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Which Ash is best Ash?
>ashnime thread
circlejerk thread
Ash Williams is objectively the best Ash out there. The reason why Ash could only settle with his Pikachu was because Ash Williams took all the waifus.
>Which Ash is best Ash?
Daniel Gaston Ash
The rest are uninspired sloptards.

Objectively DP Ash
Ash Power
A true Hero in war unlike all of those jobbers.
If we're talking about team strength:
>Sinnoh, Galar, Kalos, Alola, in order.
Unova Ash is dead last, otherwise every other Ash is fair game.
Kanto, everything else could be thrown into the waste bin
It's not even him after Sinnoh. They didn't just change artstyle, you can't tell me that little fag in Alola or Galar is my nigga Ash.
And, all the 'XY is good! the anime is good again!' losers have been getting copium injections this whole time
>otherwise every other Ash is fair game.
Not really since only OS to DP Ash managed to maintain a consistent character. BW Ash lost all his character development and became even dumber than OS Ash. XY Ash was basically different person posing as Ash. SM-JN Ash was basically an Valt clone from Beyblade Burst.
>SM-JN Ash was basically an Valt clone from Beyblade Burst.
Use actual words than your off-topic garbage, Fagmon. It's embarrassing enough that your pasta already fills pages in the archives.
I mean using actual words.
SM-JN Ash behave like Valt and every other Burst protagonist from Beyblade Burst that replaced Valt.

Its not very surprising when you realise Pokémon and Beyblade Burst are animated by the same studio.
Oh, so he ALWAYS had those putinist cheek scratches?
Voldemort tried to kill Ash twice.
Projecting a non-Pokemon character onto a Pokemon character are not "actual words", it's you being a lazy piece of garbage who only wants Pokemon to become like Beybladshit. Fuck off.
Anon, I'm judging from team strength.
someone explain these posters that spam the same shit over and over
Unironically Kanto when he still had some kind of a personality.
Kanto Ash felt most... genuine? Like an actual kid adventuring in fantasy world full of fantastical creatures. He was inexperienced, occassionaly bratty and, impatient and unmannered but he was good natured, was learning quickly and was always trying to think outside of the box.
Alola Ash was similar and because of that I really like that version. It felt kinda weird after Sinnoh-Kalos slowly building up the competitive, more mature Ash but as it's own thing it was fun.
None, Ass Ketchup is shit and he only won the championship in the end because they were specifically kicking him out.
You're getting upset over that post, which is justified because over 80% of ashnime thread always evolve into autistic aggressive shitflinging matches over XY or SM or other senile shit where no one does something simple as asking for a source for a supposed fact? It's the same responses anyway
>Muh OS to DP peak
>Muh XY or SM screencaps
>Muh Masters eight
>Muh Alain ruined everything
You're not asking this for the "give [insert move]" threads getting spammed to the point where one time over 1/8 of the catalog was flooded with "give dragon dance" threads and not even one of them got deleted?
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So are people who watched the Ashnime not allowed to express their opinions on it?

Isn't this /VP/ board precisely for that?

What if Alain really is a controversial character? He's complex, therefore controversial. It's a sign that he is memorable.

What if people really think the Masters Eight was done in a bad way, and it could have been written better? Are you saying that the Masters Eight was peak writing?

And it's okay for people to like different seasons for different reasons.
>Said something
>So you are saying something differently
Nigga you don't get to defend repetitive genwarring faggotry that has not changed in content for eight years with literally walls of text that are the same from all those years back while also being a phonefag.
Go fuck yourself for your inability to comprehend posts for what they literally mean.
I think it depends on what you like in the story.

In Gen 1-2 he was very much a novice, energized and cocky and prone to mistakes. Brock and Misty were his seniors, and he often needed help to overcome obstacles. It's the most "real" and boyish selection of a character.

With a few tournaments under his belt in Gen 3-4, he started to feel like the veteran to newer characters like May or Dawn. But Max very specifically makes fun of Ash's poor record, which is a fun way to keep continuity. It let's you know that Ash has a funny reputation in other Regions, and reinforces that "elder brother" feeling. These seasons also focus more on battle mechanics, with frequent tournaments and rivalries testing his skill. Between the Battle Frontier and Sinnoh League performance, Ash is arguably at the height of his journey.

Gen 5 was a "reset", and his first time leaving Poke-Japan. He reverts back to childlike wonder, but with all the edges of OS sanded off. He's just sort of nice and inoffensive now. This continues into XY, as much as BW gets hated on. Maybe the biggest difference between BW and XY Ash's story is the friend group. Where Ash used to always travel with older Gym Leaders, he's now surrounded by characters who look to him for inspiration and experience. Making him finally feel like a leader.
DP Ash was OS Ash who actually matured.
DP Ash > OS Ash > AG Ash > JN Ash > SM Ash > XY Ash > BW Ash.
DP Ash had the most fun battles and his rivalry with Paul was very entertaining to watch.
He existed to be opposition to Paul both in philosophy and skills - while Paul focused on strong Pokemon and ruthless tactics focused on overpowering opponents, Ash focused on bringing the best out of all Pokemon and being the creative battler.
With that being said tho outside of these two elements DP Ash was kind of... meh? He was like XY Ash but without special super saiyan frog and with better rival.
>XYfags crying about SM kino again
Every time.
>DP Ash was kind of... meh? He was like XY Ash


Wrong considering DP Ash still had OS Ash's temper, childishness and his sharp tongue. He simply became more mature than OS Ash.
Sinnoh was the point where he'd finally matured enough as a character that the writers had to actively contrive reasons into the plot to make him to lose, and then immediately reset him to retard mode for BW anyway.
Should have just had Ash vs Paul be the Sinnoh final and retire him for a new character in the Gen V anime. Would have fit with the whole soft-reboot thing in Unova anyway.
What the fuck was Tobias' problem?
alola literally the strongest along with journey's is quite bad the team kalos and sinnoh are quite meh
He injected
Alan was literally a cardboard
Alolan Aah truly had a disgusting looking face
Kanto/Johto Ash is best Ash. The snarky/IDGAF Ash. Worst Ash is Alola Ash just because he looks awful. BW Ash gets too much hate; once TPCi takes over he’s really not all that different personality wise.
kanto ash had the best dialogue and scripts and animation and art style
>Lets Liko and trannies live rent-free in his head
Shonen Kalos Ash remains the best ash design for the modern era if not for all time.
I never really realized how tan Ash always was.
you can't be serious
my brain always went 'oh he's lighter than Brock' and never really scrutinized it beyond that despite him being next to paler people all the time.
Honestly DP Ash would have made a better main character on Pokémon 2024 than Liko and Roy.
>On Pokemon 2024 than Liko and Roy
Butthurt Asshtard unable to beat the ESL allegations

You all always insult JN/SM Ash as some sort of buttmonkey yet he is still way more mature and level headed than this guy.
Imagine being so insecure over a version of that hick from pallet town that you can only hype him up by randomly comparing him to a character from a unrelated non-Pokemon show, that goes to show you that you unable to enjoy him for his own merits rather than in a degrading tone
Also quoting your own mobile link says enough about you. Get a job, NEET.
Wa wa wa, all I see is one guy seething over Ash's popularity and deluded himself into thinking Ash is not popular and loved.

By the way, Pokémon anime is still handled by the same people that downgraded Ash's character and wasted all the potential with JN series. Removing Ash didn't solve a thing and only made it worst than before. Roy is basically SM Ash but without nostalgia and a huge fanfollowing that made us support Ash even after he lost his original character but Roy doesn't has that Luxury. It was stupid for Horizonfags to think that Pokemon 2024 would be any better at the hand of the same people that screwed BW, XY, SM and JN.
>Wa wa wa
Wow, great way to start the discussion. Definitely doesn't scream of you projecting. All I said was that you can't clearly enjoy a character you like without insecurely shitting on other characters to make your favorite one look better. And I haven't even said anything about the new anime but seeing you endlessly going on a tantrum over it out of nowhere says enough about it living rent free in your life like it committed warcrimes. Get a job. That would be a better use of time than being a toxic fanboy.
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>Kamen X: "will go WHOOSH,..."
Kamen X from Beyblade X Series is literally like XY Ash - JN Ash
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>alola literally the strongest
Pretty much all the modern kids anime protagonist are waku waku like Kamen X or stoic like the guy from Shadowverse.

Only Keita from Youkai Watch had similar personality as OS Ash and the original Youkai Watch was the only pokémon-clone that ever threatened Pokémon.

I guess OS Ash truly was the best archetype.
>All kid show protagonists are the same
You're genuinely retarded, Fagmon. Just stop breathing.
> No arguments
> Just trolling.
Why am I not surprised!
>You don't agree with me? YOU'RE JUST TROLLING
I am not gonna take a whiny manchild seriously who can't even correctly tell protagonists apart except for wrongly used buzzwords. Grow up, retard.
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>XY Ash
He lost to our Lord & Savior Alain
I like to say that Kamen X was already the strongest blader on the series from the start yet he worked out just fine which means Ash's character can go even further even after he became the world champion. Specially if the show makes a series that is more about finding treasure and take on evil organisation then competing at the pokemon league.

Its funny how the producer came up with a premise that would only work with Ash only to replace him with two inexperienced protagonist too underlevelled to take on the challenge that the protagonist supposed to take.
Nigga, samefagging a post doesn't make your bullcrap true.
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I wonder what kind of interaction Serena would have developed with OS-DP Ash.
Implying I ever took an manchild you seriously.
>an manchild you seriously
Learn how to write understandable English before projecting.
What is the difference between each version of Ash?

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