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Why doesn't the PWT get mentioned more when bringing up how BW2 don't have the BF? It's pretty unique as a Boss Rush style gauntlet with trainers that have pre determined, viable teams and a variety of different tourney styles. It's got Rental and Mix modes from previous BF facilities and even has a Type Expert style to challenge skills with teambuilding.

If the lack of streaks bugs you the Subway is still there as your Tower fill in. And Black Tower/White Treehollow offers a procedurally generated dungeon challenge if that's more interesting too. Is BW2 labelled as bad in this department because it's not all contained in the same Battle Frontier styled location?
I don’t know what you’re talking about. People have been saying the general gist of your post for years.
>Why doesn't the PWT get mentioned more when bringing up how BW2 don't have the BF?
Because it's objectively drastically worse than the BF in every conceivable way and no one with half a brain considers it a good replacement.
Haters don't bring it up because it sucks and fans don't bring it up because they haven't played the games.
see the reply above

how so?
You have been around discord for way too long if this is not bait
it does, yawnfag just calls it lazy nostalgia pandering
>how so?
no streaks
less variety in rulesets
Why would you want 1 tournament-style facility, when gen 3 BF already had 1 tournament-style facility alongside 6 other ones?
>eceleb obsesser needs an ip counter to tell anons apart
Autism and newfag.
calling it lazy is outright wrong, but it is vapid nostalgiabait that nobody will itch to come back to
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>fighting 99 random trainers when stamina is not a concern is fun
are you trying to make yawnfag /vp/'s equivalent of barry? lmao
>having actual difficulty is fun
I realize difficulty may seem like a foreign concept to a gen 5 fan though
They find the story difficult so they don't have any leftover brainpower for the actual game.
I'd rather have to worry about health and item management if the game is going to waste my time that long anyways. The battle tower was always the weakest facility
>I'd rather have to worry about health and item management
When have you ever had to do this in any pokemon game?
>I'd rather have to worry about health and item management
Oh...you mean like the Battle Pyramid? And the Battle Pike? And the Battle Castle? Which don't exist in BW2 because the game is barebones?
Is every game other than Emerald and functional online barebones then?
Yes, if the length of singular attempts is the concern. Those are all better than any of the streak focused facilities because you're actually doing something besides fighting throwaway trainers
and the ones with functional online*
not that anon but i mean yeah Pokemon is a multiplayer game so only the newest ones with online are good
>Why doesn't the PWT get mentioned more when bringing up how BW2 don't have the BF?
Third versions for the past two generations had Battle Frontiers and PWT being an equivalent of Gym Leader Castle from Stadium 1 and 2 were out of the blue and not actually really wanted/anticipated. I remember feeling let down from that. Simply put, PWT was not enough and was only justified in the way of it probably taking up a ton of development time and planning to make teams for notable trainers.
>If the lack of streaks bugs you the Subway is still there as your Tower fill in
True but Battle Frontier enjoyers like the various facilities for what they offer in the way of shakeups to the Battle Tower formula. This is why the Emerald BF is far more well remembered and received as opposed to the Platinum BF.
>And Black Tower/White Treehollow offers a procedurally generated dungeon challenge if that's more interesting too
This is a training facility and not a battle facility, as the levels are not capped and you gain EXP.
>no streaks
Subway exists. Gen 5 has five facilities spread throughout the map with more diverse designs and mechanics. You're complaining that it's too different from the BF, which had five facilities way more similar to one another.
>less variety in rulesets
see above. Gen 5's facilities collectively prove this point wrong
>Gen 5 has five facilities spread throughout the map with more diverse designs and mechanics
> Subway exists
Wow, your game has 1/7 of the value of the Battle Frontier. Congrats.

> Gen 5 has five facilities spread throughout the map
All of which are drastically worse than the BF.
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The actual reason is that it's easier to act like PWT+Battle Subway+Black City/White Forest + online didn't exist so shitposters can pretend BW2 was a bad game.

Look at the bozos ITT unironically trying to defend shit as bad as the Battle Pyramid, people on this board will say anything if it means going gen 5 bad.
Battle Frontier is more varied because of the gimmicks. Like the lite roguelike gameplay at the Pyramid, or switching restrictions at the Battle Arena, etc. And the Battle Brains give you an end boss/badge to work towards for each area.

PWT is fun but short.
No, the actual reason is that Unovafans didnt play it because they didnt know it existed when they were 5 and now never discuss it.
Yeah just like how no one played the Battle Frontier which is why it was cut from the games.
Same as yours.
>act like PWT+Battle Subway+Black City/White Forest + online didn't exist
No one is doing that. Everyone is just saying they're bad.
Where did you get that from?
The BF has:
>Battle Tower
>Battle Factory
>Battle Arcade
>Battle Castle
>Battle Hall
These are all way too similar and repetitive compared to BW2's facilities:
>Battle Subway
>Battle Institute
>Pokemon World Tournament
>Black Tower
>White Treehollow
>Pokestar Studios
These collectively are better than having the BF. In other words, I'd rather have all of these available instead of cutting them out and slapping on the BF. This is because they are way less similar from one another which allows for way more variety and fun with rechallenging them all. If your only complaint is fast traveling between them, then you're an autist.
Battle Frontier is talked about here daily because people actually played it.
I liked the Pyramid, the only shitty part was that you could find shinies in there. It happened to me once and I was pissed.
>Everyone is just saying they're bad.
How are they worse than BF?
>agp dressup fag
They're not fun.
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>PokeStar Studios
>mentionable in any capacity as a comparable thing to battle facilities
Bad faith argument through and through
>BF was good because it had gimmick battles, and BW2 was bad because it didn't have gimmicks
>here's the gimmicks in BW2
>those don't count!
>scripted battle you cant lose
crazy good gimmick
Why do you even post if you're just going to argue against your own made up thoughts?
better than the nothing swsh and sv attempted anyways. bw2 at least tried adding a couple different things
7 star raids > battle facilities
>Battle Institute
>Pokemon World Tournament
>Black Tower
>White Treehollow
>Pokestar Studios
no streaks, therefore there’s only 1/7 the value
PokeStar studios is like Master Trainer battles in LGPE or Path of Solitude battles in PLA, they're puzzles in the guise of battles except they're not tied to a specific Pokémon. You can quote me on >those don't count
purely because they literally do not to anyone with good intentions behind their post.
While we're at it
>online battles
When was the last time anyone on this board said that they were going to have battles online compared to talking about the Battle Frontier? I'm not saying it doesn't count but this is a feature that was even in gen 4 and if you aren't counting it there then you shouldn't be counting it here.
>Black Tower/White Treehollow
B2/W2's solution to not having the Vs. Seeker, it is a training facility.
>Battle Institute
Five trainers and a score
It's always funny watching people bitch about no Battle Frontier when they never played it when it actually was a thing

Only a tiny fraction of people actually did those challenges, and of that fraction, even fewer actually raised their teams instead of just genning in some perfect IV/exact Hidden Power mons because of how impossible it was to raise "competitive" Pokemon back then

Not to mention the blatant cheating the CPU pulls once you have a decent to high streak going

Battle Frontier "enthusiats" are all liars and charlatans
He won't argue this because raids weren't on the DS :(
>Only a tiny fraction of people actually did those challenges
Holy esl
Have you ever thought that maybe since the barrier to entry is now lowered for training that people would be inclined to play a Battle Frontier in later entries?
he's gonna post the Masuda quote
grinding is my favorite part of pokemon too!
genning in comp pokemon is the only sane way to experience the frontier yes
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I think only one thing the BF has over the BW2 postgame bonanza is the Battle Factory, after that it just feels like pointless shitflinging, especially since BW2 and Emerald are 2 of the top 3 games in the series.
>avatarafag opinion
didnt read
I played it and enjoyed it, that said breeding was definitely a bitch. That said, I just want there to be more optional stuff like that. Hell, think of Pokemon Stadium, that was basically a postgame for gens 1 and 2 and people played that, and it had a couple different gimmicks that modern Pokemon doesn't use like Little Cup.
PWT has Rentals and Mix anyways
>the Masuda quote
Its sad to see that Masuda was right.
Emeraldbros are a dying breed...
It goes against the narrative. You're supposed to mindlessly hate on BW for irrational reasons
He was never more wrong in that quote alone even with saying that Sword and Shield required new models for all Pokémon.
There were no good resources in the game and I would still say that there aren't in Scarlet and Violet in order to properly train Pokémon
>Emeraldbros are a dying breed
There seems to be a gen 3 resurgence happening, it may end up being the Melee of Pokémon
lmao vee pee found it's equivalent for calling someone a jew on /pol/
They're more fun than the BF, where they're all similar and repetitive to one another.
>no streaks
Subway exists. Gen 5 has five facilities spread throughout the map with more diverse designs and mechanics. You're complaining that it's too different from the BF, which had five facilities way more similar to one another.
>less variety in rulesets
see above. Gen 5's facilities collectively prove this point wrong
Not him, I listed Pokestar because it's a facility where you strategically battle. It's YOUR definition that only streak based facilities count, but it's my argument that there needs to be variety instead of having five streak based buildings with very similar mechanics. Your rebuttal being "these don't count without streaks" doesn't address my argument at all.
See above, streaks=/=value. Varied machanics=value+fun.
It's only you whoever doesn't associate the games. Everyone agrees they're the same era and are the peak of the series' quality.
>nostalgia pandering
>They're more fun than the BF
people like you killed pokemon
How is he wrong in that determination?
How is he right?
Not an argument
>they're not fun isn't an argument
>they are fun is
I explained why I think they're fun. You haven't. So I have an argument and you don't.
>them being spread around the map makes them fun
Great reasoning.
I didn't say that. I said all of their gameplay is varied. All you've said is no streaks = doesn't count, which is a dub argument because you're basically saying they should be too similar to one another instead of experimenting with varied mechanics like in BW2.
So the reason is that they aren't all in the same amusement park location. Good to know
>I didn't say that
>proceeds to put a bunch of words in my mouth
Cringe, disingenuous, and expected from BWfags.
>put a bunch of words in my mouth
You quite literally said np streaks means less value when I say no streaks means each facility is different and therefore varies the gameplay, making the experience better. State your argument once and for all instead of dodging around retardedly.
>the games were directly inspired by Dragon Quest but used the main idea that if someone had two of a rare item in DQ, it'd be nice to send it to someone else or trade
>most of the series defining features were mainly around personalized team building and training for battling (ex: ability to nickname a Pokemon was more important than a couple of other planned things to do in gen 1) as well a multiplayer features using hardware advancements (gen II mystery gift, gen 1/2 transfer pak, gen 4 WiFi connection, gen 3 wireless adapter and generally being able to hold more data for record mixing, gen 5 IR)
>Pokemon GO being a massive success because people had phones to use and to play with each other with for gym raids, a concept in which was so successful it got added to the mainline games
The games have always been defined by multiplayer accessibility and a lot of the reason behind /vp/ not actually enjoying the games is because they don't actually use what they have to offer to their fullest extent and either just play on emulators alone or have such a particular interest in one thing in the series that they hyperfixate on it, autism style. The entire series DNA has the multiplayer aspect baked in and front and center, you cannot complete any of the games without multiplayer except for PLA.
>You quite literally said np streaks means less value
I quite literally did not. I'm sorry your autism prevents you from telling people apart.
Difficulty != grinding.

>See above, streaks=/=value
They have value because they have challenge. The PWT is worthless because it's piss easy.
There is no challenge in the CPU abusing skewed RNG and statistically impossible to obtain mons to fuck up a streak

I thought you competitive dudes hated random things happening in battles?
>CPU abusing skewed RNG
Fighting 100 randomly assorted trainers just to fight the boss at the end with fully healed pokemon seems like grinding to me
He doesn't know the CPU is actually coded to fuck you over more often at higher streaks
>he can't prove anything he's saying
>I-it wasn't me!
>they have challenge
repetition ad naseum =/= challenge somehow. it just takes longer to beat
>PWT is easier
How? All the teams are competitively built relative to streak trainers
people will defend emerald battle frontier and call it the peak of the series but it's also the same frontier that has the battle palace in it
Unovafag here, The rest of the facility is still great.
I thought it was a novel way to make natures do something other than stat boosts which is desperately needed these days.
While it wasn't great, it was an attempt and it did make you think about approaching battles differently.
What the fuck? Do you think everyone is me? Or are you even confusing boards? Peak schizophrenic pst.
>I-it wasn't me!
Pyramid and Pike mog every single facility that exists combined so it does not matter, though I would argue that the Palace is not that terrible. As a completionist, I hate the Factory more.
Show me the thread. It's probably completely unrelated. Meanwhile, it was obviously you who's arguing against streaks with retarded arguments and shifting personalities and arguments simultaneously when you're cornered as a retard.

That doesn't save your face though. it just makes everyone think that there are eve more retards on your side kek.
How would it make people think there are even more retards on my side if it's all just me? Do you realize even a little bit how deranged you sound?
>if it's all just me
Can you follow a thought for three seconds? can you read a post normally? I accused of you pretending to be multiple people when your arguments are cornered. Now you'll deny this of course, and I might be wrong as well, but logically if you bring up retarded argument after retarded argument while constantly denying being the same person, you might think you saved yourself from looking retarded by continuing arguments from other fronts, but in reality, you're shotting yourself in the foot by just making it seem like there are multiple people on your side arguing like retards.
>it may end up being the Melee of Pokémon
I didn't know Melee needed to be modified thousands of times to maintain its status.
It doesn't get mentioned because it makes Unova look good
Doesn't it?
>Unova is great actually because it makes you 'member characters from previous games!
So it's like Johto and Kalos?
Yeah it's like Johto where you get to battle them
>putting words in people's mouth
holy esl

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