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How are pokemon gym leaders, elite 4 members and champions chosen?
Who chooses you for the job? Are there execs in the league of the region that get to pick the trainer. How does one become an elite 4 member trainer too?
Do these jobs come with quirks? Do you get paid? If so with taxpayer money or does the johto league make money and give it to them like with football players? Is it like a feudal system where gym leaders control their area of the region?
>How are pokemon gym leaders, elite 4 members and champions chosen?
In SwSh the fairy gym leader chose her successor. I assume it's something like that. They also all could fight for the champ spot. What bothers me more is that the gym leaders can't improve once they got a position, they need to stay at their exact level and still focus on the one type they provide. This makes it seem more like a summer activity for teens than an actual system in the free market.
Wasn't there an episode of Pokemon Origins where you can see that Gym Leaders have more than one team to suit the challenger's skill level? Or did I imagine that?
I would guess the champion chooses the gym leaders, or maybe delegates the job to the Elite 4. The criteria is just any strong trainer with a monotype team who's willing to stay in one place for however long. As for the E4 itself, maybe the Champion scouts out strong trainers and invites them to join. If they do get paid by the league, it probably isn't much, since we see gym leaders having other jobs (this may vary region to region, with Unova and Paldea having the most moonlighting).
Alola and Galar are special cases. Alola's trial captains are only 11-19, which makes it seem more like a tradition for the strongest kid in a community, like a student council without the school. Galar makes more of a business out of battling, and it's stated outright that there are minor league gyms who don't appear in the main game. Being a gym leader in Galar probably works like a sports team - win enough matches to get promoted to the big league and make money off people paying to watch live battles. As for becoming a Galarian gym leader, you probably start as one of the gym trainers, and if you're talented enough, you get a chance to take over when the current leader moves on.
I don't know, I just played swsh recently and that's what I remember.
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Yes, it's part of the very first episode where Red fights Brock.
Unless he has way more pokemon stored somewhere the problem still persists. Also gym leaders seem to know how many badges you already have in the games. I wonder how the level limit is implemented, maybe something that pokeballs are unlocked by your badges but then gym leaders would either need to set each badge by his own or have pre-made ones corresponding to the amount of badges the challenger already had. Maybe some badge counting device that limits the power of the pokeballs? We never see this kind of sync though.
I bet it's like a football league like you said. The Leagues are probably sponsored by local and international businesses
I also bet there are also try-outs if one leader retires
Would he need more? Onix alone almost took out like 5 of Reds pokemon, so an Onix + Graveler or something seems like it would be a fair fight for a higher badge challenger. Then you have pokemon like the fossils or rhydon for the strongest challengers.
>Would he need more?
Yeah considering you don't want to be like 'Alright, you got 7 badges so here are my level 10 geodude and lvl 12 onix and three other pokemon.' Just compare his team to the team he has in GSM and you'll see that it's not feasible unless he has some way to set a pokemon's level on the fly.
Does the anime do levels? I always thought of it more like the other anon said with "skill levels". That Onix is powerful and capable, probably one of his strongest and most well trained, because it's capable of holding back against weaker opponents. With the leader adjusting their tactics accordingly as well.

The geodude I don't know though, that one seems kind of pathetic to use against someone with 7 badges already.
>Does the anime do levels?
Why would I care? I just said what happened in SwSh and the problems that arose if it was done as it is in the anime. Also pokemon can evolve in the anime so there must be system functioning similar to levels.
>The geodude I don't know though, that one seems kind of pathetic to use against someone with 7 badges already.
Well it's part of his team and he got 6 balls there so either he doesn't have a full team or he uses his geodude.
So does Brock have, like, eight different Onix that he trains to an arbitrary level?
Well apparently OR what is more likely is that there's some system how you are supposed to get the badges. Some of the badge holders seem to agree with this as they are ordered left to right or up to down. Also I'm unsure but iirc in swsh there was some badge that went into the middle of the whole thing, so it couldn't be gotten first.
She rised through the ranks by selling her body aka being a whore
Holy shit you're a faggot. No wonder you have no friends.
Sorry, I'll just say my gen is best gen and decry all other posters as some kind of sexual deviant
My personal headcannon is that there is an organization in charge of all the leagues like FIFA, then regional leagues get organized by minor associations like UEFA.
They get investors and get money through merch and ad placement. Members of the league are paid with that money, champions make more money than elite 4 members, who make more money than gym leaders.
As to how they're chosen that's probably down to the previous gym leader or chosen by the league when there's a vacant position. The champion is just the guy who beat the previous champion AND wants to take the position.
As for elite 4, it's a job offered by the league to really good gym leaders, if they say yes then they leave that gym to another candidate trainer

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