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Is it in your top3
the bottom 3
No. It’s in my bottom 3.
yeah best game they ever made
Yes it is
Wish they had rehashed it on Switch instead of just DP
It's my top 1. Its systems and mechanics just come together in a way to me that's very appealing.
Yes along with BW2 and HGSS.
Yes I'm a DS zoomer.
yeah easily
i don’t think bdsp having the distortion world and glaceon before the e4 would have made it good. it needed to be a full scale remake, not chibi slop
I'm playing this game for the first time ever (also my first sinnoh game) and really enjoying it, although the lack of gen 4 pokemon to catch is really frustrating. Why does everyone in this thread seem to hate it?
because this board hates every pokemon game

Mindless contrarians or 300IQ secret knowledge havers?

place your bets.
>Why does everyone in this thread seem to hate it?
only 2 people said no vs 5 who said yes
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Reminder Gen IV is 18 years old in 11 days.
>Fire Red
Simple as
Give me a single reason to like this game if I don’t have a fetish for staring at random encounters of Kanto Pokemon.
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It's my favourite Pokemon game!
dawn cunny, vs seeker, gliscor
>pokemon in a pokemon game is a problem
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>fire red and not Red/Blue

You know they've made romhacks that fix all the problems of the original red/blue. These romhacks make red/blue the definitive gen 1 games. But whatever I don't expect to change your opinion. (They're call "Shin Red/Shin Blue.)
Repetitive encounters in a Pokemon game is a problem.
>enter grass
>encounter Shinx
Hmmm last I checked Shinx wasn't in Kanto.
>he's still shilling his shitty hack
What pokemon game doesn't have receptive encounters?
>fixes all the problems of the base game

then gen 1 is not for you. simple as.
Best game in the series.
repels exist for a reason. why would you throw out an entire game over one detail that you can completely bypass?
Clearly it isn't for you either if you need to change so much about it.
I thought you didn't have a fetish for repetitive kanto encounters?
Yeah, but only because the competition isn't that stiff and there are only 3 games worth even a bit of a shit in the entire franchise:
Anything else is mdeicore shit.

Emerald > Platinum > FRLG > HGSS(/Crystal?)

I think Platinum has more mass appeal than Emerald but that as a piece of media and a mechanical basis, Emerald is superior. It's my favorite regardless.
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Because it’s a waste of time and turns the game into a chore.

>dude just use repels and don’t see ANY pokemon so the game is just a shitty generic walking simulator lmao!
Ah yes, truly deserving of top 3 games in the franchise.

>why would you throw out an entire game
Because there’s nothing in the game of value.
this. sinnoh as a region sucks. will never understand why such a dogshit game is so beloved. Aid sooner replay sv or swsh
esl nigger
What time is being wasted? You can still KO them for experience or EVs.
but enough about XY
>What time is being wasted?
My time, trying to find the supposedly fun parts of this shitty game.

>You can still KO them for experience or EVs.
Why would I need either of those things when the game has no difficulty?
No because I haven't played it
>all 3 starters have very fun typings and movesets
>cross evos are also pretty fun
>better grinding tools than gens 1, 2, 3, and 5
>underground for infinite shards, stones, and fossils
>Game Corner TMs are very easy to get money for
I like it best out of the 2D entries simple as.
bottom 3
Did brownie get filtered by the Snow? jej
>My time, trying to find the supposedly fun parts of this shitty game.
This is some Kindergarten tier bants.
>Why would I need either of those things when the game has no difficulty?
Why do Platinum haters think it's some zinger to question what you need experience for? It's just proof these guys don't play Pokemon games in any meaningful capacity. You probably watch walkthroughs so you can hurry and genwar on /vp/ faster.
>This is some Kindergarten tier bants.
Appropriate for a Kindergarten tier game.

>It's just proof these guys don't play Pokemon games in any meaningful capacity
I do play the games in a meaningful capacity. That's how I know it's a shitty game.
>I do play the games in a meaningful capacity
Evidently not. Your takes have actually been getting worse yawn, maybe you should genwar less and play the games more.
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Fuck yeah
>Evidently not
What parts of these games do you find fun if seeing wild pokemon upsets you?
Seeing wild Pokemon doesn’t upset me. Seeing the same 4 wild Pokemon spammed constantly through the game because GF was retarded and forgot how to design a Pokemon game does upset me.
>Seeing the same 4 wild Pokemon spammed constantly through the game
How do you reconcile this with saying that RBY doesn't have repetitive encounters?
What's your online rank?
By knowing that RBY doesn’t have repetitive encounters.
Pokemon's gameplay doesn't collapse because some are more common than others. That's a stupid mindset.
But I thought Pokémon existing in a Pokémon game wasn't a problem.
It does collapse when the game wastes your time spamming the same few Pokemon the vast majority of the game.

It isn’t. Read the thread.
note how exactly zero people in this thread have actually explained how platinum is good and most of the posts are “j-just ignore the blatant gameplay problems”
note how exactly zero people in this thread have actually explained how platinum is bad and most of the posts are “i-it's a problem because I say so”
“The game wastes my time” seems like a pretty valid reason for the game to be bad, sagie.
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>cool pokemon
>comfy region
>fun content
>great music
oh man platinum's so good bros
parroting is an admission of defeat
It's not valid. You're not elaborating on anything. Waste time on what? What are you even trying to achieve?
>Waste time on what? What are you even trying to achieve?
My time, trying to find the supposedly fun parts of this shitty game.
Yawnie, by your crap logic, every game is a waste of time. And that includes your darling, XY.
You're still not telling me anything, what's the fun part of a Pokemon game to you? It's not a good thing I have to constantly dig answers out of you.
It is in my top 1 of all gaming
>every game is a waste of time
Well designed ones aren’t. XY doesn’t waste my time because the encounters in each area are unique.

>what's the fun part of a Pokemon game to you
I asked you to provide the fun parts of Platinum and so far you’ve done nothing but go “nuh uh” to the problems I’ve pointed out.
This conversation won't go anywhere until I know what your definition of fun even is. "It wastes my time, I can't get to the fun" simply does not mean anything to me.
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<--- Here's your fun, nigger
>This conversation won't go anywhere until I know what your definition of fun even is
I asked you to give me a single reason to like the game. Why can’t you answer such a simple question?

>can’t put a Pokemon into the PC if a seal is applied to it
Man even this feature was tedious garbage.
it's cooler than playing fag dress up in gaylos
>Why can’t you answer such a simple question?
It would be a simple question if it came from any random anon, but at this point I know all your tricks. What you're actually asking is
>Give me a single reason to like the game by MY standards.
Which is why you are able to shit up the board so hard, no one actually knows what your standards are. I could say "I like these battles" but then you'll go "nuh uh those battles are bad by my standards", I could say "I like these areas" but then you'' go "nuh up those areas are bad by my standards". It's always this round and round bullshit with you. I wouldn't even care if you didn't constantly accuse other people of having inconsistent standards, I swear your standards change every genwar yawnfag. You say USUM is hard in one thread and then say there are no hard games in another, it all just depends on the current agenda.
Oh yawn
me when playing platinum
and when playing xy
Assuming this is mainline games only, it depends on whether or not I'm allowed to count romhacks. If I am, my top three is:
>Renegade Platinum
>Rising Ruby & Sinking Sapphire
>Blaze Black 2 & Volt White 2
If I'm only allowed to count regular unmodified games, then I guess it'd be:
>Red & Blue
>Legends: Arceus
>HeartGold & SoulSilver
But Platinum is probably still in my top 5.
>I asked you to give me a single reason to like the game
It's fun because it doesn't waste my time.
>You know they've made romhacks that fix all the problems of the original red/blue.
Yeah but they haven't made one that fixes the chiptune earrape or fugly sprites, nor does it add IVs and EVs as they are in gen 3, abilities, a larger, actually organized bag, more PC boxes, gen 2 and 3 pokemon, the better movepools, the new content from FRLG... Yeah, no reason for me to play outdated trash.
>Yeah, no reason for me to play outdated trash.
Faster, play a historic game, glitches, transfer forward.
Why would you want EVs instead of Stat Experience?
collect ribbons, take on the battle frontier, dig shit up in the underground, rematch the gym leaders, 7 star restaurant customers, and route trainers with the vs seeker, do a contest, inject kino events, get the black trainer card
Top three main series yes, but if we include spinoffs probably not
I haven't gotten there yet, I still have to play Colo and XD, Leaf Green, Diamond, then I can play Platinum. I'll report back when I've finished the entire franchise, and let you know.
No it’s top 5 though
1 BW2
3 Emerald
Very based.
>IVs and EVs
uhhh why? IVs are aids and while I enjoy EVs for the strategy and specialization they offer with their system, we're talking a game with no online and no battle frontier. why the fuck would you prefer EVs over stat xp in this scenario?
Let's see...
Eeeh close nuff
Anyone putting FireRed on their list should be automatically ignored btw. There is nothing worse than Sevii Islands. It's by far the worst remake of any pokemon game.
ok but what if my IQ is above 50 and I don't think mashing A at piss easy npcs and grinding for irrelevant minigames is fun?
I disregard lists with BW/BW2 and post-Gen VI games in them
FRLG is respectable
just go play your online slop
ARE YOU ME??? >>56460006
Then why are you playing Pokémon at all?
Point proven.
upgrade the villa until you can fuck cynthia too
He doesn't do that either. A quick way to make him abandon threads is to ask him what his online ranking is.
Because there are Pokemon games that aren't Platinum that actually have redeeming qualities.
>Ranger 2
>Ranger 3
Too bad, maybe top 10 thoughever
that's nice sweaty
Please list them
I'm surprised anything before XY made your list.
welp can’t mash A at the battle factory so i guess platinum is better than all of those games barring gemerald
yeah let me enjoy the battle factory in platinu-
>slow as piss engine makes it tedious as fuck
yup. definitely top 3 pokemon game material
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sure does, yep
sounds like a (You) problem, sis
Never got far in this game and BDSP permanently fucked up my tolerance of Sinnoh as a region so I dunno
Multiple games there don't satisfy your standards.
Except they do.
RBY and RSE don't have the nu-exp share, so they're automatically poorly designed according to you, and you have spammed playthroughs of using an overleveled Blaziken in Emerald so don't pretend like you haven't argued this.
You have said only SM and SV have well designed campaigns so XY and SS can leave your list too.
You enjoy only two games, at best.
all I see is a bunch of mash a piss easy npc simulators
He only does it because he wants older fans on his side. He unironically believes the 3DS entries are older than the DS ones.
> RBY and RSE don't have the nu-exp share, so they're automatically poorly designed according to you
Nope, because they have other well designed qualities. Platinum has none.

How does mashing A get me through Sky Pillar in Emerald?
>Nope, because they have other well designed qualities.
I highly doubt it because when you shitpost a storm in exp share threads you make it sound like the entire game is fundamentally broken and you are retarded if you train anything else. I hope you are not about to sit here and tell me about how strength puzzles make up for this. This is why I can't take you seriously, your standards are complete nonsense.
Guys I miss the days when yawnfag would actually yawn, how come he doesn't do that no more?
I miss the days when people didn't have schizopherinia and didn't hallucinate posters out of nowhere.
not sure, how does mashing a help me get through candice’s gym lolz.
That was a different guy, im not sure how this retard got the yawnfag moniker.
Nope, Sinnoh is a boring region
dilate alolatroon
XYfags sure got MAD
I actually rate it higher than hgss, second only to b2

ORAS was peak online b2 was the best gameplay and replayability after than comes platinum given how much it improved upon DP
Yes because I'm not an edgy contrarian
Yes. It's the best Pokémon game ever made. The overworld is comfy, the music is peak and the mechanics are all great and I will never forgive the removal of pokeradar in the games that followed. The only problem is slowness but modern emulators can fix that.
It's crazy to think how many mechanics Gen 5 removed only to Gen 6 to bring back.
yeah for me it's
2) Plat/DP(they're not that bad)
4) RSE
5) RBY
don't need anything else
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>yeah for me it's
>2) Plat/DP(they're not that bad)
>3) FRLG
>4) RSE
>5) RBY
>don't need anything else

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