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>we will do our best to our loyal fans
I wish nintendo would do this with pokemon
>corporate speech
>continues patching the game despite a lawsuit hovering over them
Based. Game freak would never
>all the underage xitterfags think that means "zomgz look how COOL THEY ARE THEY ARE IGNORING IT!11"
Lmao. Reality will bite them hard.
Ignore what?
Oh, actually acknowledged. Shouldn't have spent my time reading zoomers ramblings under the hotfix tweets.
>It is truly unfortunate that we will be forced to allocate significant time to matters unrelated to game development due to this lawsuit

Kek, they're already trying to play the "boo-hoo ;((" card thinking that twitterwarriors will save them. It's so over.
I really wish more people would notice that it's a patent infringement, not a copyright one.
Loads of "people" are jumping for joy about slaying the evil evil evil Palword for "copying" Pokemon designs and whatever else, thinking it's the Pals' faults, but it's more likely something like Pal Spheres functioning too similarly to Pokeballs, or some worse, super vague gameplay mechanic like "can have monsters in team" or different tiered Pal Spheres (too similar to Poke/Great/Ultra balls.)
This shit will ironically make people hate us(the Pokemon fandom) even more.
I respect this fucking indie Jap Devs more than Shit Freak now
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That's standard fare - "we are unaware we broke any laws making this", sam smith tried the same when he ripped off Tom Petty (he lost by the way).
Just wait for the settlement agreement where they admit responsibility, they likely won't want it to go to court.
Only if you're a bootlicking shill
Based PalChads
they're literally pulling a "small indie company" while having lots of moneybags huh
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People already shit on the Pokemon fanbase for how they blindly support GF's shovelware games in recent years.
This nigga a Pokemon fan
who cares?? revenge must be served
When (not if) Pocket Pair loses, they should just release the source code for the game. Or would that be illegal?
Accidents can happen, anon. After all, small indie studios can make mistakes can't they? Would be a shame if that would happen.
Fucking IGN ignoring to specify that Pocket Pair hasn't been told WHICH fucking patents are being infringed, but instead paints the picture that they're too retarded and incompetent to figure it out themselves. The accuser carries the burden to specify within the complaint WHAT patents are being broken. Also this is probably happening in the US courts not in Japan for Japan has a history of software piracy at the government level lmao
Which is deserved for the slop Pokemon has shat out
Whats best is that the resolution is usually ordered by the court, and it's often "pay these guys 1$ for each copy sold" + a punitive charge for being a naughty boy (optional). Sucks to suck but Nintendo was found guilty of this with the 3DS and had to pay up. However software patents are hard to support in court due to the absurd amount of patent troll companies that ruled the 80s and 90s and recent judge decisions have made them almost irrelevant
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Is anyone else bothered by the blatantly obvious "oh woe is me feel bad for us :-(" appeal to emotion here? Literally said "small indie company" lol It's a bit disingenuous and obviously intended to fan the flames and guide people to think that Nintendo is bullying them as they play the innocent ignorant victim card. I'm not even trying to ballwash for Nintendo and TPC really, it's just a bad faith response and the replies they got only confirm that to me.
black and white came out 14 years ago tho
Patent infringement is hard to disprove, but it really depends on the patent I think. Japan's laws are frivolous and its court system presumes guilt as a default but erring on the side of the filing date would still be hard to beat.

On one hand, I was indifferent to Palworld since the whole point of not being Pokémon means being able to explore territory Pokémon games couldn't but some monster designs and even the use of capture balls that are hardly legally distinct are pretty damning. That isn't to say those are the factors of the lawsuit, but whatever they violated even if they win it somehow, Nintendo lawsuits can leave you so battered you may as well have lost.
Game Freak has been pulling the Small Indie Dev card for years
What fucking patent, anyway? Pokémon didn't invent capturing creatures in balls. I could see them suing for stolen assets (there's at least one Palworld mon that used Primarina's hair, which I think would be hard to disprove) but how are they going to claim ownership of vague concepts like monster taming?
Tbf, considering Nintendo had put patents on shit like "grabbing ledges to climb", "changing from flight to ground mode in a vehicle automatically" and even something as brazen as "enjoying controlling a digital character in a virtual environment", it's a fair assessment to say who the fuck knows which patent nintendo is claiming
No one knows, it got Serebii to mald about folks speculating the cause and remind them to focus on the facts.
Nothingburger. Palworld devs will win
And it was good and continues being good to this day.
Since they filed for patent infringement THEY KNOW they can't win the copyright violations of reusing the models and assets, since it'd fall under fair use lmao, do that and now they open the floodgates. So they stuck to patent infringement and this whole thing is just a meme to put pressure on them legally. They don't know or are counting on Microsoft not doing anything, since they're the kings of software patent lawsuits
So it's not about you're fursuit is too similar to my fursuit?
What the fuck do any of us have to do with it? I just play the games, I'm not their soldier.
>Doing anything to help their game studios
>Especially a non-american one
No, it’s “I own the rights to having creatures and making them do things”
>fair use
I wanna see N lose this one but isn't fair use reserved to non profit shit?
It means they think they own the monster taming genre.
And this is days after Shinji Mikami said that he thought his studio was safe under Microsoft.
What terrible timing.
i already hate you fucking retards as much as the palcucks
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If you look at the patent it was filed eight months AFTER Palworld released. It's blatant patent trolling, and if you defend this you are defending big corporations being able to freely destroy small ones.
I couldn't hate you more so don't worry
> you are defending big corporations being able to freely destroy small ones.
And that’s a bad thing because…
Typical Zoomer, worshipping corporations like they're your friend while they squeeze the life out of culture and society at large.
The fuck is this shit?
CS was doing this 20 years ago. And it's not something that should be patentable.
>This Is how cyberpunkfags think reality work
/vp/ is the bigger reason to hate Pokémon fans really. Just look at this thread, let alone the despicable shit that gets posted here daily. Each and every one of you miserable hateful manchildren make me sick to my stomach
>corporations are..... le good!!!
Pokemon is just mad that Palworld did something they could have done and were successful at it
>What are renewals
This is a good joke but you know all the chuddies will fly in and call it based
This. If plass hadnt flop then they would nt be in This situation
Grabbing things from other franchises and using Unity Store assets without a hint of originality or consistency?
Patents are first come first serve so the fact that they didn't patent it first means Nintendo/TPC can freely steal their money. That's the legal system for you! Never forget that the law is there to protect the most powerful, not you.
making a good game
I've never seen Palworld fans talk about what they enjoy about the game, just claim they like it because "modern pokemon is shit" it's a fanbase made out of spite alone
>ign protecting their billionaire donors
>palfags get laughed off /v/ after seething
>they come to /vp/ to falseflag as pokeGAWDS
unironically nothing funnier
>i move le stik or pres buton and controlable character does ting
Patent law is really as bad as copyright laws
>Good game
>No one discusses it anywhere or gives a good reason why it's "good"
It's always >>56465855
my favorite part is "a fighting character that fights"
i like how how every human charather Is just a souless white blowup doll because im sacred of le imaginary dei conspiracy
Ok, let's make it without mentioning the Pokemon why it's good. You get to ride a variety of Pals, they can help you build a house or a factory or anything you like, clash your way through dungeons with Pals, I can teach a sheep how to drop a meteor faaaar up from the sky onto a wave of oblivious cult followers. If my Pals are naughty or bad, I can cleave their heads in half. Breeding to get the ideal Pal is only a matter of two to three hours tops, even faster by having a bit of luck. I can compress my pals to make the inheriting one stronger.
Guns and Rockets unfiltered, uncensored getting fucking unloaded onto a punk bitch with a electric fatso trying to squash my brains in with his weight.
Friendly reminder that Palworld is not a single entity anymore, but a partnership now
>its le good because "it’s literally the same thing as every single fotm open world game ever made"
why can't Pokemon do any of that then?
Wow, when you put it like that, it totally sounds like shit
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>it does something different and unique instead of being the same shit as its flopping competitors
why is Pokémon so based?
I wouldn't know
being different doesn't make you good. A fork with 1 tine is different but not useful.
>food analogy
you really couldn’t help yourself
>forks are food

are all pokefags this retarded?
why would they want to? it's clearly not doing anything for palworld since nobody plays that anymore
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Why the fuck does Nintendo always seem to get away with using the long arm of the law to strongarm others into compliance? it feels like there's always some new story about Nintendo suing the shit out of someone only for everyone to forget about it a week later and go back to 'oh man Nintendo is so wholesome chungus'
Since when is a Fork a fruit?
Dafuq you mean? Literally everyone in the gaming sphere knows how ruthless Nintendo is. Every time any fangame comes out the common joke is "DMCA incoming."
well that's my point, it's treated as simply some force of nature with an air of 'oh well' around it instead of outrage. Sure you can argue semantics that people aren't forgetting, they simply don't care but I personally feel that's a distinction without a difference as the end result is the same.
They have a lot of money and more money means more legal power
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>last year palfags were spamming Nintendo's twitter with taunts that they wouldn't do shit
>this year they're shitting their pants and crying about how unfair it is
What goes around comes around I guess
I mean what are people supposed to do, gather pitchforks and torches at Nintendo HQ? Mass boycotts never work because Nintendo keeps making enjoyable games people want to buy. So there's a resignation of "I like the games but the company sucks".
Realistically how long will it take for something to happen? Either Palworld devs running away with their tail off and shutting down the game, or Nintendo straight out eating out off their pockets of course.
You're forgetting the third option where they reach a settlement
Surely there must be some way to hold a company to account when they abuse the law and patents so flagrantly
You forget the 4th option, where pocketpair levies their new partnership with Sony Entertainment
The issue is that Nintendo didn't have a case then and they don't have one now. It's purely out of malice and an attempt to crush competiton
Would affect Palworld's development funds, so it's still a loss on their side.
Murder usually works
Let old papa Sony take care of them
If the patent is really the one ITT shouldn't the case not even start since it's not a patent that existed on release?
This is the most realistic option
>trusting Snoy to help
Nintendrones fucking suck ass but I'm not holding my breath, PocketPair is probably going to be left out to dry
People saying Sony will do shit...
Unfortunately, Miyamoto has quite been busy with some kike for a Zelda movie.

It's not going to be a Kaga situation, they'll cover the injunction for Pocketpair and use a different unpatented idea.

Unless the injunction requires them to shut down everything, then MAYBE they'll fight it out.
Hasn't Sony lost every single lawsuit they fought on (technically)? Rootkit, Bleem, etc?
They helped Kaga beat out Nintendo for Tear Ring Saga

Why did it took so long for TPC to sue Palworld
didn't that lawsuit still financially ruin Kaga?
>using cringe console war slang
Hopefully Microsoft gets on this so this will lead to Rarebare and Minecraft shit being completely gone from Nintendo platforms.
Fuck N64 nostalgiafags
He was doing fine after that and made more similar games
We'd sooner see Sony do something about this than Microsoft, and if you somehow think both will get involved you need to put the crackpipe down.
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Now just imagine if they spent that money towards something productive, like not half-assing every Pokemon game released since the Switch's inception.
>Doing something productive
good one
Amazing take. Would do numbers on TwitteX
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legal dumbdumb here, what's the difference between copyright and patents?
Not really, fair use is a requirement for the first amendment in the US, otherwise we wouldn't even have music since lots of musical phrases are bound to repeat between different artists and songs. Pokémon has made over 1008 creatures with more to come, some of which are small changes made to existing creatures in real life. There's no way to make a monster catching game without some being similar... Nintendo will have to subpoena PalWorld and ask them to show whether or not they took assets from their game, and even then derivative works are not exactly a guarantee to demonstrate copyright infringement. The reason you see Nintendo DMCA claim tons of shit is because they know their victims can't fight back, and when they do they "settle out of court".
wrong and wrong
We're talking about Japan though, why would US law matter?
>People will think...

Oh no!
Copyright: Right to reproduce a work. Lasts for decades. Kinda worldwide.
Patent: Right to claim ownership on something to profit for a while. Lasts for a few years. Kinda local.
Copyright = Designs, art, music, etc
Patent = Invention, mechanics, concepts, program coding, etc
ignored and disregarded, discuck.
If ZA doesn't have guns I'm boycotting
Because Japan is a mess when it comes to software law due to being retarded and cracking IBM software for decades instead of investing on their own systems, so their software laws are about 20 years behind and Nintendo wouldn't get the result they want out of them... Also in the US they can crush PalWorld with insane attorney fees (millions) and it'd be harder for Pocket Pair to handle them overseas. This whole lawsuit is all about making them waster money and stress out until they reach for a settlement. ANTI-SLAP laws need to be revised to avoid this shit
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/vp/ how do we actually, unironically cope? Literally everyone in the industry from fans to journos and others are calling us evil and in the wrong
copyright: you can't put Pikachu in your game
patent: you can't take PLA and add guns
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>evil and in the wrong
Yes, I do think it's funny.
Lmfao who gives a fuck what gamers think holy fuck
Building a solid case. If you’re a big company, you don’t want to go into a lawsuit half-assed, you want to be 99% sure you will win before the lawsuit.
Calling it now, Palworld devs will talk big for a few day, then settle in a couple of weeks.
>look they """"infringed"" a patent I filled 8 months after their game released and 3 years after the game I created that uses the patent released I win :)
Good. Total Palfag death.
if this is wrong I don't want to be right
You don't actually know if these are the patents in question, retard. No one does.
Pokemon has always been evil
>Nintendo literally patent the concept of "having fun in single player videogames"
I don't even care if Pocketpair wins or not. I just want nintendo to lose. This is some predatory bullshit patent trolling
Show me what patent they violated. If you can't that's proof that Nintendo is lying because they can't even make a proper claim.
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Copyright: When you draw or write something, you are the owner of it (Song Lyrics, A cartoon rat, a poem, a book, a movie.) Those last a lifetime of the creator plus 70 years. You draw a cartoon frog that becomes funny on the internet, and you can go after anyone selling a shirt of it.

Patent: A method of doing something. Sega patented using an arrow to point out an objective for Crazy Taxi and successfully sued over it being used in The Simpsons Road Rage and Sony took the rumble motors out of early PS3 controllers because there was a patent on placing weights on a standard electric motor.

Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are going to get them on bullshit like "Aiming a crosshair at a creature that locks in place" and not "This looks like Pikachu"
>Just wait for the settlement agreement where they admit responsibility, they likely won't want it to go to court.
Nintendo is doing this to destroy a competitor. They're trying to take Pocketpair to court and ruin them financially. There won't be an out of court settlement.
>and you can go after anyone selling a shirt of it.
This is actually trademark, not copyright. Copyright only protects against someone using your character in another book/movie/etc.
>study 15 years to become a judge
>you're honor, they DARED put an ARROW in a VIDEO GAME when I was the on who put an ARROW in a VIDEO GAME before >:(
Pettyness should merit death penalty
>famitsu fag still seething at palworld
You've been mad nonstop for well over half a year. Lighten up already!
No cope is needed. Palworld clearly stole designs and there is no defense.
Bunch of faggots think it’s cool to defend a smaller company but Pokemon is clearly on the right.
Digital patents were a mistake
what part of "patent" do you not fucking understand
>Clearly stole designs
Clearly they didn't, since the lawsuit isn't for copyright
>We don't know if that's the patent related to the case
What kind of retarded response is that? Did you have it written before you got a reply?
So they're lying
I'm sorry anon, but "Nintendo is lying because a random anon on /vp/ doesn't know what's happening in a lawsuit that he has no insider information about" is not a logical thread that holds up.
If Nintendo refuses to say what patent is violated then they're lying. End of discussion.
That is not how discussions or lawsuits work, anon. Aren't you trying a little too hard to hit a dopamine pocket here?
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>Hey you violated our patent but uuuuhhhhh tee hee we're not telling you which one! now give us all your money!
Why would renewing their patent on turn-based combat make it any more valid?
>you violated out patent
>not telling tehepero
WTF are courthouses literally kinder playgrounds?
shouldntve ripped assets imo
>"the lawsuit wasn't immediately filed, which means they win!!!"
Fucking retard logic.
They can take as long as three years to file a lawsuit.
/vp/'s hyperbole is hilarious
>They want to kill Pocketpair and allt geir families. They want to build militia to massacre the anyone who dare stand against their tyranny. We must rise brothers to defeat the evil PokéEmpire
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Poketard please try to keep up, this isn't about the designs it's about ninty trying to copyright the concept of rideable land/air/water mounts
The patent was filled 8 months AFTER Palworld released, at least the one shown ITT.
This shit ain't retroactive.
god bureaucracy is so dumb
literally return to monke
It is legitimately funny 95% of the Pokemon board inhabitants just hate Pokemon with a burning passion
if Palworld wins hopefully gamefreak will take the hint and actually try harder
if Pokemon wins I get to laugh at Palworld shills
either way I win
>Hey you violated our patent and we are telling you, the guys we are accusing.
>We are not telling random /vp/ users because they are random /vp/ users
I don't hate Pokemon I just want Nintendo to lose a bullshit lawsuit for once.
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I don't hate Pokemon just the bad ones
Guess what, faggot? Trials are public affairs, at least at the beginning. Even the hobo sleeping in the trash in your block has the right to know why N is suing Palworld, if he cared.
>Trials are public affairs, at least at the beginning.
Yes, to those willing to go get those informations and with the credentials to do so. Any lawyer right now could grab their phone and pay the fee and learn all important details of the case.
But not you, a guy who just clicked the site. You're a nobody.
>Palworld humiliates gamefreak so badly on the world stage that they were actually forced to delay ZA enough to make it at least slightly presentable instead of keeping up their endless stream of yearly released barely functional shitware
>pokefags hate them for it and cheer for retaliatory legal action
Why are poketroons so ungrateful?
I feel bad for your parents they ended up with a sad little manchild like you. What a waste
You laugh but they recently announced an anime and merch. Merch is where Pokemon makes most of its money from, so Nintendo is trying to destroy Palworld before it has the chance to grow into a rival. Multiple other games break Nintendo's ridiculous patents, so it's telling that Nintendo is going after Palworld specifically.
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I'm pretty sure it's gameplay being a little too similar to legends Arceus. throwing a thing at a thing and catching that thing or throwing a thing and a thing pops out and battles or does things for you is kinda like legends. I don't think pokemon owns the "creature in capsules" copyright cause they specifically got that from ultraman but they do own legend's battle/catching system.
Yes, that's why they're going after ARK: Survival Ascended...wait...they're not?
>>Hey you violated our patent and we are telling you, the guys we are accusing.
Pocketpair says they weren't told and don't know which they violated.
notice that that patent was filed in August, while Palworld came out in January
>It's been discussed to death that patents need to be renewed
You have to be above 18 to post here.
Show me the previous equivalent patent?
it says application not renewal
WoW did this first, will Microsoft step in?
I love both Pokemon and Palworld and each of them should accept the other.
Both are adding up. They don't compete.

Pokemon is for kids and nerds who are afraid of sex, drugs, guns and rocknroll.
Palworld is for modders who like to have a nude Chillet in their game and desire tough challenges in which a child can't handle.
>>Palworld humiliates gamefreak so badly on the world stage that they were actually forced to delay ZA enough to make it at least slightly presentable instead of keeping up their endless stream of yearly released barely functional shitware
ZA could be such a shitty ripoff that they couldn’t show footage so they resorted to this. They are asking for the game to be delisted
Copyright covers abstract/information products where the materials don't matter, like the unique writing of a book or song, to prevent it from being copied and resold as an original work by someone else. Trademark covers the identifying aspects of a particular company's products like your mascot or logo to prevent people from skinwalking you to sell their own products or knockoffs. Patents are a blueprint for an original idea for a product or invention that outlines how the design works so that even a technically original work that looks different or is marketed differently, if it's clearly your invention, they can't sell it.

Copyright only covers direct competition by nearly identical products, if it's not a precise copy AND not directly competing then you're not protected. Trademark only covers using almost exact designs that are clearly intended to rely on your reputation and does not prevent similar products being made. Patents cover the actual product and gives you exclusive rights to the process of manufacture or the functional aspects of its design, but with the caveat that it has to ACTUALLY be new and original and not something extremely obvious or that everyone already makes.

The main point of these is to ensure you have a chance to profit from your creations and your creativity or hard work doesn't "inspire" someone else to sell the same thing with no effort. If it's not a literal 1:1 copy, it's not a copyright issue. They are not claiming to own the designs of various generic animals (trademark), nor are they suggesting the game or its assets are their own work being resold (copyright), but they ARE claiming to have invented the various basic gameplay features of Pokemon (patents) and demanding to have exclusive rights as their inventor, which is so stupid and easy to poke holes in it's unreal.
But did blizzard and subsequently Microsoft patent it? If they didn't, it doesn't matter if they did it first
>it has to be game mechanic patents, not the design patents.
>But did blizzard and subsequently Microsoft patent it? If they didn't, it doesn't matter if they did it first
Prior art invalidates patents so claiming to have invented this is asking for trouble. Yes it does matter, do you honestly think they’ll sacrifice one of the biggest 3 money makers they own?
This just brings to mind those cunts who patented load screen minigames
Nickolodeon tried to patented the word Kaiju.
I'm sure we all remember the trademark on the word "react."
Bandai Namco?
That expired a long time ago and Bamco never enforced it, people were just scared. Nintendo has a patent for auto jumping on a ledge, going through walls, riding a vehicle and having it slump over where you stand (aka physics), among other ludicrous things.
The patent was first filed in JP in 2021, anons...
There needs to be restrictions and limitations on what you can patent because this shit is ridiculous
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Funny to see how the focus has shifted towards relevance of the patents when the real danger zone was actual plagarism. The patent infringement might get Nintendo in the door legally but the many copycat designs will absolutely get used in court at some stage.
give us your legal argument
explain how that's stolen
Tends to be that way any time Pokemon gets attention on /v/. Casual fans and people that dropped the series a long time ago just come on here to shitpost about whatever the news is.
>see they edited it in unity so it's not 1:1
>he copied my song but he rewrote all of the lyrics
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Use your eyes faggot
This and Anubis are the only ones that are remotely problematic. They already got rid of black Mewtwo, and no other pal is similar enough to another pokemon (no, that snake with a cloth halo is NOT primarina). If anything, the only real concern is "losing" Verdash, which was one of the shittiest designs anyway. A court slap on the wrist and forced model changes to that and maybe Anubis would be the most that'd happen, unless a newer pal looks like a pokemon and I haven't seen it yet.
That's literally plagiarism dumbass
I >>56466550 forgot about notCoballion, but that one's distinct enough to pass. It's only a blue deer with a similar color scheme. Nothing wrong with using a similar color scheme.
walk me through it, how do you intend to prove how they ripped the model and altered it instead of just making it in an hour
damn, why couldn't Cobalion look like the one on the right
how does that show nintendo made that model?
People have legit been taken to court for using samples of songs they didn't write, you retard.
Really hoping PocketPair/Palworld wins this. Hopefully the investments from Sony and Microsoft will help them out, too.
>all the palworldfags (aka seething placucks) throwing a tantrum in this thread because their nft loving scam-artist devs are finally awnsering for their crimes against gaming
you can sue anyone for anything, proving it is a different matter
Yeah sure, just like how they helped concord amarite
because that's what the fucking lawsuit is about you illiterate fuck
Yeah sure, just like how they helped Tango Gameworks amarite
>The patent infringement might get Nintendo in the door legally but the many copycat designs will absolutely get used in court at some stage.
How about you read properly first?
do you not know what a patent is?
They should sue their BotW ripoff as well
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if nintendo fucking wins this its over for indie devs. oh you made a game that has .. walking? you know that thing we patented? and it sold a little.. too much? sorry uhm.. :) we are suing you because you existing is very inconvenient to us. :)

scary as shit that some people dont understand this. this isnt about chillet and pikachu having sex and who gets to top. this is gonna normalize crushing any dev that mega corps dont like. i pray that they lose this.
>this is gonna normalize crushing any dev that mega corps dont like.
You're a little late pal, Nintendo has been doing this for years. We've been barreling down this path of corporate domination for a long time and it's only going to get worse.
No if Nintendo wins this the entire video game industry will fucking collapse I swear guys I'm totally not biased posting this
An asset flip getting punished is literally the end of the industry
What are the penalties for frivilous lawsuits? Is there really none?
I think the penalty should equal to what the accused wanted. So in this case Pokemon should be taken down and all its profits given to Palworld if this is found frivilous
They aren't being punished over asset flipping.
I have never seen the pokemon on the left lmao
>They should sue their BotW ripoff as well
That’s genshin
sure they're not ;)
How is Nintendo winning gonna destroy the video game industry, doomerfag?
Genshin is Chinese.
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people get away with patenting all kinds of shit they can't really patent, and this is a lawsuit claiming that they own game mechanics like moving and opening menus, so if they win:
>1. they own video games, all of them, all of them are patent infringing
>2. japan's government approves of this and they have a valid legal precedent
>3. they have the unironic actual intent of taking down competitors on these grounds
normally this stuff can't hold up in court and is just an intimidation tactic since the company still has to pay a lawyer to defend it or ninty wins by default, but if they have as much sway as people claim and can get away with this, they own all video games ever made
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No this one
Same dev as palworld
Do you? See >>56466081
Pokemon DESIGNS are copyright, and not relevant to a patent lawsuit
Isn't Palworld also Chinese or was i lied to?
Nobody cares about Genshit anymore
I hate how Pocket Pair is a Japanese company that has the heart and soul of a Chinese one.
pokemon designs are a trademark issue
Pocketpair is a Tokyo based company
It literally looks like they entered random Pokemon names into an AI image generator, modified the results they got a bit and called it an original creation
No, trademark would be the names, titles or company names itself.
a trademark is by definition a picture or symbol representing the creator
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funded by chinese money.
>literally stated multiple times its about patent
>Muh designs
Do you really think that a company is gonna sue every single company ever because of a shit they will not patent, no matter how many schizo ramblings are made about it?
Maybe you get off to the idea of Nintendo taking over the game industry and taking all competitors down, but to say this scenario is realistic at all is disingenuous
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Gee, i sure wonder why palworld is being sued
Yes because it's always the publisher that flips the bill. Idiot.
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>ChinkWorld's entire thing is ripping off Pokemon
>Get mad when they don't like that.
Finally, the world at peace just like in Pokemon games
Patent infringement not copyright. This has nothing to do with Pal designs
It's naive as hell to think that they initiated this legal battle without any thought put into the stolen designs
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we have exactly one example to go off of, and they went after them solely because they were successful... you could say it's because they're infringing, but what are ninty themselves alleging is infringing? only the fact that the game contains monster catching and riding, they are NOT claiming palworld is a knockoff, just that they have the legal privilege to go after any game containing monster riding

now look at their other patents and you can see their strategy is to just own every game mechanic, combine this with aggressive legal bullying and you see they would have the motive, the means, and a pattern of behavior of using it to take down any game franchise they think competes with them
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>Palword deserves it for plagiarizing designs
>instead they are going after them for daring to make an open-world monster collecting/raising game with basic mechanics such a genre would have, effectively killing any possible competition in a genre they didn't even create while at the same time barely putting in the effort and making shitty games
I hate gamefreak so much it's unreal
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I'm surprised Nintendo didn't sue them for outright stealing BOTW assets for Craftopia.

Like, Palworld, you could argue they heavily modified some models, but Craftopia literally stole Bokoblin and repainted them Blue, and recolored the paraglider too.

Makes me wonder if they waited for them to get enough money to pay, lol.
Why is "plagiarism" bad? Why can't a work stand on its own two feet instead of needing the government to come in and save it?
you do have to prove damages, after all
actual money lost, not just "they stole" like with free fan games
If it needs to copy designs then it isn't standing on it's own two feet
Suing for using somewhat similar gameplay mechanics is the retarded part
>any game containing monster riding
Fuck you. You're a fucking retard. I'm sick of your bullshit. Your ass does nothing but spread confusion because you're too stupid to gather supporting evidence for your bullshit.
I think it's obvious why they're handling the lawsuit like that. Proving that their trademarks/IP is being infringed on because the designs look similar is very difficult, and they don't have a way to factually (without a doubt) prove that Palworld used their assets to create the assets for their own game. Because of this, suing them for copyright infringement would actually be a risky move that potentially opens the door for them to lose said lawsuit. So, instead, the way Nintendo tackles the lawsuit is by using something that they can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt -- that Palworld infringes on their patent for "throwing a ball at a monster to catch it, blah blah blah".
The entire argument is bad faith because both companies are in the wrong in different ways. (TPC by making terrible games and being flaming faggots, and Palworld for shamelessly stealing assets)
Its really just keyboard warriors shilling for which side they view as the lesser evil.
Casual reminder that we don't actually know the patents in question. People are spreading speculation as to which one as fact and are then complaining based on said speculation as if it's fact.

It's not them trying to take out a genre else they'd go after other games.
The difference is now Pocketpair has money worth suing for.
There is a reason they send cease and desist notices to fan games rather than immediately taking them to court, they know that there is no point suing someone with no money if they don't have to.
I mean, I looked up a video of Palworld's capture mechanic and it's almost word for word what's outlined in Nintendo's patent, right down to the zoomed-in targeting system. It's almost certainly the patent that's being cited for infringement.
Nintendo said it was being filed in Tokyo but as of now we have no official documents to look at.
>It's not them trying to take out a genre else they'd go after other games.
This is the big point.
Palworld being successful isn't even a legitimate rebuttal because they could have gone after YokaiWatch if they wanted to when that exploded.
Nintendo probably views Palworlds success as dishonorable and couldn't get them for copyright infringement so they asked their legal team to find anything that would stick and use that instead.
The big thing about Yo-kai Watch is that, gameplay-wise, it has basically NOTHING in common with Pokemon. Hell, the mechanics were clearly inspired by Dragon Warrior Monsters.
pokefags are genuinely stupid as FUCK
>Can I copy your homework
>Sure bro just don't make it obvious
I kinda feel bad for the Pokeclones that put all the actual work in themselves and flopped.
>If it uses ideas from anything else then it isn't standing on it's own two feet
That's how retarded you sound.
There's no logical defence for needing the government to defend you.
It's because even though its obvious to anyone with a brain that they took the pokemon meshes and just spent 5 seconds in blender smoothing over them, there is no smoking gun that can legally prove they did.
This is obviously about the plagarism, the patent trolling is just the better method to go after them.
It's not even patent trolling. Palworld just straight-up stole Pokemon Legends Arceus' ball throwing mechanic.
similar pal designs next to pokemon designs doesn't show how they infringed their patents you mouthbreather, this is not a copyright lawsuit
Read or fuck off.
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uuuuuuu mom they're insultin me uuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>literally muh small indie company
>game cost millions
There are, the people who made them are just so out of touch they don't understand how "making a character in a game move" is as generic in software development as "a round object rolls" is to mechanical engineering.
Do shut up and stay shut up.
patents have to be novel, meaning no one has done something similar, so it would be thrown out with a single example of it existing before the patent, including themselves
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knew it all along. said it all along. GET FUCKING REKT.
i told you that people that unironically loved palworld and palmon but shitted on gamefreak and pokemon games and their "shitty" assets are ultimately enjoying pokemon assets because they were straight asset rips.
The example he posted isn't just "mounts", but the thing where the mounts dynamically switch based on context. Like if you're riding Basculegion and jump into a steep wall, you'll automatically swap to Sneasler.
another pokefag who can't read
Something similar's probably been done somewhere by someone.
>gorillion monster franchises
>TPC doesn't stick nose in their business
>one franchise clearly rips off their designs
>gets sued
Am I supposed to feel bad?
any game where you automatically switch your sprite to a boat when moving on water would do it
>Palworld infringes on their patent for "throwing a ball at a monster to catch it
Can't you also catch humans in Palworld?
The patent doesn't actually specify monster, just "character".
Nigga, 99% of Palworld players are pokéfags who hated GF to various degree.
It's won't change much beyond confirmation.
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>they're shitting their pants
Most reactions I saw were more "lol, they gonna lose" and "just make the minimal amount of changes required to not be covered by the patent and call it a day".

That's the part I'm actually confused about.
Nintendo usually try to kill those projects in the egg. They knew about Palworld before release, the devs weren't stealthy about it.
Why the fuck wait so fucking long to attack, especially now that the game got more than enough time to attract whoever the fuck could be potentially interested in a pokémon alternative?
Cause they got money to steal now.
Nintendo wants it.
And by the Yakuza controlled courts they will get them.
Violence is the genuine answer to any problem caused by someone abusing the rules of justice and civilization itself.
If you aren't willing to go that far then just suck it up.
Because they expected it wouldn't be big. Like fangames, they go after them once they become popular. Because Palworld was such a success they feel it necessary to crush them.
Imagine patent trolling over throwing balls because you were curbstomped by a Unity asset game made by perverts.
>shamelessly stealing assets
Prove it. All the comparisons people have shown so far have been debunked so surely you have something new to bring to the table.
I'm probably sure they land down the groundwork to trap them and the Japanese are on their side to win....unfortunately, I'm more worried about the potential outcomes, and possibly laying the groundwork to DMCA *anything* inspired by Pokemon, regardless of parody or inspiration, and will reinforce a permanent monopoly.

Its a schizo thought, but very real knowing Nintendo.
>NOOOO! How dare you patent something that you created?! EVERYTHING SHOULD BE IN MIH PUBLIC DOMAIN SO I CAN CASH IN ON IT!
Palcucks are the only people dumber than borties
I'm not even mad. I expected this 8 months ago.
Good. Next time create something original even if that's asking the impossible out of Pocket Pair.
Yeah gamefreak will never financially recover
>patent game design
>something you created
Negro, not a single of those patents has ever been about something that hasn't been used by older games before.
This. Normal people don't give a shit about some dumb fanbase squabbling.
Only because of the very annoying vocal minority who hate this series despite claiming to be fans and shit up everywhere by going on about how much they hate. It's pathetic.
>Its a schizo thought
That's not schizo at all, its exactly what Nintendo/TPC/GF all want. They will literally cripple the industry so they can avoid putting in even the bare minimum effort into Pokemon.
Good. Fuck Palfags.
Won't do much long-term tho.
Chinks don't give a shit about copyrights or patents, and they are gunning for first place in vidya production now that the western industry is dead and buried.
Sooner or later the Genshin of pokémon will randomly appear, and no amount of lawyers is going to prevent Poohbearachu from becoming the toppest mon.
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Please don't, that's how you make more Palfags.
palcucks lost
Pokemon fans won
Harman smith was right
As a Pokemon fan AND a Nintendo fan i am happy beyond words

> possibly laying the groundwork to DMCA *anything* inspired by Pokemon, regardless of parody or inspiration, and will reinforce a permanent monopoly.
best timeline. fans of inferior monster Catcher games btfo
Pokemon sucks
>acting like he’s a real Pokémon fan
lmao, your failed spinoff is the reason palshit even exist
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>pokéfags spend months screaming about incoming lawsuit for copyright infringement
>palmania come and go
>GF finally muster the courage to do something
>it's about game design patents instead
>a.k.a something Nintendo lost even in Jap courts
Can't wait for Palworld to change 2 UI elements and keep on trucking, and Gamefreakfags to be cockblocked again (although I fully expect them to claim that Palworld changing its spheres to cubes is a major victory).
Oh no, how will Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest Monsters, and Digimon will survive?!
Fucking retard.
right unironically looks way better
A lot of Pokefags don't care about those. They probably would be OK if they didn't exist either...even you.
>Dead franchises
How will they actually?
> how will Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest Monsters, and Digimon will survive?!
That’s the neat part, they won’t
do pokefags really give a shit about palworld
>Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Quest Monsters
SMT and Dragon Quest V beat Pokemon to the punch, Digimon however was trend-chasing
Anything that clearly emphasize how fucking lazy GF is, and how you have to be retarded to keep buying their product is tantamount to destroy the single speck of love for life they have.
They give *a lot* of shit about it.
>your entire existence is dependent on a monster catcher game intended for kids
i mean im a fucked up man child but even for me its hard to believe their are people worse off than i am
Summoned Skull is part of archfiend and archfiend is a forgotten deck
>>a.k.a something Nintendo lost even in Jap courts
Will they lose this time, though? Nintendo pretty much owns the Japanese government now, right?
They might not, if Nintendo wins this.

Fortunately people’s thoughts on the matter don’t matter to begin with. Like what you like and let them seethe on their own terms.
They deserve the win. Palings deserve the rope and Pocketpair should rot in jail.

I kinda wonder why the monsters couldn’t look more like Monster Rancher or something. That’s an irrelevant franchise that wouldn’t be able to use.
Seems like Sony might tell them to take a hike
Sony should be more focused on figuring out how to make games.

Based and Nurse Joy pilled.
Black and White right all of Diamond/Pearl’s wrongs
>They deserve the win
>Pocketpair should rot in jail.
...Because they made a successful game?
>Seems like Sony might tell them to take a hike
Nintendo or PocketPair?

I like big corporations like I like big gardveoirs.
No they haven't. Shitposters like you latched onto a meme phrase to start shit.
>I say it's debunked therefore it is
>Nintendo didn't have a case then and they don't have one now
You're braindead if you believe this. The only reason it took them this long to file a case was to ensure that they had a rock solid case. Look at Nintendo's history and you'll see they only start cases they know they will win.
No one other than mentally ill twitterfags cares.

Listen to this big silly.
Pokémon and PalWorld aren’t even in the same area code yet.
Dumb lowercaseposter.
Gardevoir would never approve of patenting game mechanics.
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>case is being taken by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company
>blames Game Freak
>Sony left Michael Jackson to dry for many years
>Somehow people think they will save Pocketpair

As a celibate cis-male, I don’t like seeing blatant Pokémon knockoffs in a game where you can just shoot and kill them. If the Pals or whatever the fuck they are looked like its own thing I just wouldn’t pay attention to it. The game itself has next to nothing in common with Pokémon.
They didn't win against Enterbrain or Game Genie. They had to give Game Genie millions.
Their own version of Pokemon is on the line. Isn't that a little more significant than some child molesting pop star?
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Michael Jackson was 100% innocent.

2 decades of investigation.

Now look how fast they catch actual predators.
Diddy, only took a week to prove him guilty.
Harvey, 1 month proven guilty.
Epstein, 1 day proven guilty.

20 Years Michael Jackson proven innocent.
Twenty fucking years they tried to fuck his life but he is the real king and an innocent.

fuck P Diddy

Clive Davis and P Diddy planned the assasination of MJ and Whitney.

and rest in peace to the great MJ.

She’d probably quip that my performance wasn’t worthy of a patent, but a win is a win.
NTA but TPC is a joint venture which gamefreak is apart of
Don't care. Still playing and enjoying Palworld while my switch collects dust.
TPC is owned 1/3rd by Nintendo, 1/3rd by GameFreak, and 1/3rd by Creatures Inc., which is a GameFreak yes-man company. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, GameFreak owns 2/3rds of TPC, meaning GameFreak controls TPC. TPC is essentially an extension of GameFreak.
>20 Years Michael Jackson proven innocent.
His actual crimes was pissing off kikes with "They don't care about us".
From there, every slander in every media was allowed at full volume.
The timing couldn't have been more obvious. When you look at how willing people were to believe that, it makes sense how easily they fall for everything else.
How about you list them yourself? Just because Nintendo won somes caess doesn't mean there isn't a bunch of others then haven't.
>IGN ignoring
When was the last time they haven't?
That’s a good question that I still don’t have the answer for. If there’s a pal world fan at a table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 palworld fans but we’ve been able to maintain our relationships with pokemon despite our differences. the hegemonic both sides-ing of the copyright liberation infringement scandal can only occurs within a broader whitewashing of us as true pokemon fans and so and so forth as well as “people that bought it anyways” against the Gen wars are an aberration rather than the core fun economy around which both companies’ patents call for
Pokesnoy sounds funny tho
They had a winning idea more so than that tamagotchi spinoff for 10yo furcels.
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Oh no, Warner Bros finna get sued by James Turner!
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Oh kek, what if this was the thing they were suing over?
Chinks are steam's largest base so this isn't surprising

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