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>Yet another genwar thread
No it was even worse
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It all hinges on if you buy in on the mega gimmick and plan on using PSS a lot.
If you think they're cool, then its functional as any other pokemon game.
If you don't care for those two features, then it's left completely barren for content.
None of the gimmick era games lean as hard into their gimmick as XY did with megas, so none of them are as screwed when you don't wish to engage with it.
>then it's left completely barren for content
has literally 4x the content of ruby and sapphire, measurably.
What exactly is there to do in the game?
customize my character
play super training
play any of the amie minigames
fish chain for shinies
pokeradar for shinies
do restaurant triple/rotation battles
play battle maison single/double/rotation/triple/multi battles
farm berries
do hotel tasks
make PR videos

quite a lot actually, more than what there was in gen 5.
>suddenly gen 5
she be like that
>customize my character
this is Pokemon, not dress up
>play super training
lame and easy
>play any of the amie minigames
baby slop
>fish chain for shinies
>pokeradar for shinies
waiting for an off color shitmon isn't content
>do restaurant triple/rotation battles
>play battle maison single/double/rotation/triple/multi battles
battle maison is just worse Battle Frontier
>farm berries
this is Pokemon not Farmville
>do hotel tasks
this is pokemon not hotelville
>make PR videos
this is pokemon not videoville
>quite a lot actually,
> more than what there was in gen 5.
Gen 5 was masuda's magnum opus
> more than what there was in gen 5.
How can it be magnum opus when theres no frontier?
Yes it was really THAT badass!
>a feature doesn't count as a feature because I don't like it.
- Forgettable gym leaders
- much easier game than the previous ones
- gym leaders not even having more than 3 pokemon...
- unfinished, boring plot
- no interesting post game

It's even worse now when the PSS does not work.
BW sure is boring.
please go to bed yawnfag
Yawnfag is the millions who bought Gen 6 but didnt buy Gen 5? Damn thats crazy.
I liked oras better
I still want to strangle Tierno and Trever
Shittiest friendgroup in the series, and no Shauna does not salvage it she is merely ok
it wasnt that bad but it definitely needed an upgraded version. sadly it got ditched for sun and moon.. took them 11 years to remember kalos was unfinished. excited to see what z-a brings

the anime and mega evolution carried it big time
You forgot to say “rent-free” or “boogeyman”, Yawnfag.
Ironic post.
Not really.
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Yes, XY singlehandedly destroyed the franchise after all the goodwill gen 5 brought to the fans
>gave us Fairy type, shameless Charizard pandering, lgbt characters and Braixen
yes, it's really that bad
Yes. People were expecting something on par with B2W2, since we just came off of Platinum, HGSS, and Gen 5. And what do we get? A watered down causalized experience that started the downfall of Pokémon. Fortunately with Gen 8 (PLA notwithstanding) and 9's abysmal reception, we have nowhere to go but up! ...Right?
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It's literally the downfall of the series
>open up brand new game
>not an anniversary title
>immediately overwhelmed with nostalgiaslop
They weren't even confident in their own product.
It was fine honestly. Sure it sucked compared to gens 1 to 4 but everything it did wrong was already done wrong by gen 5
This. I hate how I booted up a Mario game and it has Bowser kidnapping Peach again. Nintendo isn’t even confident in their own product.
>A watered down causalized experience
…so Gen 5?
He didn't say it doesn't count, just that he doesn' like it nor want to do it. Therefore him disliking XY is valid in his case.
That's not the same. XY shilled one region specifically. Bowser kidnapping peach on screen didn't even happen in the originals and isn't a refernce to the originals over other games, it's just the recurring event, like receiving starters.
Not as severely as Gen 6.
you not wanting to play the content != the game being barren
The content being bad = the game being bad.
>XY shilled one region specifically
You haven't proved the content is bad.

>XY shilled one region specifically
You mean like how Mario shills Mushroom Kingdom specifically? Man, why isn't Nintendo confident in their own product?
>it definitely needed an upgraded version
no it didn't
Retards are so cute
NPCs didn't even use megas
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>open game
They weren't even confident in their own product.
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French Kanto
hmm let's see. Catch pokemon, battle pokemon, explore the region, beat gyms, beat the elite four< complete the pokedex
Yep, just like literally every other pokemon game ever
I too hate it when Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach in my Mario game.
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American Kanto
Surely left isnt real? Looks like cheap chinkshit copies.
Holy fuck left is awful.
Left: Palworld if it was shit.
I think XY overrelied on kantopandering, but half of these criticisms are ridiculous
>you get one of the kanto starters
just like in HGSS. and hey, in, steven also gives you one of the hoenn starters so i guess that makes johto a copy of hoenn
>red and blue color scheme
just like gen three, gen four, gen seven, and gen eight
>spin tiles
spin tile puzzles can be found in johto, hoenn, and sinnoh as well
>you get a master ball
really stretching now, huh?
it's criminal how bw2 sabotaged XY's development. we could have gotten more content or a Z version if GF weren't forced to finish the unfinished mess of BW1
yes. they wouldnt have been as bad if they were finished. but they werent finished and thus are bad.
They didn't even finish BW2 LOL. Generation 5 is an unfinished buggy mess and a black stain on Pokemon's reputation.
fascinating way to come out as autistic
And to think this all happened because a whole bunch of spergs (that weren't even the target audience, at that) got mad at the fact that they couldn't use Pikachu and Charizard.
parroting is an admission of defeat
Yep, Unova is defeated because it parroted Kanto, glad we agree
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>tfw you like Kalos despite its faults but a few schizos have made discussing it on /vp/ impossible

Still looking forward to Z-A.
Stay strong king. Eventually the borts will have a collective seizure and die.
Stay strong king. Eventually yawnfag will 42% himself and stop giving all Kalos fans a bad name.
what faults
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It is what it is, im still having fun chain fishing, using radar and running in friend safaris.
>sure is
> >not
>... huuuh
Parroting is an admission of defeat.
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All of the DS games are good for people who like Pokémon as a concept, and want a game that reflects aspects of its world outside of battling. It was only until the transition to the Switch era that Pokémon games lost this meaning and became nothing but battle and breeding sims where co-op "raids" become the highlight of every title.
If you want to play the turn-based aspect of Pokémon, there's literally a free popular online simulator that makes breeding and battling in any Pokémon game functionally obsolete.
Therefore, the only Pokémon "games" are the ones that have features outside of battling and breeding. XY is a pretty good entry under that classification.
But we are not here to genuinely talk about games, we are here to bait each other into pointless arguments, anon.
> All of the DS games are good for people who like Pokémon as a concept
DPPt and BW/BW2 are terrible for people who like Pokemon as a concept. Last I checked Pokemon wasn’t about seeing the same 4 shitmon random encounters through the whole game by being railroaded on a guided tour by NPCs telling you where to go.
Sorry you have to put up with Yawnfag's schizophrenic ramblings. For what it's worth, I mainly stay out of Kalos threads unless it's to piss him off.
Gen 5 doesn't gift you a Mega Lucario with legendary tier stats and Adaptability after the 3rd gym or have the exp all so no not exactly
Gen 5 forces you to do two starter type tutorials it thinks the players are so bad.
> Gen 5 doesn't gift you a Mega Lucario with legendary tier stats
Yeah, the game is so easy that it doesn’t have to.
we all know the only xy haters are unovabortions
the picture worth a thousand words
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Oh, that's right. Forgot where I was for a second
The Underground was fairly ambitious at the time for trying to expand upon secret bases.
It didn't help that it was local wireless only and was in a game released during Pokémon's lowest point popularity-wise.
That and it was being openly socially shunned for being "lame gay shit that loser nerds play."
Super Contests are alright and DPPt did feature things like Amity Square as a lead-up to following Pokemon.

This I concur and it's probably one of the reasons why I never got into them.
I wanted to include the DS games since there are some unique instances of creativity here and there, but really it's the 3DS games where mini-games and other features shine.
>They weren't even confident in their own product.
they learned their lesson from BW
>…so Gen 5?
* The most forgettable Rivals/Friends/Gym Leaders/E4/Champion/Villain/Villain Team.
* Super Easy
* The most pathetic rematches against Gym Leaders/E4/Champion.
* Only 72 new pokémon
* Santalune forest and Viridian Forest
* Snorlax roadblock
* 12 out of 28 megas introduced in XY were kanto megas and only 1 Kalos mega (in ORAS)
* Legendary hunt only has one Kalos mon. It has Mewtwo and Kanto birds
* Pidgey is always the first wild encounter
* Gift Mega Kanto Starter
* Gift Mega Lucario
* Mewtwo and Zard get two megas
* Lysandre is a copy of Cyrus
* Team Flare is first encountered the exact same way as Team Rocket was, right down to picking one of two fossils
* Lysandre labs is a copy of the Rocket hideout with the spin tiles and elevator key hunt
* Poké Ball Factory shares several similarities with the Silph Co in Saffron City: both places are involved in creating Poké Balls, are located in the same city or town as the sixth Gym of the region, get taken over by a villainous team at some point, and both companies' presidents reward the player with a Master Ball after driving the villainous team out of the building.
* Immigrants from or tourists to Kanto talking about how great it is
* The kalos regional dex is made up of kanto pokemon more than any other region (Kanto: 111 (24.2%), even more than fucking kalosmons who make up 15.7%)
*the first of many obligatory generational gimmicks
*native Pokemon are excluded from said generational gimmick
*box legends have zero lore
*bloated encounter tables
*not a single interesting trainer battle in the game
*another shitty circle region but with somehow even less interesting landmarks
*lumiose blackout when the lights are obviously still on
*anything that could be called a dungeon is braindead
*literally nothing to find in the postgame beyond one of the aforementioned braindead “dungeons” and the first of several reskinned battle towers
* It created the most autistic, self-inserter and toxic anime fandom
all of those are wrong btw
Not really.
>DPPt is terrible for people who like Pokemon as a concept
hurrrr durrrr
>That and it was being openly socially shunned for being "lame gay shit that loser nerds play."
If you weren't a loser nerd fag this wouldn't have happened to you.
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>meanwhile bw be pandering like
>It created the most autistic, self-inserter and toxic anime fandom
Oh no, he's a brown esl. Jajajaj
>what if we made pokemon for basketball americand
You mean SM
? I don't see any Kanto Pokémon? Sounds like Unova can stand on it's own.
I didn't see viridian forest when I played xy. Stay mad brownie.
BW2 (2012) -> XY (2013)
XY (2013) -> SM (2016)
how did SM sabotage XY?
No Z. Zygarde and his forms were shoehorned into Alola instead of getting a proper Kalos game that would've added extra content to a region lacking it.
Kalos was so full of content that they had extra for the next gen.
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XY is unique :) please remember the PSS you used once
What content?
Blame ORAS (2014)
Everything in the game? Are you retarded?
I used the PSS very frequently. I can count the number of times I used the entralink and union room on one hand
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nah it was just painfully subpar. we were ok with it because it was the first of a new gen on new hardware, but if anything gf went lower and lower each game
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Red Cyrus
>None of the gimmick era games lean as hard into their gimmick as XY did with megas
this is really funny when you remember 90% of mega stones are locked to postgame
I thought XY didn't have a postgame, sagie?
>I swear it wasn't meant for XY! Gen 7 just happens to have all the Gen 6 content that should have been in Gen 6 and historical would be in the same gen!
>collecting items
this isn't a proper postgame retard
nice, you just shut yourself down
can you name any examples of this besides the zygarde forms which were shown in the XY anime?
>not a proper scotsmans endgame
>w-wait no that doesn't count
>held items aren't gimmicks
Zygarde is still valid since the anime if anything proves it's scrapped content meant for Gen 6.
Kalos mythicals having forms delayed to ORAS is another obviously delayed feature.
Half of the Megas not being in XY is another obviously delayed feature.
Yes, collecting fucking items is not a proper postgame. How is this controversial?
Held items are not gimmicks anon.
Zygarde appeared in Alola because they didn't want to put it in ORAS due to the fact that Hoenn should have all the attention with its megas and primordial forms.
They are gimmicks.
They're not that good, but they're overhated as well. The people that put them in the same conversation as worst game when Sword and Shield exist are god damn insane.
what's wrong with SwSh?
It's just terribly boring. Wild Area is a joke, the routes are pathetically linear and they're tiny, it feels like you're constantly being rushed from one location to the next. It's the only mainline game I played and never finished.
i've been away from this board for a while and forgot how much time this one retard spends spamming the same shitty arguments
Can you go away again?
I too enjoy starting my rpgs at max level.
Ignoring the genre to play it as a linear action game.
Paying 59.99 for it.
Playing it once then shelving it forever.
Complaining it's shit to the net
Looping this order.
>they didn't want to put it in ORAS
Why wasn't it in base XY if they weren't planning a Z?
No they're not.
>if I keep saying they aren't gimmicks that makes them not gimmicks
>If I keep saying they're gimmicks when they're obviously distinct from them maybe hey'll believe me
Define gimmick.
In Pokemon? A battle phenomenon appearing alongside the other four moves that is introduced and his heavily shilled in a generation.
>enter grass
>encounter starly
>enter grass
>encounter bidoof
>enter grass
>encounter shinx
>enter grass
>encounter kricketot
Oh boy that's already 4, I sure hope this argument isn't just exaggerated garbage!
>gems confirmed gimmicks
Well thank goodness both of those sets of games have more going on than that, dipshit.
>muh gems
>were never shilled
>are not battle phenomena
>do not appear next to the four moves
reading comprehension anon
please gain it
It was a game with a lot of enjoyable systems attached to an undercooked story with a bunch of mediocre boss battles.
so it’s a pokemon game then
You get the Master Ball from an NPC in every game except RSE.
Munna is more Clefairy than Drowzee since it's a Moon Stone evo.
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No, it was worse!
>shiller so hard that cover legendary events came with them
>a phenomena in the overworld that also affects battles
>literally combines with one of your move buttons
worse than other ones, yes
>shilled so hard
not even close. there was zero shilling of them, and they were never promoted and marketed whatsoever
No one refers to them as such in the game, like the actual four gimmicks from 6-9
>combines with one of your move buttons
good thing that isn't the standard. The standard is a whole separate button next to the other four that you can choose to use in a turn on top of one of your four moves. Retry.
forgot to quote
>most self-aware yawnfag post
Any game without post game is automatically bad.

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