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Mr. Masuda is a merciful man. He is a good man, and like all good man, he only desires to do his best. Yet, there are men in this world who disagree. These are an uncreative type, they are thieves of the highest degree. They steal ideas, abuse concepts, and Nintendo has allowed them to fester for too long — even as the whole world shouted at Mr. Masuda's ear to attack, he remained quiet, like a samurai waiting to draw his sword.

Now as PalWorld attempts its own take on multiple regions, multiplayer battling and other such plagiarism from the Legends series, Mr. Masuda has drawn his sword.

It is over. The time for justice is here. PalWorld is a cheap uninspired ripoff created by a corrupt studio, a blatant theft of property.

Mr. Masuda now stands, encircled by vultures, defending Pokémon against the onslaught of all those who despise GameFreak.

PalWorld will be found guilty on 30+ accounts, and the thug developers will be begging for money to pay their attorneys by the time Mr. Masuda is done.

Justice has been done. To the PalWorld team, cease and desist.
>Reddit spacing
>Mr. Masuda is a merciful man. He is a good man, and like all good man, he only desires to do his best.
yet when he presented his magnum opus to the world you cunts threw a tantrum because you couldn't handle 1 (ONE) (UNO) game without CHARIZARD
if it had charizard it would have been 8/10
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Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Game Freak is not going to fuck you lil bro
sentenced to 3 weeks in Masuda's basement
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>"Oh, yes Nintendo-sama, you are the wisest and the strongest. Your game is the only monster catching game to reference and rule, and nobody must dare to improve or experiment with the genre."
>"I will buy the games, I will buy the merch, I will shove the bugs in my anus. I only exist for you."

Jesus on a stick, OP, can you get more faggier than this?
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PalWorld will be found guilty on all accounts, forced to take their game off the air or pay GameFreak 90% of its receipts.

We all live in a Pokémon world. It is time they learn and repent.

He commands thy kneel.
Give them the Pals and make the Pals Pokemon and then uh. Then we can make Gen 10 wait a full three more years before coming out and still make money with some bullshit garbage!
The patents that TPC is trying to use against Pocketpair were established months after release of Palworld. Also multiple games with similar mechanics exist for years.
If Pocketpair will not get intimidated it would be very easily to prove that these patents are non-novel and make them void. TPC is just trying to intimidate them but if this will not work they may end clowning themselves.
This is Disney-like behavior...
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the patent system as it currently stands is fundamentally broken, it needs to be completely restructured so that it can return to its original purpose instead of the perversion we have now. Also completely eradicate the very concept of patent extensions, such a thing should have never existed in the first place.
Pocketpair is a Nintendo shadow company. Palworld was created in an attempt to replace Pokemon because GameFreak was bringing shame to Nintendo because of the quality of their Pokemon games. Nintendo will absorb Pocketpair and claim direct ownership of Palworld.
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I just get pissed. I know this franchise has issues, but PalWorld is blatant theft. I watched the livestreams. They are making money selling Pokémon merchandise with a re-painting. They are selling millions of copies with a cheap ripoff. Pokémon fans complain the games are bad (when in reality, you people just pirate everything because you only care for the porn), but this is the trash that they buy? You are only signaling to GameFreak that there is no purpose trying to do anything new, and you are denying them money that could be used to invest in better games and better technology.

Look at pic related and tell me with a straight face that the company selling merchandise off these pals are not commiting a crime.

We all live in a Pokémon world.
this is your mind on pokeshit
>Look at pic related and tell me with a straight face that the company selling merchandise off these pals are not commiting a crime.
They're not committing a crime.
Liking GameFreak while being a rational Pokemon fan does not compute. This franchise deserves high-quality games among the likes of Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade Chronicles and Breath of the Wild. GameFreak does not deserve to still be in business if they can't be bothered to hire more people and treat Pokemon like a AAA franchise.
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Hate the game, not the player. It took Pokémon near 30 years to get to the top, only for some four modders to copy everything and make their own game so trolls can buy it.

This could be a solution. Either PalWorld is taken off the air, or they agree to pay royalties to Nintendo, or they agree to be sold to ThePokémonCompany.

I do not agree with the sale because they will be developing satire of Pokémon, which means there will be serious branding problems and GameFreak might lose its role as the developer of the new gens.

I think it is correct to have PalWorld taken off the air summarily until this is settled. There is no way the coward devs can prove to the satisfaction of a court that they did not commit plagiarism, then attempted to sell merchandise off the plagiarized Pokémon and concepts without acknowledging TPC or GameFreak.
Wooloo is such a generic and bland cartoon sheep i wouldn't even call it a stolen design
The patents Palworld is infringing.
You can't patent broad game mechanics like this. It's only a legal violation if they plagiarized the code itself.
>palworld was removed from Tokyo game show and it was listed
Looks like Japan is already banning it uh
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Guilty on all charges, try explaining that to a judge. "M-my little sheep looks different from theirs, I s-swear I did not steal!"

PalWorld devs are NOT walking out of court.

>Pals fight
>Pals lay eggs
>Pals evolve
>Pals level up and learn new moves
>Pals are kept in glorified Pokéballs
>Pals are captured by crouching and sneaking on them
>Battle mechanics are the same as Pokémon
>open world monster catching was an innovation by GameFreak
>all monster designs are stolen

I could go on. The developers are screwed, justice will be swift and devastating.

I love how Nintendo waited a year so PalWorld got cocky and kept on plagiarizing, then strikes them for maximum effect as their entire game has not a single GB of originality.

This is a great move because all Pokémon wannabes out there will now develop in fear that any time justice will come for them, without warning.

Mess around and find out.
>You are only signaling to GameFreak that there is no purpose trying to do anything new
So it's ok to copy and rehash your own games, but when someone else does it you need to sue them for 15 million dollars?
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8: Guilty.
9: Guilty.
10: Guilty.
11: Guilty.
12: Guilty.
13: Guilty.
14: Guilty.
15: Guilty.
16: Guilty.
17: Acquitted.
18: Acquitted.
19: Guilty.
20: Guilty.

Guilty as charged.

It is time they tell their loved ones that it is over. Nintendo is basically sueing them over every single thing you can do and find in game, which means they will have to provide legal defense on all accounts.

Even if they get acquitted for stat ups (which are in other games), they'll be screwed on at least two dozen accounts of fraud. Also think on the damage that PalWorld has done to the Pokémon franchise, and how it served to denigrate the reputation of the developers in GameFreak.

This is a merciful destiny that they will only sell everything that they ever owned and pay Masuda until they die.
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See, the way it works is that just one or the other and youre free, but all of em at once and youre in hot water
Also interesting that these are all for PLA
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Palbros... It's over.
Gamefreak will do anything except make a good Pokemon game
The mask of rationality peels off. Gaze upon the infinite blackness within the mind of a Nintendo Adult, brothers.
>did this when Palworld is already dead
Based but at the same time lol.
Duh you sue when they get all the money so they can take the money back retard.

Palworld is dogshit and to be honest fair use and copyright law should be disrespected and ignored any opportunity you get.
Patent law is communism
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Everyone defending PalWorld for literal theft are to blame for this. You bought PalWorld to troll Pokémon fans, you made it a success. Now the lives of these devs are over because of you. Here is the thing about Pokémon. It is been with us since we were children, and it will be with us until we die. That is the power of the bond we have with this franchise, it is ageless. It does not compete because it does not need to. It does not compete because it is a waste of resources and time.
>interesting that these are all for PLA
That's what happens when you make an open world game. It's all the same repetitive gameplay with the only difference being the theme. Open world is like a 3D version of RPGM.
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Masuda is a freaking samurai. TPC struck when the iron was hot, when Pal devs thought they were going to get away with their cheap excuse of a game. They were already rich, selling off merchandise and preparing expansions. It is no fun cutting off people who are just starting and are broke. They waited until the right time to cut the plagiarism umbilical cord.

This lawsuit will make development halt, it will make the devs cower, it will force the game into stagnation, and the people will abandon it.

They waited until all the media was not looking, so no bad press would come from this. It is a cirurgical strike, a killing blow.

It is genius and evil, appear weak when you are strong and strong when you are weak.

We do not get a Pokémon title this year, but we get justice.

That is more important.
>another seethe thread because her chinky boyfriend got rightly sued for theft
Oh dear...
Took them too long
YALL MADE MASUDA CLAP BACK with bugs in his anus
That's what competent companies do when they want to be ABSOLUTELY sure of winning the case. take their time, catalogue EVERYTHING and serve it up in a nice fat lawsuit.
If it's clearly a fan group, a C'n'D WILL shut them down, they haven't the funds to fight. But another studio, clearly putting their shit through an AI monster maker need a firmer hand and the plaintiff needs to make sure they have a waterproof case. Fucking astounding the board that memed about Nintendo Ninjas are suddenly shocked when the Nintendo Ninjas mount an assassination.
brand identity niggers are subhuman
I agree, palworld fags are insufferable.
>Implying not everybody is sub human since it is 4chan
You're celebrating a lawsuit against a video game like your homecountry has won a major war. You are a consumer.
pipe down, nigger, masuda will never bless your anus with his bugs
I don't see any kind of source or article. This is bait for all I know.
>Pocketpair has their own version of TPC now
>Joint partnership with Aniplex, one of the biggest anime distributers in Japan, and Sony Entertainment
Yea, I think Nintendo fucked up on this one
What are even the patents they're infringing?
>has the money to sue knockoffs
>doesn’t have the money to make good games
>somehow still has all of the money
I don’t even care about Palworld, it was a poor man’s Ark with better creatures. I just hate this dogshit company for being hyper focused on releasing nothing but slop.
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Check here.

VERY interesting how all these patents popped up within a year after the palworld beta released.

>patenting vr mmos before they're a thing

One is literally "Controlling a digital character in order to enjoy a virtual enviroment." Which is literally 100% of the entire gaming industry
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I don't care if it gets shut down or its rights infringed, I am not riding a brand's dick this hard
How will MS and Sony respond? They're gonna lose a Pokemon subsitute if they let them get away with it.
Sony isoficially partnered with Pocketpair now. They founded the Palworld Entertainment Inc.

There's no way they WONT get involved, since this in part belongs to them too now
I wish GF and nintendo died in a fire, fuck them to hell
Shut up, Jew Merrick
>suddenly bankrupt
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Know your place, Gokek.
>suddenly baiting like the sub human he is
I don't support patent right lawsuits. I just want TPC to spend money on the actual games instead of petty shit. Pokemon wasn't even the first of its kind. SMT was first.
>IP: gone
they are suing to exhaust palworld with frivolous shit they won'0t win. it is basically how they handle this, because they are a real danger to them.
>Doesn't deny trolling nor being a subhuman
Concession accepted.
Anon, you do understand, unless they put money into the development of palworld, they don't actually own jack shit of palworld? Like how Creatures bought in by funding Tajiri to finish the game, in return for a splash credit, which turned into a partnership with TPC.
Sony Entertainment is not Sony Interactive Entertainment, and Interactive Entertainment is the Playstation label. Meaning pocketpair paled up with Sony pictures to release an anime, probably.
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Ey, Supes, wanna see a cool magic trick?
TPC don't fund Game Freak, you simple fucking child. That's Nintendo's purview (because they make the console that Game Freak developed their kid's game exclusively for), thus have a vested interest in a game a year release schedule (every release sees them double hardware unit sales the week the game launches).
>>Pocketpair has their own version of TPC now
>>Joint partnership with Aniplex, one of the biggest anime distributers in Japan, and Sony Entertainment
>Yea, I think Nintendo fucked up on this one
I’m calling it now, they will lose and Furukawa or some head of TPC will resign out of embarrassment. Things will continue normally
>100D magical monkey man
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This is important thing to note.
What TPC and Ninny are doing is simple attempt to intimidate Pocketpair and will drop the case immediately if their "prey" will fight back.
Considering how prosecutors act in Japan, Nintendo may just end being abandoned by their lawyers because they care more about their ratio of won cases and it would be extremely fucking easy to prove that this patent is non-novel and thus void.
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Masuda has returned to save this franchise in its darkest hour.

He will send PalWorld devs to serve glory holes to pay bills, destroy all the opposition, dominate the market for GameFreak for ten thousand years.

And you will buy it anyway.
Based. Fuck FlopWorld
If anything this finally proves it wasn't a flop. }They wouldn't bother suing if the game flopped. Keep malding.
Child, Nintendo owns all the courts, all the judges, and has the best lawyers money can buy. GameFreak will squash these people.

PalWorld are children commiting plagearism. They don't have the money, they don't have the contacts.

Nintendo has never lost a lawsuit in Japan. This won't be the first time. A 72 billion dollars IP is too big to fail when it comes in opposition to blatant fraud.
It flopped and they broke copyright law. Get fucked :)
I'll screencap this to post it when pocketpair wins and you are seething and crying in a corner endlessly.
>they broke copyright law.
It's not a copyright lawsuit.
patent extensions are only available for food and medicine to make up for the time it takes to get FDA approval. has nothing to do with this case at all
>Doesnt have contact
Literally partnered with Xbox to the point new consoles come prebundled with Palworld

And again, partnered with Sony to make their own equivalent of the TPC. Do try to research before you talk out your ass
>nintendo will squash this people
So they just have to move outside of japan. I am sure they easily can with their new wealth.
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>They're gonna lose a Pokemon subsitute if they let them get away with it.
That's not the problem, what really makes this a clusterfuck is that if they win that means they have a patent over almost everything in videogames as a whole so it would turn into a monopoly where no other company can make or sell games in Japan without their authorization and having to give them a share of their profits if they ask.

Japanese comments on this are brutal towards Nintendo. Google translate it via the link and see what they say. Worth a read

Also someone in japan posted this, I can’t see the image so can someone post it? Supposedly they have a record of harassing companies via lawsuits

Well yes, everyone knows Nintendo is a notorious patent troll. I mean they literally patented "Having fun in a video game" and were approved
Bro, are you familiar with Disney and how they did everything in their power to rewrite the copyright law? Same shit
Corpos once again proving just how cancerous patent laws are by patenting the most generic things and using it to force out smaller competitors.
Then why they didn't sue sony if this is the case?
Did they really make him sun wukong?
Same reason its Nintendo directly suing Pocketpair and not TPC suing them.

Better chances
Mutually Assured Destruction. Patent laws are a joke and they'd only bring eachother down if it came to that.
But small indie studios are fair game. They don't have a library of alexandria equivalent full of frivolous patents to bust out in case of emergencies.
Cuckman, most likely
>redditmon avatarfag
>Mutually Assured Destruction
I mean, if they win that means they have a patent over almost everything in videogames as a whole so it would turn into a monopoly where no other company can make or sell games in Japan without their authorization and having to give them a share of their profits if they ask, so in a way the Play Station brand would get raped by tendies, something they can't let happen after shit like Concord
surely Japan has laws to prevent monopolies right?
Which would be a reason for other MAD-capable companies to get involved here: this has the potential to set a precedent that goes in Nintendo's favor.
But it's also why Nintendo has never sued Sony directly, and vice versa etc. They'd both lose, plus they and all the other big companies would run the risk of losing their right to wield patents like a hammer on small businesses.

If you want to take a real It's-Happening pill, this has a small chance to blow up and bring about a restructuring of patent laws as a whole due to how obviously malicious and potentially far-reaching this case is.
Of course, the odds of this are slim since other big-name patent holders will want to keep this power they have over smaller bodies, so it will most likely get brushed under the rug and end up in a settlement.
I can't even tell which posts here are genuine and which are trolling.
everything is trolling, newfaggot
get out
>unknown figure 1
>unknown figure 2
>unknown figure 3
>unknown figure 4
>unknown figure 5
>unknown figure 6
Game freak is TPC you retard
That's not what reddit spacing is retard.




you don't know what reddit spacing is newfag
this one is easily voidable
And here's thing from few minths ago that people kinda ignore - PP is not small, indie studio anymore. They work with Aniplex, subsidary of Sony.
No, they're still small. They have big friends but they themselves are still small and haven't made any acquisitions that could make them a big player yet.

It's like a studio getting bought out by EA. They have a big boss but they're still on the chopping block and their owner will gladly bring them out back to blow a hole in their head if they lose value.
Meanwhile Temtem just be chillin'.
They are part of "Palworld Company" with Aniplex just as GF is with Nintendo And Creatures are part of "Pokemon Company".
And how much additional power and wealth does that grand them?
They're small. They are entirely at the mercy of whether others intervene on their behalf.
tendietrannies are cumming buckets over this
because they have no games. It is the reality of the tendie, too busy shitposting to play their "masterpieces" that come with the "one game a year if you are lucky" soitendo soitch.
Palworld is owned both by PP and Aniplex. Obviously Aniplex (Sony in different skin) will have word to have there. Their business is at stake.
It's really not hard to make a Pokemon inspired game without blatant plagiarism as many other games have shown. Palworld could have made a few small changes to prevent this, retarded greedy devs don't deserve sympathy.
Yeah they shouldn't have plagiarized the success part. Now nintendo has to sue them because they dared to make money unlike temtem.
Why do people forget YW?
Because unlike Pokemon and Palworld, YW was actually good. It's a completely different thing.
>sales plummet
>proceed to sue competition in attempt to salvage your failing company
Still not buying nu-pokemon.
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They are suing VIDEO GAME patents. Not designs.
it applies here because company can and do extent patents for these kinds of things all the time. Hell Capcom extended their patent for Battle Network despite not doing shit with it.
Also if FDA approval takes that fucking long that the patent expires, I'm sorry but I still don't think you should be able to extend the patent. Either find a way to hasten the approval process or just accept the loss.
They should have sue Nexomon first.
>>Pals evolve
Pals do not evolve.
>Battle mechanics are the same as Pokémon
They are not.
>>all monster designs are stolen
Lmao. The only thing stolen was your mom virginity
Nintendo invented eggs and anyone with eggs in their games should be sued for plagiarism
Hbomberguy slayyyyy
There is no way in hell you wrote all this with a straight face, holy kek. It's giving MISTER MERRICKU!!
Oh yeah, because TPC made Pokemon games lately have been so inspiring lol. Really loved that not-a-BotW-clone Pokemon game they made kek.
>b-b-but Nintendo owns Zelda too!
Still not a very inspiring game. At most it was just a nice break from their usual copy and past shit they've done for decades. At least not everyone on that site is brain dead.
It's okay when other Japs do it. It's not okay when REEEE CHINA REEEE does it, despite the fact TPC unironically collaborated with Tencent to make Pokémon Unite.
Pocket pair is japanese, retarded fucker.
They have chinks on the team. Unforgivabru, dishonorabru, bugusu inu anusu
Why is Pokemon such a terrifying entity now?

Game devs, don't fly too close to the sun...!
>game devs
the last time actual game devs worked on the pokemon franchise was Pokken or PMD
Quick, Patent experts! My time machine has one more trip left, go back in time and tell Pocketpair the specific changes they need to make to not get caught!
Is this... revenge?
>He has a useable time machine and he doesn't go back to prevent the DEI agenda and feminism
But he doesn't WANT to prevent the DEI agenda or feminism, what he wants is to upset nintendies!
Then simply make sure that nintendo depicts peach as a whore. That worked great for chip n dale with the mouse.
Unironically yes, gaymefreak is mad that they were getting clowned on so hard that they had to delay Legends ZA long enough to actually finish it because they knew it'd look bad if they went ahead with releasing another half baked shitfest like Arceus and Scat/Vomit
>devoted wife and mother with several thousand children all from the same man, to whom she is lawfully married
So when are they suing FF games for having ride-able Chocobos?
Shut up, retard
You're a shoot retard.
Right after this case ends in their favor. They need a precedent before they can KILL Playstation for good.
Xbox can live since it doesn't have a market in Japan.
>You can't patent broad game mechanics like this.


I accept your concession.
wtf is that
>We have a monopoly on monster catching games! People must live in a pokemon world.

How can I tell them I still buy their plushies even though Palworld is just a better game?

Gamefreak and Nintendo just had to make PG-rated catching games with sex and drugs as well as better graphics. But they didn't. They let Pocketpair create a game for adult players.
There is no excuse for why TPC hasn't already made a good quality multiplayer Pokémon PC game. You can cry and whine about the designs all day but TPC has yet to give us an official multiplayer Pokémon game that runs as good as Palworld, even as jank as it is. SV multiplayer was fucking horrendous and shameful.

It is still hilarious how TPC didn't expect PoGo to blow up the way it did and now uses PoGo as their #1 cashcow game, but before they had their doubts about expanding the franchise. The executives are terribly out of touch with what people like to do in games.
But GameFreak wouldn't make anything new or exciting anyway. It's GameFreak. Three guys in a Discord using decompilers for a twenty year old GBA game have made better games than them.
just makes gamefreak look bad. why can't they make a game as good as palworld?
what monopolies? there's a million monster catching game, palworld isn't being sued because it's a monster catching game but because it replicated patented technologies
Apparently they tried to patent flying mounts as if World of Warcraft isn't a thing. Pokémon is just being petty.
>implying Nintendo just wouldn't lie about it
Go back and just tell pocket pair to patent it first and patent troll Nintendo
Hold up I have been pissed since reading this for potential futures but thinking about Nintendo killing FF for good sounds funny enough it could make my day
Legends ZA will still somehow come out half-baked anyways. There has already been confirmation that they split the fucking dev team again to work on other projects simultaneously. When will they learn nobody gives a fuck about their awful non-pokémon projects?
hang all palshits
I like Pokémon. I like palworld. This lawsuit is frivolous at best to downright malicious trying to set shaky prescience. If anyone likes the monster catching genre they should hope pockpair fights it tooth and nail and comes out on top.
Wait wait wait.
Its not any of the Pal designs they're going after, its the monster catching in general?
That is fucked.
>game where you literally throw pokeballs at monsters that click 3 times
Palworld fucked up, it's that simple. Nothing to be scared of for the genre when many other games haven't been targeted.
Yeah Nintendo is going full mustache-twirling evil with this.
If they actually scrounged up enough evidence of actual creature design plagiarism everyone would be cheering them on. But this is some real heinous shit they're trying to pull that.

Being an indie dev in Japan will become legitimately impossible. Nintendo will own you before your game even releases.
No, multiple different things.
>retard doesn't know what precedence
It is all so horribly tiresome. Hopefully they fight it and it gets thrown out
Is it just one autist posting the same thing over and over? Why the fuck are you people acting like people played PalWorld to spite Pokemon? It was a better game, get over it.
TPC is the Disney of video games.
They deserve their shit to be defamed and desecrated with an AI generated video of Pikachu massacring a kindergarten.
how new are you to legitimately think thousands of people are playing Palworld right now and it ISN'T just to spite Nintendo??????
Palworld is not even a game it's literally unplayable they're doing it just to attack nintendo
The first is pretty clear but the second
>copyrighting jrpg battles
>they think they can copyright PLA Mechanics when most games published have been doing it for decades
To the surprise of no one nintendo is made of Completely out of touch boomers
>real story post gets only 1 reply
shit board full of Nintendo's bots
lol okay, this is going 15 rounds at trial and to the highest levels of court. Nintendo usually requires the person admit to fault and apologize to the all mighty nintendo copyright in a settlement, will will be a death sentence to the company so they will have to fight it.
Out of touch? The only ones out of touch are the fanboys defending this shit, because the boomers know damn well what they're doing is wrong and the people they're bribing/coercing know it too.
Watch the judge be bought out as well.
Oh but it's ok to set precedent for games to get blatantly ripped off with no risk? Just because Pokemon is bigger doesn't mean it's morally right to be able to copycat specific things from Pokemon's identity down to a tee. And again all this fearmongering about precedent doesn't make sense when they've had years to target other games.
>Oh but it's ok to set precedent for games to get blatantly ripped off with no risk?
Yes. It doesnt damage the brand and more competition is a good thing retard
The dickriding is crazy
remember palworld?
damn, blast from the past
Something like that, they got scared shitless of PP and want to kill them while making sure nobody tries to do it again because if they win that means they do have power over the monster catching genre as a whole
But gameplay is the one thing where Palworld is very clearly distinct from Pokémon. If they sued for copyright or trademark, maybe I could give it to them, but nobody should be supporting this nebulous generic patent infringement claim.
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Why do you think Sony's gaming division became a western company, Anon?
What you described is basically what's going on already, Nintendo has a massive grip on the governmental and political spheres of Japan thanks to its mass amounts of wealth and ties to the yakuza.
Get off social media for five minutes and think about it.
Did you really believe that Nintendo was going to go into court and argue that they own the copyright on all bipedal cartoon dogs? Come the fuck on, man.
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Nintendo thinks grabbing ledges is a patented technology.
>Mentally Illian S𐐬yrip
>>sales plummet
never happened
have they never seen Asassin's Creed?
fuck, Ubisoft should sue them for this
>Remember, they are going after me, but really they are going after (You)
Prince of Persia bros...
Palworld is pokemon but for people who hate pokemon
This is a fucking shitty thing to do regardless of how one might feel about Palworld.
If they win the case over the ground of their patents, which I might add some of them are definitely vague in definition, then it affects the monster catching genre. Nintendo and the Pokemon company will not only have a strong legal footing with that win, they virtually also have the monopol on everything that might rival the genres of Pokemon as a whole, from which they can go after more minor shit.
Sold 15M on PC.
Sold 10M on Xbox.
So every Pokemon fan cause SV is around 25M sales.
And you retards thought than when I said "death to masuda, ohmori, tajiri and ishiara" I was being "a retarded schizo extremist".
You can compete in the genre without putting pokeballs in your game, everyone else except Palworld seems smart enough to understand this
new pokemon game soon?
This is actually dystopian
Palworld is for people who want to play a good Pokemon game in 3D because Gen6-Gen9 were money laundering scamware
There are plenty of monster catching games that use some form of capsule and if this goes through, it's retarded that you can patent something as nebulous as that
Dropping or settling a lawsuit is not losing
Gen 6 was alright
prove the overlap, doubt every pokemon fan hates pokemon
sounds like what someone who hates pokemon would say
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>Millions of 1:1 pokemon clones
>ARK with creatures instead of dinosaurs
This will go through because it's the japanese court
I've once read an article about colors like Vantablack or Yve Klein's blue. There are really subhumans who sue other people that use certain hexadecimal representations of colors or certain pigments on a canvas.
Yes it is possible to own patents that seem to be completely retarded. Whether it's how to catch a video game monster, how you eat your sandwich or how you pee in the toilet.
I've never seen people compliment Palworld just say "It's way better than the SLOP GAMEFREAK SHITS OUT!!!" it's 1000000% a fanbase formed from pure spite and anger
In fact I haven't been here in a while so when I saw this I knew /vp/ would be pissed because nobody hates pokemon more than this place
>one of the patents is seamlessly landing with a flying mount that transitions into walking
What about MMOs, Ark, every single fame with flying mounts? Nintendo deserves these patents to be voided, fuck them.
>you either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain
Nintendo lost its right to existence.
A lot of people confuse copyright and trademarks and generally have no idea what the purpose of these laws is. Legally, "these two white woolly sheeps are too similar" is self-defeating for obvious reasons, but companies swagger so confidently that the public assumes they're following the law or can't be fought. They're huffing those vibes.
>Implying nintendo was ever a hero
They made the card game for yakuza day 1.
>doubt every pokemon fan hates pokemon
Have you been in the fandom since Sword and Shield lol? That shit devided the fanbase harder than the fucking Civil War. Anybody who openly likes the games gets a target painted on their back in places like this and get accused of being "shills" and "bootlickers"
I think the lawsuit is bullshit but also it was a long time coming because of how much tension has been rising lately
>blatantly ripped off
When your game does the bare minimum then anything at all will seem like it "blatantly ripped off" your generic garbage.
They patented riding creatures for fucks sake
I knew Bugu man would take a while, He tried to be careful not to show he doesn't play any other games and yet he still showed he does not.
There's a special place in hell reserved for sellout influencers like this
death to mr merricku bugus in anusu
I honestly wonder if you guys are gonna try and kill Joe at some point
>>game where you literally throw pokeballs at monsters that click 3 times
There's literally nothing wrong with that
>They're gonna lose a Pokemon subsitute
Bro they patented turn-based combat
If I had money and a group of good men, I wouldn't go for merricku. I would go for at least, ishiara if not miyamoto so entire ninty crumbles in agony.
If you actually liked Pokemon you'd want competition like Palworld. Not just because you'd have another game to play in the same genre, but because Game Freak will feel pressure to improve their own games. Reminder that Yokai Watch resulted in Sun and Moon which remain the best 3D main series games to date.
>Reminder that Yokai Watch resulted in Sun and Moon which remain the best 3D main series games to date.
cute bait and shitpost
Not only that - it will break patent laws because you'll be able to patent something clearly non-novel and then claim that everybody else must cease doing it. The precedent it will create is death to society as we know and it's not exaggeration.
>Sun and Moon which remain the best 3D main series games to date.
I agree with everything you said but this place considers anything post-gen 5 with Sonic 06 tier hate so you won't get far with that rhetoric. Hell I remember people
trying to push the "Yokai Watch is better than current GameFreak shit" back when it was new.
Nice attempt to fabricate your own death threats, Joe. Maybe shove some more bugs up your ass and it might work
Yeah. Everybody knows that Joe is nothing but a pawn. The real objectives are ishiara, tajiri and masuda.
No, no amount of zoomer revisionism will make xy good. This board was disappointed as fuck in 2013.
I wish someone would and make it look like a suicide
fags like you is why I hope you get replaced by more Muslims so we get less brand worshippers that cripple these evil companies like Gamefreak and Nintendo
I'm talking about ORAS
>Implying that's not Joe again
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But anon, Game Freak doesn't want to be seen as just the Pokemon guys. They have to work on kusoge that only a few thousand people will actually buy, let alone play.
It's just a children's video game franchise dispute I think you guys need to calm down a bit
You really have an obsession with fabricating your own deaths threats, Joe. Maybe try killing yourself since no one else cares enough to do it?
My brother in christ that's not Joe it is MY POST
No. this is bigger than that, nintendo wants to monopolize the market for monster catching games. Notice how they left other franchises alone, but when one of the peons comes out and makes 25m sales, they go nuts.
That wasn't Joe that was me
Hot damn you guys really are unhinged. The rumors were true
Why would you wish death on nothing but a miserable pile of shilling? he is a 0 to the left if his masters die.
We discuss that maturely without death threatting people surely
I didn't wish death on him, you guys are?
When a tyranny is clearly evident, men have to show if they have testicles or vagina and use a skirt.
I don't know what's worse, being Joe or simping for Joe whether ironic or not. Either way, shove a japanese hornet up your ass.
Simping = Thinking wanting to drive a guy to suicide is a bit too far for Pokemon discourse???
Do you think anybody here is serious?
I am not american, so that's why I say "death to x and y". cucked burgers can't say that or they get arrested. Stop being so reddit.
You told me to kill myself under the pretense I was Joe so that's pretty unambiguously a very unhinged thing to say someone over a children's game lawsuit
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It's a decent Ark clone with a lot of the appeal I play pixelmon/cobblemon for, and the designs aren't half bad. Rather than spite I was interested in it since I had my eye on Craftopia, then they announced it at some earlier Indie Expo Live (I think) and it seemed like a meme pokemon version of it, of course I'd be interested. The english announcers and the thread were dying at that shit.
holy fuck you zoomers are made of crystal
go fuck yourself, stupid child
Pokemon fans are so toxic, man
And very evil and wrong. More so than the model theft, ai etc shit that was never proven but people still scream and cry about like it killed their grandma. If you're smart you will call out nintendo/tpc/gf. But brand worshippers are not smart and they think pokemon could never do any wrong.

You know who has killed grandmas though? Zionist McDonald's, squishmallows and jazwares. Pokemons favorite buttbuddies.
SwSh really ruined Pokemon discussion for me forever
Has he and lead gamefreak/tpc/nintendo fags ever been doxxed? I've been impressed with the raiding sites work lately.
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So either a miracle happens and Nintendo loses that one or monster catching games are fucked.
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You guys are insane thinking this lawsuit will lead to anything. Nintendo tries to pull this shit all the time and loses all the time. This will be a footnote years later
An at the time nothing company with a tiny dev team where people didnt know jack shit about modeling or coding, some of them literal teenagers. A game still in beta. A game with less creatures. A game without any previous fans, white knights, shills, youtubers and kiddies. That outsold most of their titles and has no real large flaws or complaints. And has plans for growth in game, shows, clothes, toys, cards. Etc

They would torture and slaughter children to bury this game and its company permanently.
Taijiri said Ultraseven was where he got the pokeball concept. Catching kaijuu in capsules wasn’t his original idea.
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>They would torture and slaughter children to bury this game and its company permanently.
It's just video games anon calm down
They’re endorsed by The chosen people
>monster catching
Any game with friendly monsters is fucked. Monster Rancher? Dead. Fallout 5? Gutted. Skyrim 2? Cancelled. Stardew Valley? Removed from stores. Minecraft? Deleted.
>"it's just video games" he said about a game company that owns a literal slave
>Uh it is video games, surely it is not about maintaining a whole empire with scams and nostlagia bait for more than 30 years
I am going to remind you that they made a fucking nintendo museum.
Calm down
Did include the part where they torture and slaughter children apparently lol
I'm starting to understand how Gamergate became a thing
Settle down sweetie
Why hasnt Nintendo/Gamefreak/Creatures/TPC gone after any of the bootleg mobile scam games that use their characters, names and sometimes models and charge for it?

Or that irl pedophile, zoophile, incestuous criminal Ninevolt which sells bootleg rapeable fleshlight pichu and shinx dolls made in a sweatshop, charges for animations of baby pokemon getting tortured, dismembered, raped and pissed on or body pillows that feature incest, cum and name the pokemon too? He has been reported a lot to nintendo. He is not a small name, not that that would make it any less illegal.

This is how petty this is. Feel free to publicize this. Or the zionism note above. A lot of people never knew how unfair and fucking ugly these companies are.
Its pretty obvious they are going for a get him on taxes type deal. They're leading with the thing they have the best chance on. With the possibility more comes out about how they stole design and they go in for a second hit.
>Nintendo copyrighted riding creatures
Fight Crab 2 bros... is it over for us? Is this Nintendo's Revenge^tm?
>Why hasnt Nintendo/Gamefreak/Creatures/TPC gone after any of the bootleg mobile scam games that use their characters, names and sometimes models and charge for it?
They literally have, my guy
We're entering schizo territory here.
Bros... Fight Crab 2 dev has been plagiarizing Nintendo this whole time... Look, the crabs are being ridden and they're fighting at the command of humans.
it's over. Once Palworld falls, we're next. Nintendo's Revenge^tm cannot be stopped...
Is it an exaggeration? Dont be naive. Look what other smaller corpos have done and do, including to kids. They're greedy old bigwigs who are in bed with or controlling the yakuza, japans legal system, japans medias and japans justice system. They have sued and hurt teenagers and young adults that they didnt have to. They do not care about human suffering. They partner with tencent and multiple zionist corporations that fund lots of killing. There are allegations that their overpriced merch is made in sweatshops. You'd have a harder time convincing people that they WOULD NOT be willing to.
Looks a lot "No Limits Fallacy" from Nintendo...
We can't allow this to keep happening... it's wrong to plagiarize, bros. Fight Crab 2 dev needs to answer to justice and turn himself in. Nintendo owns the patent for battling and riding creatures. It's wrong for him to profit off of Nintendo's hard work and creativity...
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Sounds more like you take issue with capitalist exploitation in general which is valid, unethical labor practices are pretty common in a capitalist society.
Not sure why you're going with the "Jew" angle though or why you're implying that Pokemon is the only company that does this
Skylanders invented the ability to ride your captured monsters years before Pokémon, so yours is just the No Limits Fallacy!
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Palbros.. yeah I’m thinking we’re next
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This is the screenshot
Skylanders needs to turn themselves in right now and hand Nintendo all the profits they unjustly stole from Nintendo's creativity. It's unfair to profit off of plagiarism!
Nintendo has the patent so that means every cent belongs to them!
>relevant even in lawsuits
LegendsGODS... we WON
Wait so temtem plagiod them?
There is a problem my dear: the patent was used by Skylanders in 2005.
they stole the capsule concept from dragon ball btw
why doesn't dragon ball sue gf for that? madness!
You're out of your mind if you think Nintendo is gonna lose this, against the company that ripped their assets no less.
I need to report this to nintendo. They probably do not know they've been stolen from in the past by Skylanders.
I'm also reporting Sega. How could they get away with this!!! That Ooga Booga is riding an animal, which is a concept owned by Nintendo!
It was in the mid-2000s, Pokémon Let's Go that introduces this feature is in 2018.

I see an immense No Limits Fallacy and total absence of logic and analysis of the history of the video game in your reasoning.
I was thinking about the sky islands part. Its like they copied the setting piece by piece.
Who actually wants them to win this lawsuit
Dragon Ball has a brand ownership war of it's own now...
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I don't know much about Palworld so I looked it up and this is literally just like an ungodly chimera of Pokemon parts, complete with Meganium's exact face. Not surprised this is a thing, even Digimon at least had a different art style
me because acceleration is funny and I want to see how funny this clown world can get
Nintentoddlers who think this is about the monster copyrights.
I don't even like or play Palworld but any company who wants to litigate on video game ideas deserves generational shame and bankruptcy.
> ripped their assets no less.
Like what some hair looks similar, its ridiculous to think you can copyright a gameplay style it’s literally a government preventing competition through abstract laws
Gaming got mainstream to the point that government is now a part of it, yes.
It not just gaming copyright for things like Disney have gone on far to long
They're not suing the designs, they're suing on patented game mechanics such as
>throwing ball
>flying mount
It's a bully lawsuit because they couldn't actually sue on the designs.
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my palwaifu is chillet thoughever
Oh yeah because the Pokémon franchise has never plagiarized or copied ideas from other franchises!

The Pokémon franchise is "honest, clean, virgin and without sin"!
Those series never had the audacity of selling 25m, anon.
Digimon isn’t even a competitor.

Bandai made it to be the Tamagotchi of the blue toy aisle since they were already making bank of it. The monsters evolving was it’s equivalent to your tamagotchi growing and having “mon” in the title was coincidental
Palworld really sold more than Yokai Watch? That shit was huge in 2016,
Yokai Watch was killed before it managed to break out of japan much.
If they could prove assets were ripped they would sue on copyright infringement and not these patents.
They're suing this way because they can't sue on the designs.
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Of course because Pokémon are a completely new idea!

The term "monstro" itself comes from the ancient Latin term Monstrum which means "to show or look" so Pokémon copied ancient Rome?

What kind of logic is this?
What is this retarded "no limits fallacy" shit? Is this something twitter nintendies are actually spouting?
Imagine thinking the law cares about "limits" when there are no such limits explicitly in place. Law is about the word, not the spirit.
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It doesn't say any of that it says patent infringement.
A thread died for this redditor aids
No it's not and never will be.
TPC don't make core Pokémon games and Game Freak don't waste their time with spin-off wank (unironically, that's why TPC was set up - to handle all the non-core game related marketing).
Game Freak OWN TOC alright. But they're a subsidiary of Game Freak, that means Game Freak are TPC's superiors.
Yeah no shit retard I know how to use google, I'm asking why people are bringing it up in the context of the law where there need to be very explicit limits in place.
It seems there are no limits to your stupidity.
You will wish that palworld was actually a chink game because fighting this lawsuit in Japan will be very bad for them.
kek chinkshit shills really went mad over this lawsuit
Nintendo can complain about the Palworld designs being too similar to certain Pokémon but not about the mechanics, riding and catching monsters has been around for decades even long before the invention of Pokémon, if you complain about the game mechanics you are clearly No Limits Fallacy!
>gave away 10m copies
Gamepass aren't sales dude. Never will be either, so stop trying to force a meme there.
It is if/when trying to fight that lawsuit sees you run out of money to keep the lights on.
And small indie studios are ripe for running out of money through the courts for being cocky pricks.
Nintendo is a small indie studio?
These keyboard warriors wouldn't even shout angrily at those people in the street if they saw them.
That's why they're so vocal online, they're so utterly callow in real life..
I can like pokémon and not give a fuck it's not on the bleeding edge of the video game industry you brown-minded motherfucker.
Its charm lies in the fact it's a utopian world to explore, not the battle engine added to give a point to progressing through the utopia.
/vp/ is full of manchildren, incandescent they got dropped by their security blankey for fresh 7 year olds. So no, they're going to cry like kids, randomly call for arson and murder and act the internet hardman, all because they can't accept the ageing process.
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Adorable waifupal

See, this is the real reason Nintendo gets mad. Pals were dropped and people take them as their waifus.

Burning jealousy.
Then there's the Decidueye clone, Cinderace clone, Eevee clone, Mewtwo clone (unused) and so on
i have no dog in this fight and I'm here for the fireworks alone kek
but it's clear how both sides have white knighting keyboard warriors that either prefer the multibillion company or the multimillion company, it's the same shit
The logic is that if you make a game, it doesn't give everyone else free license to copy it as long as they've gone through the legal process of patenting it. In this case, it's these things that are patented:
>On an open field with characters who can be captured, by having the player switch to a "ball throwing" mode and throwing an item that adds the character to their team if successful. Throwing the capture item under certain circumstances, such as hitting the back of the character, increases the success rate
>after a character has been added to the party, it can be freely sent out/recalled. While sent out, it can perform special abilities on the field or engage other characters in combat.
It has to have EXACTLY these elements to be in violation of the patent. Just being able to capture monsters is too generic to fall under this patent. It must include both of these things working in tandem.
But anon I want to doom. This is thenend of monster catching games forever.
tendies are legit not human to me
literal drones programmed to clap their hands to whatever nintendo does
Utter room temperature IQ take.
You like utopian world exploration? Do you think the pokemon games couldn't get better at that too? Would you hate a Pokemon game that has the quality of a BotW?
There's a massive gap in Pokemon game quality and "bleeding edge" and thinking you have to choose from either or is just dumb.
Do you not like other games with world exploration either?
You don't actually want stagnation yet you're arguing for it.
funniest thing i see on the internet is tendies claiming the pisstation having no games, while they play recycled regurgitated asset flip kiddie slop for the 6gorrillionjewmillionth time
Go back to /v/.
Burning jealousy. of a pokemon fusion? lol
and they didn't even sue for designs
i will when pokeshit threads on /v/ become a myth
until then, you will cry like a bitch and i will enjoy it, fag
So many people wanted to fuck Vaporeon it became a meme
So no one else should be allowed to make 3D monster catching games? How is that fair, if Pac-Land patented platformers where you jump over enemies and obstacles across multiple horizontally scrolling screens, Nintendo would still be selling card games.
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>Joe immediately uses it as an opportunity to bootlick GF
It's hard to imagine in a world where 90% of indie games are just officially-released games are just remakes of real games with characters swapped out, but yes. It's not legal to ripoff other games.
>It's not legal to ripoff other games.
Funny, Nintendo made their name on ripping off other games
Does your monster catching game NEED to have Pokeballs?
Anon the patents Nintendo holds cover any sort of catching paraphernalia period, they could sue you for having nets to catch monsters with
These are purely game design ideas that should bot be patentable and any game company who does so and then goes after competitors is morally in the wrong, a scourge to society and pulling up the ladder after climbing it themselves.
>Suing them for mechanics Pokemon has never been assed to implement in their games.
You can't sue them for how the fucking anime made the fan imagine Pokemon would be at some point.
So when do we get official onaholes in Vaporeon design made by TPCi?
Otherwise it seems they don't care about their friends. Palworld on the other hand has an option to mod their game into 18+.
Technically they patented the concept of having party members and a menu
> Palworld on the other hand has an option to mod their game into 18+
Oh so that's why /vp/ dickrides Palworld so much
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>Consider buying nintendo product
>Nintendo does Dildendo
>Maybe next year
>Maybe when it is retro
>When nigdendo gets nothing
Palworld threads are all gay furries. What did you expect?
There was one mod for it never completed because of the team infighting. We all wouldve seen it by now if a legit one was out.
>seething THIS fucking hard
Handle reality better cunt. Once again, I don't give a fuck what overtly invested manchildren want, desire or NEED out their kiddy series, end of the day they're addicted to the same kiddy slop I play, only worse off because the fact it routinely ignores their worthless arses does trigger them so fucking badly.
Go play Breath of the Wild, or Eldin Ring or indeed ANY the games that court an adult audience that oiffer what you want. But it won't happen with Pokéon, was never going to happen with Pokénon and stunning that 28 years after it started, they still haven't changed the core premise of what it is, because the battle engine was never the draw of the fucking think like you want to think.
Completely deserved with how blatantly they stole 3d models
Does you game need creature collection?
Does your game need to have Cloud Saving?
Well if it does you need to scrap it, cause they have it patented down.
This is so stupid
I hope Nintendo loses this one
I haven't played a Pokemon game since 2015
I don't. These stealing faggots and their crybaby fanbase are a thousand times worse.
Get fucked thief
And yet you're mad Nintendo are protecting their IP, how quaint.
Like I said, seethe harder.
Unlike you I like video games and can recognize that a billion dollar corpo beating on their competition so they can continue having a monopoly is bad.
Nothing about this is good for you yet you still lick their boots.
>unlike you I [UTTER HORSESHIT]
You wouldn't be here if you did son. you'd be bothered about how that pertains to the western industry, which in itself is an utterly worse shitshow. You're just mad your ebin chinkshit-tier game got targeted by the company they ripped off. Cry more, cry harder. Or go prove your words and concentrate on the gaming industry that affects you directly (but you won't, just pay another $150 for a yearly online pass as per usge).
>your ebin chinkshit game
>$150 yearly pass
>projecting projecting projecting
>doesn't even have the balls to quote
The only one seething is you. I'm 30, I haven't played one minute of Palworld and don't buy subscription games.
If Nintendo does something wrong they deserve to be shat on, simple as.
>Game Freak doesn't want to be seen as just the Pokemon guys
Too bad?
If you don't want to make Pokémon games anymore then you can quit, their other IPs suck creatively and financially.
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I'm 41, all I see before me are children fuming Nintendo did what anyone with a brain was telling them was going to happen eventually when this bollocks launched. And I'll keep calling it as I see it.
None of that is true in the slightest, Gear Project is an in-house training ground for rounding out their staff (not notice Turner released two games for Gear Project, then left to release his own original game?). They want all their staff to be able to understand, if not be able to produce most, if not all parts of game development, which is why programmers, artists and planners become directors and fill their teams with people who buy into their vision and willing to try something outside their usual wheelhouse due to an interest in it (without risking the production of Pokémon's yearly release just to do so).
And then it fails like little town no players. Cope, masuda boot licker.
Nice projection
>missing the point this badly
Yes, when a company has a revenue stream large enough to fund vanity projects alongside their disgustingly popular and successful game series and related franchise, they tend to care little about the profitability and more about the ability of the people creating it. I remind you, Turner fucked off and did what other people in the industry did, bet on themselves, set up their own studio and made the idea they suddenly got a reality. And all that spawned from JUST wanting to work as an artist for Game Freak, the mentality baked into him in his time at Genius Sonority and then Game Freak.
didn't ask
GF aren't "the good guys" no matter how much you suck their cocks.
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I honestly like the mechanic of putting your Pals in the base to help you gather stuff and make food. I even made a restaurant to sell surplus of food as my main source of incoming in the game.
How is that related to the topic at hand? Great that they have the extra resources to train their developers, good for them. It doesn't make their main projects any better.
>I'm 41
holy shit that is legitimately embarrassing if real. please seek help. like actual help from a professional.

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