terrible submission but it's the best because it's the only one.
I hate hacks and animation collabs like these because for every genuinely talented person who puts a lot of work into the project and creates a stunning sprite/animation snippet, you'll have 10 absolutely insufferable faggots who are so self conscious about how shit their work is they just decide to not even try and do LMAOOOOOO FUNNY MEME XD!!!! SO RANDOM!! I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE!! THANKS FOR THE GOLD KIND STRANGER!!!!! bottom of the barrel fucking garbage instead so they don't have to compare their own abilities to the other actually good artists working on it, fucking infuriates me, and of course there are th comedians/activists who think the funniest/most heckin wholesome thing they can make is a pokemon holding a pride flag
the new ampharos sprite makes me so angry
January 28th - Legends Arceus
January 29th - FireRed and LeafGreen
February 27th - Red and Green
June 17th - The Teal Mask
June 23rd - Black 2 and White 2
September 12th - Yellow, HeartGold and SoulSilver
September 13th - Platinum, The Teal Mask
September 16th - Emerald
September 18th - Black and White
September 28th - Diamond and Pearl
October 12th - X and Y
October 23rd - The Crown Tundra
November 15th - Sword and Shield
November 16th - Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee
November 17th - Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
November 18th - Sun and Moon, Scarlet and Violet
November 19th - Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
November 21st - Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
December 14th - Crystal, The Indigo Disk

September... home
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kek, nearly all the Unknown are memes. But unlike what the other Anon said, the other pokemon are almost entirely devoid of memes and politics. It's not even comparable to Pokemon Clover in cringy, dated, unfunny memes, and politics bullshit. Have a look:

There's actually one or two good artists, but mostly noobs. Which is to be expected. It's a collaboration between 100+ pokemon fans on Xwitter, not a collaboration between the top 10 artists from PixelJoint.
how do i hate thee? let me count the way
>bulbasaur-awkward posing and proportions
>ivysaur-too much texturing and not enough body/limb distinction, look like a green blob
>charmander-unfunny reference
>charizard-ripping off gen 1 sprite
>squirlte-too saturated, dogshit shading
>metapod-metapod does not have a nose
>weedle-3D model
>pidgey-low res
>pidgeotto-ms paint scribble
>pidgeot-unfunny reference
>rattata-plain shitty
>raticate-off model
>spearow-low res
>ekans-ms paint scribble
>pikachu-GBC style
>sandshrew-off model
>nidoranf-poor use of palette
>nidoqueen-ms paint scribble
>nidoranm-ms paint scribble
>nidorino-ms paint scribble
>clefairy-GBC style
>jigglypuff-uncharacteristic expression
>wigglytuff-turn around nigger
>golbat-off model
>oddish-off model
>vileplume-too small, oversaturated
>venonat-off model
>venomoth-off model
>diglett-GBC style
>persian-bad proportions
>primeape-flat colors
>growlithe-low res
>poliwrath-3D model
>alakazam-ms paint scribble
>machop-off model
>machoke-off model
>machamp-flat colors
>bellsprout-no arms
>tentacool-ms paint scribble
>geodude-retarded expression
>graveler-retarded expression
>ponyta-ms paint scribble
>slowbro-shellder isn't biting the tail
>farfetch'd-unfunny reference
>doduo-ms paint scribble
>seel-3D model
>dewgong-ms paint scribble
>grimer-ripoff of gen 1 sprite
>haunter-off model
>onix-too big
>electrode-ms paint scribble
>exeggcute-retarded expressions
>hitmonlee-off model
>rhyhorn-ms paint scribble
>chansey-off model
>horsea-low res
>seadra-low res
>staryu-low res
>vaporeon-eyebleeding color scheme
>porygon-no face
>moltres-ms paint scribble
>noctowl-ms paint scribble, no beak
>lanturn-flat colors
>cleffa-GBC style
>togepi-flat colors
>ampharos-off model
>skiploom-flat colors
>jumpluff-3D model
>sunkern-off model
>unown a-politics
>unown i-3D model
>unown p-ms paint scribble
>unown r-ms paint scribble
>unown s-unfunny reference
>unown w-not a w
>unown ?-not a ?
>dunsparce-ms paint scribble
>gligar-flat coloring
>qwilfish-funny reference
>scizor-GBC style, kleavor
>octillery-hello kitty
>mantine-3D model
>kingdra-flat colors, lack of detail in most prominent areas
>stantler-ms paint scribble
>blissey-GBC style
>ho-oh-drastically different design, barely resembles original
>celebi-GBC style, dusknoir
>grovyle-GB style
>combusken-ms paint scribble
>marshtomp-unnecessary outline
>swampert-ms paint scribble
>poochyena-lacks detail in prominent areas
>beautifly-lacks shading
>ralts-ms paint scribble
>gardevoir-GBC style, unwelcome guest
>slaking-shit pose and cape
>exploud-flat colors
>makuhita-ms paint scribble
>aggron-i dunno how to describe it but it just looks off
>volbeat/illumise-jarring artstyle mismatch
>carvanha-GBC style
>vibrava-unnecessary outlines create clutter
>cacturne-no face
>swablu-no beak
>solrock-eyes too close together
>barboach-GB style
>whiscash-flat colors
>dusclops-ms paint scribble
>wynaut-unfunny reference
>sealeo-unfunny reference
>luvdisc-ms paint scribble
>metagross-lacks detail
>regirock-unfunny reference
>regice-colored outlines
>kyogre-no shading
>jirachi-ms paint scribble

overall verdict: would not play
>but have this nice looking walrein instead.
most of these look like they were drawn by 9 year olds that barely know how to open ms paint
the ones that look good either try to imitate sprites from older generations for some reason or don't look like they were made for this project (like Brooklynn_Jiji's and saurus's submissions)
also they really should have told Blaziken Lord to fuck off and get a real artist to draw his submissions
it's impressive how the only good thing in this trailer is the music choice
Post them
Based anon reinforcing that men are better than women.
Not gonna mention the obvious problem, but they couldn't even be bothered enough to make one artist per evolution line? Those so-called artists already made multiple submissions to this awful project, there's no fucking excuse to create an art-style mismatch mid-evolution
>copying and making fangames is creativity now
if /vp/ hates it, it must be good
Okay retard
inb4 ninja'd
>that agumon
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All of Serperior Fan and Thorne Kidz's "submissions" look like they took less than 2 minutes in MS Paint. The Mystery Dungeon refence was nice though.
why did you post a screenshot and not a webm retard
my eyes were like those eevee's as soon as I saw the first sprite and what you guys are talking about
the artstyle is cringe numale shit but the execution is competent enough, especially compared to the rest of the trashfire
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I don't see the appeal

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