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Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are suing Palworld devs Pocketpair
Based fuck AI-dev
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>the verdict: the entire dev team has to spend one weekend at Masuda's estate
I absolutely hope that nintendo never finds out about pokemon unbound
Bb-b-b-u fair use?
>I absolutely hope that nintendo never finds out about pokemon unbound

Just sending them an email now, pal.
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>First time?
Mention Lemonpartymon too
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What did Palworld steal besides Cinderace Grass Mode and throwing spheres of varying catch rates?
>haha nintendo will never sue get owned!
For the sin of making a better product. Fuck Nintendo, Fuck TPC, Fuck Gamefreak.
the nipnongs have no case and if this goes through it will have enormous ramifications on all art. TPC are literal demons for this.
If the fuckers did their own mons nothing would have happened
In what world is Palworld "better" than any Pokemon game? It's literal AI slop trash marketed to normalfags and Twitch streamers.

I'm not even saying this to defend Pokemon, you can say any Digimon, Monster Rancher, Yokai Watch or Dragon Quest Monsters or whatever game is better than Pokemon. But Palworld? Lmao
they did though
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>it's legit
Nintendo never loses in court.
thanks for the circles retard, wouldn't have seen the similarity otherwise
Primarima's hair, they even left in the parts compressed by the pearls that they removed and the same tufts of loose hair.
are we all playing retarded or, like dont get me wrong i like palworld as much as the next guy but you have to be delusional to believe that they only copied cinderace
It's objectively better than Arceus Legends at the very least since they're both doing the exact same shit
They're not suing over stolen designs though, they're suing over stolen gameplay mechanics.
It's a patent lawsuit, not a copyright lawsuit.
The art doesn't matter here.
You're the first person outside of myself and one other person that actually knows what this lawsuit is about.
Dont bother its just morons playing dumb to protect the FOTM. Hopefully Nintendo sues these jokers into oblivion.

It's fair for Pokemon to have competition, but their competition shouldn't be competing using Ganefreaks assets.
I got palworld for free, Ive 100% it, and porn will be made even if the game is discontinued. TPC Can have at it
which means TPC is trying to claim the rights to monster catching in general.
Are all Pokefags fucking illiterate retards?
faggot of the month?
its a requirement of being one; yes
>Gamefreak owns the concept of funny differently colored dogs
Will be settled out of court but palworld devs will be taking a lose for the cost of the case.
Which is the point. It's copyright trolling by a big company to crush a smaller one
Are people fucking retarded? ITS NOT ABOUT STOLEN ASSESTS, ITS ABOUT INFRINGING GAMEPLAY MECHANICS. I bet my first born it's the ball catching mechanic. Tpc probably patented it while making PLA. The fact Palworld was teased beforehand means nothing.
Didn't Microsoft have high hopes for the series
>He bought Palworld to stick it to Pokémon/Game Freak
>That money just indirectly goes to them in the end

AI slop gets what it deserves.
Except for the gun combat and base building and factory stuff? Is the open world catching enough for them to be doing the "exact same shit"?
What's the difference between copyright and patent? Aren't they technically the same thing?
Harman Smith was right.
Based. Fuck Tencent-funded knockoff merchants.
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Trademarks - Logos, names, pictures, use in trade/the act of selling. The Niki Logo, the the Michilin Man etc
Copyright - Artistic works, things like code, music, scripts, etc.
Patents - Inventions.
Im contacting my Cuban witchdoctor right now so the spirits pay a visit to these out of touch Nintendo ghouls.
May their greed be their undoing.
Copyright is they own Pokemon or 1/3rd etc so no one can use there assets etc.
Patent in this case must be the monster catching genre it won't just be palworld that gets hit it will effect every monster catcher after if nintendo win full on.
Cool, thank you
Funny that this lawsuit comes only shortly after this year's world tournament has concluded.
>gamefreak invented sheep
>gamefreak invented plants
>gamefreak invented snakes
>gamefreak invented wolves
>gamefreak invented foxes
>gamefreak invented rabbits
>gun combat
Same shit as the poop throwing minigame that you do in PLA to fight bosses, except Palworld actually did it in a non retarded and fun way
>base building
It's optional. Also, PLA has you slowly build Jubilife. Same shit
>factory stuff
Literally just automated crafting. PLA also has crafting, but you're forced to craft the shit yourself. Also optional, the main goal is to beat the 5 tower bosses and you don't need to build a factory to do so

>Is the open world catching enough for them to be doing the "exact same shit"?
Only things that PLA does differently is the garbage linear structure and its garbage chore filled plot. Palworld in the other hand is an actual open world game instead of pretend shit that PLA did
Palworld is simply the better game. I'm not going to pretend that it's a copy of pokemon, but it IS a copy of PLA
The shitty Z spinoff will also feel like a tech demo compared to Palworld since Gamefreak has gone full retard during the switch era
sony signed a deal with them to make a bunch of palworld merch and stuff
This is a patent lawsuit not a copyright lawsuit so I don't think they are suing about creature similarities. That being said I have no clue what patents Palworld is infringing.
Now there will never be sex mods. Game ruined.
Palworld has a sphere catching method right? I think that's probably what the real problems, things like monster hunter stories or yokai watch didn't get any of this shit right?
It's a lawsuit over a patent, so it has nothing to do with the designs / art. Recently, when Nintendo made Tears of the Kingdom, they filed patents for things like player characters gripping ledges, or player character speed being affected by moving objects. This is the type of thing that Palworld is now being sued over. A patent.
Tell me more, JP Lawyer-san. I'm sure you are not just an internet commentor talking out your ass.
Anon.. you okay? maybe read the op pic?
Patents last for 20 years. It has to be a feature that originates in gen iii or later
I'm not an IP lawyer, you retard, I'm an accountant, accountants learn the differences because they're intangible assets.
Here are the differences. You copyright as model, much as you copyright a cartoon character.
He's a gen 5 fan, telling him to read is ableist
If it's the sphere-catching method then they'll change it to cubes or some shit if Nintendo wins.
This suit has the potential to piss off a lot of other companies, however, depending on the ruling on the patents involved and how much money Nintendo forks over to the courts.
>Patent in this case must be the monster catching genre it won't just be palworld that gets hit it will effect every monster catcher after if nintendo win full on.
Didn't they try that with Tear Ring Saga and the TRPG genre? They lost that because wanting to be the owner of a genre was considered a monopoly and only the mouse can do that, wonder what's the target this time tho
I guess this anon is probably right then >>56463347
Everyone who shilled this chink asset flip with zero fucking content solely because "le ebin pokeymanz with guns and slavery" deserves to have Scarlet and Violet tier games in every genre they enjoy for the rest of eternity.
So instead of investing money into making the next pokemon game great they spend it on lawyers
In fact, you don't need to be a lawyer or an accountant to know this.
Are the means of capturing Pals in Palworld the same as Pokemon? I've never played Palworld
If Nintendo wins then they'll take all of Pocketpair's money and make them cease to exist as a company.
Nintendo and The Pokemon Company will lose this lawsuit and never recover. Once the beast is wounded the vultures will swoop in and pokemon will be carved up into a million pieces, screenshot this post.
>Patents last for 20 years.
Tell that to Disney.
AIbros how we coping??
>Tell that to Disney.
Those are copyrights, not patents. Those are 70+the life of the creator or something.
you're thinking of copyright you retard mongrel. never speak again.
>Patents last for 20 years.
In the US they do, but is the same true for japan?
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Patent infringement?

But patents expire
They'll just reappeal, it happened during the kaga saga which dragged on for years.
You just know it's going to be some bullshit they patented while making Legends Arceus. They can patent shit and never release it.
The thing I find most funny is that if this is true it would have taken literally nothing to change it in a different way of catching. Storing them in pieces of papers or some other shit, but throwing a ball at them is actually a bit too similar yeah
They did kill his career tho, so even if you win against them, you lose
Isn't this a bad idea? These guys actually have the money to fight back now. Shouldn't they have done this before?
It's REALLY hard to actually win a case on copyright infringement today since very few things can meet any criteria for originality now anyways.
It's not about winning. It's about draining pocketpair of their resources so they either fold or discontinue making palworld
No you retards it's not about killing Palworld, it's about making sure noone copies the Pokeball mechanic in the future.
>Nintendo and The Pokemon Company will lose this lawsuit and never recover
PCfags said the exact same thing when Nintendo went after Yuzu lol
what's it like being an illiterate?
At least until the patent expires anyway
but yeah actually
>They can patent shit and never release it.
This has to be illegal, right? Patents should remain public to be looked up.
Anon, this is a Japanese lawsuit. Japan's patent laws are NOTORIOUSLY strict for video games. Lots and lots of horror stories about someone patenting a relatively simple mechanic, then every other video game is just locked out of using it forever.

A good example is that some Japanese gacha game patented "using bulk items to raise a skill multiple levels at once", so a bunch of other games are just barred from using it. Even a franchise as big as Fate/Grand Order has said it's the reason you have to level skills one at a time in that game.
What the hell maaaaaan
they are
None of you even know if catching creatures in a sphere is patented or not, you're just wildly guessing. When Tears of the Kingdom was made, Nintendo filed patents over multiple basic game mechanics, like the ability to grab ledges. Nintendo has been filing patents like that for many years.
Don't these guys actually have money to defend themselves now though.
Of course we're guessing, where's the problem?
What do you think the "patents" are?
Something very generic or something superspecific?
Ummmm, Palsissies...what do we do now?
But do they have enough money?
>like the ability to grab ledges
Why isn't Nintendo suing Ubisoft or Square-Enix then? Probably because patenting ledge grabbing is as frivolous as patenting using a sword
I didn't play palworld so it's hard to guess, but from what I've seen on youtube looks pretty similar to PLA
They can afford to defend themselves, yes. But having the money for a legal team doesn't mean you can just buy a verdict (especially in Japanese court). More so when it's fucking Nintendo they're trying to defend against.
It has to be poke balls right? Everything else is so generic or more about copyright than patent.
I hope they lose modern Pokemon design is shit
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These are things The Pokemon Company seemingly owns the concepts for.
>All the game mechanics of Pokemon Sleep.
>Boarding and riding a vehicle in a game, and having that vehicle automatically switch between ground and air modes.
>Aiming and throwing a Pokeball to catch or release a Pokemon.
>Storing and transferring people's data between games ala Pokemon Bank/Home.
>The way scoring works in Pokemon Unite.
>A multiplayer world where players have fun. That's it, I literally don't get how else I'm supposed to interpret this patent.
>Using a device to scan an image and do something based off the image.
>How the GTS works.
>Sticking cards in sleeves with RFID tags and using a camera with an RFID tag reader to track players' cards in a card game.
>Something about how to use a camera in a video game.
Only really the experience from catching multiple copies is really the same as Legends, but that might be it.
Throwing ball shaped objects to capture creatures
Considering all the bullshit Nintendo patented during TOTK release, it could be literally anything.
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>Spend their entire day on /vp/
>Hate Pokemon and want nothing but harm to happen to it
Why is nu-/vp/ like that? Or is it just a zoomer thing?
Definitely a mid-late zoomers thing
>>Aiming and throwing a Pokeball to catch or release a Pokemon.
That has to be it.
Thank you fennekin, yeah i guess it's the pokeballs
ty for factual information

i looked for the actual filing but i don't think it's available yet
Fuck you, Pokemon Company! I will literally contribute my money into Pocketpair's legal defense. All we wanted was Pokemon for the PC, you Jap fucks!
Who are you talking to
Palshit was touted as the REAL Pokemon killer this time, you have to understand the shills are now taking it up the ass so they have to bitch and moan.
>Aiming and throwing a Pokeball to catch or release a Pokemon
Called it
I look like her <:3c
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I hope the switch 2 fails so Nintendo actually has to try to make good games like back in the wii u days
It's a Mexican standoff of patents with all the legacy companies.
I hope Palworld wins.
This is gonna be like when Lego tried to do this and the It blew up in their face and now it's totally legal for everyone to make fake Lego mini figures.
Wasn't aware of that.
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It's just a western thing. The Japanese are behind Nintendo on this. There's nothing wrong with protecting your IP.
Why? No seriously why? Pocket Pair will never finish it. Killing it opens the door to somebody else making a monster capture game. One that might actually get finished and doesn't piss off poketards like us
Didn't Ultraman and Super Sentai literally do monster capture pods first?
>A multiplayer world where players have fun. That's it, I literally don't get how else I'm supposed to interpret this patent.
You can click on it for more detail. It's a VERY lengthy description of some kind of real-time RPG system where you control characters indirectly. I have no idea what it could be referring to in practice. Maybe just an idea they had that was scrapped, but they liked it enough to hold onto the patent?
>Killing it opens the door to somebody else making a monster capture game.
Everyone would literally be afraid to try again.
>>Boarding and riding a vehicle in a game, and having that vehicle automatically switch between ground and air modes.
So they're gonna sue FFXV?
>>Storing and transferring people's data between games ala Pokemon Bank/Home.
Gacha games have link account when changing Phone
>the reason they haven't shown any za footage is because it is a blatant palworld clone and they want to kill palworld vefore the first trailer
My girlfriend is a Japanese attorney. We have been discussing how fucked Palworld is since it came out. She gets really passionate about it, haha.

But yes, the issue is the character designs, which were ripped directly from Pokémon. Anyone saying otherwise is just coping. And no, Sony isn’t going to swoop in and save them.

Pocket Pair is done.
What are you talking about retard even my norime cousin told me to try out palworld
One word: China
It's very specifically referring to the way you capture and send out Pokemon in PLA, not just the general idea of monsters in capsules.
just so you know i fucked her
>character designs, which were ripped directly from Pokémon
Some examples that arent stretches
I didn't realize there was anything unique about it.
Palworld is literally the only monster capture game in the world that stands a chance to threaten Pokemon's throne and monopoly. That's why it's getting support and not shit nobody likes like Monster Rancher, Yokai Watch or Digimon
Shit like this is why SEGA is backpedaling on Shadow being inspired by Vegeta (and, in the case of SXSW, Venom).
One that doesn't seem to be as widely circulated is that the chicken is literally just Rowlett
send her back to law school this is for patent infringement not copyright
Cmon man, the primarina stuff should be enough
> Japanese court system.
> Lol patents. It's not even about models or copyrights.

This is just scare tactics. If Pocketpair will not piss their pants from fear and just challenge it in the court then TPC will be publicly ambarassed. What these idiots from TPC are even doing?
Normally, I would be angry that companies ruined my favorite franchises. However, since not-mes are backwards, maybe they're angry that they didn't ruin the franchises enough.
What primarina stuff show pic please
That wouldn't be a patent claim, retard.
If wasn't for all the third worlders spamming this thread with palworld and /v/ i would care but now I really don't.
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>You WILL buy mediocre RPG product, not the mediocre Rust clone!
How about neither?
You know this is just delusional right? Pokemon ia simply too big to fail
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This is whom /vp/ is rooting over.
The retard chink they got to make this asset didn't even bother trying to hide where it came from.
It would have taken them 5 seconds in blender to smooth it out, pure laziness.
Your "Girlfriend" is retarded
They're literally using AI lawsuit bots lil youngster.
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>I have no idea what it could be referring to in practice
LGPE's scrapped online hub
Didn't he get sue to the point he's a unpaid shill?
Nintendo died with Iwata and the FE game sucked
This feels stupidly late. If they wanted to kill off Palworld, the best time would have been way earlier when they didn't have giant piles of money. It's not as if they have high operating costs, they have a giant war chest that can tap into even if all of their income disappeared tomorrow. Even if they win, Palworld will have completed its lifecycle in however many years by then.
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What if they force the game off of steam? What if Valve has to issue automatic refunds?

It's a very lengthy and specific patent that goes into detail about what specifically they patented. The most specific thing is the ability to send monsters you've captured out to use field skills, which Palworld absolutely uses.
>the best time would have been way earlier when they didn't have giant piles of money.
Bro use your head.
That's literally why they are suing now.
There is no point suing someone who is broke.
This >>56463313
Reminder that Nintendo are friends with the LDP (the ruling party), so they will never lose this trial.
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First it was Nintendo not giving a shit.
Now it's a nothingburger patent lawsuit.
What will it be later, anon?
Can you read? What about my post implied it was a nothingburger patent lawsuit? Did I say that in 2 sentences I posted? Are you an ESL?
“You see Nintendo only won the lawsuit and put Pokcet Pair out of business because of their Yakuza connections.”
It's almost as if Palworld making giant piles of money helps their claim that the company profited off Nintendo's ideas.
Bugs in anusu
>nintendo owns hair
I hope that your girlfriend (probably man in drag) is better at giving bjs than understanding law, lmao.
This is patent case. It's not about "muh models". And TPC had not real grounds here + Japanese court system really hates cases where there is chance for defendant to win. Lawyers are dropping cases if they don't have 100% chance for victory.
I have no idea what ideas Pokemon patented and which supposedly Palworld infringed but if they don't have any damned evidences, Pocketpair just need to not give in. This case is just an attempt of Intimidation and temporary take down.
I'm pretty sure Nintendo is like, a sizeable % of Japans entertainment industries income. There's a clear conflict of interest here for the courts to always side with the big N.
>Are the means of capturing Pals in Palworld the same as Pokemon? I've never played Palworld
Literally a sphere that rotates like a PokeBall 3 times...
Thanks Disney.
But the AI generated videos of Mickey Mouse being a depraved Luciferian will still happen.

So, assuming Palworld full capitulates, what do you think they'll replace that mechanic with? A capture laser?
>suing over a patent
Is Nintendo just being really petty and vindictive? Is this just their way of getting back at Palworld for being successful?
Here are all of TPC patents.
>nintendo owns hair
fuck off
I was going to buy a Switch 2 for Prime 4 but nope, not anymore! Ninty and TPC can die now for all I care!
>suing over a patent
>Is Nintendo just being really petty and vindictive?
I'm not here to argue about this lawsuit but do you think patent infringement is a minor little issue?
>ability to capture characters on the field by switching into a "throwing mode" and throwing a capture object at them
>ability to send out characters you've captured onto the field to use techniques (this doesn't actually happen in PLA, but it's in the patent)
>a battle mechanic for characters you've captured this way
Basically, they have a patent on Pokemon Legends Arceus' general gameplay style.
Why are you retards bringing up the designs when they're suing over patents? If anything, this proves they couldn't get a legitimate case over the designs and had to settle for using something else against them.
Sad Cody went from a minor miiverse troll to a failed lolcow.
It's a stupid fucking issue.
patents, while initially a good thing, have been corrupted by large scale companies. Down with Patents until the big companies collapse under their own stupidity with no special snowflake status to protect them
I don't think there's enough money in the world that could defend you against a "cultural darling" like Nintendo. Also this is Japanese court, so your automatically assumed guilty and have to prove your innocence.
This is just Pokemon legends
>what is Tear Ring Saga
No, it isn't, ripping off someone's patented invention is a bad thing. I don't mean in this case, I mean in general. The chinks commit mass patent infringement constantly and it hurts US industry.
OK lolbert, in the real world, people typically like to protect things they created if you want to use it so bad, you can pay the patent holder a license fee or make your own invention.
This will be settled out of court
Pocket Pair will abandon Palworld
People will be deterred from making another game based off Pokemon directly... for a few months
Games like Genshin Impact or Palworld will still pop up from time to time because frankly they make more money then you'd lose settling.
From what I was able to clean, the patent issue may be from PocketPair "somehow" gaining access to a Switch dev kit- which would explain their use of Pokemon 3D assets, and Nintendo charges a fee for those dev kits
PocketPair apparently never paid for Switch dev kit, and that, as well as a couple of other things, like the ball tossing to capture creatures are likely at the heart of the lawsuit
yeah they deserve it
they obviously stole tons of designs and just recolored them
>loses to FE man
>ruled by a FE fan
Fire Emblem chads just keep winning and WINNING even losing.
That's retarded.
But I suppose that's entire patent system, oh well.
This changes a lot tho - For Pocketpair to survive they would need to prove that these patents are not valid. And while I agree that these are pretty generic things, court may think differently.
They're not getting sued over design, they're getting sued over patent infringement. Which means Nintendo thinks they own the rights to monsters getting caught in balls.
Well yeah, but that's not what this is about. It's because TPC patented a lot of mechanics in Pokemon Legends Arceus that Palworld also uses. I know it's hard to believe in an age where games like Stardew Valley exist, but you can patent gameplay mechanics. If you make a game and properly patent it, competitors can't just make a carbon copy of it.
This is not about "muh models" and it's TPC suing them so it's not about Switch. Stop yapping.
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So what happens if Nintendo wins?
I mean we all know this, they even had a Mewtwo y fused with Freeza pose that they never used in the end lol. But because it's different enough people won't care. They are fucked because they will fight for patents in Japan. Good luck to them I guess.
So it's like everyone knows they ripped off pokemon's designs but they can't be sued for it
>And while I agree that these are pretty generic things, court may think differently.
They're generic on their own, but they're patented together. It's this specific combination of mechanics working in tandem that TPC owns the rights to, and Palworld uses it almost 1:1. And the patent is specific enough that it likely can't be thrown out.
Based arceus killing aislop
And who could forget the time Namco patented loading screen minigames?
Software patents are a cancer for the entertainment industry. Death to all software patent holders. Not just Nintendo.
Iwata was around when FE became the otakuslop soulless machination in 2012
They get to keep pumping out shitty games uncontested for another 100 years, because who wants to deal with a landmine like, "got sued by nintendo because apparently capturing monsters and fighting with them is against the law."
>Temtem used cards
The irony that the pokemon clone itself is clean
Iwata didn't save Kanto from being a ghost town of houndours.
>these are pretty generic things
Name one franchise with a ball mechanic like pokemons. Before you say it no DBs capsule corp doesn't count as they only stored and deployed non-living things like bikes or shelters not creatures
Wasn't this one faked anyway? Nobody ever has the source for this anymore.
He was dying and didn't care
Also its the only thing saving it from death
Well without kanto you wouldn't have any other gen
>he thinks patent is just gameplay stuff
probably something more nitty gritty or ignored by gamers
The design thing is what is being downplayed the most among Palcucks.

It isn’t the only thing they plagiarized, however, which seems to be the what the initial filing is demonstrating.

$25 million+ dollars will be spent on Unova chibimakes
The "Gameplay Mechanics" patents of anything in the games up until Emerald are now beyond the 20 year patent window. Shit that was designed for Legends Arceus are still fresh and actionable.
>Which means Nintendo thinks they own the rights to monsters getting caught in balls.
No. But The Pokemon Company does own the rights to "A 3D game where you can capture characters on the field by switching into a object-throwing mode and throwing a capture device to acquire the character, then release it onto the field to interact with, use the character's special skills, or use it in combat with another character".
I don't hate or want to harm Pokemon.
I hate and want to harm the retards in charge of it.
Instead of taking the L and striving to make a better game to outshine your competition, they'd much rather muscle any competition out through lawsuits.
I guarantee you Gen 10's games will be significantly more unpolished and more unstable than SV, with more features removed, more paid DLC, and /vp/ will buy it twice yet again because they want to have sex with the new waifumon starter. And I know this because it's been happening every generation since the leap to 3D.
Holy shit, when will Konami and Inti Create sue?
>ability to send out characters you've captured onto the field to use techniques (this doesn't actually happen in PLA, but it's in the patent)

The technique they're referring to is probably like throwing them at a tree to knock down berries/apricons, throwing them at red ore to drop tumblestones,etc
if its too broad a concept the judge will rule against them for that
Is this the palmon in question?
>He was dying and didn't care
So was Toriyama, and that brain cancer shit was 20 years ago. No excuse.
they're going to piss the money away making more slop
Well either weebslop or no more games
>so much seethe
Funny how you fuckers were ADAMANT your chinky boyfriends COULDN'T get sued, because Nintendo actually acted as every proper business does, as actively investigated the matter.
big companies only do this to inflict stagnation on the rest of the industry
But wasn't Pocketpair doing all those things long before Legend of Arceus was even a thing? I even had to look it up, and thier shitty craftopia game had them capturing a giraffe in a pyramid like ball.
they should have patented it then now nintendo owns it and palworld is fucked.
It depends on if Craftopia had a mechanic where you could freely send out characters you've captured onto the field and recall them for the sake of using skills or battling other characters. Again, what's important isn't a specific part of the patent, but this exact combination of elements.
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>Chinks actually lost
Huh palworld bros... It's not looking good...
Nintendo is Team Rocket
Game Freak apparently went on a patent spree when they made Legends Arceus and now think they own the concept of an open world mon game.
I wonder if they can get around it by the fact that Legend of Arceus battle system is still turn base and Palworld's is still open world? This would also kill off other smaller indie monster capturing games like Nexomon, since they've also moved towards an open world monster capturing system.
>Patent it for craftopia before arceus was even thought up.
>Get sued by nintendo anyway because they wanted to do that system and want that patent erased.
This one is specifically the concept of creature mounts that switch in real-time based on context. For example, if you touch water when you're riding Braviary, it'll automatically switch to Basculegion.
The thing is they COULDN'T be sued until recently. TPC literally just established hyper specific patents MONTHS after Palworld's release specifically so they COULD use them.
Nintendo is fucking seething at their success and is about to (attempt to) make an example of them.
Aren't patents, at least in regards to game mechanics, more about implementation than the concept itself? Hence why something very simple like multiple simultaneous stat buffs or putting an arrow on the screen to point to your destination effectively shut everyone else out of doing it because there's not really another way to implement it because it's so basic, meanwhile more complex things like collision detection and enemy ai decision trees can be done with a different approach so another game doing the same thing isn't necessarily doing it the way the patent protects.
It's time to take out the trash
>lol we're gonna copy pokemon and do it better
>look how successful we are! suck it nintendo hahaha! nothing can go wrong
>we're making DLC, here it is!
>Nintendo/Gamefreak way of getting out of making a good pokemon game is forcing the competition to make a worse version of their game by patenting the concept of monster collecting itself, then suing those who try to get around it into bankruptcy
Interesting strategy.
Can't handle a little bit of competition?
Absolutist cuck take, they should have just done a normal game without the hentai art and live2D shit
Because the intent is to use it as a targeted weapon against specific companies, like Pocketpair, not to go ballistic and start suing as many people as possible.
This is a patent case you stupid idiot. Has nothing to do with copyright which is art. Good lord, why are anti Palworld people this stupid.
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Nintendo was always eager to bring down the banhammer of the law on things why are people acting like this is something to be surprised by?
FE would have died if they listed to people like you
It will still sell 40 million by the end of year.
They want palworld to fail so badly that they're blinded to what's actually happening.
I mean, it won't if it gets pulled and you can no longer purchase it.
Because this time it's
1. Not a fan project
2. Something people unironically care about.
Its just as bad on /v/. The people going against Palworld are acting like sub 70 IQ Retards.
Gameplay patents shouldn't fucking exist.
>Mass effect dialogue wheel
>Mini games during loading screens
>The fucking crazy taxi arrow
>Nemesis system
>Throwing a fucking ball to catch a creature
These are all fucking things that were patented and this is retarded as shit.
Go fucking sue Atlus then you fucking cowards
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Game lost 95% of its player base even before Nintendo sued them. Palworld was a fad lasting just a few weeks. Nobody will miss it.
Excuse me faggot, the last FE game with hentai art crap got the devs into trouble and to turn to otakushit hentai art.
FE's issue was they're dogshit with marketing and that changed fast with Awakening. If any earlier FE game had that, it'd be as much of a success as Awakening, Fates, and 3H.
>People care about
Ok let's not go that far lol
I don't see no AR15
Nigger you shouldn't be allowed to fucking patent how a mother fucking game plays.
Imagine if someone patented moving and shooting or the concept of a third person camera
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So basically Nintendo couldn't find any other legit grounds to sue Pocket Pair and are now grasping at straws by saying that they own the concept of catching monsters in balls? Does that sound about right? Why is Nintendo like this?
So instead of working on Legends of Z or a better generation of Pokémon for the switch, they are wasting time trying to get money from a mid meme indie game? Not a hater but just make better Pokémon games Nintendo.
I'm so fucking pissed that the Nemesis system was patented because now nobody is going to use a genuinely good mechanic not even the ones who patented it because WB are fucking retards and the Shadow of series will never get a new game due to the studio dissolving and the IP being in legal purgatory now.
Nintendo MUST sue it's in their nature to sue
They did this with TotK lol
Now SEGA can't do a bundled Silver ESP game because oh noes it looks like their legally distinct gmod tool.
Namco made a patent for interactive things during a loading screen despite not even being the first to do it.
Lasted 20 years and ended by the point when it doesn't even matter

If Nintendo can own the concept of an open world monster catching game then Ubisoft should be able to own the concept of an open world game filled with collectables
>implying SEGA would do anything with Silver in the first place
Though I get the sentiment
>Pulled over something they can quickly flip over
Remember Nintendo pulled this shit on Kaga over it's hex grid movement system and lost
Do you think the dev team is also the legal team?
Sonic 06 man can't catch a break huh
patents were a mistake
>countless pokemon clones get released
>they all are forgotten about
>GaaS clone releases
>steals and repurposes models
>steals patented ideas and designs
>shocked they get sued
>inb4 this pushes Segger to add Silver into Smash
Palworld is fucking shit. Good riddance, chinkshit.
Patent extensions are worse
Just another reason for me to hate this fucking shitty company, can't wait for another 25 years of slop games being shat out
>steals and repurposes models
never happened
Oh indeed
I don't get it. Why are pokefags celebrating this when it means that their games will still end up being subpar slop? Palworld was the wake up call that Gamefreak desperately needed, but if Nintendo wins this lawsuit then the future of pokemon looks grim.
You're gonna learn the hard way that Nintendo doesn't sue in Japan unless they have the other party dead to rights.
They must be since we still have not got any news on Legends of Z or a new generation. So the devs probably went to Nintendo stock holders and corporate executives and said "we need more time to prep Legends of Z and the next dump fire of gen pokemon where the region takes place in curry land, so stall for time". Hence the law suit
>make a better game
Being so desperate you have to lie is almost as cringe as being a bootlicker
No one is playing Palworld because once the game's shock factor ended they saw it for what it was
Patents were made to protect the small guy from big corporate entity. But now the opposite is happening.
>right wingnuts still pushing Palchad as chink, when it's entirely japkino
One of the main devs was a former Nintendo employee and TPC let Tencent have stake on the company.
Your accusations make zero sense.
Unironically yes.
Why is this allowed?
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patents should be eradicated, all they have done is stifle competition and promote stagnation
So if I were to patent something right now that means I can sue whoever DARES infringe on it?
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Speaking of Crapcom: they just renewed the fucking Battle Network patent for no fucking reason.
yes but buying a patent at the patent office is not cheap and you have to be careful to not infringe on any existing patent, because there are millions of those.
Waiting on the asset lawsuit.
If they were using stolen/copied models they would have sued for copyright infringement not patent infringement.
Why the fuck are patent extensions legal?
seeing all the feet clapping on social media is fucking retarded, just for fags to buy the next shitty game GF dumps out, this franchise is fucking dead quality wise, they know they can get away with fucking anything and retards will support them no matter what.
One is easier to prove than the other.
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just for any type of Battle Network game from them to never happen, because they fucking despise Megaman, Fuck Crapcom.
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>We will never get this.
I don't know what that is at all, can you tell the story?
I can’t wait until they lose like what happened with tear ring saga. Wonder if that chigyu, furukawa, will resign
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So if they win that would mean no game will be safe ever again? That they will have a monopoly over every element in games from
>Level up
>Open world
>Monsters as a whole
>Creatures based on animals
>Catching genre
>Objects near the PC

That would fuck the industry as a whole not just PP
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Why is Nintendo allowed to act like this, does Japan not have anti-monopoly laws or something?
>KT and Capcom will never collaborate because of legal beagles grudging each other
No womder Itsuno and Itagaki left the companies.
>that would mean no game will be safe ever again
Never was. Nintendo (and many other video game companies like Namco) has been doing this shit for decades.
Nintendo has been an effective monopoly in Japan for years but no one seems to care enough to do anything about it
>Why is Nintendo allowed to act like this, does Japan not have anti-monopoly laws or something?
Nintendo has the main political party in their pockets. I’ll try to find you the animal crossing promo they did for them even though they banned sleepy joe from doing the same
So was Disney.
So was Marvel.
So was Star Wars.
Nintendo OWNS the monster catching genre and don't you fucking forget it, palfag. If you want to play a game with that style of gameplay, then pokemon is your ONLY option. It's over for you.
Ok TPC thanks for the Palworld ad, I think I'll actually buy it now
It's unironically Snover bros...
Found it
Pocketpair is truly one of a kind, being the only dev in the world brave and willing to stand up to Nintendo's bullshit and tyranny
God wish, I still see that fucking spaghetti western everywhere
Patents make sense when you have to run trials and do r&d but not for some nebulous concept.
I don't understand why physical board games and table top games can't patent a mechanic but a video game can.

Imagine if film techniques and fucking genres were patented
Remember this?
This only happened because Nintendo has a patent on DS celda touchscreen shit.

They immediately sued another company years they closed a deal with Nintendo. Not like Cygames had a choice.

Now it's EoS'd, Nintendo probably won't pull a NebulaJoy (Mega Man XDiVE) and make an offline version that will sell a few extra millions.
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The usual reddit-tier "pokemon bad" poster is of the age where they realize not all games are made to cater specifically to them and lash out because of it. Pokemon isn't a grownup AAA 300 hour minimum unreal engine jackoff fest so its bad and GF should be arrested.

For palworld in particular, nerds gobbled up the gamepass astroturfing and are coping hard over it in retrospect.
Yes this is an actual thing and there are companies that exist solely to buy patents and then sue companies that actually make things.
Even the largest companies in America have to deal with them
Schadenfreudism and Stockholm Syndrome
Doesn't Nintendo have like a 90% win rate in court cases? And they usually don't pursue cases like this unless they're sure they can win. It really just might be over for Palworld, sadly.
At least Palworld is not a live service game so we can make backups of it.
Shut the fuck up you stupid shit. Palworld is one of the best games of 2024 and this lawsuit is bullshit.
The only reason to be happy is if your dream is for all major companies to start suing each other and hope for a collapse
Be glad pic related isn't a patient hog like his previous employers.
Why bother ? For all his shortcomings and criticism, he understands platform fighters better than any western pig studio.
anon he still works at Nintendo
I mean, you CAN still play DL and people did backups. But you have to play a save file that basically unlocks everything.
He's a freelancer and works at a 2-person company.
freelancing under Nintendo is still working under them
He hasn't worked at Nintendo ever nor worked with HAL since the 2000s.
He's self-employed (Sora Ltd) and work on contracts. He's technically mostly working via Bandai Namco since they straight up made established a visible team tailored to Smash Bros development.
And palworld is not the only looks like they are killing every chink clone

>Palworld is one of the best games of 2024
That's still not "working at Nintendo". That's like saying Ishikawa is (still) a Capcom employee
That was weeks ago
Nobody cares about Tranimal Well and Asttrobutt, Timothy.
I know it's only pantent but most palworld designs are assets from official Pokemon, they released a ninteales glaceon fusion, it over
We're doing fine. Palshit can go to hell, wannabe japs can't outchink us.
lmao I was clicking through the patents some more and found they also patented Terastallization. God forbid anyone steal that.
I think one reason Nintendo tpc is doing this. It's because the guns they don't want be called Pokemon with guns
looks more like Nintendo patented having the element show up on your head like a silly hat which is oddly specific
>Protean is Pokepatented
>“I always think: To make new things is very hard"
>“In game development, of course, sometimes we have to do it, but, as much as possible, I try to avoid creating new things.”

Oh no Pal Bros, the creator of Palworld just admitted he just steals all his ideas
Nintendo is dead people is shitting them they lost nintentrannies on suicide
Yea, but pocketpair could just go to Microsoft for help. Better to sell your soul to the devil you know
Funny how Nintendo only care Pokemon when is money and lawsuits lmaoo
question is if Microsoft is willing to pour money into that or jeopardize their relation with Nintendo
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That's Nintendo with just about any of their properties, they'll care if they can make a lawsuit out of it
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Type that in English
Hi Palworld dev
Nintendo is going to fuck the entire industry because they got scared of a small Indy company, and that's hilarous
No game will be safe ever again because they have a patent over almost everything, even stupid shit like having the characters near objects in videogames
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>Funny how Nintendo only care Pokemon when is money and lawsuits lmaoo
Why hasn't Nintendo sued Blizzard then? Their monster trainer minigame is literally a ripoff of pokemon
Bugsu in anusu
>their relationship with nintendo.
You mean the relationship that has effectively not gone anywhere?
I think they mean never release it in an actual game. Companies file tons of patents that never make it to an actual product just look up apple's folding phone
>they filed patents for things like player characters gripping ledges, or player character speed being affected by moving objects
sure but Microsoft could see it as a potentially going somewhere and not risk it due to being risk adverse
Lol Nintendo and Microsoft barely have any relationship with each other
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>scammers make an edgy pokemon ripoff with ai slop
>game is in EARLY ACCESS too
>retards support it under the delusion that if it succeeds, gamefreak will make pokemon games better
>meanwhile countless other unique game franchises about raising and battling monsters have been ignored and accused of being "pokemon ripoffs" over the past 20+ years
pokemon fans are the most mentally ill subhumans in gaming
I can straight up pull out any jeet that worked on a Pokemon game and do it against you too.
>prease do nhat reddheem pokemon ganepray itadakimasaar!
>multiple patents

Oh so that includes the trademarks. So everyone retarded.
Lol, they'll definitely do it.
Phil doesn't give a shit. He's in deep shit and think he'll buck break Nintendo because they bucked their former colleague, Sony.
the state needs to break up Nintendo, they've gotten too big
japan doesn't have states
See >>56463651
Wonder if they make a move
I didn't know he had his own company.
Honestly that makes him extremely impressive considering he has way more control than any normal contractor
not just a western thing, you see japanese online haters all the time too. It is more people that get bullied irl and have nothing better to do with their lives. "if i'm not happy no one can be happy"
This just show the true face of Nintendo what a greedy jew company god
You mean Prefectures, not how it works. They got their own lobbyists at Japan as well
Depends if Nintendo is a thing in such a broad scope that it will effect them
> "the issue is the character designs"
> patent infringement lawsuit
nice virtual gf anon
How do they feel about otaku/anti-censorship avocates like Yamada and Akumatsu?
He's a legal beagle, he's balls deep with Nintendo as long they don't step into his degen doujin artist lanes
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It's time to blanda up.
Is this the only realistic chance for Palworld to win?
>Is this the only realistic chance for Palworld to win?
Sony sided with Kaga for TRS on the basis of Nintendo claiming it being a FE ripoff so it’s possible.
Oh yeah Microsoft might actually do something, this could be interesting
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God, that looks GotY.
It's funny, Nintendo used to be guy the world was after, now their after the world itself and expect them to sleep in their bed after losing.
>tfw sony and microsoft band together to save palworld
Would be kino of the highest order.
I consider Palworld to be pretty definitive proof that normalfags don't want different design sensibilities in the genre of monster taming. They literally just want the pokemon aesthetic, even if it's I-cant-believe-its-not-butter pokemon.
Dozens of games got called ripoffs of pokemon and the most successful one by far is the only one that purposely fits the label
Palworld isn't Games As A Service, it's just a typical early access game where a lot of intended features are missing.
There's no daily incentives to play or anything.
Prior Art. XD invalidates the patent
Yeah, stolen models would be easier to prove since it would be objective. But they didn't' do that.
It's Honeymoon hour for pokeshills, let them digest the information before they cope again.
>Sony and Microsoft team up against Nintendo
Would be kino of the highest order. But then I'd wake up.
You can't sue off a patent you only recently claimed kid. If they're suing pocketpair, they already had the patents. This is what competent companies do with other studios that won't be cowed by just a C'n'D like an indie studio or fan group. We told you this was gonna happen, fucking astonishing they went and sued them for ripping them off.
>manchi8ldren think 12's is a 7's rating
Pokémon has no competition. Unless yopu're referring to palworld being competition with pokémon for YOUR attention, in which case I can safely say they don't give a fuck for you. That's why they've avoided even TRYING to make the biggest kid's game in the world for adult manchildren like you.
>Harman Smith was right.
>published author
>successful YouTuber
>the one man stood his ground against the Pals

How does he do it, bros?
MS and Steam are just platforms. It's Sony (and even then it's Aniplex which had various games in Switch) that has a stronger funding.
his company is only him and his wife
Palworld be delisted.
The only relevant patent we know about is from May 2024.
The more I look at it rhe more it looks like Ninny did a really retarded thing.
Pocketpair has Aniplex right now to protect them and the case is really weak and depends really on judge either being bought by Ninny or having brainfart making them forget how law works.
anon Palworld was nothing compared to Yokai Watch
It hasn't had the time to grow like Yokai-Watch.
Nintendo is trying to sniff it in the cradle.
I hate autocorrect *snuff it*
and my point was that Palworld didn't really had the same power as YW
It could have and the memes and explosive popularity prove it.
>he thinks internet memes speak a lot
YW muscled into general public consciousness in Japan
Not even trying lol
>Yurop ratings
Nintendo is seeking an injunction. They are going to stop distribution of Palworld.

Also they specially do mention IP violations in their public statement.

They really are terrified of competition huh. Sony makes a little sub-company to manage Palworld and Nintendo unironically thinks that means it's gonna become a major franchise
Anyone who wants Nintendo to win is retarded. Look at the shit they are suing for. Shit as vague as
>open world riding creature
>geometric shape spawning friendly npc
this is just marketing
pokemon zaza news soon
>first they kill Palworld and then they use its corpse to prop up zaza
this is revenge
Micorosft won't do shit. Shareholders are pissed about the Xbox division and would rather Microsoft focus on AI instead.
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You sound like this
>microsoft goes against nintendo due to palworld
>this ends up souring nintendo and microsoft's relationship
>banjo (and steve) will be removed next smash, and no more rare games will clog up NSO
Fuck yes.

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