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>extremely annoying
>picks the weaker starter so you don't feel scared of losing once
>obsessed of 1 thing only (malasada, his brother's cock, battling 24/7)
ok Gamefreak, we get it, you want to push wholesome Indian vibes, but that's not what "rival" means
This. Please give me more dogshit rivals like Barry and Cheren please!
Nemona is nothing like those two. No not just cause she's female. She's not a spineless pushover for once. And she's tan not br*wn
? You just posted good rivals? If you want dogshit rivals, give us another dancing fat kid just like what XY had.
>native Hawaiian
>ambiguously brown
you're just making stuff up man.....
>No not just cause she's female
It's ok to admit you like her for her tits only. You love your autistic waifu and that's fine. But don't pretend you'd give a single shit about her if she was a guy.
so fucking weird how you always go back to the same two games, yawnie
No, that is not what I meant. I don't like her that much to begin with. And additionally to that, I am also bisexual, so her being female doesn't really affect me personally in terms of how likeable I find her.
I don't like Hau because his personality is non exist beyond "he's carefree" which is basically no personality at all.
I don't like Hop cause he's a spineless pushover who just gives up.
Fun fact, there's a mod that makes Nemona choose the starter strong to yours, and it makes the fight basical impossible.
They have to do this because Starters now immediately have a Grass/Fire/Water attack instead of just one Normal type attack like they used to.
Too lazy to delete
Man, the XY cringe crew really ruined it for white rivals for good huh.
Tierno and Trevor were the shittiest, most annoying and ugliest Rivals in the entire fucking series, holy shit I hate them so much
me too man I played X and my first thought was
>I owe cheren an apology
all 3 are equally bad and annoying
>And she's tan not br*wn
holy cope
Xhe is mestizo migrant worker and latinx
Love all 3
You rectangularly encirculated faggot, he's Black Irish!
Obsessed. Nemona is Andalusian and Hau is Hawaiian. Learn a bit of the world before posting caca.
Americans literally only know skin color and have no idea about actual races, it's hilarious how stupid they are
They are friends and rivals. Learn what rival means
And they don't look like Jeetmona, not sure what the argument is here.
Maybe in Muttmerica they do cause they act like the mutts you are
In EVROPE there's not only different brown "cultures" who all have their own problems but also some people with white skin who are still shit because of their cultural background
You don't even know what true racism is, you just look at the skincolor and think you know everything when you don't know shit you stupid mutt
Hope you both fall into a volcano.
Jeet is synonymous with victory in Hindi, so fitting nickname for a champion, just like with Geeta.

You're bisexual but you censor brown? People who hate ethnics would treat you like a subhuman too.
then go back
>They have to do this because Starters now immediately have a Grass/Fire/Water attack instead of just one Normal type attack like they used to.

Then just make them not have it
Make them learn it at lv6 or something
I don't care. Sexuality and race are two different things. I don't have to be accepting of both.
The fact Kieran destroyed them all, even nemona with her "female advantage", combined in terms of raw popularity should tell GF that people is sick of this type of "rival".
>Imagine being so fucking stupid that you can't even differentiate between 3 character archetypes in a game for the general public.
>tranny language
>G-guys, brown friendly revial is not a real archetype i s-swear!
Shut your putrid whore mouth Hau is based
Well of course you'd be accepting of the one you are, just saying you're in great company little guy.
I want to marry Nemona so I'm willing to give her a pass.
We're due for a more aggressive rival next game though, I'll concede that.
You forgot that they're brown
They are not the same you stupid subhuman, a poor ESL imbecile like you doesn’t deserve a real answer, but since I know that the piece of shit you call a brain can’t even create a counterargument if you're given a real answer, I’ll give it to you anyway because it’ll be fun.
>Nemona is the Mentor-Like Rival. She becomes friends with the MC because she wants a rival who can challenge her and push her to her limits. Her main drive is competing against someone who can eventually beat her.
>Hop is the Insecure/Obsessed Rival. He’s already the MC's friend, but his goal is to break out of his brother's shadow and become a champion. Out of the three, he's the only one truly obsessed with the title, constantly experimenting with different teams to try and beat the MC.
>Hau is the Laid-Back Rival. He just wants to be friends with the MC for the fun of it. He barely cares about becoming Champion until the very end.
>inb4: No response because you're too stupid.
b- b- but tierno likes dancing? He likes to dance.
Fuck I hate him so much. I'd dislike him if his design was at least good but he's literally an extremely obese child with a turd on his head. He's so fucking ugly, holy shit.
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So what you're saying is that GF should push supreme gentleman rivals instead?
Kieran was BTFOd by Nemona wtf are you talking about? Kieran only defeated the mutts from blueberry.
>faggot thinks that lonely homosexuals spamming shitty fanarts of this faggot in Japan is a symbol of success.
smol indie company prease undrstand gaijin-san
And yet all three are brown and friendly with the weaker starter. Curious.
Anon meant in terms of popularity.
The only one out of these who I actively dislike is Hop. Hau doesn’t really feel like a rival since he’s so chill, and the game treats him as such. If anything it feels more like the player is Hau’s rival. His story arc is about him learning to take things more seriously and he ends up training under Hala. Nemona is built up as being this super strong trainer and it’s actually backed up. People are actively avoiding her because she’s so strong and she has to tweak her team down to your level. She’s more of a mentor figure who just wants a friend.

Hop and SWSH’s rival characters in general were all wasted potential. I liked Bede, but I wish he got more screen time. His asshole disposition makes sense considering his relationship with Rose and wanting Rose’s approval. But his arc doesn’t feel satisfying since all that happens to him is that he gets whisked away by Opal and comes back as a sissy, so his character development happens off screen. I wanted to like Marnie but there’s nothing to her other than her wanting to save her hometown and having a fan club, which is shared by Piers. Hell, she gets overshadowed by Piers since he’s the one who helps you stop the dynamaxed pokemon in the post game even though he’s supposed to be retired.

Hop is an insufferable character. The game treats him like he’s on the same level as the player when he constantly gets BTFO. To call him a worse Hau is an insult to Hau, Hau doesn’t even get a Z ring until Akala island. Hop gets a letter of endorsement and a dynamax band the same time you do. He gets everything handed to him and he still can’t win. Hop is a cuck. The only interesting part about Hop was his rivalry with Bede, which was also wasted. The first time I played SWSH, I thought that Hop was going to have some sort of arc where he’d begin to resent the player or Leon since he’s always in their shadow. But he doesn’t even get that, all that happens to him is giving up on that dream and becoming Sonia’s assistant.
superficial similarity
Just Like Wally, Barry, Cheren, Bianca, Hugh, Tierno, Trevor, Shauna and Marnie
>with the weaker starter
Just like Shauna and Bianca.
You’re just a dumb ESL who can’t even back up his own bullshit broken by a fictional character and too stupid to grasp the simple logic of a pokemon game, do the world a favor and put a hole in your forehead.
Counterpoint Nemona would be excellent in bed so fuck you
Hau would be ok in bed, probably pretty lazy though.
Hop would be pathetic of course, worst lay of anyone's life. Would probably cry after too.
Nemona's only detriment would be her stamina, but that wouldn't stop her. Still very passionate and maybe even a little competitive.
All rivals are nice rivals unless you're an insecure manchild that still seethes at silver and blue to this day
bianca is 1 of 3 rivals and Shauna is brown
>Nemona's only detriment would be her stamina, but that wouldn't stop her. Still very passionate and maybe even a little competitive.
Adorable. Things like that are why I love Nemona.
There are enough examples of rivals with actual similarities that the superficial details and incredibly broad trait of friendliness aren't much more than grasping at straws. Do you really think that Hop, who struggles with not being as strong as the main character or his fellow rivals as well as issues involving his family and ends up becoming the professor's assistant, has more in common with Bianca, who also struggles with her family and being weak and ends up becoming the professor's assistant, or Nemona, a confident champion from the start who struggles with not having friends and ends the story as a confident champion who has friends?

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