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>A ghost type that is an actual rotting carcass
Why did it took them so long?
well you described a zombie not a ghost
>Why did it took them so long?
buenos dias
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Shuckle should get an evolution where his weird slimemold form grew like crazy and took over the corpse of a hippowdon
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Skeledirge is also colored after a skinned crocodile. Metal asf
Interesting. What about an Hippowdon evolution where the weird shuckle armor gets crunched and digested and a weird yellow dead shuckle noodle leg is seen hanging out of one of the Hippowdon sand nostrils somewhere mixed in the sand?
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Some have theorized that skeleton imagery may cause issues with China but hard to say, stuff like Cubone/Marowak seem to be okay but are not actual skeletons either.

We have an exoskeleton pokemon at least.
Betas already proved it was meant to be a snake in reference to snake wine.
We literally have the giant skeleton of a dog now wtf are you talking about
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Parasect should have a grass/ghost evolution where the mushroom fully takes over the body.
The Shuckle thing was already kind of obvious with it fermenting berries into berry juice.
>50% female
nah that's the brown one which is the male one. that's a him.
She was talking about Shuckle.
I go by they/them you fucker
>tombstone pokemon
>not rock ghost
Go fuck yourself
TSMT moooods ban him for using the wrong pronouns noooooooooooow
game freak avoiding rock/ghost like it's the plague
As dumb as it is human skeletons may be the only ones that can't be shown.
I always thought these were creative takes on the undead enemy types
Lunala says hi
It is going to get a cross-gen evolution with exposed eyes
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Yeah Game Freak is weird like that. Look at how long it took them to make an elephant Pokemon, elephants being one of the most obvious animals you could ever base a Pokemon on.

9 fucking generations to finally get a dolphin
>this is what people who grew up with bw and up actually believe
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>9 fucking generations to finally get a dolphin

We got a dolphin in Gen 2 you retard
>9 fucking generations to finally get a dolphin
Kyogre was introduced in gen III. Orcas are dolphins, taxonomically.
>despite the superficial similarity, Phanpy and Donphan can't be elephant Pokemon as they are not susceptible to a Raichu's thunderbolt
>as per gen 6's Steel type nerf, Copperajah is vulnerable to both Raichu's TBolt and Gastly's attacks
Bros... why did it take until gen 8 for Pokemon to go full sovl...
Well SwSh ARE the best games in the series.
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>Look at how long it took them to make an elephant Pokemon, elephants being one of the most obvious animals you could ever base a Pokemon on.
Why not kill the mushroom and leave the host behind?
We need another Bug/Ghost, not Grass/Ghost.
>Phanpy and Donphan can't be elephant Pokemon as they are not susceptible to a Raichu's thunderbolt
Raichu's Thunderbolt kills INDIAN Elephants, Phanpy and Donphan are African elephants
>Miniature elephant
He's right, Donphan sucks
>a bat is a human
Based retard bro.
Whoever sharted out this dogshit design needs to be skinned alive and hacked away at with an axe. Force them to take a shitload of meth so they stay alive as long as possible while being tortured to death. They should look like an extremely bloody skeleton with their eyes bulging out and pieces of metal and glass sticking out of them and quadriplegic with their chest cavity carved open to reveal their still beating heart. This should happen to everyone that works at shit freak and niggertendo for the dogshit they've been shitting out since the wii. If I saw a video of them being killed like this it would not be disturbing to me at all and it would make me extremely happy and smile and I would watch it regularly.
That's an anglerfish.

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