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Based or cringe?
One of the all-time worst
Genuinely awful prototype for Kalos' KANTOOOOOOOO dicksucking second starter
Well I got the fling/acrobatics/recycle set up on my Simisage with an iron ball and that was a lot of fun even if it was complete dogshit. But as a trio they're generic, interchangeable, and in Black/White are part of a really dull railroaded early game to teach you type effectiveness.
English, please.
Based, hating them is cringe though
not even a third evolution even though all the pokemon are copy pasted
lmaoing at unovafags
Mediocre, but overhated. There have been worse Pokemon both before and after them.
My gripe with them is, and I imagine I'm not alone in this, how they trivialize the first Gym's challenge by being a second starter of sorts. They make it too easy, and then they're too weak to use them for the rest of your playthrough anyway.
These things represent basically everything wrong with Gen 5.

>ugly, repetitive designs that are there to mindlessly pad the dex to keep up the “LE ONLY NEW POKEMON” gimmick
>exist to railroad and handhold the player against the gym leader instead of letting the player figuring out different options and type matchups instead, they don’t even let you catch pidove or blitzle before the first gym because they want you to use le heckin free monkey to beat the gym leader
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water monke cute
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I like them well enough. I think a lot of people dislike them for their designs and because they have medium-low base stat totals. They aren't terrible though, even if they aren't super amazing. The frustrating part is that they have stone evolutions, so you have to keep them unevolved until about level 30 at least or they will suffer without the right TMs. But compare Simipour to Golduck. The BST is actually very close, but Simipour is slightly more offensive and less defensive. The main difference is the lack of an evolved level-up moveset and good ability. The monkeys all have gluttony or torrent/blaze/overgrow, which are usually not too helpful. So that really means they rely on their designs to be well liked, like Golduck does if we use the same comparison. But unfortunately, a lot of people just think they look ugly or silly. Not me, but I see that take a lot. I do think Simisear's pose is super goofy though.

Anon is saying it was a poor attempt at giving the player a second grass/water/fire starter pokemon, similar to the Kanto starters received from Professor Sycamore in the next gen.
Unironically, give them a third stage make them the starters of Legends game in Unova
>Stone evos
>Ever evolving
I love the 1st stages a lot, ive warmed up to the 2nd stages
Fucking abysmal dex fodder, they all need third stage evolutions to fix whatever the fuck gamefreak did to make them all so ugly and boring
>haters have a list of 20 different reasons
>people that like it just go "umm based!!?!?"
Simisage and the first stages are fine (but not great), not a fan of the other two at all.
Simisage is based. The rest are cringe.
>people that like it just go "mmm monke"
"wordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswordswords-", Soijack face
"based", Gigachad face
>yfw they are the legends za starters and they get a third stage
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cool, based, love his design
why did they do that do him?
incredibly average until you realise her eyes are open and blank and not closed, then creepy
If they were at least good, they would at least have some based characteristics. But they look bad, and their movesets are bad. Is there a reason why these stone evolutions get shut out from their previous evolutions level up moves still?
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literally worst mons ever created
Has a shillmon ever failed harder? Lycanroc?
Beyond based.
awooga bikini monke
Mindbreaks losers, based
Simisear was very weak in BW, because of Incinerate having low base power. Even for early game it wasnt a strong Fire Type.

Eventually you can replace it with Darm. That's probably why it's so unpopular.
It's also unpopular because nobody picked Samurott
Yeah, Simisear's main issue is having WAY stronger Fire options in the dex. Emboar's a starter and is a tank, Darm hits like a goddamn steamroller, Chandelure is a fan favorite and can dish out special damage, and Volcarona is ANOTHER fan favorite who's got really good stats. It's super hard to justify using it when every other option is either more likable or more powerful.
Simipour's paws are pretty sexy. I also like the thigh vents.
I never understood the hate for Simisage.
Meh they are okay
cringe dex filler
Based like everything else from Masuda’s Magnum Opus
Dipplin is a stone evo by all intents and purposes, and it got to evolve so its not really that far fetched
Lycanroc has a cool evolution system (though it is marred by Own Tempo being ITS OWN POKEMON AND NOT JUST A DIFFERENT ABILITY, but at least it's not locked to events as of Sw/Sh) while the elemental monkeys are just pure shit without even looking a little cool.
they're okay. their designs should've been more feral instead of goofy monkeys
Personally I like goofier designs more but maybe if they get an evo they'll become edgier. Still enjoy what we got (as well as most of Unova)
> trainer battle
> 3 little pokeballs pop up
> first up is the grass monkey, guess what the other 2 are

This happens several times. Why were they shilled so hard?
Masuda is an idiot and BW is the game with the most input from him as a director.
>Verification not required.
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based, some of my all time favorites.

Gamefreak is Cringe for the disrespect they've put on them, though.
fire one has the omega-gay broken/t-rex wrists like Quaquaval does when it walks so that autimatically puts it at the bottom 10 pokémon designs.
Grass one is just boring
Water one's dress has a terrible shape it looks like a poncho (bad).
It appears our superiority has caused some controversy.
Pansage - Based
Simisage - Cringe
Pansear - Cringe
Simisear - Cringe
Panpour - Cringe
Simipour - Cringe
his wrists and wide gait are because his stance is mimicking riding a motorcycle.
the second stages are based on subcultures of Japanese delinquents.

Simisage - Yanki
Simisear - Bosozoku
Simipour - Kogal

they're meant to serve in opposition to their first stage's speak no, hear no and see no evil theming.
>hey let's actually make some decent early-game options for fire, water, and grass-types that you can catch really early on so that you can have those types in your party even if you didn't pick that element's starter
>hey let's make them all look like abject retards and/or flaming homosexuals
>his wrists and wide gait are because his stance is mimicking riding a motorcycle
you think I don't know that? you think that matters? It looks stupid. If you want your pokémon to both look like they are riding a bike all the time AND look appealing you do it some other way, not like this.
yes, I unironically think you didn't know that.
I like shiny Simipour and nothing else.
shit teir cringe mons
I hate monkey/ape mons in general, but I especially hate these cringe little shits.
However, still want to free them drom their online jail.
The only thing I hate more than how badly cringe they are is the fact that my living dex has kalos shitmons stuck online.

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