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Black/White runs headlong into the problem that precisely because writers like Shudo wanted to do weird shit before, the Pokemon world's ground rules had to be set in stone relatively early. As per official franchise canon, Pokemon are intelligent creatures and are curious about humans, which is why many of them live together. So when Black/White wants to further explore the relationship between humans and Pokemon in its plot, it constantly trips over these rules to make the narrative work somehow. Most of the human characters of Unova are written to be complete idiots who have no insight into what Pokemon are thinking, just so Team Plasma's arguments can have a leg to stand on in the minds of the general populace. N was raised alongside Pokemon that were abused by humans, but we can't be shown any of that or any other proper examples of Pokemon abuse (outside Team Plasma kicking some Munna, naturally), because this is a kid-friendly franchise and clearly kids can't be trusted with anything more engaging. The most Black/White and B2/W2 manage to say about the subject in the end is "maybe capturing Pokemon in balls is not the ideal method of starting a friendship".
And yet it's still top 3
Pseud wall of text that ignores common complaints like the plot undermining its own premise in the first 10 minutes while the main antagonist who is written like the protagonist acts like he doesn't get told by Pokemon themselves that they like battling.
>Pseud wall of text
yeah, that describes the BW plot pretty well
>Wall of that text [SCHIZO FANFICTION]
Pseud run on sentence
>Unovahater literally can't read.
don't care gen 5 is good
>gets kwabbed on so hard that he starts doing it
i like gen 5 for things other than its story
A lot of people to this day know nothing of animals and of PETA being a bad organization. Not every pokemon is intelligent, most have at best the cognitive thinking of a child.
>No argument.
>Cheren coming to terms with his own weakness and inexperience as a trainer but still pursuing his dreams of champion, while deciding to pursue a career teaching others how to be strong
>Bianca coming to terms with her own independence as a person through Pokemon even going against the wishes of her family
>N gaining his own agency as a person deciding he wants to create his own ideal/true world by becoming the champion while pushing the MC to clash with his own ideals against him and to pursue the world he envisions
BW has the best rivals and the most grounded character writing of the series
None of this refutes the above points. The entire game trips over the already established rules of Pokémon just to make the story work.
>pokemon fan can't understand nuance
Pokemon has never had nuance. BW included.
>The most Black/White and B2/W2 manage to say about the subject in the end is "maybe capturing Pokemon in balls is not the ideal method of starting a friendship.
It makes me seethe how Black and White didn't see the return of your pokemon follow you, especially when the game right before it had that mechanic.
I just thought Gen 5 was boring. I don't hate any gen, but I thought Gen 5 was the most boring in terms of just playing a Pokemon game. I really hated the technique they used to animate sprites, always looked janky and weird. As for the plot or characters, can we at least agree that Hugh is worse than Hau and Hop?
Such as? The terrible graphics? Being forced to use ugly new shitmons? Time-locked content? Half the region being blocked off for no reason until you beat the league? More removed features than any other game in the series?
most of that doesn't exist in bw2
>has a personality and a motive
He the fuck out of Hop, though that’s an extremely low bar
Great to hear that! I'm going to farm berries in B2W2, beat the B2W2 battle frontier, catch all the roaming pokemon in B2W2 and get all the ribbons in B2W2!
What great games!
buy the berries, do the pwt and black tower, and collect medals instead, sis
You know BW are good games when detractors need to lie about it.
Pseud pejoratives.
D-do you like roaming Pokémon???
>can we at least agree that Hugh is worse than Hau and Hop?
Was he repetitive with muh purloin?
Yes, but he wasn't as obnoxious to battle
Is that Russian for 'femboy dick'?
I like having to put in some effort to catch a Legendary, yes. Do you prefer having them in the middle of random routes like in B2W2? I thought Unova games were supposed to be "challenging"
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Oh right you retards are lying about berries again
You never provided one, so I have no reason to give you one.
Where do I plant and grow berries?
Where do I use Mega Rayquaza and Hoopa Unbound in XY?
I feel like this is, almost word for word (I don’t remember mentioning Shudo specifically), something I posted in a /v/ Pokemon thread a few years back.
Let me guess, some literally who youtuber copied their opinion from 4chan and that’s why OP is now regurgitating it onto /vp/?
Where is the Battle Frontier in BW?
There is none.
But they offer a lot of extra facilities that it makes up for Unova not having a proper frontier.
That's like saying "Where do I use Greninja in BW", retarded bort
>a lot of extra facilities
GBA and DS games fun
ORAS and SM only good 3DS games
Simple as
>bort bort bort bort bort bort bort
>That's like saying "Where do I use Greninja in BW", retarded bort
? Mega Rayquaza and Hoopa Unbound are Gen 6 Pokémon. (or rather one's a form of a Gen 3 Pokémon introduced in Gen 6) Why can't I use a Gen 6 Pokémon in a Gen 6 game?
>Battle Subway
>Battle Institute
>Pokémon World Tournament
And while these are not facilities in the traditional sense, I still feel like they count.
>Pokéstar Studios
>Black Tower/White Treehollow
Same amount as Gen 4's frontier. You lose again, Yawnie Downie.
>calling the worst 3D era games good
This HAS to be bait.
That'd be XY, BDSP, and SwSh
>N was raised alongside Pokemon that were abused by humans, but we can't be shown any of that
This isn't a flaw. It's called iceberg theory, something fangame makers should use more often instead of dumping walls of text on the player.
That sounds retarded.
using mean look on haunter and walling out a legendary while hucking ultra balls at it is not engaging gameplay. catching legendaries is a miserable process of hoping you roll the right numbers. static encounters at least removes the pain of having to nail the fucker in place
I mean, we always kind of knew you were the same group but I do appreciate the honesty of ashfags admitting to being the ones attacking pokemon plotlines.
>Why can't I use a Gen 6 Pokémon in a Gen 6 game?
Because it didn't exist yet, unlike the 493 pokemon you can't use in BW
>I still feel like they count
Facts don't care about your feelingsm They're all reskinned battle towers, literally recycled content. Eat shit basedllenial faggot
>at it is not engaging gameplay.
Training a Pokemon to fulfill a role is not engaging gameplay, but mashing A is?
>removes the pain of having to nail the fucker in place
So reducing difficulty is good if BW does it?
>but what about unova
Yes. Unironically good when Unova does it. Feel free to continue seething
>So reducing difficulty is good if BW does it?
I wouldn't call putting a more difficult Pokemon to fight/catch in the middle of the map easier (I'm reminded of Gen 7's route masters), but I do agree that B2W2 prioritizing story over gameplay in that case isn't the best. Hell, BW's mandatory box lengendary catch fucking sucks and undermines some of the other themes going on in the game (unfortunately I'm not sure the confidence or technology was there to do the thing USUM does near the end). I think there's worse legendary mismanagement in the games, every single one in XY comes to mind, but I think it does set out what it accomplishes to do even if what it does is mildly lame. We can't all be Regis unfortunately.

Because it was. Your post was pretty retarded and misunderstood several points about the game itself.
Spoiler alert but N is being manipulated by Ghetsis since you apparently didn't get that far in the game
Hugh is a bro
>Because it didn't exist yet, unlike the 493 pokemon you can't use in BW
You know, I was just thinking about BW's use of old Pokemon and how it was actually pretty interesting for how the game is structured. In the first half of the game, you're sent through the linear story to reach the final boss in the form of N. Non-Unova Pokemon are simply not found in the wild, you have to either trade for them or use the Dream World. On the other hand, there's practically an entirely different story after you beat the game. In that half, the final boss is the Champion so you can become one yourself, and it can be challenged any time. As a JRPG, the level difference really matters, so while you can do it that's clearly not the intended thing to do. So you go through the rest of Unova, encountering similar content to the main game mechanically (several mandatory routes and towns, with frequent optional areas). However, there's now "new" Pokemon in many of those areas, ones from the previous games that keep those areas fresh without major plot. This culminates in two things, Black City/White Forest that would introduce a ton of these Pokemon if they weren't bungled so fucking hard, and finally on the second to last new map for the segment there's the Poke Transfer Lab, which finally allows you to bring in Pokemon from previous games if you have them. This is basically the final tool to make the final challenge your own, it's actually pretty neat for that. That's a huge benefit the game's story and setting provides the gameplay, and we wouldn't really see that again until Gen 7's Title Defense which is less complicated but arguably more cool since the challenge itself is the variety. Bonus points that both give the E4 rematch teams in the first version.
>the level difference really matters, so while you can do it that's clearly not the intended thing to do
What level difference? I can get to the Champion's level just by playing normally, making everything else you said invalid. Lmao, the game even gives you 2 free level 70+ Pokemon if you played like a retard and don't want to grind your 6 underleveled shitmons
>nuance included
ah yes, tell me how to get the regis, cresseilia, hearten, and the latis in BW2, if that's so simple>>56460970
>493 pokemon you can't use in BW
You can use all of them in BW retard.
>They're all reskinned battle towers
And what was the BF full of again?
>making everything else you said invalid
How? He didn't even mention the Hcmapion but rather progressing through the postgame areas and how good that natural progression is. I advise you to actually read the point presented before jumping to flaming your keyboard.
>6 underleveled shitmons
Oh, you're this clown. This will be a shitty thread that probably hits the bump limit....
Good thing the first 493 Pokémon are actually in BW and you're just being disingenuous as usual, yawnie downie.
catching legendaries is just mashing the a button you dumbass. i'm sure you find throwing ultra balls for 20 minutes to be really fun.

also yes, sure, bw is better for letting me spin a stationary slot machine rather than chasing one down on wheels
>catching legendaries is just mashing the a button you dumbass
That's everything in the entire game I'm every game in the series. This is the ultimate cope for btfo retards on here.
super i'm glad we're in agreement then
PLA wins again !!!
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I mean, I would be open to having a discussion about why you think so, but that sort of constructive conversation is clearly not what OP created this thread for by copypasting my post out of context. (I could have sworn that was several years back, not last September...)
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>look nothing alike
>looks are all that matters
Sorry you're ugly.
>posts designs and nothing else
>claims they were copied
>look nothing alike
ok retard
>can't tell anons apart
Huh? I only referred to the one who posted the image, since the image claims they're copied in some way.
>most literate esl
What illiteracy are you referring to? Are you schizophrenic?
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if you had a numerical list of pokemon by typing from gen 1 and 5 you can see where gen 5 just copy's each typing into its numerical dex and calls it "new" a blind person could see the plagiarism if you translated pokedex in braille
Just a native english speaker. Stay brown and malding.
Starters - starters
Pidove - pidgey
Patrat - rattata
Roggenrola - geodude
Audino - chansey
Munna - drowzee
Woobat - zubat
Tympole - poliwag
Timburr - machop
Sewaddle - caterpie
Venipede - weedle
Blitzle - ponyta
Litwick - gastly
Solosis/gothita - abra
Deino - dratini
Throh/sawk - hitmons
Ducklett - psyduck
Larvesta - venonat
Shelmet - pinsir
Karrablast - scyther
Frillish - tentacool
Basculin - magikarp
Cottonee - oddish
Petilil - bellsprout
Drilbur - sandshrew
Emolga - pikachu
Heatmor - magmar
Klink - magnemite
Stunfisk - electabuzz
Maractus - tangela
Dwebble - paras
Deino - dratini
Fossils - fossils
Trubbish - koffing/grimer
Lillipup - growlithe
Zorua - vulpix
Foongus - voltorb
Alomomola - lapras
Mienfoo - mankey
Golett - rhyhorn
Bouffalant - tauros
3 musketeers - 3 birds
Genesect - mewtwo
Victini - mew
Purrloin - meowth
>any shared # of stages, evo method, color, general shape, animal kingdom, or type somehow mean it's a fucking rehash despite looking nothing close to similar
>literally just one of these is enough
Stop this shit. this is egregious. more than half of these are just "same type lol" which is stupid
especially maractus somehow being the same as tangela
zebras aren't horses
not all fish are knockoffs
not all bug-like things are the same
especially Shelmet to fucking pinsir and karrablast to scyther
not all legend trios are the same for some reason
almost every region has fossils
trash =/= slime
not all dogs are the same
not all cats are the same
alolomoloa has nothing to do with lapras
Goleta has nothing to do with rhyhorn
humanoid fighting types isn't enough to be copied
every region has psudoes
not all fish are the same
heatmor and magma have next to nothing in common
the rest are literally just "similar niches" that EVERy region has to grapple with to il their environments, yet they all look completely different and in many cases have types that are different from their "copies". This list is almost as stupid as (You).
>couldn't point out the error
The point is that Team Plasma are idealistic even if their ideals are dogshit and that ideologues are likely to be hypocrites. For example, Communists preach all about workers' rights, but Communist countries have the most inhumane working conditions for workers imaginable. Ideologues are hypocrites because they think the ends justify the means. The game doesn't depict Team Plasma as incompetent, it depicts goons as incompetent. Ghetsis and the other higher ups are very competent. They're the evil leaders who convinced a bunch of retards to follow their cause. That's the point.
B/W had far and away the best story in the entire mainline Pokemon franchise. It's not even close. My only complaint is that they didn't expand upon the conflict between truth and ideals more. That shit is basically the core of the Plato vs Aristotle debate in philosophy, and the fact that the writers had the gall to put that in a POKEMON GAME of all games is impressive.
Actually crazy how dogshit this comparison list is since none of them look the same or resemble them in any way other than Drowsee and Munna being both Tapyrs
thats why its called plagiarism and copy/pasted pokemon
a blind person reading the pokedex in braille could spot the plagiarism between gen 1 and gen 5
Could bw fans be bigger pseuds lmao
>plagiarism and copy/pasted pokemon
Except you grasped at straws to make this seem like its remotely true
>especially maractus somehow being the same as tangela
Both are rare single stage pure grass types
>zebras aren't horses
Yes they are
>not all fish are knockoffs
They are if they are specifically found in every body of water
>not all bug-like things are the same
>especially Shelmet to fucking pinsir and karrablast to scyther
Both late game bug lines that are meant as parallels to each other
>not all legend trios are the same for some reason
They are
>almost every region has fossils
Glad we agree they are rehashes
>trash =/= slime
Both pollution
>not all dogs are the same
They are
>not all cats are the same
They are. Also 2 stage cat line lol
>alolomoloa has nothing to do with lapras
Both single stage rare bulky water types
>Goleta has nothing to do with rhyhorn
Both 2 stage lategame ground type that evolves around level 40
>humanoid fighting types isn't enough to be copied
It is if their lines mirror each other
>every region has psudoes
Glad you agree they are rehashes
>not all fish are the same
Stop repeating yourself xister
>heatmor and magma have next to nothing in common
Both single-stage lategame fire types
There. Every single comparison on that list makes sense, better luck next time sagie
It would be really boring if magikarp and goldeen were the only fish that were ever allowed to exist in the series
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>every dog/cat/fish/fossil/pseudo/legendary trio pokemon is the same
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>Both are rare single stage pure grass types
not enough to be a knockoff
>yes they are
zebras are NOT horses
>found in every body of water
This is how fish work anon. they're not knockoffs
>late game parrallel bugs
types are commonly in certain parts of the game like ice being late, doesn't mean they're knockoffs
>they are
no, legend trios are not always parallel. they rarely are
not to each other specifically. Fossils are just fossils, all being equally different
in different ways and look nothing alike, so not a rehash
>all cats and dogs are rehashes
So gen 1 already rehashes itself?
>single stage water types
too vague, means nothing
>same level evo
too vague, means nothing
>same type
too vague, means nothing
>lines mirror each other
how so?
not to each other specifically. Pseudos are just pseudos, all being equally different
>repeating but enough about your meme rehash argument
>single stage fire
not enough to be a rehash
>inb4 they're all pokemon so they're all rehashes and are the same
You see how retarded you sound? To top it all off, you screech about boogeymen. Grim.
fundamentally like Blue but less of an asshole. They both become Gym Leaders and learn to be responsible adults with a duty.
A less interesting twist on Wally's struggles. RSE Wally was held back by the limitations of GF being at their first attempt of an actual plot with a rival that isn't an asshole, but through ORAS he becomes more interesting than Bianca.

Both Cheren and Bianca are mild rivals that keep repeating the same script over and over through the plot, spreading their character arc far more than what was due to give the player the impression that they are actually deep or innovative while in fact they are not.
I think it's prudent to clear up that when I said OP copypasted my shit "out of context", I meant that. I like Pokemon BW a lot (it's my favourite of the series!), and I agree with what you're saying about Team Plasma. How Plasma and its grunts operate isn't what I have problem with. My issue is more with the general Unovan populace and how the plot treats them in order for Team Plasma to function in its intended narrative role.
>but the masses are stupid irl too
Yeah yeah, but in the Pokemon world, it's to a downright comical degree. Their entire society largely revolves around coexistence with Pokemon, but they can't be *too* conscious about what they're doing, or otherwise Plasma's idealism and propaganda wouldn't take root (because people would realise that Pokemon actively choose to stay with humans of their own volition and enjoy their company).
The Supreme Retard

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