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Pic related is probably the only correct answer.

OP here, do not post the title screen of Red/Blue/Green, you're not funny.
I thought ORAS was pretty great but even as a kid I knew XY was under baked
that's not a photo of BW1
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the only games so dogshit they made the previous gen worse so they could rush this slop out for the 20th anniversary instead of making Z
BW were worse than its predecessors but they didn't feel like they started any downward trend.
SM is just XY but 10x worse.
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yes they did
>no national dex (b-b-but ackshually you can use the pokemon anyway /s)
>Ultra versions aren't sequels like B2W2, they're just the third game split into two versions
>shitty gym-less story
>first gen to feature a team that aren't actually evil
>non-pokemon pokemon (ultra beasts)
>the Ultra games' solution to integrating the greater pokemon world is to fuck over the end of the main story and throw in a shitty multiverse plot that doesn't even last 2 hours (if you're going REALLY slow)
I could go on, but I actually have to replay S&UM soon to grab a few pokemon and event legendaries for HOME, and I'm already not looking forward to it.
>shiny locked legendaries
>linear region
>excessive dialogue
>ugly numons
>tumblr character designs
>forced online
>cut postgame content
>piss easy difficulty
I always forget this game exists. Has to be the most popular forgettable game ever.
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this is when I knew it was ogre
Yes, Great.
Nobody plays the battle frontier today for a reason.
>Nobody plays the battle frontier today for a reason.
Because its not in the game
Nobody wants to play the BF without the P/S split other than mind broken millennials all the improvements ORAS made make it a better game
True gut punch
Games were pretty decent as far as remakes go. like same level as FRLG at least.
I could even look past the streamlining of the games thanks to the Handholding that Modern pokemon does all in the hopes that the post game would make up for it.

Then this shit kicks me in the nuts.

Literally soured the entire remake
why hasn't anyone modded the battle frontier into ORAS?
That is correct, it seems your vision is working properly. That is indeed a picture of X and Y, the start of the downfall of the Pokemon Franchise.
There was no indication this would set a trend. Megas and 3D were gimmicks that completely ruined Pokemon as we know it. And it was visible from day one. Not to mention constant handholding, EXP share, fairies, and rushed gens without a 3rd entry.
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Mechanical improvements don't matter when the rest of the game is uninteresting and bland in comparison to what came before.
Fags like you are the type of people who would rather play Elden Ring over Dark Souls 1.
3DS ROM hacking is still pretty primitive from what I can gather.
I mean, I think there have been good enough DS tools to allow for full custom hacks for about the past 5-10 years now, and still all you really see out of there are 'what if [existing DS game] but with all Pokémon obtainable in the one game/Fairy type/new gen mons?'
>rest of the game is uninteresting and bland in comparison to what came before
ORAS is a much better game mechanically and graphically than RSE
>rather play Elden Ring over Dark Souls 1.
Yes I would rather play better games
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>ORAS is a much better game mechanically and graphically than RSE
"Guhhhhh the game better becuz I can use two stat-aligned 90BP STABs + coverage + stat raising move"
>Yes I would rather play better games
but it did end up setting a trend. past gen 5 legendaries and starters became shiny locked and all the games have too much dialogue
Starters are not shiny locked in BW though. Youre also not a toddler, you can read words just fine, even by RPG standards its very little text what Pokemon has.
truth nuke,,,
since gen 5 every new box legendary has been shiny locked. in gen 8 the starters at the beginning were shiny locked
Gen 1 was legitimately an unbalanced mess, however
not even 10 years between these remakes and the originals
Proving from the start that GF will always go for shitty nostalgia bate instead of fixing or adressing whatever issues are actually present with the game

>FRLG "fixes" the lack of old pokemon and distracts from the fact that GF coded their games so bad Gen3 cant connect back to the first two gens, despite connectivity being a major selling point of the games in the first place

>XY being RB2 electric bugaloo was to cover the fact that the pokemon formula had officially become stale. BW/2 with a complete dex of new pokemon and actual "Plot" wasn't a good seller so they just made RB but packed with so much gimmicks to distract you from the same story we've had 6 times now

>Let's go was a response to the fact that after three 3D games the graphics looked like garbage so they just polished a kanto turd and called it a day

I guarantee another KANTOOOOO remake is ready to drop with the best graphics in a pokemon game we''ve seen to date, especially if ZA doesn't live up to the hype
Pokemons peak was after Gen 1 so it can't be the downfall.
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>and distracts from the fact that GF coded their games so bad Gen3 cant connect back to the first two gens, despite connectivity being a major selling point of the games in the first place

tbf to Game Freak this was a hardware issue, not a software issue, GB/GBC -> GBA can't interface with each other (and before somebody says it you use a GB/C link cable in a GBA running a GB/C game for a reason. The GBA literally has a GBC CPU inside it when running legacy games).
Theoretically they could have put out some proprietary hardware that acts as a sort of translator and allows for one-way sending from 2 -> 3, some bloke did that back in 2021, but I really doubt it would have been economically viable for Game Freak to do such a thing, especially considering Gen 3 was the low point of the franchise revenue-wise. Not to mention a $100 device probably would've been lambasted by the press as a blatant cash grab
FRLG was done out of necessity, though. Ruby/Sapphire were originally intended to be reboots, with little to no old Pokemon returning; a clean slate. At some point in development, it was decided that potentially alienating the old fans was probably a dumb idea, so they programmed the old Pokemon as well. However, there was no way to actually GET those Pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire; remaking FRLG thus provided a way to get the Pokemon from Kanto, as well as some from Johto, while Colosseum and events could handle the remaining old Pokemon.
>shiny locked legendaries
Shiny hunting is more niche than battle frontier. it's a color swap. non issue.
>linear region
Kanto is the only non linear region. Johto has east or west from ecruteak. Hoenn you can skip 2 gym leaders to sweep them later. Sinnoh is similar. I did hate the pokeball shape of the region though, so I'll give you this one.
>excessive dialogue
True, Platinum started this though with Looker. He literally just added a ton of pointless dialogue the game didn't need and shows up to tell you where to go as if DP was cryptic.
>ugly numons
subjective and many have become quite popular since so non issue
>Tumblr character designs
reusing retarded talking point for over 10 years, damn that's committed to the bit
>forced online
kinda true unfortunately
>cut post-game content
had the most post game content of any first version
>piss easy difficulty
they all are, non-issue, git bad
>more niche than battle frontier
>is 100000 times more present in every game + anime + card game
At least you tried.
So true!
i'm a borderline oras apologist and i think difficulty settings would have fixed most of my gripes with the game, but this is just foul. they could have made battle frontier dlc and charged everyone $10 and people would have even been HAPPY over it, compared to this. the Game Freak Way is not only to give players nothing, but to humiliate them over it
now excuse me while I boot up gen 5 so I can play the battle frontier
why is gen 5 so unfinished and broken?
Post screenshots of your trainer cards of every game that has a battle facility
never fails to make me chuckle
>but they didn't feel like they started any downward trend
Correct. It is the game that proved they didn't need to try to be successful.
Bro, Bianca and Cheren are the best rivals the series has ever seen, straight up. Taking the first step of Route 1 with them is cute, bursting with soul. Cheren is a white dude and Bianca is a cutie pie - what's not to like?
fucking lol
you wouldn't remember this because you were shitting yourself in diapers, but back in the day when the Frontier was in the games, people played it.
The 9th season of the anime is literally called Battle Frontier. What season of the anime is called Shiny Hunting?
The season where Ash caught shiny Noctowl, but it's ok if you dont remember because it came 5 years before Frontier. You werent born then.
bad faith argument, also really bad retort, fuck off pissant
I remember fondly when you went to lake of rage and saw the mutated battle frontier swimming there. It was a big plot point
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I felt exactly the opposite way. That XY was a great starting point, and that ORAS fumbled completely. Instead of improving the difficulty or post game, they just cut more content >>56456173 Copy pasting XY's features instead...
Why the fuck is everything reversed and contrary to the argument?
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Exactly this moment
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Once you realize Gens 1 and 2 were beta tests and if they kept compatibility with them it would have dragged the whole series down. Gen 3 rebooting the entire series and throwing out everything that came before it is the reason we still have Pokemon today. It was like they had a crystal ball (no pun intended) and realized the best path forward was to ditch the experimental stuff and start on a good foundation.

Gen 3 had a brand new data structure. If they did gen 2 to gen 3 transfers it would have been as dumb as when they eventually did it with Pokemon transporter where you basically get randomized stats for your transferred Pokemon and the only thing that you keep is the nickname and level. I know some people would stand up and clap for a fucking nickname but FRLG was and will always be the better solution.

tldr: gen 3 did nothing wrong
>Gens 1 and 2 were beta tests
I hate zoomers so fucking much
Have sex incel
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right here
the biggest missed opportunity in pokemon is that we don't have kanto and johto remakes that make use of gen 5's memory link system
don't lump me in with this assclown
how did gamefreak get away with this??
People were ok with finding their pokemon's genders going into gen 2 back then, they'd be ok with random stats. It'd be frustrating as the meta game became solidified, but early on people would be happy to have them.
>the doctor trainer class was introduced in generation V
Nothing more needs to be said.
either gen 3, gen 5, or gen 8 depending on what you value from this franchise

any other answer is objectively wrong
under baked how
lacking much content that it needed
such as....
What do you mean such as? It had too little. How can I name what they didn't include?
>What do you mean such as?
what content is it lacking?
>what content is it lacking?
This is a retarded question. It just does not have enough content; that's the criticism.
If I didn't have enough money to buy something, I just don't have enough. It's not on me to prove what I COULD have. I can't show you what I don't have because I do not have it.
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>Introduced dexcut.
>First game to remove features and content.
>Started making legendaries plot relevant for stupid reasons and making your character super speshul instead of a regular trainer.
>Killed pokemania
It's time to take off the nostalgia goggles
>It just does not have enough content
Evidently not, since you can’t give any examples. When someone asks me to prove BW2 lacks content I can actually answer the question instead of dodging like you are.
>its okay when the worst generation does it
Yeah it's bad when XY does it
How do I collect type gems in XY
>>Introduced dexcut.
No it didn't
>>First game to remove features and content.
That was Johto
>>Started making legendaries plot relevant for stupid reasons and making your character super speshul instead of a regular trainer.
That was Johto
>>Killed pokemania
That was Johto
>since you can’t give any examples
Because giving examples in such a case is retarded. How would you know what examples to even give? I'll give a food analogy: If something is missing flavor and I complain about it, it's still a valid complaint. The waiter can't get mad at me for not being the one to determine WHICH flavor it's missing. You can add almost anything, but the fact that there's too little remains true.
That's also how I know you're just lying about BW2 not having enough content because it actually has much more to get through. You're probably thinking about (You) wanting it to swap out all of its, already vast, content for specific copy-pasted content from other games for some reason. That's an argument of which game did certain things better, not about the raw amount of stuff to do, which BW2 has a lot of and XY severely lacks in.
RSE were the first good pokemon games, the series peaked with BW2 and it was downhill from there
>substantiating my posts is retarded!
concession accepted, sagefag.
When Masuda downloaded ingress.
Except, as I explained, your request for substantiation isn't actually asking for substantiation. When claiming something is lacking a factor, I wouldn't prove that by naming what parts of that factor are "missing" because there are literally infinite answers. All I know is "this game has too few things to do, they should have put more". I highly recommend you reread this post carefully, since you clearly didn't understand a single word:>>56458500
You posted it
>unovafag can't answer a simple question
Every time.
>boogeymanfag can't read posts explaining wy the question is wrong and instead opts to point fingers
if you can't take heat stay out of the kitchen
>bitch replying
The more you post the funnier it gets, sagie.
This can't be happening
Pokemon X and Y led to the downfall of the franchise.
the more you say it the less convincing it gets, sagie. You’re getting desperate.
what the fuck.
>Buy GB Player
>Buy four GBA to GameCube cords
>Buy three link cables
>Buy e-Reader
>Buy e-Reader+ (in Japan), fucking over early adopters immediately
>Buy cards as DLC
>Buy even more cards except now they're randomized so you have to keep rolling like a gacha
>Buy Pokémon Box, Colosseum, and XD
>Buy the five GBA games
Adding another peripheral would have been a turd in an ocean of piss. A complete Pokémon ecosystem in Gen III is absurd. I'd rather collect the combined Gen I and II ecosystem.
tpbp this /thread
zoom zoom zoom
checked truth nuke

Pokemon starts with RS and ends with HGSS

Gens 3 and 4 both felt like they were steps forward in some ways and steps back in others, but Gen 5 was nothing but steps back. Gen 6 made some steps in the right direction elsewhere but completely shit the bed with the introduction of Megas and thus the single generation shill gimmick. Everything after is pure trash.
Gen 3 literally cut Pokemon trading from previous gens to the next. FireRed is one of the worst remakes just by virtue of having the shitty Sevii Islands.
why are you so new here?
>"I hate content"
lol johtoddies
figures since you love love love the empty map known as west kanto
>no national dex (b-b-but ackshually you can use the pokemon anyway /s)
sucks but at least you could have them all if you wanted
>first gen to feature a team that aren't actually evil
Aether Foundation was, it was just a bait and switch
>the Ultra games' solution to integrating the greater pokemon world is to fuck over the end of the main story and throw in a shitty multiverse plot that doesn't even last 2 hours (if you're going REALLY slow)
ORAS literally had multiverse for delta event.
I don't get what trend this started, BW had the best rivals in the series and it was only downhill up until Gen 9
>BW had the best rivals in the series
yeah I love how they had an incomplete team of route 1 shitmons the entire game
truly the peak
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Fun fact, nobody cares about the shitty Chateau, meanwhile...
I'm talking about character writing. They always made it clear they were not competent in the very story you skipped, with your endgame rival being N.
>borts are whales
You forgot about gen 7:
- Ruined the previous gen by getting rushed out for the 20th anniversary, therefore cucking gen 6 out of its Zed game
- Started the removal of the national dex
- Sold you the same game twice
- Split its Crystal-like 3rd version into two, so you couldnt just buy the 3rd game and be done with it
- Added more normie gen 1 pandering with LGPE
- Instead of gyms it uses a worse replacement instead

Gens 3, 5, 7 or 8 are the correct answers.
Gen 3 and 5 are king. Gen 6 is objectively and factually the beginning of the downfall.
>Blue & Pearl but less successful
>Sapphire but friendly
wow so peak
>Blue & Pearl
Dumb retard I'm gonna fucking kill you.
wow, with all those flaws it's a wonder that gen vi didn't kill the series
it did
if you call my nigga "Barry" you're cornier than fritos
You only need 4/7 gen 3 games to finish the entire national dex, both green games + ColXD (excluding time-gated mythicals of course).
calling him Pearl is really gay
well it's a good thing then the features there in gen v kept the franchise's fans happy and good spirits through dark times
I feel that gen 6 is underbaked because of the jump to 3d models took so much of the time that everything else suffered. The best thing I can ever say of gen 6 is the PSS was the GOAT. But team Flare is a snorefest, I don't think many people can even name the harem that has unique models... The "rivals" club is just awful. Megas are neat, but 0 kalos pokemon can mega evolve (diancie was event, not in game so I argue doesn't count) which is really stupid when the gimmick excludes that generations pokemon. Personally I feel that a lot of gen 6 pokemon are just bad or lackluster pokemon, with 4 lines that are trade evolutions in an already castrated mons for a new generation. And really hated that it standardized element of handing you stupidly strong pokemon for free, double starter, mega lucario, and free lapras assuming you know who to talk to early on in the game. And the story overall didn't feel that great as at the 11th hour tried to pull an AZ redemption arc with no explanation to anything and then just leaves. I personally dislike the generation more than any other, but for those that do love it, I truly am happy for them.
yeah like The Black Pearl is a gay title for a movie
personally I'd say gen 7 is when it went to shit, the very moment they cucked gen 6 by not releasing a Z game, which would have also given ORAS more development time to include the fucking Battle Frontier in it as well
>And the story overall didn't feel that great as at the 11th hour tried to pull an AZ redemption arc with no explanation to anything and then just leaves.
just like BW
>everything else suffered
give an example of what suffered
>Mega evolutions
>the ability to customize your trainer so you don't have to chose between a non-redheaded, lipless, light skinned male or non-redheaded, lipless, light skinned male
More like put it on life support.
Yeah I think it has to be XY. Started the gimmicks, a small and bad dex, removed a bunch of features while barely replacing them with anything equivalent, bad dungeon design, no post game, a bunch of retarded roadblocks to exposition at you, etc.
Nobody likes ugly and obese megas.
Kys Lexbraig.
Who even is that you schizo?
>Started the gimmicks
what gimmicks
>a small and bad dex
it has one of the largest dexes of any pokemon game
>removed a bunch of features
like what
>bad dungeon design
>no post game
there is post game though
> a bunch of retarded roadblocks to exposition at you
XY didn't start this
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literally read, everything after is what I believe suffered, story, enemy team, pokemon roster, and rivals.
>literally read
All you did was list a bunch of stuff that was already bad in previous Pokemon games. There's no evidence of 3D magically making the game suffer.
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phew I sure am glad BW didn't suffer because of 3D, look at this amazing team
>What gimmicks
Megas. Which is the worst of all gimmicks
>It has one of the largest dexes of any pokemon game
Nope. It introduced the least amount of pokemon and most of them are ugly and or poorly designed. You can really tell they just phoned it in.
>Like what
PWT, seasons, post game, good online, musicals, Entralink, Join Avenue, buyable berries, pokestar, Dreamworld, gems, etc.
Look at the Flare HQ.
>There is a postgame
There isn't
>XY didn't start this.
It did
>Not even his final team
>Still mogs 99% of the fights in XY
not a gimmick
>It introduced the least amount of pokemon
72 pokemon + 30 megas = more new Pokemon than Gen 2
>and most of them are ugly and or poorly designed
replaced by the maison which is better
made the game worse
>post game
still exists
>good online
the online is drastically better than gen 5
PR videos
>Join Avenue
replaced by actually putting basic content in the game that was removed in gen 5
>buyable berries
replaced by actually putting basic content in the game that was removed in gen 5
Pokemon Amie
replaced by actually putting basic content in the game that was removed in gen 5
made the game worse

Meanwhile it also introduced trainer customization, super training, drastically better breeding, different minigames, pokeradar which was cut in gen 5, ribbons which were cut in gen 5, fishing rods which were cut in gen 5, etc

get better material sagefag

It is his final team though. BW's NPC teams are fucking terrible and literally just as bad as XY kek.
So this is the power of Kalos coping
Don't think there's any other answer but XY.
You can make a case for Sword/Shield if your like, super autistic about Dexit. But for most normal people, it was XY
it's pretty sad how basically no one can come up with critiques for XY desu
you have to resort to
1. lying
2. being vague and hope no one asks you to actually substantiate your posts
3. mention problems that already exist in previous games and pretend they only exist in XY
And now he has to ignore all the critiques and pretend he wasn't btfo.

>Don't think there's any other answer but XY
wow that was shockingly easy

>But for most normal people, it was XY
XY was better reviewed than BW by normal people. You need to find a better cope to use.
Do you want me to post Tierno?
>It is his final team though.
Literally hopeless... Gamefreak have shown they struggle with optimization, technical knowledge and polish, and you really think their first 3d game wouldn't have a huge amount of development time dedicated to it in its 3 years of development? They can't even accomplish good looking 3d on modern hardware.
not relevant
>Oy vey da (((vidya journos))) liked XY more so shut up ok????
>Gamefreak have shown they struggle with optimization
In Gen 4, which somehow performed worse than Gen 3 despite being on better hardware, yes. Gen 6 is optimized fine.

>technical knowledge and polish
Gen 6 displays more technical knowledge and polish than Gen 5.

>and you really think their first 3d game wouldn't have a huge amount of development time dedicated to it in its 3 years of development?
Does it matter if the quality of the game is still better?
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What journos?
>Postgame isn't relevant because XY doesn't have one
>In Gen 4, which somehow performed worse than Gen 3
This is how I know you're retarded
It's not relevant because by that point you have access to the strongest Pokemon and campaign NPCs stop being relevant

if the game wasn't trash they would have made his final team DURING the campaign actually good
>Look at my random poll
Do you have any arguments or are you just gonna keep shit posting?
>d-d-d-d-doesn't count
Let me know when you provide anything to substantiate your claims instead.
Admitting to XY being trash isn't the accomplishment you think it is
Agreeing to BW being trash isn't the accomplishment you think it is
This, he'll just move goalposts.
>Not a gimmick
It literally is.
>72 pokemon + 30 megas = more new Pokemon than Gen 2
Megas don't count as new Pokemon. Also the megas are all ugly as fuck
Not an argument.
>replaced by the maison which is better
Maison is fucking awful and just a gimped version of a battle tower.
>Made the game worse
Making the world feel more alive does the opposite.
>Still exists
Nope. Still waiting to see it
>the online is drastically better than gen 5
It's literally worse and slower.
>PR videos
Objectively worse equivalent.
>replaced by actually putting basic content in the game that was removed in gen 5
The content is already there.
Nobody cares about this
>Made the game worse.
Only if you're bad.
>Trainer customization
Worse than gen 4

Try again yawnie
>People care more about postgame instead of the actual main campaign
caring about postgame at all is a sign of low IQ
>yes BOTW is a bad game because it has no postgame and BW is a better game because they put some traffic cones to pointlessly block off a map until after the credits, I am very smart
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This is literally the only pokemon game that I couldn't finish and ended up dropping because how bad it was.

>Ugly and pozzed redesigns.
>Took the kino original music and turned it into ass.
>0 (ZERO) Emerald content.
>No fucking Battle Frontier (even more retarded considering online back then)
>Gives you super OP mons before even before midgame
>Chibis and graphics look somehow worse than XY despite being on the same hardware.

If remakes don't count then it probably has to be SV.
Normal people all got back into Pokemon with Gen VI after skipping Gen V
borts (the only group with a burning hatred for XY) aren't known to ever argue in good faith
>Source: the voices in my head
XY revived the franchise
BW killed it
>Source: actually being an adult when XY came out instead of being a zoomer who discovered online boards during dexit
Botw is a bad game because it isn't good
Pokemon transitioned pretty well to 3D I think. Most people agreed until 2018 or something. Sonic is the only other franchise that sees this much of people thinking either the 3D stuff was good or total shit. At least Sonic made radical enough changes in 3D to warrant that discussion
So you're like 40yo and still posting on 4chan? LMAO
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>Post the exact moment where Pokemon's downfall began
OP is underage, here is the actual answer.
They hated him because he told them the truth.
XY revived it into the shit show the series is now
>yes BOTW is a bad game
If you're defending XY you're unironically underaged.
you literally can't beat botw it puts you back to before the final boss after you beat it
Underaged people are the ones who think XY is bad.
>discordfag is samefagging again.
Looks like I won.
If only XYs main campaign was good...oh wait it's not lol.
Gen 3-5 is when Pokemon started to be the "You still play Pokemon?" phase. X/Y, that was not even a question and general sales and profits increased, then the popularity and profit exploded with Sw/Sh. Sales =/= quality but quality =/= profit. Plus, the modern games are no different than how shit gen 3-5 was anyway, you're just upset you can't face a hallway of NPC's.
You're not fooling anyone.
Gen 3 and 4 sold more than 6 btw
bwbw2 sold more than xy
only applies to underagefags who played the games as toddlers and thought they were hard

only applies to underagefags who played the games as toddlers and thought they were well written

only applies to underagefags who didn't exist during pokemania and don't understand why gen 1 Pokemon are hugely significant.

only applies to underagefags who never played a good looking sprite based game in their life because they didn't play video games when sprites were common and higher quality than the garbage in gen 5
>2 games sold more than 1 game
wow I'd hope so, even I don't think gen 5 is -that- terrible
>Gen 3-5 is when Pokemon started to be the "You still play Pokemon?" phase
that was Gen 2
Held items were gen 2.
It was still anti-consumer. Normally I shit on Game Freak and separate them from Nintendo, but the GBA/GameCube era had this kind of shit in spades across many of Nintendo's properties, and I figure it was probably a Nintendo mandate to promote having both platforms.

It's funny to look at the DS era in comparison for what is a "full ecosystem".
>Diamond/Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold/SoulSilver (Pokéwalker is included with both HGSS)
>Battle Revolution, My Pokémon Ranch
And maybe the Ranger games on the basis of Manaphy alone and Darkrai/Shaymin if you don't have events, but frankly you can easily do the DNS exploit nowadays. You don't really need PBR or MPR for that matter either, the latter is gimped outside Japan without the Platinum update anyway, but I'll call them part of the complete Gen IV ecosystem.

And for Gen V
>Black/White, Black 2/White 2
>Dream Radar

And obviously backwards compatibility, so Gen IV needs Gen III, Gen V needs Gen IV, but by that metric you can say anything that can eventually find its way into HOME is part of the whole Pokémon ecosystem.
Oras redeemed the 6th generation XY really needed the third version however >>56456136 This is the real truth. Everything since gen 7 has been horrible
>Cutscene simulator Pokemon Hawaii edition
>XY really needed the third version
no it didn’t
Denying the truth won’t make it less of a lie discord anon, XY could have been better it’s universally agreed upon, except of course by /pol/ tier contrarians
>Megas are neat
Why waste so much time typing this obvious cope? Get out of here zoomer.
People who grew up with Gen 3-5 are no longer underaged, faggot.
>could have been better
literally everything ever made could have been better, not an argument
>XY could have been better
Every game in existence could have been better.
xy is bad even for a Pokémon game
You are free to have that opinion.
>um actually unova
Pokemon on the GBA was better than Pokemon on the NDS, but slightly.
Pokemon on the NDS was better than Pokemon on the 3DS (by a mile).
At least the Switch games have been a bit of an improvement compared to the slop that was released on 3DS.
I specifically remember Pokémon on the GBA as being filled with bullshit and disappointment
>XY being RB2 electric bugaloo was to cover the fact that the pokemon formula had officially become stale. BW/2 with a complete dex of new pokemon and actual "Plot" wasn't a good seller so they just made RB but packed with so much gimmicks to distract you from the same story we've had 6 times now
Not true at all.
The story in gens 1 and 2 (if you can call what gen 2 has a "story") are not at all like the ones from gen 3 onwards.
Every generation since gen 3 has been copy pasting the gen 3 plot over and over.
>Your dick is too short
>Oh yeah? What cells does it lack?
I hope this clears it up
No es fake, es hada
Except the GBA games are the best and most replayable in the series and everything else is just iterations on the complete experience they created.
If I make a thread exactly like this but with BW, will the mods finally do their fucking jobs?
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>no argument
>cope for not finding reasons
I don't know any reasons for the game having nothing to do. All I am saying is that what there is to do is not enough. You're suddenly screeching about "TELL ME WHAT IT'S MISSING" when that doesn't make sense as a question. They could have added almost anything, just add more to do.
That's fine, but when "pearl" is a fucking boy's name it seems very feminine
Nope, BW is among the best stories in the series
>stuff that was already bad
Nice fanfic cope. Regardless of where your line is, those things got worse with XY
>wow that was shockingly easy
Sucks that it's wrong though
Polls that were made in the FOTM era are very skewed anon
Good thing no one did that except when you said postgame doesn't matter, essentially saying that the only way you can pretend XY isn't worse than BW Is if you ignore all criteria that it fails in.
nice samefag and projection. Unovafags actually argue, which you hate. (You) always respond with shitty deflection and general disingenuousness.
>crying about age
sign of immaturity and cringe youth. Nice try though.
>only applies to
People who at least want hardER games even if they're easy, which makes them better games
>only applies to
People who at least want stories to be BETTER even if they're generally not Shakespearean, making them better games
>only applies to
People who understand that rehashes disguised as new generations are objectively bad, so games that can stand on their own are better
>only applies to
people who correctly realize the models were worse no matter how you cut it
Seems like you're being a retard on purpose to pretend others are
Not a gimmick
cope lol
Probably because people tend to start genwars over Unova more since it's /vp/'s boogeyman.
You haven’t actually proven XY lacks content.

> I don't know any reasons
I’m glad you admit you don’t have an argument, sagie.
>You haven’t actually proven XY lacks content.
I played it and realized, "damn, that's it? it needs more to do." I don't need to be the one to decide WHAT and put it in the game like you say, that's GF's job
>glad you admit
That your question is retarded? Yep, glad we agree.
Also, why are you pointing fingers at boogeymen and screeching about saging when your post is literally saged?
>I played it and realized, "damn, that's it? it needs more to do."
I played it and realized, "damn, this game has a lot of content, especially compared to gen 5 which was incredibly lacking"
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Everything gets traced back to here.
>No National Dex (Nothing stopped them from doing this)
>Gimmickshit (Z-moves were a fairly late addition, too)
>Main series "side games" (LGPE)
>No transfers (also LGPE)
>Super linear campaign with map markers telling you where to go next anyway
>Noticeably worse performance than earlier gen
>Stripping battle modes (we never lost something that was previously available in PvP)
>No victory road in Alola
>Very little routes in Alola
>No branching side routes in Alola
>Trials were a late and rushjob reskin of the original gym plan Alola had, we bought it anyway
>Got rid of Cosplay Pikachu for a set of Ashnime Pikachu
>Zygarde's game cancelled because Gen 7's development was so troubled with Yokai Watch mogging Gen 6 with the kid demographic, gets shoved in haphazardly
>DUAL third versions (which you all bought anyway even though the 3DS can handle DLC)
I can appreciate a lot of what they were going for. But you'd have to be a sheep to think any of the good outweighs the massive amount of bad.
>Most replayable
So... you just play up to the League and stop
bumping this one
>no arguments
Smartest mass replier
>except for all the arguments, there are no argument!
>schizo rambling disproven by Gen 5 having way more content
>I don't know any reasons for the game having nothing to do
So you don't have an argument. KEK

>Nope, BW is among the best stories in the series
Ah yes I love the part where the grunts kick Munna for literally no reason and the part where they hide in a FREEZER, truly peak writing

>Regardless of where your line is, those things got worse with XY
Yet you can't prove it lmao

>Sucks that it's wrong though

>Good thing no one did that
You did, because you keep crying about problems that are even worse in BW.

>People who at least want hardER games
The DS games are just as easy as XY.

>People who at least want stories to be BETTER
The DS games have just as terrible stories as XY.

>People who understand that rehashes disguised as new generations are objectively bad
So every generation except 7 and 9 are objectively bad. Good to know, sagie.

>people who correctly realize the models were worse
And yet you can't prove they're worse.

>Probably because people tend to start genwars over Unova
And yet (You) made this thread bringing up XY because you're perpetually jealous of XY being a higher quality game.

>>except for all the arguments
You don't have any arguments, sagefag.

>disproven by Gen 5 having way more content
? Gen 5 has drastically less content tho.
>no u
These are arguments to unovafags lmao kwab
>only applies to underagefags who played the games as toddlers and thought they were hard
That makes no sense, that implies every Genwunner was an adult when they played RBY.
>only applies to underagefags who played the games as toddlers and thought they were well written
See previous.
>only applies to underagefags who didn't exist during pokemania and don't understand why gen 1 Pokemon are hugely significant.
Why wouldn't they be able to tell they were significant? Did their childhood games not worship Gen 1 like the later ones if they're so significant? Or might something have changed?
>only applies to underagefags who never played a good looking sprite based game in their life because they didn't play video games when sprites were common and higher quality than the garbage in gen 5
There were plenty of sprite games on the DS.

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