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>Hoenn’s Pokédex is a sea of mediocrity carried by a handful of designs that made landfall.
>Johto and Sinnoh being “expansion” regions was a good thing actually and we could do with them infrequently throughout the series to help forgotten old Pokémon.
>Pokemon designs aren’t getting “worse”, the art style has just constantly shifted and it maybe isn’t your cup of tea. That said, it wouldn’t hurt if they pulled from the design philosophies of earlier Gens at times to tie it all together.
>Chesnaught line is peak, actually.
>Megas should’ve been totally exclusive to Pokémon that had absolutely zero chance of evolving again (legendaries and third legendaries, along with some Pokémon that have designs that can’t be brought forward *that* much). Scizor/Kleavor, Ursaluna, Kingambit, and Duraludon absolutely mog most Megas.
You're a faggot.
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Magnezone is a good design
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The Platinum dex where you need to see all 210 in the region to unlock the national dex was a good idea. Sure it couldn't work for every game, but it made you do a bit of extra exploring / battling to be able to get the full dex features
The Fairy type was a mistake
> "that's not that unpopular"
The dragon type was also a mistake. Gamefreak being able to make a Fire/Water dragon Pokémon without faggots asking "Why isn't this a heckin' dragon type?" would be so cool.
Regional dex size is the most overrated metric for deciding quality of ds/3ds Pokémon games. Especially when 3ds GTS was still available.
This is a thread for unpopular opinions. "OP is a fag" is not an unpopular opinion, but a fact.
i liked honey trees
but i will admit the pokemon you got from them were too weak to justify the effort
Flareon is hotter than Vaporeon
GameFreak should attempt a Pokémon game where there is simply no battling. No wild encounters or no trainer battles.
If you have only ever played Pokémon on emulators independently of interacting with other people, you fundamentally did not understand the entire purpose of any of the mainline Pokémon games.
The critique of "your favorite Pokémon games are your favorites because they are the ones you grew up with" are fundamentally flawed and most people default to this because their favorite games that they grew up with are likely their favorites because they were playing with other people, which is the point of the entire series.
New Pokémon in a generation should be rare.
>GameFreak should attempt a Pokémon game where there is simply no battling. No wild encounters or no trainer battles.
There's dozens of these.
>If you have only ever played Pokémon on emulators independently of interacting with other people, you fundamentally did not understand the entire purpose of any of the mainline Pokémon games.
That's not an unpopular opinion that's you thinking you have some deep inside knowledge for skimming the wiki page.
>The critique of "your favorite Pokémon games are your favorites because they are the ones you grew up with" are fundamentally flawed and most people default to this because their favorite games that they grew up with are likely their favorites because they were playing with other people, which is the point of the entire series.
Wrong. The best is Sapphire because water.
>New Pokémon in a generation should be rare.
Dumb as shit but I guess counts.
>there's dozens of these
Name one dozen.
>GameFreak should attempt a Pokémon game where there is simply no battling.
Just watch bean mouth cartoons and play farming games bitch.
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Ghost needs the dragon treatment and be nerfed really hard, it is powercreeping a lot whenever it gets something new. Gholdengo, annihilape, flutter mane are all problems that arose in gen 9 because ghost type is so fucking good.
Dragon was only a mistake once gamefreak made every legendary dragon/X and pseudos became exclusively dragons after gen 3. So the top tier was always dragons, so they had to make something that could beat dragons, which created dragon 2.0, another strong type with only 2 weaknesses... where have I heard that before...
Knock Off is such a catch-all that it handles most Ghost Types pretty easily. Giving another resistance against Ghost could help though
Arceus and bdsp are both dogshit and I would have preferred a proper remake of dp.
This is less about them being Ghost type and more the fact that their stats, abilities, and moves make them powerful

Gholdengo has the most broken ability of all time that makes it so you can only deal with it via KO, but since it's part Steel type and far bulkier than your average ghost, it's not easy to get that KO whilst it tears teams apart with a 120BP signature move coming off 134 sp attack... Annihilape repeats the "this ghost is way too bulky" trope, this time adding in a signature move that gains 50BP each time you hit it, while it keeps itself alive via Drain Punch/Bulk Up, and can gain a free Swords Dance every time its stats are lowered... Then you have Flutter Mane, who has the one of the silliest min/maxed sp attacking stat spreads, while having access to either a free Choice Scarf or Specs the moment it touches the field...its ironically the easiest if the three to stop... if you don't die first to a boosted Moonblast
>Bagon and Beldum are unusable until the game is basically finished
>The Feebas hunt is a statistical nightmare
>Fossils evolve at 40
>Pre-split Absol
>Weak gimmickmons like Kecleon and Castform

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